I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1183 The Island of Agardia Part 14

Quest: Unify the Peninsula!

Kingdom of Revalia: Control: 63%

Free Union: Control: 77%

Empire of Gundar: Control: 0%

Beast Kingdom: Control: 43%

City State of Illium: Control: 100% Completed!

Island Nation of Osanaka: Control: 0%

Island Nation of Agardia: Control: 100% Completed!

Reward: Soul Level +2!

'First a new skill and now a new quest?! What's going on?!?'

Why does the system suddenly want me to unify the peninsula? Is this the goddesses' doing? I just stand there for a while staring at the new quest information. A lot of it doesn't make sense to me, like how do I already control Illium?

Also, why do I have so much control of the Free Union? Just what has Pol been up to while I was gone? Don't tell me that he took me seriously when I said I wanted to be able to tell them what to do. I know the country runs on money, but just how much money has Pol made?!

Maybe giving him full control of the funds and sending him off to have fun wasn't such a good idea. Although, if I decide that I want to complete the quest, it will make things easier. Then again, if I don't want to finish the quest then there is going to be a problem.

The island nation of Osanaka, I have never heard of it before nor do I have any idea where it might be. That is going to make it really hard to gain control of it, but I can probably find it eventually. After all, for it to count as part of the peninsula, it should be fairly close by I would think.

I will ask people when I get back, I am sure that someone will have heard of it. The real question is, do I really want to complete this quest? The reward is pretty incredible, but in order to unify the peninsula I will have to do a lot of work.

Not to mention the problems that I would have to deal with after it is unified. Just the thought of all the political crap I would have to deal with is enough to make me not want to do it. I think I will wait to make a decision until I know more about what is going on currently.

Unifying the beast lands was always part of the plan, once that is done I will think about the rest. For now, I close my eyes, enter meditation, open a soulscape, and invite Myria. I tell her about the island being mostly empty and that we now control it.

Myria says "Alright. I will find some people who are willing to move there and take it over."

"While you are at it, see if you can find some people who are willing to become the new crew of the ship."

Myria says "Okay. Anything else?"

"Not that I can think of. It will probably take me a few days to build the bridge. After that we will be heading to the mountain, which should take a few days."

Myria says "I will finally get to see you again in the flesh! I can't wait!"

"Yeah, I am looking forward to it too. I really do feel bad for being gone for so long and leaving things to you. It wasn't my intention."

Myria says "Just promise me you won't be going through any more unknown gates!"

"No worries! I am good enough at gate magic now that I should be able to figure out where it goes without going through!"

Myria says "That isn't reassuring! That just means that if you can't figure it out you will be even more curious about it!"

"Um. maybe. That isn't very likely to happen though. Especially since Lin has said that I am not allowed to go on any adventures until after I have sorted out all the political stuff."

Myria says "Oh, poor Ash! No adventures? How are you going to survive?"

"A little less sarcasm if you would! I will just have to fight the boredom with experiments and plans!"

Myria says "That sounds dangerous!"

"Ha ha! Anyway, you should probably let everyone know that I will be back soon and have those that are elsewhere start heading back. There will be a lot of meetings and a lot of things to talk about."

Myria says "Oh wow, you are actually acting serious! I like this side of you! It's very attractive!"

"You do know that I will have no problem punishing you for teasing me, right?"

Myria grins and says "Bring it on!"

I wisely don't let the conversation continue down that path and change the subject. There isn't much else that we need to talk about right now, but I still spend some time chatting with her. Myria has changed a lot since I saved her from slavery, she is more mature now.

She is still as energetic, but she has learned how to channel and control it from what I can see. Or at least, it is no longer directed at me as if she will die without me. It makes it a lot more comfortable for me to be around her and I enjoy talking with her.

I don't think I am in love with her, but I am attracted to her, so it is possible for me to fall in love later. As long as she doesn't demand too much too quickly, I think that this could work. However, I am not going to take a bunch of wives just for political reasons.

I already have a few plans for dealing with the beastmen, but that can wait a bit. We chat for a good hour or so and then Myria leaves to take care of the things I asked her to do. Once she is gone I invite Seronia and Krenocia and wait until they show up.

Seronia says "What's wrong, Ash? Did something go wrong with the tattoos?"

"No, I wanted to talk about a quest I received. I got it as soon as I set foot on the island and I was wondering if you were responsible."

Krenocia says "No, at least I didn't do anything. What is the quest?"

Seronia says "I didn't create any quests either."

"The quest wants me to unify the peninsula under my rule. Are you sure it isn't because of you? If it's not you, then why would I get this quest?"

Seronia says "I want you to lead the peninsula against the demons, but I never wanted you to conquer it."

Krenocia says "Not that that would be a bad thing. Compared to a lot of humans, I think you would make a good ruler."

Seronia says "Don't say that like Ash will actually rule the peninsula. He will make Lin or someone else rule it for him while he goes off on adventures."

"So, if neither of you created the quest, have you done anything that would affect my system? I know you said that the system was created by my soul, but it is affected by you, right?"

Seronia says "The only thing that I can think of is that we have made some progress recently in increasing our power."

Krenocia says "That might be it, we are related to your system."

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