I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 67: TOURNAMENT: PART 5


'What the hell is wrong with this dude? Why is he angry?' I thought as Cabel walked up to the bed and pushed Gab aside.

He took my hand and I was dumbfounded so I didn't get to react on time.

"Why is your mana leaking from your body?" He asked as his hand still held mine.

'So that's the reason why he's touching me. But why is he angry?' I shrugged the thought and hit his arm with my left hand.

"Stop that! What is your problem?!" I asked as I glanced at Gab and Silvester who were just standing at the back. They froze as Cabel released his fierce aura.

'Because Gab and Silvester's mana is just Low-tier, they can get intimidated by his power. Though they can't compare when they also released their aura' I clicked my tongue in annoyance and stared at Cabel.

"Stop releasing your aura or I'll kick you out of this room! I'm still a patient!" I yelled and Cabel instantly controlled the fierce aura around him and I let out a sigh in relief.

"Hoo... So, can I talk to you?" He asked but Gab cut him off.

"Excuse me, but Eve needs rest. And what you did earlier was too much for Eve who's still a patient!" He said.

Cabel glared at him and turned his head to me. 'What? Why are you looking at me?'

I sighed when he didn't stop staring at me. 'Fine I'll grant your request this time.'

"Can you guys leave us for a moment? This guy here seems to have something important to talk about." 

I asked them to understand my request and leave us be.

"Wait, Eve. Are you sure? I don't know what relationship you have with this guy but if that's what you want then..." Silvester asked and I nodded before I gave him a smile. 

"If anything happens call us. We'll be outside!" Silvester added, assuring me and it made me chuckle. He grabbed Gab's hand who was still glaring at Cabel ferociously.

"Come on, Gab!" He said.

I waved my hand at them while I gave them a reassuring smile. When the door clicked close, I turned my gaze to Cabel's face.

"So? What did you need that you hurriedly came to me personally?" I asked and I saw him grimace. He was still holding my hand.

"Eve... I'm worried. What happened? Hmm? Can you tell me?" He asked as he pouted and sat near me.

And for the nth time, I sigh again.

"Why are you acting like this again?" I asked as Cabel put my hand on his face, caressing his sculptured face with it. 

Cabel and I had a deal a year ago when he visited me after I got attacked by the assassin.

Since then he became one of my accomplices, but his sweet tone never stopped when we were alone. I thought that his acting was worth an Oscar but ... He always acts like this!

"Tsk!" Cabel clicked his tongue and stared at my face.

"What? Just tell me already!" 

I'm annoyed about what I discovered but this guy seemed to be more irritated than I was.

"Fine! If you won't tell me! Anyway... I'm here because I got news about Cassandra. She's in the Kingdom of Perspiru. I don't know the exact location but she's in the town called Refinia," Cabel said as he observed my face.

"Is that so... I want to go but the school holidays are still far off and I still need to win the deal with the headmaster," I answered.

'At least there's good news and now that we found Cassandra, I just needed to wait for the holidays so I could search for her!' I thought. Cabel opened his mouth to say something and caught my attention.

"Eve, are you okay? I'm your friend and accomplice so why not trust me a bit? Hmm?"

I laughed at the thought of trusting again. But I still needed to appease him as he's doing a great job.

"Sure... I'll tell you." I lied but he didn't need to know that.

"I'm just exhausted and I can't control my mana right now." I looked at him and when I saw that he was observing me, I smiled innocently.

But when his jewel-like crimson eyes glared at me like an angry beast. I moved away unconsciously.


"Don't joke around with me, Eve! I know what will happen if you continuously release your mana like flowing water! So tell me... That's not it right?!" He angrily said.

"If you know why are you still asking?" I snatched my hand away and tried to lay down and cover myself with the blanket.

"Eve?! A person who has mana is different from those who were born without it! You know that! A person born with mana will die if her powers suddenly vanished!" He explained and his voice was getting louder than usual.

I didn't answer. I couldn't refute what he said so I just shut my mouth.

He stood up while he fisted his hands and I turned my back to him. 'I don't have the energy to argue right now.'

Cabel yelled. "Eve! Why are you always like this?! How long do you need to bottle up everything?! I'm not your dog that will do every command you want! I'm your friend, Eve! Or Am I the only one who thinks like that?!" His anger had bubbled out which made me really surprised.

"Let's talk when both of us calm down. I'll be the one to contact you so until then don't do this again," I said as I looked at his red eyes.

He gripped his hands tight and I saw it bleed but I didn't have the time to console him as I'm also not in the mood because of the news that I can die again if I don't do something about the state of my body.

'How can this guy always act like this?! He's frustrating!'

I heard the door close with a loud bang!

"Finally... Some peace! I should sleep some more!"

Then, I closed my eyes and the heavy things that bugged my mind seem to wash away as the darkness invaded it.


"What the hell happened? Where am I?" I asked as I saw the flower garden that reminded me of the main garden in the Emsworth house.

I saw a lady, sitting in the gazebo and humming while caressing a child.

"I don't know who that lady is but her voice sounds nice and warm." 

I walked closer and saw her beautiful raven hair that curled around her waist. It glistened in the sun like it was a black thread. I can only see her back but I can say that she's beautiful.

I heard small footsteps and turned my head. I saw a little silver-blue haired boy running toward the lady before he called out.

"Mom!!!!" The kid said. His clothes seemed to be that of a noble.

I looked around and thought that the reason the place was too familiar had to be a coincidence so I stepped back for a bit and turned forty-five degrees. I saw a mansion that was made of bricks, white walls, and some sparkling marble.

I held my breath. It was really the house that I know. The mansion that made me feel like I was caged but this one is different. The atmosphere is lovely and warm, nothing like the mansion of Emsworth.

I turned around again to the lady that I saw in the gazebo. She was with two kids.

"Is that me and Allan?" I asked no one in particular before someone caught my attention.

A young man with silver-blue hair and his red eyes seemed to be glowing with happiness. He looked young and handsome, more handsome than I remember.

He held a bouquet of red roses and he walked towards the lady who sat in the gazebo.

"Father..." I called but no one seemed to hear so I just followed him.

He kissed the raven hair of the lady and sat across from her. It was a harmonious family. They laughed and said silly things to each other.

The siblings were playing with each other like any other kids. They were energetic and playful.

"Papa! Look, Big brother gave me a flower!" Little Evelyn said as she hopped in her father's lap.

"Is that so?" The young Duke lovingly answered. He kissed Little Evelyn's forehead and smiled at her which made little Evelyn giggle.

"Baby, what about flowers for your mother?" The lady said to the young Allan.

"But mom, you already received one from Papa!" Allan argued.

As I saw the loving atmosphere, I got curious about the Lady who was in front of the young version of Father.

I step forward to approach the lady. "I want to see her face!" My determination soared and I grabbed her shoulder.

But when I was about to see it, I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulders.

"...ve! Eve!"

Who was it that kept on calling my name?!

"Wake up! Hey!"

I slowly opened the heavy lids of my eyes and saw Gab's face.

I sat up and asked him with an annoyed tone.

"What is it, Gab?!"

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