I Created the Myth of the Old Ruler

Chapter 18: 0 whose eyes

  Chapter 18 018. Whose eyes

Take out the self-heated rice, open the package, pour the rice, side dishes, and ingredients inside into a plastic bowl, add water, then open the self-heating package, put it on the bottom of the outer package, add water, and put it on the plastic bowl ,Close the lid.

  Then I waited to eat.

  Some classmates may ask, in such a strange and unpredictable place, can Lu Zie have a meal?

  The answer is to eat, of course.

  Human is iron, rice is steel, no one can stop Lu Yi from drying the rice.

  Waiting for the time for the grown-up rice to ripen automatically, Lu Zin randomly illuminated the hall with a flashlight.

  Due to the loopholes in the dome, the erosion of the theater hall is actually much more serious than the corridors and dressing rooms, especially the area directly below the loopholes.

Except for the clean stage, the rest of the ground is covered with thick moss, it is very slippery, and it is easy to fall when stepped on it. This moisture also spreads from the damage of the dome, and there are some plants growing on the ceiling, but Just near the entrance of the cave.

  After nightfall, the temperature dropped, but Lu Zie did not feel cold.

   "The taste is okay."

  Lu Yi picked up the chopsticks, put the sirloin chunks covered with tomato sauce into his mouth, and tasted it carefully.

The temperature of the self-heating rice is actually not high, which is comparable to the level of steaming the processed rice. The brisket is naturally prepared in advance. The rich sauce masks the smell of industrial production. As far as fast food is concerned, the taste is considered to be good.

  Eating and drinking Coke, there is a kind of Lu Zin that he did not come to explore the secret realm, but came to the wild to eat and broadcast.

   "Maybe you can really try it next time?"

  Lu Yi thought of some wild food up owners. Their video is about going to the wilderness to eat better than restaurants. If you come to such a horrible and strange place to eat and broadcast, the food is still very rich, can you also be welcomed?

  While eating, he also watched the video cached in the mobile phone. There was almost no signal in this wasteland. Fortunately, Lu Zan had already prepared.

  He was watching supernatural adventure videos.

The video is about exploring a hotel that is said to be haunted by ghosts. I don’t know if there are 80 stars, but from the outside, the building is extremely dilapidated, and with the dark green underworld filter, the people who took the video are talking about it. His chanting is so terrifying.

  While watching the video, Lu Zan was eating a bowl of rice.

  When he saw the anchor’s flashlight flashing to show a face, Lu stumbled and took a breath.

"very scary!"

  He couldn't help but ate a bite of his meal.

  The video is over, and finally the hotel hasn’t figured out what’s wrong, so it’s over.

  Looking at it, it seems that I haven’t seen it completely.

  Lu Jie also finished his meal. He drank the Coke, put the garbage in the bag and put it aside, and looked at the phone. It was only eight o'clock.

   Picking up the flashlight and lifting the crowbar, Lu Yi was going to the control room on the other side to see the situation.

   Habitually took the flashlight to the control room on the other side, Lu Zan saw that the model dolls with eyes painted were still standing in front of the window, monitoring Lu Zan's every move in the theater hall.

  He took another picture of the control room directly opposite the stage, empty.

  Lu Zin incidentally took another photo of the window of the control room he had been to before.

  I saw that in the originally black control room, behind the broken glass, a model doll with black weird eyes was standing there.


Lu Yi felt his heartbeat suddenly become very noisy, blood rushed to the tympanic membrane, ears shook, and then, everything was far away from him, his eyes fixed on the faces of the model dolls, and those The strange eyes met for a moment.

   "Has it started."

  Lu Jie suppressed all kinds of imagination and guesses that emerged in his heart.

  At this point, he felt that there was nothing to be afraid of.

  There are really ghosts in this Jiangcheng Grand Theater.

  If he didn’t know what was causing the ghost, Lu Zie might have to worry about whether he would be killed by the roller falling from the sky, but now that he understood that the ghost was causing trouble, Lu Zie also had a clear enemy.

  Furthermore, after he had seen and heard just now, Lu Zie also quickly summarized some conclusions about ghosts.

  "The ghosts in this big theater can interfere with reality. Whether it is making a piano sound or moving a model doll, it must rely on physical means."

"The ghosts here are not ghosts that will directly slaughter when they see a living person, or because they are not strong enough to influence me, or because they have different plans. In short, if these ghosts are extremely dangerous, then I am Those who walked into the control room should be dead."

   "The goal of the mission is to find the player, and there is only this piano, so I will definitely find the player on this stage in the end, there is no need to explore other places."

  Getting this information, Lu Zie sat down again.

  Although the mission has an exploratory evaluation, Lu Zie feels that as an ordinary person, without the power to bind a chicken, it is really not a wise choice to explore the Jiangcheng Grand Theater at night.

  Isn’t it fragrant to sit here and watch videos to kill time?

  He took out his phone again and continued to watch another video that he had cached before.

This video is about a woman who thinks that her house is haunted, so two "professional exorcists" were invited. The two men installed monitors in the house and slept in the guest room, but the mistress' head was turned around. , The picture of limbs climbing on the wall.

  Seeing the woman in pajamas slowly climbing to the wall like a spider, Lu Zie clearly heard the sound of something rolling to the ground at the entrance of the hall behind him when she twisted her head.

  He paused the video and turned around.

  The location far away from the hollow of the dome was already very dark, especially at the gate. Lu Zie borrowed the light of the flashlight to see the situation clearly.

  The gate was empty, only the thick darkness outside, even the light of the flashlight could not penetrate.

Nothing at all.


  Lu Yi's inspiration emerged, and the flashlight was facing upwards and it hit the control room facing the stage.

  The model doll in the tattered dress didn’t know when she had stood there, her face was still in good condition, and her twisted and weird eyes stared at Lu Kizumi.

   Lu Zan’s breathing stopped for a moment.

  The deeper the night, the more restless these things become.

  Lu Yi picked up the crowbar, and the flashlight confirmed the model dolls in the other two control rooms.

   Then he found that the model doll in front of the window of the control room at the beginning was gone!

  "These model dolls, will they act on their own at night?"

  Lu Yi guessed.

  "The performers are among these model dolls? They were the victims of the fire at the time, and they stayed at the scene of the accident because of resentment?"

   "What happened that year?"

  As he questioned, the flashlight swept across the theater hall.

  The circular light spot swept across the second floor, VIP boxes, back row, front row, safe passage entrance, backstage.

  At this moment, Lu Jie suddenly discovered that at the entrance of the safe passage, there seemed to be a person in red standing!

  (End of this chapter)

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