Chapter 238: Found artefact
There was something from afar, Apollo could tell there was something watching him and Alicia.
"Ali can you feel it"
"Yes, at least five are moving around us"
"Five?" Apollo said a bit shocked though Alicia could tell he was because of his expression. He couldn't locate their enemies since his senses were messed up due to the force that clouded his judgment.
[The influence of the artifact is getting stronger Creator]
Jeremiah suddenly warned, however Apollo was already aware of it. It was his body, after all, he is the one experiencing the pain and burden so he knows what is happening.
"Are you alright?" Alicia asks seeing Apollo's growing discomfort.
"I am okay" he replies though Alicia could tell he is having a hard time.
His expression was strained while the frown on his face didn't change.
"We should go back" she said wanting to remove Apollo from any more danger.
Knowing her intention the young mage was about to reply when a sudden movement caught their attention.
Alicia felt a sudden movement from her side so she moved to guard Apollo however her situation wasn't any better from him, so from a blind spot a figure emerged attacking Apollo. Though in the last second, she was able to respond sensing the killing intent.
"Dodge!" she manages but hundreds of invincible strings bind her making her reaction delayed.
Her words reach Apollo however before he could react, a woman already grabbed him, her eyes blazing with fury.
"It's you, finally I have you!" she screamed, her voice laced with hatred.
"And who are you?" he asked not concerned about the hand that grabbed his neck.
"You deserve to die!"
"And why? What did I do to you?" Apollo demanded, confusion flooding his mind as he prepared to defend himself.
"You took everything from me!" she shouted, gripping Apollo's neck while a dagger aimed at his heart.
"I don't even know you!" Apollo argued while a set of barriers emerged to protect him. Using the skill Light of Aegis a protective barrier deflected the daggers that attacked. Apollo then moves to escape the mysterious woman's tight grip and form his stance to attack. As he did so a nimble shadow followed him.
"You won't get away!" the woman's voice runs wild as she begins to chase after Apollo.
She was crazy according to Apollo's thoughts seeing how she relentlessly follows
"Are those wind?" the boy noticed seeing a green light gathering around her opponent.
"It's not a mana colour so it's the element of wind" More changes transpire as the woman's hand transforms into a beastly appearance. Her nails turn into sharp claws while a fur-like coating emerges around her skin.
"This woman is a magical beast" he thought so as he sidestepped her attack. Then the feeling of adrenaline surged as he activated his system's gears. His eyes now were filled with arrows predicting his opponent's movements.
"Jeremiah, analyze her!"
Analyze Complete!
Target is aggressive and crazy, she might be delusional!]
"You think I haven't noticed that? Give me something, my body is too tired to summon strong spells"
[Counterattack has been devised!
Implanting plan...]
The boy's mind was immediately filled with a hologram image of his enemy. This hologram will predict his opponent's attack pattern while a set of arrows will guide Apollo on what he needs to do. This was only a calculating prediction based on Jeremiah's analysis, which is why it could still make mistakes.
It can't completely predict everything and Apollo is the only one who can decide what he needs to do.
With a swift motion, Apollo grabbed her wrist, twisting it to disarm her. He could feel the heat radiating from her body, fueled by her rage.
The wind howls after however, Apollo's control over the wind is far superior thus her attack is disabled.
"Why are you after me?" he pressed, holding her at bay.
"Hah! You, humans are like this, you take whatever you want without thinking of the consequence!" she spat, her expression a mixture of fury and pain.
Just as Apollo was about to respond, he sensed more figures moving in the shadows. The woman grinned, pulling away. "You may have bested me today, but you won't escape the rest of us!"
At that moment, Apollo's focus wavered as he felt the artifact's energy pulsing nearby, and the mysterious group melted into the shadows. "Wait!" he called out, but it was too late. They had vanished.
Frustrated but undeterred, Apollo took a moment to collect himself. He focused on the artifact's energy, now clearer in his mind. Moving deeper into the forest, he could sense its presence growing stronger.
"Apollo" suddenly Alicia called him causing for him to look back.
"What the are you alright!" Panic filled Apollo's voice as he saw Alicia's bloody appearance.
"Don't worry it wasn't mine" she said while wiping the spattered blood on her face.
"That's not yours?" he felt relieved for a moment only to see an arm on Alicia's hand.
"Oh, this? I managed to grab it but they left as soon as I was about to rip the head" she replied seeing Apollo's eyes landing on her bloody hand.
"Maybe we should return?" he suggested seeing that the two of them have not recovered completely.
"I agree let's go back here later" She then uses her magic to erase all the blood on her face and clothes.
"You felt it as well right?" he asked as they walked back to the camp.
"I did but I can't pinpoint it completely since there is another artefact playing with us"
"Another one" he mutters feeling a bit weak about the situation.
"After this, I wanna rest a bit" he could only as the two of them returned.
After a couple of hours of recovering Apollo and Alicia had asked their professor's permission to survey the area, fortunately, they agreed.
Then they manoeuver through the dense underbrush, they stumbled upon a clearing. In the centre lay an ancient stone altar, pulsating with dark energy that resonated with the chaotic force he felt earlier.
"Jeremiah analysis"
With caution, Alicia and Apollo carefully walk towards the altar. They were expecting traps but none came. Calmly Apollo reached out, while Alicia channelled her energy to counteract the artefact's influence. She extended her power to shield Apollo as he disabled the protective barrier of the artefact.
As he grasped it, he felt a jolt surge through him, and for a moment, the world around him spun.
Alicia was immediately alarmed holding his body which collapsed due to the impact.
"Apollo?" she called as she expanded the barrier.
"Come on can you hear me?" she lifted him up ready to return however she heard Apollo's sudden change in breathing.
"You awake"
"Sorry just felt a bit dizzy" he playfully smirked as he said those words. Then, clarity returned. He had it. He had found the source of their weakness.
He also found something interesting. The pressure and burdening feeling weren't because of the power of the artifact but because the artifacts themselves gave off an energy that made him weaker. He doesn't understand yet how their energy works but he doesn't mind researching.
What is even more interesting is that the artifact under his command won't radiate such influence different from the one on the island.
"I'll take the artifact" Alicia suggested seeing her friend's situation. Any more of that and Apollo might completely collapse.
"No I'm good, I already built resistance to the power so it won't work again"
He moved after saying that then he slowly got out of Alicia's arms and went forward towards the altar.
On the surface of the black stone structure, a stone was lying deep into it. Apollo knew it was the real artifact while the altar was used to amplify its effects throughout the island.
Without any hesitation, he picks it out and the faint glow of the altar grows weaker.
"See I told you I can handle it" he said proudly while Alicia couldn't help but chuckle at his words.
As he held the artifact, he activated a communication line to the academy. This communication tool was established by using one of their professors' knowledge of technology. The only downside is that they can only use it inside the island.
"Professors! I found the artefact!" he shouted into the link, breathless. "It's in an old altar in the forest" he added.
"We're on our way, Apollo," Adolfo's voice crackled through. "Hold your position"
"Okay sir"
Apollo then sends a flare signal that is only visible to the eyes of the professors. He did this to reveal their position.
"I wonder if this is safe"
Alicia wondered not liking how they needed to stay instead of returning.
"Perhaps they want to study the altar as well since it is used to amplify the effects of the artifact"
"We should be on guard"
"I know Alicia"
Apollo now sounded a bit more cheerful than before since the system had fully adapted from the power of the artifact. The pressure was still there but more manageable and easy to endure.