I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 202 The Designed World, the Resurrection of the Ancient God

One month later.

Good news: The Western God Realm has cleared the suspicion of colluding with the God Killer, and the small gap between the Immortal Realm and the God Realm has been re-sealed, which is a cause for celebration.

Bad news: The person who colluded with the God Killer is most likely the Ancient Immortal God, and the God Killer sneaked into the God Realm in an unknown way, killed two Western gods and successfully escaped.

When they got this news, Lu Wenwu and the True Lord of Destiny were heading towards the direction indicated by the power of destiny.

Having ruled out several wrong places, they were even approaching the last, real place related to the Ancient Immortal God.

The destination was a remote place in the borderland of the Cultivator Realm.

Because there was no spiritual energy, even few people chose to retreat here.

Probably only the gimmick of "suspected to be the former residence of the Ancient Immortal God" was worth praising.

To be honest, in Lu Wenwu's imagination, the Cultivator Realm should be a general term, referring to all small worlds.

But it was not until he really followed the True Lord of Destiny into it that he discovered that this was actually a very large place.

It's just that the various sects occupy the most abundant and prosperous part of the spiritual energy. Under the transformation of generations of near-god-level strongmen and the sect formation, a "pseudo-world" that is attached to the big world but not completely integrated has been formed.

It can't be compared with the truly complete small world like Lingtian Dongtian.

The so-called small worlds of those sects are at most a secret place with hidden and protected space boundaries.

The place where Lu Wenwu and the True Lord of Destiny are currently located is the real world of cultivators connected to these small worlds, which basically conforms to the appearance of the world of cultivation in Lu Wenwu's mind.

Except for the occasional passing wizards riding brooms, dragon riders riding flying dragons, short green-skinned goblins, and strong bearded dwarves that make the painting style a little strange.

The rest is basically a childhood dream.

Perhaps it is because the resources are so abundant that there is no need to fight for them. What is very valuable is that except for some minor frictions caused by hatred in the mythological era, the rest is basically harmonious.

There is no social atmosphere such as underworld cultivation.

Lu Wenwu once asked the True Lord of Destiny about spiritual roots, but the answer he got surprised him.

According to the True Lord of Destiny, the number of people with spiritual roots has always remained at a certain level.

Maybe it will fluctuate due to the times, but after so many years, even if the days of peace have lasted for so many years, there has still been no significant increase.

Even the number of mortals has always remained at a certain level, and has not increased exponentially.

Not much, but not a little.

The resources of the world of cultivators are enough to meet the needs of all cultivators.

With the upper world of immortals supervising the lower world, there are no large sects that play monopoly, and big cats and small cats have food to eat.

After digging into the inside story, the explanation he got made Lu Wenwu exclaim incredible.

The spiritual roots mentioned by Eastern cultivators, or the gift of heaven mentioned by Western cultivators, are actually a kind of illusion.

There is no substantial, materialized, organ-like thing.

There is only a certain qualification and qualification.

Moreover, this qualification is not hereditary, everything is random.

Even if both parents are peerless cultivators at the near-god level, the offspring born may not necessarily have the qualifications to cultivate.

Therefore, even to this day, searching for seedlings with cultivation qualifications in the human world has always been something that all major sects are doing.

Cultivators have been studying for more than 20,000 years, but they have not figured out the principle of "qualification", let alone using and improving it.

They have only figured out how to test the level of qualifications by themselves, and the iron rule that "those without qualifications cannot sense spiritual energy."

This is also the reason why this very small world of cultivators has not evolved into a gangster cultivation world compared to the huge worlds of cultivation that are billions of miles away in the novels of cultivation.

The land is vast, the population is sparse, the minerals are rich, and there are also fist-sized supervision.

The upper world, the world of cultivators, and the world of the human world, all of this is like a perfect self-circulation.

Do you say it is perfect?

This social environment is too stable and has been standing still for many years.

But do you say it is not perfect?

This social environment is enough to make everyone well-fed and well-clothed, fulfilling Du Zimei's lifelong dream - to protect the poor people in the world and make them happy, so that everyone has food to eat, clothes to wear, and houses to live in.

It is precisely because of understanding some of the truths of the current world that Lu Wenwu now has a feeling that "this world is set by some kind of program".

If there were no invisible big hands that have been conducting macro-control.

This almost utopian social environment is really difficult to maintain for so many years.

It is even more incomprehensible that humans have completed the technological explosion in a very short time, and then stagnated for a longer time.

Lu Wenwu once asked indirectly whether the Lord of Destiny realized that there was something wrong with this world.

But the other party just smiled and continued to secretly check his mental state in the way that Lu Wenwu was familiar with.

Lu Wenwu, who has an eye of insight, is very clear in his heart.

The Lord of Destiny did not ignore this problem directly because of his daily inattention.

Instead, he did think about it and believed that there was nothing wrong with this world, but his mental state was not right.

For this reason, in the following few days after Lu Wenwu hinted at it, the Lord of Destiny became concerned about his progress in cultivation.

I am afraid that because of some whimsical ideas, he will go astray and breed inner demons, and become obsessed with the path of cultivation.

Looking at the "confidant" level on the favorability list and the prompt to complete a hidden task of "Friends of Immortals and Gods", Lu Wenwu felt both warm and melancholy about this.

If this place is really just a designed "observation box", you can just pat your butt and walk away after completing the copy.

So what should old man Destiny do?

Continuing this near-eternal reincarnation, waiting for the invisible hand to perform another "version update" and release the shackles on everyone's heads?

Or should he shout "My destiny is up to me and not God", and then follow the example of Chen Nan, Chen Zhan and his son to join forces and plan for ten thousand years to go against the will and conquer the heavens?


Is maintaining the status quo the best option for people like them who are unaware of the situation they are in?

This is true.

"What are you thinking about? Why do you feel like you've been absent-minded these past few days?"

Above the clouds, True Lord Destiny glanced dissatisfied at Lu Wenwu who was deep in thought.

"We are going to the place soon. If you regret it, just say it quickly. We brothers still have time to regret it. If the ancient immortal god really revives, we will definitely explain it today. You old guy is dead. He’ll die, but don’t harm the lovely Maomao.”

As he spoke, Lord Destiny suddenly put on a kind smile and touched Maomao's dog's head.

It's very similar to the old man who was opposed to raising dogs before, but after taking the dog home, he was killed by the dog at the speed of light.

"Woof! The master will never die, woof!" Maomao whispered as he led Lu Wenwu on the clouds.

After coming back to his senses, Lu Wenwu showed his sunny white teeth again: "Do I regret it? Hey, old man Tianji, I think you are just trying to find a reason for yourself to be a timid lizard."

Let’s talk about what is controlled and not controlled.

I actually struggled with such trivial matters for several days?

Damn it!

Damn it, at worst, the world will explode in extreme anger!

I wonder if the mastermind behind the control of this world is pure?

Can you withstand a punch from someone like me, Lu?

Soon, the two people and the dog arrived at the location guided by the power of fate.

It looked like a green hill, about tens of meters high, and it was full of lush greenery as far as the eye could see.

"It should be here, the feeling is very strong." Lord Destiny, who landed on the ground, murmured, "But this place doesn't look like the former residence of ancient immortals and gods. Does he live here? In such a small hill?"

"You old man who can't keep up with the times, what nonsense are you talking about? If you understand the secrets of heaven, you will make yourself stupid, right?"

Lu Wenwu slammed his feet on the ground.

Earth HP-1.

After being annoyed by old man Destiny for so long, it was finally his turn to be angry.

"After at least 20,000 years of vicissitudes of life, with the intensity of the cultivator's battle, it only takes one battle with a heaven-level expert to smooth out even the tallest mountains without any protection."

"Get out! Do you need to remind me, old thing like you?"

The slightly blushing True Lord of Destiny cursed, directly resonating with the avenue to blind Tianji, and combined with the unique breath gathering technique to collect his own breath, it was actually perfectly integrated with the surrounding natural environment.

"My unique secret technique, do you need me to help this barbarian who can only use brute force? This is a magic that was only perfected in my time. You old man can't do it, right? Please beg me and I will teach you for free. !”

"Tsk, guys with low purity can only use some heretical techniques."

Lu Wenwu "tsk", and Maomao consciously turned into flame patterns and merged with it.

Afterwards, he suppressed the movement of his own functions and blood to an extremely low level, and his aura like that of a wild beast suddenly subsided.

In an instant, Lu Wenwu seemed to have turned into a solid stone, and there was no trace of life around him.

True Monarch Destiny let out a light sigh, and glanced over it with his immortal soul. It seemed as if he just passed by an extremely ordinary stone, and he didn't notice any abnormalities.

"You old man, how on earth did you do this?" He couldn't help but ask.

Lu Wenwu grinned: "The human body is amazing, isn't it?"

"Hmph! If you don't say it, don't say it! Just wait here and wait in peace!"

True Lord Destiny snorted and stopped talking.

His expression suddenly became cautious and serious, and his eyes looked directly at the hill.

He had explained in advance on the way here that it might take a long time to wait for the results this time.

Arriving at the right place at the right time leads to the right conclusion.

Therefore, Lord Destiny is very patient, like a fisherman who has prepared a nest and is about to catch a great white shark.

As for Lu Wenwu.

He was quite relaxed.

He wished he could have a fight with the ancient immortal god and test the opponent's purity.

If it hadn't been for True Lord Destiny Qian Dingzhu Wan's instructions, he would have rushed up and knocked the hilltop away with one punch to see what happened to the ancient immortal god.

It’s just that Lu Wenwu never expected it.

This wait is a full five days.

Just when he was getting agitated and couldn't bear it, and wanted to go into Lingtian Cave to fill up some eggs and eat pancakes, something happened suddenly.

In just a few seconds, the originally gloomy sky suddenly cleared up, and countless dark clouds suddenly dissipated.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, the concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly surged. In less than ten seconds, it had climbed hundreds of times. It was stronger than the best cultivation places in the major sects in the cultivator world.

True Lord Destiny held the compass in his hand tightly, even his whole face was exerting force, and the old wrinkles could not help but tremble slightly.

Centered on that small hill, an elemental tsunami formed instantly.

Countless fire elements from heaven and earth swarmed in, almost forming a substantial flame vortex.

Dragon-like tornadoes of flames swept across the wasteland, and the temperature rose sharply at the same time.

But the strange thing is that these flame tornadoes transformed by pure spiritual power did not burn the surrounding plants at all, and even withered and yellowed.

Just when True Lord Destiny was thinking about the identity of this ancient immortal god, suddenly, the small mountain bag exploded out of thin air.

In its original position, a coughing male figure was supported by giant flame dragons and walked through the air, rising slowly from the smoke and dust that had not yet dispersed, as if the second sun was rising.

The magical flames condensed into a magnificent halo of divine patterns behind his back, illuminating the short red hair like a steel needle like a burning flame.

The dazzling blue flame wings almost burned the space into a void and nothingness, which was extremely magnificent.

From his body, Lu Wenwu felt a very similar aura, as if he had the same origin.

But if you feel it carefully, it's not the same.

Beside, Lord Destiny's pupils had shrunk to the size of a pinhead.

"The sun is rising, the fire dragon is beside you. Blue-winged red hair, eyes as bright as stars. This is it! This is the sun god who ranks among the top ten among the ancient immortal gods, and can even compete for the top five!"

"Tyrannosaurus, something is not right. We must be ready to retreat at any time. This is completely beyond the scope of our ability to interfere. The opponent is too powerful for us to resist."

"If you are discovered by then, I will use the power of fate to help you cover up the secret. Don't worry about me. I am sure that I can deal with the opponent for a while. You must send the news of the ancient god's resurrection back to the upper world."

Sun god?

No wonder.

Unless it is some very abstract cultivation civilization, there is no weak Sun God.

Lu Wenwu suddenly knew something in his mind and opened his eyes of insight to analyze it.


Is there any danger of being discovered when observing S-level masters with the Eye of Insight?

Sorry, that was exactly what I was looking for!

If the Eye of Insight is discovered by the other party, it will be exactly what Lu Wenwu wants.

In this way, he could openly and openly stuff the Lord of Destiny back into the Lingtian Cave, and then rush up to test the opponent's strength.

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