I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 35 The Cavern

Ruby says "Okay? We normally rest after a fight?"

"I'm tired of being underground. I want to find the way out of here and see the sun!"

Ruby says "That will be nice, I've never seen the surface of this world."

So we head for the tunnel, unlike the rest of the area which is brick work the tunnel is rough cut stone. As we follow it, it twists and turns and some places are narrow enough that I have to go through sideways. When we finally see light at the end of the tunnel I am guessing we have gone about one hundred and fifty feet.

The light gets brighter the closer we get to the end of the tunnel, it is brighter than the twilight of my camp but steady so not firelight. As we finally reach the end of the tunnel we see a beautiful cavern full of plant life of a variety of colors. The light is similar to sunlight and comes from crystals in the ceiling, I am not sure if the crystals are generating the light or if it is reflected sunlight somehow. Taking a long look, the cavern is enormous, and broken by many pillars, and covered in plant life.

"This will take longer than I thought, let's call it a day for now. Besides, I'm hungry. We will rest for the night and start fresh tomorrow."

Ruby says "Okay, master."

So without entering the cavern we turn around and make our way back through the tunnel. I stop in the rat king's room to collect the dead giant rats.

Ruby says "What are those for?"

"Dinner. I'm sick of fish."

Ruby says "You can eat rat?"

"Sure you can, it's not as bad as it sounds. You'll see."

I lead the way back to camp with a still not convinced Ruby following me. Once back at camp I quickly skin and butcher all the rats and start cooking the meat up with some mushrooms. Once it is done cooking I have Ruby try a bite.

"Well, how is it?"

Ruby says "Chewy, but you're right it's not bad."

"Would you like some more?"

Ruby says "Sure."

So Ruby and I split the meal and enjoy each other's company as we eat. After we are done eating I take out the cleansing stone and try an experiment, I stick my arm in the river and then touch the stone after pulling it out. As I had hoped it dries my arm instantly, meaning I can go swimming and be dry as soon as I get out.

"Hey Ruby, before you go to rest I'm going to go swimming."

Ruby says "Okay, I have enough energy to warm you up." and smiles.

I take off my armor and use the cleansing stone on each piece before stacking it neatly. Feeling Ruby's eyes on me makes me self-conscious as I strip off the rest of my clothes and dive right into the river. I freeze for a few seconds as the cold hits me then begin swimming against the current trying to stay in place.


Congratulations! Skill Swimming has progressed to level 3!


Level 3

Str +3 End +3 Cold Resist +3 Hold Breath: End Stat x 1 Minute.

You can paddle around and not drown.

It's nowhere near as bad this time. I loved swimming in my old life, I'm glad I can do it here as well. I keep swimming underwater for a good long time before surfacing so Ruby will know I haven't drowned. I swim for a solid two hours before I start feeling exhausted.


Congratulations! Skill Swimming has progressed to level 4!


Level 4

Str +4 End +4 Cold Resist +4 Hold Breath: End Stat x 1 Minute.

You can swim fairly well.

When I climb out exhausted and freezing I immediately touch the cleansing stone to dry myself and quickly pull my clothes on before heading over to sit by the fire. Ruby sits right next to me and starts radiating warmth until I stop shivering.

Ruby says "Was it worth it?"

"Yeah, I leveled up swimming by two levels."

Ruby says "That's good. If you don't need anything else I'm going to rest now."

"Nope, I'm good. Enjoy your rest."

Ruby changes to spirit form and goes into the amulet to rest. I sit for a bit enjoying the warmth of the fire and then grab the bar of Armatite and channel all of my mana into it. Then I climb into my hammock and sleep for four hours, when I wake up I meditate for six hours and then channel half my mana into the bar.


Congratulations! Skill Channeling has progressed to level 3!


Level 3

Int +3 Mana +30

You are experienced at channeling mana.

I then set about catching, cooking, and eating breakfast, then I use the cleansing stone on myself and my clothes before putting on my armor and weapons. Once I am ready to go I clean up the camp then jump the river and head for the new cavern.

I wait until I am in the tunnel just before the cavern before summoning Ruby from the amulet. Ruby takes human form and looks around then checks her equipment and gives me a nod. We enter the cavern together but freeze after a few steps because the plants near us are suddenly blooming and slightly glowing. They are emitting a beautiful scent as well, but nothing dangerous happens and after a minute we relax.

"What's with these flowers?"

Ruby says "They are beautiful! I think they might be reacting to our mana?"

"Plants that react to mana? Is that common?"

Ruby says "Not that I know of, but can't you feel how much mana is in the air in here? This cavern is very mana rich."

"What would cause that?"

Ruby says "It could be a number of things, both natural and unnatural."

"Okay, well keep your guard up anything could be hiding in here."

We move into the cavern cautiously, due to the pillars and vegetation our line of sight isn't very far so we stay close together. As we move into the cavern every plant we pass blooms, there are flowers of all sorts of colors and sizes, it is truly beautiful, but we are on the lookout for danger and can't enjoy it right now.

We soon hear the sound of water, and as we move further into the cavern it grows into a roaring. We soon come to a break in the foliage where the land splits, to the left it goes down and to the right it goes up. Hoping for a better view we take the right path and climb towards the sound of roaring water.

What we see first when we come up over some rocks is either a small lake or really big pond, it stretches ahead of us for over three hundred feet. It is fed by a wide slow moving river coming out of the cavern wall way off to the right, and from what we can tell there is a waterfall somewhere along the left side of the lake.

I approach the water's edge, the water is fairly still and I can see my reflection in it. I lean over for a better look and stare at myself. I realize this is the first time I have seen what I look like since coming to this world.

My contemplation is broken by a bad feeling, reacting instantly I throw myself backwards, only to see massive jaws erupt from the lake and snap closed where my head was a second ago.


Congratulations! Skill Danger Sense has progressed to level 3!

Danger Sense

Level 3

Wis +3

A feeling that warns you of great danger.

Ruby lets out a small scream of surprise as I scramble back a bit more before getting my feet under me. When I see the gator come out of the water after me I don't even stop to think, I turn and run for the nearest pillar and climb straight up it using my claws. I stop when I am twenty feet up and turn to look down only to see the gator at the base of the pillar.

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