I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 110 The Plains Part 5

Ruby says "We are just buying time until morning right?"

"Well, I also want to kill as many soldiers as I can. Weakening the king's forces is a bonus, besides it is good experience for us."

Mericel says "Master! I'm back."

"Welcome back, Mericel, what are they up to?"

Mericel says "They split into groups of one hundred and moved into the grass after you."

"Alright, lead us to the southernmost group."

Ruby says "Why the southernmost?"

"Because, that will draw the rest of them further away from the girls."

Ruby says "Oh, I see. Smart!"

"Thank you."

Mericel says "Okay, this way."

We turn south and follow Mericel, after a while we turn west and slow down. Mericel uses hand signals to indicate the soldiers are about one hundred yards ahead. I also use hand signals to tell Ruby not to use fireball, she draws her swords and I draw Blitz, then we all nod at each other.

Ruby and I charge into the soldiers and start cutting them down, I can't see Mericel but I'm sure she is killing her fair share. When I count about twenty soldiers left I call for a retreat, Ruby and Mericel follow me back to the east. Once we are about a mile from the combat area I stop to let Ruby catch her breath.

Ruby says "Why didn't we just kill them all?"

"I wanted survivors to call for help and point out which way we went."

Ruby says "Oh, that makes sense."

Mericel says "Want me to go keep an eye on them?"

"Yes, please. When they split up again, come let us know."

Mericel says "Okay, master."

After Mericel leaves I sit down and Ruby joins me, I pull some jerky out of my pouch and share it with her. We eat and then wait quietly for Mericel to return, it takes about a half hour before she comes back. Even with my senses I don't notice Mericel until she appears before us.

"Welcome back! How are things with the soldiers?"

Mericel says "Thanks. They have split up again into groups of a hundred."

"Hm, I was expecting them to split into smaller groups to cover more ground."

Ruby says "So, how do we get them to use smaller groups?"

"We split up. When we retreat from the next group we go different directions."

Ruby says "Isn't that more dangerous?"

"No, if I'm right they should break up into groups of twenty to twenty five. Both of us are capable of dealing with groups that small easily."

Ruby says "That's true, I guess it would be alright."

Mericel says "What about me?"

"Once they split into smaller groups it will become more chaotic. I want you to circle around behind the lines, the commanders will be hiding somewhere behind them. I want you to kill them and any other small groups that you come across."

Mericel says "Okay, I can do that."

"Okay, Ruby, when we split up I want you to go northeast, I will go southeast."

Ruby says "Okay."

"Remember, we meet up with the others in the morning, its about an hour till sunset now. So we will meet at the road or further west in about ten hours."

Both say "Understood."

"Alright, let's go. Mericel, lead us to the middle group."

We follow Mericel, who leads us through the grass to another group of one hundred soldiers. Ruby and I charge into them hacking and slashing like maniacs. The soldiers fall before us like wheat before a harvester.

When there are only about ten soldiers left I give Ruby the signal. I turn and run southeast and she takes off to the northeast. I only go about fifty feet before I stop and crouch down to listen.

It takes a few minutes for more troops to arrive, I listen as the survivors tell whoever is in command what happened. Next thing I hear is some kind of horn sounding, probably to summon the rest of the troops to this location. To be safe I move a bit further away, in case the arriving soldiers stumble across me.

It takes thirty minutes for all the soldiers to gather, once they do I move closer again to listen. They start splitting up into groups of fifty, more than expected but still few enough that Ruby can handle a group on her own. I keep ahead of them for a while, waiting for them to spread out enough that they can't help each other easily.

Then I turn around and head for the nearest group, as soon as I attack one of the soldiers sounds a horn. That means more will be coming soon, so I attack at full speed and cut down as many as I can before help arrives. I've only killed about half of them when another fifty charge into the fight.

They quickly surround me and start trying to overwhelm me with numbers. I spin and slash in all directions, then I charge into the soldiers and cut my way free of them. I quickly orient myself and take off running to the southeast.

The troops charge after me, sounding the horn every few steps. I hear another horn sounding from far to the north, guess Ruby is having the same problem I am. I easily outdistance the soldiers chasing me, they are no match for my speed, and the sun will set soon.

I am several hundred yards ahead of them when I change direction and start heading north. I will circle past the soldiers chasing me and attack a different group, that should cause confusion amongst them. All my confidence disappears as the ground suddenly gives way beneath me and I find myself falling.

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