I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: The Aperture Of Buddha

Liu Tao, Lin Feng, Xue Xiaohong and Xia Dan formed the strongest starfighters team in Class 3, Senior 2.

Among them, Liu Tao and Lin Feng are both warriors. Liu Tao is a force fighter, with a one-handed broadsword and incomparable power. Lin Feng is a shield fighting, with a left shield and a right broadsword. He is the main defense and protects the output of the two magic systems behind him.

The two magic systems are Xue Xiaohong and Xia Dan. Xue Xiaohong’s main output and Xia Dan’s auxiliary output.

Two warriors and two magic, It is a conventional matching method without medical starfighters.

The standard for team competition is a four-person system. Teams like this, which lack medical departments, can still fight in school but cannot be put on the table outside.

This time, it is not a competition to kill the star beast, so there is no definite rule for the number combination. Although it is suitable to accumulate military merits as teams, there are also some weaker teams that will combine with each other. Although the military merits are divided equally, It is also better in safety.

After Wang Jin left, Liu Tao sent a message to the WeChat group informing the other three members of the group to come.

A minute later, Lin Feng, Xue Xiaohong and Xia Dan came out of different tents.

Lin Feng is a burly man with heavy eyebrows, leopard eyes, bee waist and ape back. He is 1.95 meters in size and emits explosive power all over his body.

Xue Xiaohong has a graceful figure, vigorous steps and beautiful appearance. Although she is only 1.65 meters in size, she cannot hide her heroic spirit.

Xia Dan is a 1.75-meter tall girl, white and clean, with a hot figure. A pink and tender face is more handsome than Xue Xiaohong’s. She walks swaying brightly and is one of the few beautiful women in her class.


Lin Feng came in great strides, arms stretched and Yuan Fang warmly embraced.

He patted Yuan Fang on the back and smiled: “Yuan, you will stand between Xiao Hong and Xia Dan in the future. I will stand in front of you. We will protect you with a triangular battle array. All you need is safe milk.”

Milk is treatment.

A wet nurse is the common name of the starfighters in the medical department. As the saying goes, when there is milk, there is a mother. Therefore, the word wet nurse is used without distinction between men and women.


Xue Xiaohong patted Yuan Fang on the shoulder and smiled brightly: “You are our life, and there is no room for any mishap.”

“Yes!” Xia Dan also smiled, her eyes rippling with loving waves.

It’s love, just like “looking at my brother”.


These people really regard him as a helpless wet nurse…

Yuan Fang was speechless.

With his golden astral body, where should he be protected? It’s almost as good as he protects others.

However, the “elder brothers and sisters” in the class have always treated him as a “chicken boy” and all of them are regarded as virgin bitches.

It happened that Yuan Fang could only continue to accept the grace of the Virgin Dame. Who let him wake up for less than two days?

Well, continue to be a good baby…


It seems good, too.

He comforted himself in his heart and released his strength little by little to avoid the fate of being investigated.

Yuan Fang handed it over and learned from the ancients. He said respectfully, “I obey and must be a good wet nurse.”


Liu Tao, with a grim face, danced his fist and said, “This time we must compete for the top three.”

“Come on!”

Five people gave each other high-five and encouraged each other.

Class 3 has been at the bottom for too long. This time around, it is only natural that the school should determine the ranking of the second-grade group according to its military merits. For Class 3, it is a good opportunity to turn over.

As for the horizontal competition between city high schools, Liu Tao did not dare to think about it. After all, Yanhai No.1 Middle School is not strong.

“Ouch, I said monitor, what are you doing?”

Suddenly, from all directions, surrounded by many students.

The front Li Xiaowei held his chest in his hands and scanned Liu Tao and Yuan Fang. He said sourly: “A squad leader, together with three members-study members, sports members and life members, formed the strongest team in Class 3. As a result, you have to bring medical treatment. How can the rest of us live?”

Fan Ming, a little fat man, jumped out and shouted, “Yes, monitor, you have done something wrong. Yuan belongs to everyone. You cannot take possession of it!”

Two people echo each other immediately aroused the excitement of Class 3. Everyone rolled up their sleeves and seemed to have a fight.

Liu Taodun felt a headache. He touched the back of his head and said wryly, “This is decided by the headteacher…”

“Don’t use the headteacher as a shield!”

Li Xiaowei dashed out and took Yuan Fang and said, “Yuan Fang is our brother and cannot be embezzled by any team!”

Damn it, I am not private property!

Yuan Fang scolded in his heart. He grabbed each other’s arm and said with a wry smile, “Li Xiaowei, bro, can you spread my clothes? Relax?”

Li Xiaowei let go of his hand angrily. “The teacher is partial and has to put you on the monitor’s team!”

Xue Xiaohong came up from behind Lin Feng and said earnestly to everyone, “Don’t blame Liu Tao this time. The arrangement was indeed made by the teacher. The main purpose is to accumulate more military achievements for Yuan Fang.”

Liu Tao said: “Yuan Fang is different from us. He has only one star slot, so he can only accumulate military merits in exchange for the reward of distorted star beads. I say so, can you guys understand…”

Both Li Xiaowei and Fan Ming were silent.

The other students around were speechless. Everyone understood Wang Jin’s painstaking efforts and let Yuan Fang follow the team with the highest fighting power in the class. So the speed of earning military merits would be faster.

Yuan Fang saw that everyone was not in high spirits, his face was somewhat decadent, and his heart was also somewhat unhappy.

Don’t abandon, don’t give up.

He remembered the slogan of Class 3 and the days before. When he was laughed by others, all the students in the class supported him in the back.

“Let’s not lose heart. Although I have been assigned to the monitor’s team, I have the ability to take care of you for other brothers and sisters.” Yuan Fang suddenly said.

“What are you talking about?”

“How can you spare time to take care of us when you follow them?”

Everyone expressed incomprehension.

Yuan Fang smiled and waved his hand to see a translucent water-like aperture, rippling behind Li Xiaowei’s head.

The diameter of the aperture is half a meter, shaking slightly, like warm water waves flowing, reflecting diamond-like bright light under the sunshine.

At first glance, it was like the halo behind Buddha’s head.

“Jesus, Li Xiaowei, have you become a Buddha?” Shatan screamed.

“What are you talking about?” Li Xiaowei did not know what he was doing. He only felt cool and refreshing on his head. A vigorous vitality was floating, making him very comfortable.

“This is…” Other students were also stunned and forced by Li Xiaowei’s wanton aperture of Buddha’s light. Although separated by a few meters, everyone could feel the vitality of the aperture.

Xia Dan took a photo with his mobile phone. Li Xiaowei was dumbfounded when he saw it. He looked at Yuan Fang and stammered, “What kind of star skill is this?”

Yuan Fang laughed: “This is a silver star skill * water totem, which lasts for 24 hours. As long as the target is injured, it will flow out of vitality to heal the wound. That means you can imagine it as a medical bag.”

Xue Xiaohong carefully studied the aperture and asked strangely, “Isn’t the water totem like water drops? Why are you different?”

Yuan Fang was surprised: “Can’t the form be changed at will?”

Xue Xiaohong frowned: “I have never heard of this statement.”

Liu Tao also said: “Although this is the first time to see it, the data do say that the water totem star technology appears in the form of transparent water drops. Yuan Fang, what is going on with you?”

God! He does not know what is going on at all!

Yuan Fang remembered that when he touched the star bead, a message appeared in the system, which was the instruction manual of the star bead.

The star bead manual directly indicates that the appearance of water totem star technology can be changed at will.

But why other people’s water totem is water drop state?

Yuan Fang was in a daze for a second.

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