I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 48 The Archmage

So I leave the bar to cool and as Ruby follows me I head back to camp and collect my weapons. Then we head back out to the big cavern, this time when we enter I start following the right hand wall. As before I take my time and count my steps so I can accurately update the map.

Suddenly Ruby exclaims and darts through the foliage on our left, I quickly turn and follow her not wanting to get separated. I find her kneeling in front of a bush that is covered in so many red flowers it looks like it is on fire.

Ruby says "Isn't it beautiful?"

"It is, but you just like it because it looks like it is on fire."

Ruby says "So what?"

She reaches out to gently touch one of the flowers and as she touches it it turns blue like her hair. Then in a ripple effect all the flowers on the bush change color as well. Now the bush looks like it is covered in blue flames.

Ruby smiles and says "Wow! It reacted to my touch!"

"Yeah, I admit I wasn't expecting that."

Ruby spends a few more minutes admiring the bush before we return to the wall and continue following it. We follow the wall for about five hundred feet before we come to where the river comes out of the cave wall and flows towards the lake.

I jump across the river easily then look back at Ruby, she turns into her spirit form and flies over before returning to human form. We then continue along the wall, I keep hoping to spot more Armatite ore, while Ruby is more interested in all the various colors of flowers.

We follow the wall all the way around the lake until we are standing at the edge above the pond the waterfall feeds, by my count we went about one thousand feet from the river to here.

"I guess all that leaves is the lake itself."

Ruby says "Yeah, count me out of that. Swimming is all you."

"Yeah, but I count on you to keep me from freezing to death afterwards."

Ruby says "So I'm your personal heater? I can live with that."

I laugh as I start taking off my weapons and armor. Once I am down to my shorts and black razor I walk over to the lake and go wading in.

"Huh. It's not as cold as the river, I wonder if it is because of the tree?"

Ruby just shrugs and watches me wade deeper out until I can start swimming. I duck under and look around, not wanting to get surprised by another gator if there is one.

Thankfully all I see is normal fish, the blue glow from below is a little weird though. I swim deeper for a better look, then I realize it is the crystal ceiling of the cave the tree is in. I swim all the way around the lake checking for anything interesting before returning to where Ruby is waiting.


Congratulations! Skill Swimming has progressed to level 6!


Level 6

Str +6 End +6 Cold Resist +6 Hold Breath: End Stat x 2 Minute.

You are a strong swimmer.

I walk out of the lake and shake off like a dog, spraying water everywhere, and making Ruby laugh. She looks a little disappointed when I start putting my armor and weapons back on without having her warm me up.

Ruby says "Anything interesting in there?"

"Nope, nothing at all. So the only ways out of this cavern besides the tunnel we used are the rivers. I'm fairly sure downstream goes to camp so let's take a look at the river that feeds the lake."

Ruby says "Okay, you are the expert."

"Expert? Ha ha, I'm really just making this up as I go along."

Ruby says "Well, that is reassuring."

I just smile and shrug and then lead the way back around the lake to where the river comes into the cavern. Approaching the river from this side I notice there is a narrow ledge on the other side that I didn't see before so I quickly jump across for a closer look.

Ruby follows in spirit form as I see a piece of rusted metal sticking out of the wall so I quickly move right to the edge of the river so I can get a better look. It is similar to a climbing spike and even has a tiny bit of rotted rope clinging to it.

It looks like a long time ago someone strung a rope to hold onto as they followed the ledge along the river, since the ledge looks to be about six inches wide it would be very tricky for someone to follow it without something to hold onto.

I stand there looking at the ledge and the river debating whether to try following the ledge or just try to swim upriver. The current doesn't look too strong so I can probably swim it but it would be fairly tiring.

The ledge however should be fairly easy for me with my claws, to test it I extend the claws on my hand on push against the rock wall, it takes a bit of effort but they are able to sink into the rock giving me plenty of grip. That decided I turn to look at Ruby who is standing a few feet away watching me.

"I'm going to try following this upriver, see where it goes."

Ruby says "Okay, I can follow in spirit form and provide a bit of light."

"That works, just no laughing if I fall in the river."

Ruby says "No promises!"

Ruby turns into her spirit form and moves into the cave ahead of me to light the way. I start edging my way along the ledge sinking my claws into the stone to give myself handholds. It is slow going but after about a hundred feet the ledge widens and I can move a bit faster.

After another two hundred feet or so the ledge ends, I stop and look around in the blue light Ruby is giving off. I see that the river is bending and there is a wide ledge on the other side, the problem is it is about twenty feet away from where I am now and the ceiling is fairly low. I know if I jump normally I am going to hit my head on the ceiling and end up in the river.

Not wanting to provide that particular amusement to Ruby I squat down on the ledge and think the problem through. I could swim over to the other ledge but swimming in my armor and weapons would not be easy, I can't take them off because I don't want to be unarmed in unexplored territory.

After thinking about it for a minute I crouch on all fours and try jumping across to the other ledge. Jumping from the lower position allows me to avoid hitting the ceiling. I make it to the other ledge but end up smacking my face on the cave wall because I can't stop my momentum in time. When I stand up I find this ledge is about two feet wide, enough for me to walk normally as long as I am careful.

I follow the river for quite a while, I lose count of my steps but I estimate I follow it for about five thousand feet before the right side of the river opens up into a cave. The river continues on but I jump across to explore this new cave first.


Congratulations! You have completed a quest!

Locate the Archmage

Find the Archmage's Remains 1/1

Reward: 5 STAT Points.

Not immediately seeing the remains that triggered the quest I proceed cautiously into the cave. As I pass around the edge of a pile of rocks I see ice. It is a huge block of ice in the middle of the cave, and there is something inside it. Ruby returns to human form and comes to stand beside me. Inside the ice I can see human remains and standing over it is some kind of wolf-centaur-like creature.

"What is that thing?!"

Ruby says "I have no idea. I've never seen anything like it."


A new Quest is available!

Defeat the Demon!

Objective: Kill the demon 0/1

Reward: Skill: Teleport

Do you accept Y/N?

"Oh great! A demon??"

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