I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1187 Building a Bridge Part 3

Athena says "Lin is currently in Brightfire's cabin."

"Alright, thank you."

I am not sure why Lin would be in Brightfire's cabin, but I know where it is so I head there. On my way, every elf I see stops to bow and only then do I remember I still have the crown on. I didn't take it off because I was expecting to need to cast the buff again.

It is only as I am thinking of that, that I realize I was wearing the crown when I shapeshifted. That means that the crown shifted with me without me even knowing about it. I had no idea that the crown could do that, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

Since it isn't causing any problems and the elves seem to like me wearing it, I guess I will leave it on. I would have to get used to wearing it all the time later anyway, may as well do it now. Besides, it will affect how people see me and might make some things easier.

Wait, is the fact that I was wearing the crown the reason I got that quest? It is possible, me wearing the crown may have made the system treat me as a king. If that is the case, then am I going to get more quests related to being a king?

I guess I will just have to wait and see if I do or not. It won't really be a bad thing either way, especially if the quests have good rewards. As I am thinking about it, I quickly arrive at the door of Brightfire's cabin, so I knock.

Brightfire says "Who is it?"

"It's me, Ash."

Brightfire opens the door and says "Ash? Did you need something?"

"Athena told me that Lin was here and I need to ask her something."

Brightfire says "Oh. Come on in."

Lin says "Ash, I thought you were still working on the bridge. What did you need?"

"Well, I need to go to the southern empire, but my mana is drained. Before that though, what's going on with you? Is something wrong?"

Lin says "I came to Brightfire for some advice."

Brightfire says "Unfortunately, I've never been in this sort of situation."

"What situation? What's going on?"

Lin blushes and says "It's about Bella. She kind of confessed that she likes me."

"Well, of course she likes you."

Lin says "No. I mean she likes me the way you like me."

"Oh! Oh, I see. So she is a lesbian?"

Lin says "I don't know that word."

"Oh, it's from my world. It is a woman who is attracted to other women instead of men. I take it this hasn't happened to you before?"

Lin says "No, it hasn't! What am I supposed to do?!"

"Well, that depends. Are you attracted to her?"

Lin says "Um, I'm not sure. I've never thought about it. Why are you so calm about this?!"

"It is easier to be calm when it is not me facing the situation. Besides, same sex relationships were fairly common in my world, so I am not disturbed by it. I am guessing that they are not as common here."

Lin says "No, they aren't. While they do exist, it is not generally accepted so the people in those situations tend to keep quiet about it. Before I met you, I had so many men chasing after me that the fact that a woman might be attracted to me never crossed my mind."

"Well, it has happened now, so you need to decide how you feel about it. Then once you know that, you can decide what answer you want to give to Bella. Don't try to answer her until you are sure of how you feel."

Lin says "Wait, are you saying you would be okay with it? Shouldn't you be telling me to turn her down and that I am yours?!"

"First, I don't own you. We aren't even married yet, so I have no room to tell you what to do. I'll be honest, if it was another man I would be extremely jealous and against it. However, I also have no room to object to sharing you when I am already asking you to share me with Myria."

Lin says "Ash, you really are the most unique man that I have ever met! That you don't try to control me just makes me love you even more!"

Brightfire says "If Lin decides to be with Bella, how is that going to work? Do you plan to take Bella in as well?"

"That depends on them. If Bella only likes women, then she will be Lin's girlfriend while I will be Lin's husband. We will have to sit down and work things out to try and prevent any conflicts, but I think we can make it work. If Bella like both men and women, then things will be more complicated."

Brightfire says "Why would that make things more complicated?!"

"Because of Myria. I have already made commitments towards her, so she would have to be involved before adding someone new. Personally, I hope that Bella only likes women and is willing to share."

Lin says "Why is that?"

"Because then you would have someone to keep you company when I can't be around. It would be even better if Bella ends up liking Myria as well. My biggest worry about the way things are going to be in the future is not being able to keep everyone happy."

Lin says "Ugh. I don't even want to think about that right now. I have enough on my mind just trying to figure out how I feel about Bella."

"Lin, does the idea of being with another woman disgust you?"

Lin says "No. At least, I don't think it does."

"That is simple to figure out. Just imagine doing things with her and see if you get disgusted or excited by it."

Lin closes her eyes to try what I said and Brightfire stares at me with a confused look on her face. I motion for Brightfire not to say anything just yet, I don't want Lin to be distracted. After a minute I notice a smile on Lin's face, it looks like she doesn't find the idea disgusting.

Lin opens her eyes and says "Okay, what do I do now?"

"I would suggest you go find Bella and have a candid conversation with her. Explain that this idea is new to you and that you are willing to explore it, but she needs to know that you will be marrying me. Tell her everything you are thinking and feeling. Then see what she thinks about it all."

Lin says "Alright! I will go do that right now!"

"Wait! Before that, can you open a portal to the southern empire for me?"

Lin says "Oh, right! Sorry, I forgot. Wait, am I going with you?"

"That was my original intention, but it is up to you."

Lin says "I want to go with you, but if I do, it is going to feel like I am running away. I think I will stay and talk with Bella. Why don't you take Brightfire with you instead?"

"That's a good idea. If they have found more elves, I will need someone to calm them down and convince them to go through a gate."

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