I Created the Myth of the Old Ruler

Chapter 3: 00 number heartbeat

  Chapter 3 003. Counting Heartbeats




  In the darkness, all sounds became exceptionally clear.

  Lu Yi could hear the howling of wild cats downstairs in estrus, he could hear the noisy sounds of unknown people, and the fine insects that were covered by the noise of the day.

  The clearest sound is the heartbeat.

  The normal human heartbeat frequency is 60 to 100 beats per minute, 500 heart beats, less than ten minutes, it is not short or long.

  Lu Jie counted his heartbeat earnestly and concentrated on it. Gradually, he found that the sounds around him had disappeared.




   Wan Lai was completely silent, only the sound of his own heartbeat proved the fact that he was alive.

   Suddenly, Lu Tie found that his heartbeat seemed to slow down. He had just counted to a hundred, but it felt as if several minutes had passed.

  The heartbeat will be relieved by the relaxation of the body, which is normal, and Lu Jie tried to persuade himself.


  In the slowing heartbeat, Lu Jie felt that his consciousness had also become blurred.


  At this moment, the cabinet by the wall seemed to make a noise, as if something had hit the cabinet door, accompanied by a slight opening and closing sound.

What is   ?

   Lu Yi was surprised, his consciousness leaned against the cabinet and almost opened his eyes to check.

  But after the sound of opening and closing, the world fell into silence again, as if it was just Lu Yi's superfluous illusion.

  He clenched the crowbar in his hand, waiting for a possible attack, but felt nothing.

  In the huge space, only Lu Zie's heartbeat was left, which kept slowing down.


  Is my heartbeat so slow?

  How long has it passed?

  This heartbeat continues to slow down, will it die?

  It seemed that as his heartbeat slowed down, Lu Jie's brain also began to lose its function.

  Thorn it—

  At this moment, a certain sharp, high, heart-piercing scratching sound rang from the head of the bed above Lu Zan's head.


  The scratching sound was continuous, right next to Lu Nie's ear, getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer, and finally, this sound was intertwined with the almost disappearing heartbeat, as if scratching on Lu Nie's scalp!

  It seems to be about to scratch Lu Zan's head and pull out the contents inside!


"do not care!"

  Lu Zan is no longer ready to continue this mission, and if this continues, he is afraid that he will not see the sun tomorrow at all.

   Holding the crowbar tightly, Lu Yi was about to open his eyes, trying to get a stick on the thing that surrounds him.

  It wasn't until this time that Lu Zie realized that he couldn't open his eyelids at all.

  Not only the eyelids, but also his hands, legs, and body, he couldn't move. He seemed to be pressed tightly by something, and he couldn't make any movements at all.


  The scratching sound is getting louder and louder, and the frequency is getting faster and faster.

  Lu Zan tried to struggle, but always kept the original posture. He felt that behind him, under the bed board, something was scratching the wooden board, the sharp thing over and over again, never ending.


  In such an extremely weird and nervous situation, Lu Jie suddenly felt that his left hand could move slightly.

  He moved his fingers, trying to ease the tension in his whole body.

  The next moment, he touched a warm, soft, delicate hand.

  Lu Jie suddenly felt that his tension disappeared, and his whole body relaxed, as if he could wake up from this nightmare reality at any time.

The scratching sound around    seemed to disappear.

  Lu Zie breathed out a little.

  The next moment, a certain horrible thought swirled from his heart.

   "I live alone with this hand. Whose is it?!"

A greater sense of disharmony rose from the place where the hand touched him, Lu Zan felt trembling all over, accompanied by the fingertips of that hand gently brushing his forearm, upper arm, neck, and cheek, this shuddering sensation The more obvious.

  In this state, what makes Lu Zie feel admired is that even now, he is still counting his heartbeat accurately.

   "Four hundred and ninety six, four hundred and ninety seven and five hundred!"

  The moment he counted to five hundred, Lu Zie felt that all the pressure on him had suddenly disappeared.

  The next moment, Lu Zie woke up.

  He opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the bed, with the crowbar lying on his side, not holding it in his hand.

  Lu Zan sat up.

  Everything is as usual in the room.

  The door to the cabinet was closed tightly, and the head of the bed was clean. There was nothing weird around him.

  Lu Jie felt his heartbeat, and it was very fast, as if he had just run a hundred meters.

   "I was just now. Asleep?"

  I fell asleep in such a dangerous and strange mission?

  Lu Jie has always felt that he is a cautious person who makes decisions and then moves.

  I didn’t expect to have such a big heart.

   "Uh, but counting heartbeats in a dark environment may be really hypnotic, right."

  Lu Yi thought of the task, he picked up the flashlight, turned it on, and got out of bed.

  The shadow under the bed became more and more dense, and in the deep darkness that even the light of a flashlight could not dissipate, something unusual seemed to be gestating.

  The surrounding area is very quiet, without any sound.

  Lu Zan leaned over, the ground was cold, and the bed board was squeezed, making a creaking sound.

  He pointed his probe towards the bottom of the bed.

  Under the empty bed, there is only accumulated dust, and

  The blue road doll in ridiculous costume!

  The moment he saw the eyes with heavy makeup, scratching sounded again. This time, from inside Lu Zan's skull, shattering his brain, obliterating reason, and reaching the end of the abyss.


  Some kind of weird thing is about to burst out of Lu Zan’s brain!


  At the moment that thing burst, Lu Zie opened his eyes.

  He heard the sound of insects coming from outside the window, the cat howling loudly, and the sound of drops of water from the unfastened tap in the bathroom hitting the sink.

  He returned to reality.

  At least here, is the world he is familiar with.

  Lu Yi didn't know what happened just now, what was the source of those sounds, how could he have another dream in his dream.

  He turned on the light.

   Curiosity drove Lu Zan to the bed, he leaned down, took a deep breath, and prepared to look at the bed again.

  Death is indeed addictive, and curiosity cannot be quit. Now Lu Zan just wants to see what is under the bed.

  He shone it with a flashlight.

  Garlic, cross, hundred dollar bills, and a lot of salt.

  Other than that, there is only thick dust.

  It’s just that, on the dust, there seems to be traces of some kind of creature staggering.

This trace seemed to be struggling from outside the bed towards where it should belong, and it was like trying to break through the shackles of darkness and wriggling outwards. Following these traces, Lu Yi found that it disappeared in the area illuminated by the light, no one knew. The final destination of these traces.

  Is it a cockroach? mouse? Or. That doll with a funny smile?

  As much as eighty points of reason, Lu Zin was told that the area in front should be explored later.

  He sat up, looked at the phone, at twelve thirty.

  In that period of time, thirty minutes have passed?

  He felt incredible.

   Five hundred heartbeats, 30 minutes, if your own heartbeats are okay, then this frequency is too low.

  For such a long time, the body was lack of oxygen, and he should have died long ago before he dared to think about it.

  All monsters and monsters are idealistic things.

  My own cognitive consciousness is also ideal.

  So, as long as you don’t care, ghosts can’t hurt yourself!

  I am worthy of it.

  At the same time thinking of this, he saw that the font on the phone screen was distorted and turned into cold system text.

  【Congratulations on completing the task】

  【Start settlement now】

  【Quest exploration degree: 30%】

  【Mission completion status: mediocre】

  【With your eyes closed, you have not been able to see the truth of this room, but anyway, after you say hello, you are now friends. 】

  【Acquired Quiet Points: 100 Points】

  【Reward for novice guide task: Inherent skill: All-or-nothing】

  [Get a career reward: a video that can’t be opened at night]

  【Settlement completed】

  【After you got the inspiration, did you have a strong creative impulse? 】

  【Choose to complete career development tasks and get advanced rewards】

  【Welcome to a quiet place again】

  The text faded away, and Lu Jie subconsciously looked at the dark shadow under the edge of the bed.

  At this time, a reminder sound came from his mobile phone.

  Lu Yi hurriedly opened it, and he saw that there was an extra video file in the memory of his phone.

  The file name is: [a video that cannot be opened at night].

  (End of this chapter)

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