I control dreams in Marvel

Chapter 41

Chapter 41
Sitting in the car, Shang Wen thought all the way. When he came back to his senses, the car had already left the New York City area and came to a desolate wilderness.

"Where are we going?" Parker asked in a timely manner.

"Go to a fun place, a friend in the circle introduced it, it is said to be very fun." Harry replied with a smile while driving.

Parker chose to shut up based on the principle of playing with him to the end.

However, Shang Wen suddenly noticed a green light approaching rapidly in the distant sky outside the window, "What is that?"

While he was speaking, the light had already rushed from the distant sky, passed over their heads at a very high speed, and then rushed to the distance without slowing down.

"Aircraft? I haven't been back for a few years, and there is no airway control in New York now?" Harry said casually.

However, Shang Wen and Parker frowned.

Harry didn't look carefully at the car just now, he could look at both of them carefully, and even at night, with Parker's mutated eyesight, he could clearly see the appearance of the aircraft.

Green light, a glider with a strange shape, and the arrogant person straddling it.

Although Shang Wen couldn't see it clearly, he could guess the same from the green light and the general shape.

"Green Devil!"

The two looked at each other, the word appeared in their minds at the same time, and then turned to look at Harry at the same time.

"Stop," just as Parker finished, Harry subconsciously stepped on the brakes, and the moment the car stopped, Shang Wen swung the knife in his hand.

"What... what..." Harry lay on the steering wheel, and Shang Wen quickly switched places with him. At the same time, Parker also began to change the spider suit he carried with him.

The two didn't communicate much, and the car set off quickly, speeding at a speed of more than 120 kilometers per hour, towards the direction where the Green Goblin disappeared.

Well, in this field without tall buildings, the car is still very useful.

The car kept driving, and soon there was a fork in front of it. On one side was an unimpeded road, and on the other side was a road blockade. However, the dense ruts under the roadblock exposed the actual situation of this road.

It's not that this road cannot be walked, it's just that it is not allowed to go, or it is not allowed to pass without permission.

The car stopped on the side of the road, Parker jumped out of the car window, and Shang Wen took out his laptop from his backpack.

During this period of time, Shang Wen has made great progress in the field of hacking technology through self-study, and he is no longer the rookie who can only buy programs and use them according to the operating instructions.

In the final analysis, the energy of the dream world is still spiritual energy. While strengthening Shang Wen's body, it is also subtly improving his intelligence.

As a student of Chinese descent, Shang Wen's intelligence was originally his strength. After strengthening, he has already begun to move towards the direction of genius. The progress in the field of hacking is just the tip of the iceberg.

After a crackling tap, Shang Wen connected Parker's headset.

"Peter, I checked. Although there are a few surveillance cameras on the nearby roads, they are basically not open, and it is difficult to obtain permission. Some friends who have tried to explore here said that there may be some big secrets hidden here. Suggest Those with low ranks should not try it lightly, and those with high ranks should not die easily, because a few who have tried it will disappear afterwards."

"So?" Parker asked while hurrying.

"Here, what is...the place?" Harry in the back seat asked, rubbing his head and closing his eyes.

Shang Wen returned with a knife in his hand, then turned around and continued to talk to Parker as if nothing had happened, "So, there must be a big guy here, if you continue to go deeper, there may be danger."

Speaking of this, Shang Wen turned his head and looked out the window. A blond woman with 98K on her back appeared there at some point, glanced at the car, and ran quickly towards the direction Parker left without looking back.

"No, it's not possible," Parker denied on the other side of the headset, "There is already danger. There should be a secret base ahead, but now, it has been bombed."

Through the headset, Shang Wen could already hear the roar of the explosion, the sound of machine gun fire, and a wild laughter.

"Hahahaha! Go to hell, you idiots!"

Listening to the voice, it was exactly the same as the Green Goblin that day.

"It really is this guy, has he come here to blow up the bunker!"

Shang Wen suddenly remembered that in the old version of Spider-Man, the Green Goblin went to a military test site called "Exploration Aerospace", and blasted a grasshopper-shaped belly-shaped flying individual armor in the air, and then sent the officers The plot of the bunker where the bunker was blown up.

It seems that although many things do not match the timeline of the original book, what should happen will happen after all.

"Spider-Man, report the current situation, battlefield intelligence, and assess the feasibility of the battle." Shang Wen said quickly.

Assessing the feasibility of combat is a process that Shang Wen added to Spider-Man before starting work. It is mainly to analyze whether there is a suitable place to hang a swing on the site, so as to increase the flexibility of Spider-Man's battle. Of course, more importantly, it is necessary to facilitate strategic retreat. .

It doesn't matter whether you can beat or not, the important thing is to be able to run.

However, this time, Parker had no time to observe the feasibility of the operation, because when he arrived at the scene, he subconsciously rushed out to rescue several soldiers who were blown away by the explosion.

And this also exposed him to the Green Goblin in the first place.

"Hahaha, Spider-Man! Long time no see," the Green Goblin stopped above Parker, looking down at him.

The bombing has stopped. It's not that the Green Goblin doesn't want to bomb, but that there is nothing worth bombing on the ground. Under the double blow of the Green Goblin's bombing and martyrdom, the entire test site has basically been razed to the ground. Some of the burning soldiers were left struggling.

"It's really surprising to see you here. It's so far away from the city. How did you come here at this time? Did you follow me?"

The truth is often people's first impression of a thing, but sometimes because it is too absurd and unimaginable, it is finally denied by oneself.

Just like now, the Green Goblin shook his head directly after saying this.

"No, it's impossible. This place is so far away from the city, and your spider silk won't be able to exert its power, so you can't follow me here from the city, unless..."

The Green Goblin's mind flashed back to the road just now, among the several cars that passed below, one of them seemed to be not far from here.

But then he shook his head again.

"How could there be such a coincidence, how could it be that you just happened to be out of town tonight, just in this direction, and just happened to be in that car."

Parker didn't answer, but while the Green Goblin was talking to himself, he used his spider silk launcher to continue saving people like a juggler, and soon the number of people he saved rose to double digits.

"I said, what you did is meaningless, they are just a foil to show our greatness, life is small, death is random!"

As he said that, the Green Goblin turned his glider and rushed towards Parker.

(End of this chapter)

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