I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 29: Doubtful

Qin Shaoyou kicked a piece of pelvis that was attacking him, leaned over and picked up the skull that he had split in half, and looked at it carefully.

Under the influence of the talent of [Bright Eyes], many of the information and details on this skull were clearly seen by him.

He really did find out.

This skull is actually spliced ​​together.

It is a human child's skull made of pieces and pieces of broken dog bones.

Because the splicing is very meticulous, and it has the effect of evil spirits, it is difficult to see the flaws.

But why did the thief use dog bones as human bones?

Is it to cover up the true whereabouts of the missing child?

Or do you have other plans?

Qin Shaoyou had a new question in his heart.

But the most urgent task is to destroy these ghost bones first.

So Qin Shaoyou temporarily suppressed his doubts and ran around inside and outside the deserted temple with a knife, chasing after the skulls and slashing wildly.

The reason why he is so active is not only to kill demons to save people, but also to **** 'heads' and ingredients.

He was looking forward to the effect of the demon bone soup. He wanted to get more bones and boil more soup so that he could drink it hard.

But in the eyes of others, these bones are the remains of missing children.

Even if he has the talent of [smart tongue], it is difficult to make people believe that these are dog bones and not human bones.

So Qin Shaoyou had no way to take away the bones and make soup after the battle.

He could only extract the ingredients from the recipe in his mind by smashing the skull.

This requires him to fight with a more positive attitude and grab more 'heads'.

After several hacks, Qin Shaoyou found that the effects of fighting bone ghosts, bone demons and swords were not very effective.

Zhu Xiucai and others also noticed this situation.

They immediately gave up their knives and replaced them with more suitable weapons.

"Sir, go ahead."

Zhu Xiucai shouted and threw a new weapon to Qin Shaoyou.

It is a gourd hammer.

This kind of blunt weapon is not very effective against bone ghosts and bone demons.

Fortunately, Qin Shaoyou let his subordinates take a variety of weapons in Luocheng Yaosi's arsenal, otherwise it would be impossible to replace the hammer now.

It is indeed right to be prepared, rather than overwhelmed.

Putting on the hammer, Qin Shaoyou and the others fought the Bone Ghost Bone Demon, which was indeed easier.

One hit is accurate, one smashed one is broken.

Compared with Qin Shaoyou and others, the night watchman and the catcher in Mianyuan County have no blunt weapons to replace.

They can only continue to fight the bone ghost and bone demon with the sword in their hands.

Fortunately, although these bone ghosts and bone demons are strange, their strength is not strong.

It's nothing compared to the five monsters Qin Shaoyou and the others encountered in Wujiabao.

Moreover, these bone ghosts and bone demons have an obvious weakness such as their skulls.

As long as a skull is broken by hammering, a piece of bone can go out of control and turn back into a normal bone.

So this battle, although it came suddenly, ended quickly.

After the battle was over, no one was killed except for the few people who were initially attacked.

However, many people were injured.

The most seriously injured was an archer in the county.

It's a pity that he shot several arrows, but they all brushed past the bones, and failed to injure the bone ghost and bone demon in the slightest.

However, he was grabbed by a bone hand on his leg and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood, and the bones could be seen through the wound.

Compared with the people in Mianyuan County, Qin Shaoyou and the others were not injured at all.

After all, they were well prepared. Not only did they have the gourd hammer to replace, but they also wore armor.

The bones can't even break the armor, so how could they be hurt?

"Thank you for your help."

The night watchman and catcher in Mianyuan County bowed their hands to Qin Shaoyou and the others, but their eyes flickered.

They saw the iron armor exposed under the torn and torn robes of Qin Shaoyou and the others.

Personal wearing armor is a serious crime of treason.

If it weren't for the fear of being beaten, the night watchman and the arresters in Mianyuan County would have surrounded Qin Shaoyou and the others long ago.

"We are arresting Kuai from Luocheng to assist you in your investigation into the disappearance of a child."

Qin Shaoyou took out the catching fast waist card and official documents, and asked Zhu Xiucai to hand it over to Sun Boyuan, the magistrate of Mianyuan County.

Sun Boyuan read the official document and carefully verified the waist card, heaving a long sigh of relief.

Next to it, the night watchman and the catcher in Mianyuan County also reacted similarly.

From the just-concluded battle, they could see that Qin Shaoyou and others were very powerful and well equipped.

If it was really a bandit or something like that, they wouldn't dare to arrest them, they could only pretend that they didn't see the armor, and even leave as a gift.

Fortunately, Qin Shaoyou and the others are friends rather than enemies.

After a sigh of relief, the group of people in Mianyuan County were curious and envious. They secretly said, "Are all the people wearing armor in Fucheng now? Big cities are different."

Others cast their eyes on Sun Boyuan, the magistrate.

Sun Boyuan just pretended he didn't see it.

I also want to get some armors to save my life, but I don't dare. I want to live a few more years, and I don't want to be annihilated by the three clans!

Sun Boyuan returned the badge and official document to Qin Shaoyou, and was about to say a few words of thanks when the people who had just been frightened by the bone ghost and bone demon came back.

The parents and relatives of the missing child gathered up their courage and entered the courtyard of the deserted temple again.

Looking at the broken bones on the ground, they cried even more sadly than before.

And this time, not only did they cry and hang their children, but they also poured rage on the thief.

"It's all these demons who killed our children and turned their bones into demons, so that the children can't rest in peace..."

"Kill them to death and avenge the children!"

"Yes, kill them! Not one of them can be spared!"

Before Qin Shaoyou, Sun Boyuan and the others could react, the angry people had already surrounded the thieves with their fists and feet.

The thieves were all **** by the five flowers. Facing the angry crowd, they could only be beaten and could not escape.

And everyone hated them very much. Not only did they use a lot of strength in their fists and feet, but many people picked up stones from the ground and threw them at them.

When Mianyuan County's arrest and yamen officers managed to stop the angry crowd, the thieves had already been beaten to death.

Seeing that all the thieves were killed, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief from the night watchman and the catcher in Mianyuan County.

Even the magistrate Sun Boyuan did the same.

For them, the death of the thief is the best outcome.

If the thief didn't die, they would have to put him in jail first, and then **** him to the prefecture or prefecture.

In this process, it is not only full of variables, but also full of dangers.

In case the thieves have any sorcery, they will carry out a sneak attack while they are not paying attention, or if the thieves' companions come to rob the prison, etc... They may harm their lives.

Now that the thief is dead, these dangers are naturally gone. Can they not breathe a sigh of relief?

Not only that, they also desperately hope that the case will end here.

In the past two months, they have been under tremendous pressure because of the disappearance of a large number of children.

Although they also know that there are still several doubts in this case, they don't want to investigate further, they just want to close the case as soon as possible.

So, after taking a look at the corpses of a few thieves and covering his mouth and nose with his sleeve, Sun Boyuan lobbied to Shao Qin:

"The thief has been beaten to death by the angry people, and the bones of the missing children have been recovered, so this case is closed. You have made a lot of efforts in solving the case at a critical juncture, and I will give you credit in the official document. "

Qin Shaoyou was also looking at the thief's body.

He found that these thieves were also strange.

They didn't die at the wrong time. They didn't die today, but for several days.

But obviously these thieves were still alive and kicking not long ago.

Qin Shaoyou originally wanted to speak out about this doubt, but after hearing what Sun Zhixian said, he dismissed the idea, nodded and said, "Yes, this case can be closed."


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