I Can See Through a Hundred Million Flaws at a Glance

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Pondlich the Berserker

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

‘I’m about to leave the forest. Fortunately, I did not encounter any troublesome magical beasts along the way.’

Shu Ke did not dare waste a single minute. He was afraid that he would be stopped by the members of the Hagane Mercenary Group.

The collective strength of eight Dou Masters of the same level, one Grand Master, and eight hundred Dou Practitioners was still quite terrifying.

Even a strong Dou Spirit would not want to face this many enemies head-on.

Therefore, Shu Ke decided to escape from them as soon as possible. As long as he returned to the city, he would be safe.

“The target was just a low-tier Dou Master? Looks like he had his breakthrough not long ago. That piece of trash was killed by someone like this, how shameful!”

Just as Shu Ke was about to leave the forest, something flashed in front of him.

If Shu Ke had not stopped in time, he would definitely have been slashed by them.

Shu Ke stood still and looked at the two people in front of him with a serious face.

Their meeting was confrontational. This meant that the two were not trying to ambush him.

They had just happened to bump into each other.

‘Just how bad my luck is?!’

“Are the two of you from the Hagane Mercenary Group?”

After listening to what they had just said, Shu Ke knew that these two guys were also from the Hagane Mercenary Group, and they were definitely team leaders.

“I thought that after killing one of your team leaders, it would be your group leader who would come up next. I didn’t expect that another two team leaders would be sent.”

Shu Ke scanned his surroundings. After confirming that there were only these two people, he immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

Since there were only these two people, he could still take them on.

“Team leader?”

The two immediately burst into laughter when they heard Shu Ke’s words as if they had heard a joke.

“You can’t really think that the guy you killed previously was a team leader, right?”

One of them held a western-looking rapier while the other held a sword and shield.

The person holding the rapier looked at Shu Ke while sneering with disdain. His words were full of contempt for him and the guy who died in Shu Ke’s hands.

“It seems like that person is not one of your team leaders?”

Shu Ke understood the man’s words. It meant that the person who died in his hands before was not a team leader of the Hagane Mercenary Group.

That was why they were looking at him with disdain.

“That’s correct, but there is no reward for you.”

The person with the rapier looked at Shu Ke and sneered, “I’m Vincentius, the Fleurette, the seventh team leader of the Hagane Mercenary Group.”


The other man slammed his shield with his sword and let out an angry roar, “Ahhh!!”


Shu Ke looked at Vincentius with confusion, as if he were asking him what the person was saying.

“He said his name is Pondlich, the Beste, the eighth team leader of the Hagane Mercenary Group.”

“A berserker?”

Shu Ke looked at Pondlich in surprise. Berserkers sought power, and by infusing the blood of powerful magical beasts into their own bodies, they would obtain power far beyond that of ordinary people.

However, they would also lose some things, like this man who had lost his speech ability.

“That’s right. You don’t stand a chance, you’re dead meat!”

Vincentius looked at Shu Ke arrogantly. He did not make a single movement, but silver-white flowers appeared in Shu Ke’s field of vision.

The flowers were blooming and getting closer to him.

“This is bad!”

Shu Ke was shocked. He immediately swung his sword outwards.

All of the flowers disappeared in an instant, they were replaced by a sharp rapier. The rapier was less than a fist’s distance away from his eyeball.

“You managed to react in time?”

Vincentius looked at Shu Ke in surprise, this skill of his had practically been foolproof.

This young man actually saw through his skill?


Pondlich let out a roar as he raised his shield and slammed down at Shu Ke.

Shu Ke immediately backed away, but Vincentius was sticking to him like sh*t to a shovel; he held on to Shu Ke firmly to drag him back.


Pondlich roared and charged towards Shu Ke while swinging his massive sword around, it created gusts of wind.

“He said that he wants to turn you into minced meat,” Vincentius said to Shu Ke as he fought with Shu Ke.

“Are you an interpreter!?”

Shu Ke was somewhat annoyed with Vincentius. He swung his sword to the back to create some distance. Then, he turned around and was about to run away.

“Interpreter? I suppose that is a way to put it.”

Vincentius looked at Shu Ke with a sly smile.

He continued to cling onto Shu Ke, preventing him from leaving.

Meanwhile, Pondlich charged straight at Shu Ke like a bulldozer.

Shu Ke finally understood why these two guys were so confident that they could defeat him.

Vincentius played the role of the distraction, while Pondlich played the role of the main attacker.

Berserkers were already extremely strong, and with Vincentius pestering him from the side, one hit would definitely kill him.

“You guys are indeed powerful.”

Shu Ke suddenly stopped running; he stood still and looked at Vincentius with a cold gaze. It was as if he was a different person.

“You can’t run anymore? Then prepare to die!”

Vincentius did not overanalyze Shu Ke’s action. He thought that Shu Ke could not run anymore. Hence, he immediately charged forward, aiming to stab Shu Ke’s chest.

“Everything has a flaw, and the biggest flaw in your duo is you!”

The sword in Shu Ke’s hand flashed dimly.

A pitch-black wolf shadow accompanied by a high-pitched wolf howl rushed towards Vincentius.

“Wolf Sword Technique: Black Wolf Break.”

A black-colored light expanded continuously in front of Vincentius before it finally transformed into Shu Ke’s sharp sword aiming at Vincentius in the chest.

Vincentius did not have the time to block his attack, he did not even have the chance to call for help.

In a split second, Vincentius’s chest had already been pierced through by Shu Ke’s sword.


Vincentius looked at Shu Ke in disbelief. It never occurred to him that a high-tier Dou Master like him would actually be instantly killed by a kid who had just become a Dou Master.


Seeing that Vincentius was heavily injured, Pondlich’s eyes immediately turned blood-red. His hair and body started growing at an inhuman speed.

Within the blink of an eye, he had already grown into a half-human and half-beast monster with black fur and sharp teeth.

A berserker’s unique skill, going berserk!

“He said that wants to skin you and eat you alive.”

Vincentius’s face was deathly pale. He smiled at Shu Ke weakly and said, “You’re right, I’m indeed the flaw in our duo. Pondlich will be the strongest without me!”

“You’re so dead, see you in hell!”

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