I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 91 B-Level Monster! Megalodon Great White Shark!

"Is this...a wave of monsters!?"

A young soldier said uncertainly, because the development of things has exceeded his knowledge. Just like a person who has never experienced a major earthquake or a giant tsunami, he cannot correctly judge the situation in front of him.

But after Wang Chong saw the situation on the surveillance radar, he immediately shouted to the cruiser's first mate.

"Quick! Speed ​​up! Turn!"

After a brief panic, all the warriors took action quickly.

"30 knots of horsepower!"

30 knots is about 55 kilometers per hour. This speed is already the fastest speed of ordinary warships.

Looking at the increasing number of red dots on the radar, everyone clearly felt the pressure.

"Not enough! Activate psychic acceleration!"

When the crew member in the wheelhouse heard this, he knocked on a red button, pulled out a main push rod, and pushed forward hard!


The entire small cruiser sprayed nearly 10 meters of spiritual pressure particles from the tail, and the hull sprinted directly on the sea!


Wu Fan and others had never experienced this kind of battle before, and they were almost thrown out by the huge thrust!

"Hold on guys, it's time to show off my true skills!"

The first mate took off the sunglasses on his face, as if announcing that the seal was lifted.


Under the strong push-back feeling, the hull accelerated twice, and the entire bow of the ship tilted up like a Saimo.

"Holy shit, what is that!?"

He originally thought that with such a fast speed, the monsters behind him would not be able to keep up, but Wu Fan suddenly saw a huge dorsal fin appearing a thousand meters behind!


A giant shark monster broke through the water and rushed towards them at an even faster speed!


"Fifty-level B-level monster!"

After hearing this, everyone's scalp went numb instantly!

At this moment, a big wave hit us, and the hull of the ship was lifted up. After crossing the big wave, it flew directly into the air.

"Don't panic!"

The first mate who was in charge of the ship was calm and his hands were not shaking.


When the warship fell from the sky and hit the sea, it was like a stone flake thrown on the water, and it bounced twice in place.


However, before they could be happy for long, another giant reef appeared in front of them.

"We're about to hit him!"

"Stop the right rudder! Turn on the left rudder's psychic power to the maximum!" the first mate shouted to the second mate next to him.


Then, the entire warship was like a dragon boat race in Guangdong Province, with a dragon swinging from its head and tail, a large drift of 270° in the waterway, and a perfect white arc along the big reef!

Although Wu Fan has never sat on the big pendulum in the air in an amusement park, he guarantees that this is definitely 10 times more exciting than that!

"Master, I want to learn to sail a boat." Ling Xiaolu said sincerely.

"Haha, compared with our dragon boat race in Guangdong Province, this is nothing. If you can win the championship, it will be written in the family tree." The first mate said in Cantonese Mandarin: "The curve is fast. That’s really fast.”

And just when they thought they had escaped the pursuit of the monsters from behind, the sound of a mountain collapsing and the earth cracking came.

I saw the giant reef shattering suddenly, and a monster shark more than 30 meters long leaping into the air.


Just hearing a sound breaking through the air, Wang Chong's spiritual pressure surged, and a long stick was swung out!

"Martial skills! Extremely powerful!"


The long stick collided with the monster, and Wang Chong flew back instantly, knocking a big hole out of the alloy deck!

The body of the great white shark monster stagnated and fell into the sea less than 20 meters away from the warship.

"battalion commander!"

Some soldiers quickly carried Wang Chong out.


"I'm fine..."

Wang Chong vomited blood and used a C-level warrior to resist a B-level monster. It was a life-threatening blow.

The first mate who was driving the ship took this opportunity to activate the starboard psychic thruster again.


High-energy spiritual pressure particles were sprayed from the stern of the ship, and the ship's hull accelerated again!

But at this moment, everyone felt their feet tremble, and the ship stopped moving forward on the spot. The huge inertia caused everyone on the deck to fly forward.


Everyone turned around and found that the shark monster was opening its huge teeth and biting hard at the stern of the boat.

"Go together!"

At the moment of life and death, regardless of whether he was the opponent of the B-level monster, Wu Fan picked up the long knife and killed it.

"Martial skills! Three thousand thunder knives!"

The classmates on the side also followed suit.

Zhang Zhibai twirled the strings, and a halo lit up behind him.

"A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix!"

"Xiao Guo!"

"Powerful Swipe!"

More than a dozen powerful martial arts hit the great white shark.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Except for Wu Fan who smashed a few body-protecting spiritual pressures, everyone else's attacks didn't even break the defense!

"Is this a B-level monster?"

Originally, everyone thought that they were already strong among young people, but now they discovered that the so-called young geniuses were no different from ants in front of B-level monsters.

"Psychic acceleration! Overload activated!"

"If the first mate is like this, the spirit stone energy we have stored will not be able to sustain our landing!?"

"If we don't start now, we will die now!" the first mate said decisively.


The power furnace roared, and the entire turbine turned faintly red.


The tail bitten by the great white shark suddenly sprayed out terrifying spiritual pressure particles.


The great white shark let out a terrifying roar, not caring that its head was pierced by the spiritual pressure particles, biting the hull like crazy.

"Is it crazy!?"

Monsters follow animal instincts, not to mention that high-level monsters already have wisdom.

Normally, the great white shark that had been burned by the spiritual pressure particles would have let go, but now it was biting them and wouldn't let go.

"Why does it have blue-green fluorescence on its body?"

But that's not the point. What they are thinking about now is how to get rid of the monster attack.

And at this moment...

Wu Fan clenched the long knife in his hand, took a deep breath, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.


A beam of light soaring into the sky lit up from his body, and he raised the long knife into the air with one hand.

Everyone was forced back several meters by the powerful spiritual pressure that erupted from his body.

"This is!?"

Before he could see it clearly, Wu Fan chopped it off with one strike!

"Destined martial arts..."

"Cut heaven and earth with one sword!"


The huge sword light, with 3 times the spiritual pressure and 2 times the defense-breaking force of the military-breaking star ring, instantly struck the B-level monster's body-protecting spiritual pressure!

The moment the two came into contact, they made a terrifying sound of metal cutting, and the spiritual pressure particles collided fiercely!

And just when the light of the sword was about to be blocked by the protective spiritual pressure, there was only a crisp sound. The light of the sword tore through the protective spiritual pressure and struck the great white shark's teeth!


The teeth of the great white shark embedded in the stern of the boat were instantly cut off, and the hull suddenly loosened!

"Run now, rush!"

The first mate took advantage of this opportunity and turned the power to maximum.


The cruiser tore open the sea like a bullet and quickly disappeared into the distance!

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