I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1180 The Island of Agardia Part 11

The reason for that is that the remaining siege weapons in the harbor can't get through the ship's magical defenses. Now that we are closer, our weapons are shooting more accurately. Soon, the rest of the harbor's siege weapons have been destroyed.

As soon as all the weapons are destroyed, our siege weapons turn to firing at the cultists. At the same time, several groups of elves take flight and start shooting arrows. The cultists, which were ready to defend, are forced to run and seek cover.

Not only are their formations broken, but they also take fairly heavy casualties. This continues until the ship gets too close to use the siege weapons. Then, the rest of the elves leave the ship to directly engage the remaining cultists.

This is when I access the crown and activate the buff for all of the elves. My kids are also getting involved in the fighting, but the buff won't affect them. When the buff activates, all of the elves are covered in a light golden glow.

They instantly start moving a little faster, but I can't tell what other bonuses they might have received. However, I can tell from the crown's information that the buff will last for ten minutes. That doesn't sound like a long time, but in a fight it is a very long time.

I spot Chloell and the rest of the elven healers setting up a triage area at the middle of the harbor. Wounded elves go to them to get healed and then immediately rejoin the battle. Luckily, so far no elves have been killed and only a few have suffered minor injuries.

It isn't too surprising since from what I can see, these cultists are all basic humans. It doesn't even look like they have levels, it makes me wonder what they get from the demons. There has to be something that they are offering to the humans to get them to serve.

Maybe it is just empty promises, or maybe they only give the rewards to a select few. There are a lot of methods that they could be using to control the population. Luckily for us, it looks like empowering everyone is not the method they have chosen.

The battle is definitely going our way, over half the cultists within sight are already dead. Considering that not a single elf has died so far, it is really impressive. It is not all because of the difference in power, Brightfire came up with a really good plan.

She has teams working to support each other, no one is fighting alone. The kids look like they are having fun and the cultists don't stand a chance against them. I just hope that the kids don't have too much fun, I don't want them to get a taste for slaughter.

There have been times when I was too bloodthirsty and I somewhat regret them. What I regret is the loss of control more than anything, even if they were enemies. I will have to sit down with the kids later and talk about it with them.

Suddenly spotting an elf woman take a serious wound, I turn and throw a healing spell. At this range, the spell costs me more Divine Power, but that doesn't bother me. The spell hits her and heals her wound before she even hits the ground.

It isn't enough to fully heal her, but it is enough to keep her from dying. The rest of her group quickly move to shelter her and deal with the remaining enemies. Once the fight is done, they take her and retreat to where the healers are.

I only pay attention to them long enough to make sure that they survive. There are fights going on all around the harbor making it hard to keep track of everyone. Lin is doing the same thing I am, only she is using shield magic to save people.

Between the two of us and the healers, we mange to prevent any casualties. The buff from the crown only lasted long enough for the first part of the fight. It takes a bit more than an hour for the elves to completely take over the city.

Most of the cultists had gathered near the docks, so that was the most intense fight. After that was won, the rest was basically just clean up work. What surprises me is that not a single human was found that didn't have demonic mana.

Hopefully, we will find some elsewhere on the island, it would be sad if everyone has been converted. Although, it might be because everyone who refused to convert was killed. According to the elves, there were no children anywhere in the city and very few women.

What worries me is that they may have been taken back to the demon's lands. I know that there are humans that are being raised by the demons to serve them. It is possible that they took all the women and children to increase their breeding population.

If that is the case, then defeating the demons when they attack won't be the end of it. We will need to invade the demon's lands and make sure they are completely wiped out. Then again, there is nothing saying that I have to wait for the demons to invade the peninsula.

In fact, attacking them before they are ready might be a really good idea. However, that is not something I can think about right now, I still have to deal with the empire first. If the demons are smart about it, they should attack me while I am busy fighting the empire.

The main question is if they are going to be able to be ready in time to do so. I will need to make some contingency plans to deal with them, just in case. Ugh, there are just too many things that I need to take care of now that I am back.

With the battle over, the ship anchors inside the harbor, but the docks are too small for it. Those elves who haven't gotten the wing tattoo yet have to move back and forth in rowboats. The problem is that the draft of the ship is too deep to get in close to shore.

Either the docks need to be extended out to deeper water or the bay needs to be deepened. Out of the two options, extending the docks is by far the easier choice. In fact, it is something that the elven crafters should be able to do without my help.

"Stillwater, can you talk to the crafters and see if they can extend the docks? It would be better if Athena can dock properly since she will be staying here for a bit."

Stillwater says "Sure, no problem."

"By the way, Athena, did you gain experience during the battle?"

Athena says "Yes, master, I did."

"That's good! I was worried that it wouldn't work. Alright, we will use this city as a base while we explore and cleanse the rest of the island."

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