I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 64 Revelations

So I tell Ruby all about the soulscape and my battle with Drog, and about the soul of Mericel being there with me. Ruby laughs as I am telling her about my battle but her laughter disappears when I tell her how Mericel died.

Ruby says "So that is how the king was able to summon all the heroes early! She must be from a very old and powerful bloodline."

"We didn't get to talk much beyond that, which is why I am going to have Drog teach me how to make a soulscape. Then I should be able to talk to her again and get information about her father and this world."

Ruby says "Sounds like a good idea."

So I work on my armor as Drog explains step by step how to make a soulscape. It is complicated the way he does it but I'm fairly sure I can do it easier through meditation. So, once he is done explaining I put aside my leatherworking and enter meditation to try it.

I build the image of a forest meadow with a stream running through it in my mind and then focus my will on making it real. I pay attention to the details like the leaves on the trees and the grass and how it smells. Then I feel a click and I am standing in the meadow.


Congratulations! You have acquired the mental skill Soulscape!


Level: 1

Wis +5

You can create a basic soulscape.

As I look around I realize I missed a few things, like sunlight, weather, and sounds. So I fill in what I missed to make it as real as possible. I create a mirror to check my reflection, I am as I should be, although the demonic eye is fairly creepy.

I now understand what bothered Ruby so much, so I imagine an eye patch to cover it up. I notice I have Blitz on my back as usual, what I wasn't expecting is to see the puppy Drog sitting next to me.

"Why are you here?"

Drog says "I had no choice, where the sword goes I go."

"Oh, that makes sense. So why are you still a puppy?"

Drog growls and says "Damage to the soul is permanent, I can't regain what was lost. I have to rank up all over again to get to where I was."

"What rank are you now? And how do demons rank up?"

Drog says "I am back to rank zero thanks to you!"

"Hey, you started that fight. Don't blame me for winning. Now answer the question."

Drog says "Demons rank up by upgrading their cores, the easiest way is to defeat other demons and eat their cores."

"Well, demons seem fairly rare, what's the hard way?"

Drog says "By spending demonic power and working on the core slowly."

"Oh, basically what I was doing before with mana. Speaking of mana, when you were trapped in the ice how were you using mana against the spell?"

Drog says "Mana? I wasn't, demons can't use mana. I used my demonic power to try and break the spell."

"So when I was breaking the spell I was absorbing your demonic power?"

Drog says "Yes, maybe that's why you survived absorbing my core. You were already tainted by my power."

"Ugh. I forbid you from telling Ruby that! I don't need another lecture."

Drog says "Yes, master."

I imagine a bunch of rabbits running around and as I hoped Drog runs off to chase them. I look around again then imagine a couple of nice chairs and a table by the stream. I walk over and sit down then picture Mericel in my mind.


She appears after I call her name, but she is standing on the far side of the meadow from me. She looks exactly the same as last time except she looks a little worried.

"What's wrong? Why are you all the way over there?"

Mericel says "You are a demon now. I don't want to get eaten!"

"I am not going to eat you! I am still me!"

Mericel sighs and starts walking towards me, and then I notice Drog charging at her. As he pounces I imagine an invisible wall protecting Mericel.


Congratulations! Skill Mental Defense has progressed to level 2!

Mental Defense

Level: 2

Wis +6

You can somewhat protect your mind.

I burst out laughing as Drog hits the invisible wall and splays against it like a cartoon character before falling to the ground. Mericel jumps and looks very unhappy.

"Drog, I forbid you from attacking Mericel."

Drog hangs his head and says "Yes, master."

Mericel says "I told you, you can't trust demons!"

"I don't trust him, I trust the contract. If he disobeys me he will die permanently."

Mericel walks over and sits down across from me. She takes the time to look around and seems a little reassured at the nice scenery.

Mericel says "Did you make this soulscape?"

"Yes, I made Drog teach me how."

Mericel says "It is fairly pleasant, I guess you aren't a true demon."

"I am not sure what I am, other than I am still myself."

Mericel says "As long as you hold onto that you should be fine. Now you have questions for me?"

"Yes, lots. First, how does time pass in here?"

Mericel says "I am not sure. My lessons on soulscapes were fairly brief."


Drog looks up from eating the rabbit he caught "What?"

"How does time pass while we are in here?"

Drog says "Every hour is about a minute of real time."

"Okay, good. We have plenty of time then."

I imagine a tea set and a couple of plates of snacks on the table. I pour two cups of tea and offer one to Mericel. Then I sit back with my tea and ask my first real question.

"How is it that you have been with me since I was summoned?"

Mericel says "When I realized what my father had done and that I was about to die I made a stupid decision. I was full of rage and I offered my soul to the Goddess of the Underworld Krenocia."

"I seem to remember hearing something like that before I was summoned."

Mericel says "Yes, the goddess accepted my offering and that is why you were summoned. You were not part of the original summoning, that is where my father was wrong. The spell only summoned forty-nine heroes, but Krenocia summoned you in answer to my prayer."

"So, am I not a hero then?"

Mericel says "No, Krenocia has no power over heroes, you are different."

"So, what am I then?"

Mericel says "Well, did you notice the other heroes? They were all summoned as they were, meaning living. Krenocia is the goddess of the dead, so she had to use a dead soul."

"So, that is why I am not human anymore?"

Mericel says "Yes. The goddess couldn't summon your body so she made one for you."

"So, that's why I am a beastman?"

Mericel says "Not exactly."

"What do you mean?"

Mericel says "Well, you look like a beastman, but you are in fact a humanoid mana beast."

"Mana beast? So that is why I turned into a demon beast instead of a normal demon?"

Mericel says "Probably. It was probably the most powerful body Krenocia had access to. By putting your dead human soul into it she upheld her part of the bargain."

"What is this deal you sold your soul for?"

Mericel says "I wanted revenge, so you were created as the instrument of that revenge. If you succeed I will serve Krenocia willingly, and if you die I will die with you. Until either of those happens my soul is bound to yours."

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