I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 59 Why Shouldn’T The Achievements Gained With Blood And Injuries Be Counted! ?

"This is a D-class spiritual core!" The examiner's words made the whole audience burst into uproar!

Not only the candidates around him, but also Xue Zhan came over.

"No way? Didn't you say that there are only F and E level monsters in the forest where you take the exam?"

"Is the school lying to us?"

"What are you talking about? The school doesn't do that."

"Did Wu Fan bring him here himself?"


Then the candidates around him looked at Wu Fan, but Wu Fan did not speak, but stood there quietly without making any argument.

Xue Zhan picked up the half of the spiritual core on the table, looked at it carefully, and then said something even more shocking.

"This is not only a D-level spiritual core, but also the D-level spiritual core of a demon-blood beast."

If everyone was still doubtful before, now it is certain.

"A D-level demon-blood beast? This person is not even an E-level warrior. Ten of them combined can't do it, right?"

"I thought that the students who came to take the independent admission examination were all proud and confident, and would not bother cheating, but I didn't expect that there were actually some."

"In the Great Hall before, I thought this man was quite brave. He dared to beat those family warriors in front of so many people. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect..."

The candidates who had just experienced the test of life and death were very emotionally unstable. They now believed that Wu Fan was the D-level spiritual core they carried, so their tone was very unkind.

"If we can bring the spiritual core in by ourselves, then why do we have to fight with our lives and fight!?" Someone became more and more excited as he spoke, because he almost died in the previous beast wave.

Just when everyone was about to denounce Wu Fan, Xue Zhan suddenly shouted: "Shut up!"

The powerful spiritual pressure shocked the entire audience, and everyone fell silent instantly.

"This spiritual core is fresh, and it was left behind by a monster whose bloodline and strength were only half advanced." Xue Zhan said, looking at the half spiritual core, and then he activated the broken spiritual core. , yellow and purple spiritual pressure particles overflowed alternately.

After hearing his words, all the candidates calmed down, and then they thought of a possibility.

"Is this the spiritual core of a peak E-level monster that was killed when it advanced?"

"Damn it! You can't do that!?"

"Hey, it's really possible!"

Now everyone looked at Wu Fan with complicated eyes, confused, envious and like a monster.

It is impossible to kill the peak F level D level, but it is possible to kill the peak E level.

Although Xue Zhan's words have basically confirmed that Wu Fan obtained the spiritual core from the monster forest, some people still question Wu Fan's strength.

But the rules of the exam are like this. Whether you get it by killing monsters, robbing other candidates, or picking it up on the road, as long as you get it in the monster forest, it will count as your score.

"But how do you calculate points for this half spiritual core?"

Some people immediately became concerned about scores.

"It's weird, I've never encountered this before." To be honest, although Huaxia Wuhan University has been established for nearly a hundred years, the examination to enter the monster forest to slay monsters has only been conducted for less than 20 years.

So it was really a coincidence that they met Wu Fan's half spiritual core for the first time.

"I think the score shouldn't be counted. After all, this spiritual core is useless. It's no different from an ordinary stone. It can only be used as a decoration." An examiner said.

"But the focus of the exam is actual combat. No matter how this student obtained this spiritual core, it is certain that he has definitely experienced a battle. This can be judged from the injuries on his body." Some other examiners think it should be Score points for Wu Fan.

"I think it's better to give half..."

Xue Zhan pinched half of the spiritual core in his hand, looked at Wu Fan who looked calm, then waved his hand, pointed at the group of examiners and said:

"Are you clerical staff too comfortable in school?"

"Why should the fruits that warriors gain with their blood and wounds not be counted!?"

"We should really suggest that the school adopt a rotation system so that you can also go to the front lines to slay demons."

Xue Zhan's words made all the examiners shut up. They were so silent that they didn't dare to say a word. The work in the school was so comfortable, with 9 to 5 weekends off, winter and summer vacations, and they were still in the imperial capital. They didn't want to leave.

"A D-level spiritual core is worth 100 points, but this one is not a pure D-level spiritual core. I just estimated the spiritual power in it. It is about 70% of a normal D-level spiritual core. I will give you 70 points. No problem, right? ?”

Xue Zhan looked at Wu Fan and said with admiration in his eyes. As a practical warrior, he especially liked Wu Fan who dared to fight.

"I have no opinion."

Wu Fan was surrounded by a sea of ​​beasts. It was impossible for Wu Fan to dig out the spiritual core of the monster beast, and he even lost his backpack.

This half D-level spiritual core of the demon-blooded ferocious beast belongs to a sharp-beaked sparrow demon.

It secretly attacked Wu Fan, ate part of his flesh and blood, and then was contaminated with the energy of the golden star ring. The strength stuck at the peak of E-level and the bloodline of pure-blood monsters were promoted on the spot, but in the process of advancement He was killed by Wu Fan's natal martial arts.

After Xue Zhan dealt with Wu Fan's matter, he said to the candidates.

"The results will be announced in three days. The top 500 candidates will be able to enter the final round of exams. For those who are not in the top 500, you can add 70 points to other departments of Huaxia Wuhan University in this year's Wushu College Entrance Examination. Combat Academy can add 20 points."

Hearing his words, some candidates who had not done well in the third exam were relieved. They were afraid of taking the exam with their lives but getting nothing in the end.

"Examiner Xue Zhan, can you extend the time a little? The next exam is only three days away. My injuries may not have recovered yet." A young man whose arm was cut off said that in a situation like his, the severed limb can be reborn. It will take at least a month.

In this world, medical technology is very powerful, because there are medical warriors who specialize in medical martial arts. The higher their level, the stronger the treatment effect. There was even a healing martial arts that brought a group of people who were dying back to full health. State things happen.

Excluding the existence of medical warriors, various medical instruments built based on spiritual power are also very effective.

Broken limbs and cancer can be cured easily.

Of course, this is the premise of all this.


However, warriors do not need to consider these things. For example, if you take the independent enrollment examination, you will be treated for free, and there is no need to spend money at all.

"This exam is a whole test that tests your overall strength. The less injured you are in the third exam, the stronger your overall strength is, and you will naturally have an advantage in the final exam."


Hearing Xue Zhan's words, the candidate could only sigh with regret.

After Wu Fan entered his scores, he was taken to the hospital by ambulance, and then his whole body was soaked in a medical jar. The treatment potion was rich in water and oxygen. The oxygen in the water could be directly ventilated through the lungs without the need for breathing.

"This man was seriously injured. How did he stay awake and insist on coming to the hospital?"

A young nurse looked at the wounds on Wu Fan and exclaimed.

"Yes, with injuries like his, ordinary warriors would have passed out long ago."

"I heard that the next exam is in three days. Seeing him like this, there is basically no hope."

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