I created my own system

Chapter 246: The tourist

Apollo and Alicia sat across from the Archduke, waiting for him to start speaking. The grand chamber felt smaller as he unrolled a series of documents, each one containing information on suspicious activities within Nero's kingdom. It was different from the amount of files Apollo got from his father. The boy now could understand the difference between the two dukes in terms of information gathering.

From the floating documents, the Archduke wasted no time and unfolded a large map of the kingdom on the table before them. He pointed to several key locations marked with symbols, but one, in particular, caught their attention—an orphanage on the outskirts of the capital.

"The king has been making frequent visits to an orphanage near the edge of the capital," the Archduke began, his voice low. "It may seem charitable, but we've discovered that one of the orphans is not who they appear to be."

Alicia furrowed her brow. "Are implying that someone is hiding there?"

The Archduke just smiled then he tapped the report.

"There," he said pertaining to the marked location, "One of the orphans is actually one of the so-called gods of the Revolutionary Church, disguised as a child. The Church has been using the orphanage as a front, and the king's frequent visits are not just out of goodwill.

The gifts he brings to the orphanage contain information, coded reports from the Church's movements—delivered by their members posing as ordinary citizens."

Apollo furrowed his brow. "A god of the Revolutionary Church? That means they really survived back at the war, it was only a theory before, so they are the real reason why the church could continue its operations."

"It's not confirmed yet if all the recorded gods at that time survive, but we have documented at least five survived and another five newly added," the Archduke replied cautiously. "But Nero certainly played a great part in how they recovered their strength. No one would suspect him of working with the Church when he's seen supporting orphanages and keeping a low profile in politics.

But we have been keeping a close eye on him."

Alicia crossed her arms, as she looked at the marked location. "Why haven't you made a move, there should have been a way to get the orphanage in your hands since you had such information. If you have requested it the emperor could have given enough manpower to throw this kingdom to ruins"

"Because the orphanages and this kingdom are not the only places that they could be used for hiding," the Archduke replied. "If we were to storm in, we'd risk exposing our hand too soon. We wanted to gather more intel so we could corner our enemy without giving them any chance to fight back. Also, the god disguised as a child is particularly sensitive to magic and deception.

If you approach without caution, it will sense you. You need to tread carefully."

Then he leaned forward, his expression growing serious as he continued speaking. "I advised you two to avoid the orphanage. Like I said that thing is highly sensitive, able to detect any threat long before it gets close. If you make any move towards the place, it will raise suspicion, and we can't risk that yet."

Apollo nodded, though his mind raced with thoughts. It was unsettling that these supposed gods weren't hiding in remote strongholds but were living among ordinary people, disguised in plain sight, it was something he never considered. "What else do we know about them?"

The Archduke pushed a file towards them. "This is a list of individuals we've identified as possible gods. They are living among the population, appearing like anyone else. We need you to help us identify those who aren't on this list—those who are moving under the radar. Don't worry those on the list are less sensitive than the ones on the orphanage.

Knowing the capabilities you two have it won't be too hard on you to handle this"

Alicia took the file, flipping through the documents, her eyes scanning the faces and descriptions. "We'll start looking immediately," she said. "But how many of these gods does the Church have,?"

"That's the problem, I already mentioned before " the Archduke sighed. "We have no idea. We don't know if they've infiltrated other kingdoms, or if this is just the beginning. The Revolutionary Church is making a move, and we must uncover their network before it's too late."

Apollo exchanged a glance with Alicia. The situation was far more dangerous than they had imagined. The Revolutionary Church wasn't just hiding—they were integrating themselves into society, manipulating things from the shadows. "We'll do what we can," he assured the Archduke. "We've already been gathering information, as you know I came from the tower where spells on the highest degree are available.

I used one of the spells there to create clones so that I could spy on multiple places at the same time. There I was able to find out that they had been trying to recruit new members. I could give you the places and people I have confirmed who had joined"

The Archduke's eyes glinted as he heard those words "It seems the info I received about you didn't accurately describe how truly capable you are" his eyes had an emotion Apollo had no idea what, it wasn't hostile but he could tell it wasn't friendly either.

"Your words are too kind your highness" he could only say though the archduke just shakes his head.

"No, you are doing more than what normal soldiers could do, at least acknowledged that. You are very talented even beyond the term genius"

Apollo felt a sudden feeling of happiness upon being appreciated, he thought his actions were things expected to do and there was no need for gratitude. It was all duty, but hearing the archduke's words made him lightened.

"We will move now" Apollo manages to say beckoning Alicia who was grinning due to his reaction, to come with him.

The Archduke just nodded. "Good. But remember, the gods can be unpredictable. The moment they sense they're being hunted, they'll disappear, or worse—strike back."

The next morning, Apollo and Alicia blended into the bustling streets of the capital, adopting the guise of tourists. Alicia wore her auburn hair loose, and Apollo took the appearance of a red-haired man to look less like a boy. He and Alicia wore matching outfits not usually found in Nadezhda, their aim was to look like a couple tourists that came for their first trip.

After preparing their story and identity they check on an inn before starting their first destination.

They moved through the marketplace, pretending to be curious travellers exploring the sights. All famous stores known to any brochures immediately became their target but they made sure their real target wasn't forgotten.

{Remember, your priority is gathering information. Don't get too close to the orphanage, and avoid drawing attention.} Niko's voice echoed in their ears through a secure communication device.

{We know but keep us informed in case we end up getting near the place,} Alicia responded, her gaze wandering over the various stalls. They needed to act like typical tourists—curious, but harmless.

The streets of Nadezhda's capital were lively, with vendors selling trinkets, food stalls offering exotic delicacies, and musicians playing on every corner. Apollo and Alicia moved among the crowds, stopping occasionally to browse through local crafts or taste street food.

Apollo bit into a pastry, glancing at Alicia. "If we're going to blend in, we might as well enjoy some of the local culture, right?"

Alicia chuckled, her eyes scanning their surroundings. "You've got a point. But stay sharp. We're being watched." Her voice was calm, but her senses were on high alert. The city felt too calm, considering the level of danger they knew lurked beneath the surface.

They made their way to a well-known tourist spot, a large fountain in the center of the square, where people gathered to make wishes and throw coins into the water. As they approached, Apollo noticed a group of men loitering nearby, their eyes fixed on the unsuspecting visitors.

{Be careful. Those guys look like trouble,} Matilda's voice crackled in their ears.

{Matilda's right I can feel their intention isn't good} Blair second.

{They are coming!} Braiden suddenly warned, since the group of men moved in, targeting a few tourists who were busy admiring the fountain. In a swift movement, they grabbed bags and valuables, shoving people aside as they made their escape. One of the robbers, however, darted towards Apollo, mistaking him for an easy target.

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