I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 165 He still has to thank us

After sending Wan Zhaoguo away, Lu Wenwu also went to the other three ships to meet the other three democratic officers.

There was nothing much to say, just punch them one by one and send them to eternal bliss.

Those ship members were easy to deal with.

Even though they had been brainwashed by the jokey democracy and free will for a long time, they were essentially just ordinary people, not noble people with firm beliefs - the truly noble ones would directly become the underworld heroes, who would stay here as a soldier?

In front of their own lives, most of them would make the right choice.

Lu Wenwu, who failed to make the right choice, had already done it for them, and the main point was that he was willing to help others.

Workers are easy to satisfy, but those democratic officers with B-level citizenship are not.

These are the diehards of the Superhuman Federation, and the running dogs sent by the Ministry of Truth to be the warlords.

It is better to die.

It will take a long time for Wan Zhaoguo to contact his strange creature companions.

After waiting for nothing, Lu Wenwu simply stopped acting after killing the democratic official. He opened a space channel and went down to collect food without even needing Pelican No. 1 and the Jedi jet cabin.

Acid-spitting Titan: Danger

Wanzhao Kingdom is very fast.

Not long after Lu Wenwu went down, a super destroyer had already jumped in at super-light speed and docked beside him, heading to the election representative Super Human Federation for a "pilgrimage".

Busy with collecting bugs, Lu Wenwu naturally had no time to deal with them now. The killer whale sisters and Mao Mao were responsible for receiving them.


Mainly Mao Mao.

After all, Mao Mao is also very famous. At the beginning, he was also the existence above all the weirds in Qigui Yuying Middle School.

With more and more humanoid weirds coming to gather, Mao Mao has even been promoted directly from "Brother Mao" to "Master Mao".

When Lu Wenwu learned about this through the communicator, he almost couldn't hold it and almost crushed the communicator.

Can this thing be called casually?

Hurry up and change it back!

So, Mao Mao was forced to retreat and become "Brother Mao" and "Brother Dog".

The next day, Wan Zhaoguo brought a group of humanoid and non-humanoid monsters to find Lu Wenwu who was depressed.

The densely populated areas of Zerg in the surrounding areas were plowed by Lu Wenwu.

But there were not many acid-spitting Titans.

After a large circle of plowing, only more than 40 acid-spitting Titans were harvested, plus about a hundred tank worms.

No matter how Lu Wenwu brushed, or how the Zerg sounded the alarm, no acid-spitting Titans appeared.

Probably this area had been completely cleared by him.

This was a bargain for other Huangquan Lie Zerg who were doing tasks.

This thing is considered food for Lu Wenwu, but it is still quite deadly to other Huangquan Lie Zerg.

Five or six Titans were brushed out at once. If there is not enough anti-heavy armor strategic support, it is likely to be sent.

Lu Wenwu, who was too lazy to deal with the tank bugs, simply sat down at the place where he had landed before and began to deal with the pile of acid-spitting Titan meat he had hunted.

His physical attribute has now reached the terrifying [7739.5].

Not long after the start of this dungeon, Lu Wenwu has already gained more than 600 attribute points, which is definitely a great harvest.

In the previous dungeons, how could such a good thing happen?

Sure enough, the dungeons with high level ratings are still more attractive.

It’s a pity that none of the side quests and hidden quests have been unlocked.

This is quite painful.

Lu Wenwu still wants to open a few mysterious lucky bags and try his luck.

"Fifth Master."

Wan Zhaoguo led a group of strange creatures and came over. He stood in the front and bowed and said.

"Meet Fifth Master!" The strange creatures shouted in unison, and the sound was deafening.

Although most of them didn’t look like human beings, the expressions on their faces and the fanatical eyes said everything.

"Hmm? Oh, are all the brothers here?"

The depression on Lu Wenwu's face was swept away, and he looked around.

Not to mention, the average quality of these strange creatures is really good, at least above A level, and about a quarter are A-level.

"Let's go back to the ship and talk."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge space channel slowly opened up and condensed into a wormhole.

A group of strange creatures exclaimed immediately, marveling at this move.

A strange creature that mainly studies space ability couldn't help but praise: "It's worthy of being the Fifth Master. Such a stable space channel can be used directly as a permanent channel if it is slightly reinforced!"

Wan Zhaoguo also echoed: "Who said it wasn't? Opening a space channel is just a thought of the Fifth Master. A thing like a worm that can break at any time can also be called a space channel? It's almost like a space coffin!"

"Yes, yes, the Fifth Master is real."

Listening to the flattery of the strange creatures, even Lu Wenwu couldn't help blushing.

Don't brag about his space skills that he knows the result but not the reason. It's really not good enough.

It was so smooth because he had walked through it once before. The passage could be used directly after being reinforced and opened. There was no need to think about it.

Back on the ship, the thirty-six humanoid monsters had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Now that they saw Lu Wenwu in person, they were all overjoyed and excited to tears.

Lu Wenwu spent a lot of effort to appease these monsters, and finally knew what his current status was in the Qinglong Learning Mutual Aid Association.

Thanks to Fangzi, he has been completely deified.

To what extent is this deification?

If Fang Zi could organize some periodic large-scale worship activities, Lu Wenwu might be able to harvest the power of faith or the power of incense, extract divinity from it, and start nurturing spiritual seeds!

So outrageous!

Lu Wenwu is no longer as simple as an ordinary president.

In the Qinglong Learning Mutual Aid Association, he is a belief-like existence.

Otherwise, Wan Zhaoguo would not have been so frightened and bowed before recognizing Lu Wenwu.

After a brief meeting, the monsters expressed unconditional support for Lu Wenwu's decision.

Lu Wenwu also roughly understood the power he currently had.

There are forty super destroyers, and all strategic support is basically unlocked. This is the most basic.

The previous convulsive attack of the Zerg was also led by the monsters. Together with some non-Qinglong Learning Mutual Aid Association members, they drove the bugs to launch a sneak attack on the Super Human Federation.

The Zerg are indeed not intelligent creatures, let alone an intelligent race, let alone a complete governing body and social structure.

They have some simple intelligence, but it is about the same as ordinary small animals, and they are not very smart.

In most cases, these bugs just follow their instincts to hunt, feed, reproduce, and attack humans.

The monsters don't know why these bugs have the instinct to kill humans.

But humans themselves are on the diet of the monsters, so those non-humanoid monsters directly chose to join the Zerg camp after entering the dungeon, and used their own abilities to drive them to attack the Super Human Federation.

If Lu Wenwu hadn't happened, they originally planned to wait until the war between the Super Human Federation and the robots reached a fever pitch, then use the Zerg's space power to dig a passage directly to New Biostan and steal the robot's home.

While stealing the home, it also caused a Zerg riot in the surrounding 710 element farm, which bloomed in the robot's hometown, forcing the robot to start a two-front battle.

At that time, the Zerg can mediate between the two sides, forming a quagmire of three-party melee.

In this way, as long as the robot camp is destroyed, they can at least complete the guaranteed main mission.

In addition, the insiders lurking in the Super Human Federation may not have the opportunity to severely damage the Super Human Federation and achieve a higher level of evaluation.

Of course, that is a thing of the past.

Now that Lu Wenwu is here, Qingtian is here!

Seventy-two monsters all switched to Lu Wenwu's sect, without even considering whether this matter was unreliable.

In their minds, as long as the legendary president Lu Wenwu is around, the success rate of even the most absurd things is 100%!

"Fifth Master, please tell us what we should do? Let's directly drive the super destroyer shoulder to shoulder, rush into Ersi's super human federal government, and seize the bird position?" Wan Zhaoguo asked.

"Don't worry about this yet." Lu Wenwu waved his hand, "Do you know how many acid-spitting Titans there are in the Zerg now and where they are? I need some of them, the more the better."

"Fifth Master wants to kill the acid-vomiting titan and eat its flesh?" a humanoid monster asked.

Lu Wenwu nodded: "That's part of the reason."

Compared to storming into the Senate and killing the president, improving purity was obviously a higher priority.

We have become the manipulators behind the Zerg clan. A whole thousand and eight hundred acid-spitting Titans come here to kill us. I guess it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

Wan Zhaoguo thought for a while and replied apologetically: "Fifth Master, this matter may be a bit difficult to handle. It is very difficult for the Zerg acid-spitting titans to be conceived. The current situation is basically that one will be killed and one will be lost. At present, most of them are They have already been deployed on the Eastern Front battlefield, and only a few are left to guard their homes.”

After hearing what he said, Lu Wenwu suddenly became even more depressed.

Forgot about this one.

Forget it, wait until the end of this dungeon before deciding. Anyway, the entire Zerg race has become his own.

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and I'm not in a hurry.

"In that case, forget it."

Lu Wenwu sighed and began to give instructions on the next action plan.

"The humanoid monsters will all go back to their own ships, directly kill the democratic officer, control the others, and then we will collectively jump to Erth. By then, all the monsters will be waiting on the ship to take over the firepower module operation authority on the ship."

"When I throw the Hellfire destroyer bomb as a signal, all the monsters will fire freely towards the guidance beacon. I will destroy all the explosives produced on your ship. Shoot as many as you can. Don't stop until I give an order."

Wan Zhaoguo hesitated for a moment and said cautiously: "Fifth Master, what about you?"

Lu Wenwu waved his hand nonchalantly: "You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. Just hit yourselves and that's it. If there's an anti-aircraft fire attack, just look after yourselves first and don't die."

"If there's no problem, then that's it. Let's go down to our groups. You two can help keep an eye on Maomao and I's boat. If there is an emergency, I will contact Wan Zhaoguo."

"I will obey the President's order!"

A group of strange creatures responded with a roar and quickly left the lounge.

"So, what is plan B?" Hu Shuang asked, "They have already beheaded Erth once before. The other side will definitely strengthen their defenses. It is possible that even the super destroyer will not let us dock in low-Earth orbit. If not, , how are you doing?"

"If you can't make it, then I'll go by myself, it doesn't matter." Lu Wenwu smiled nonchalantly.

Hu Shuang asked again: "Well, even if you can fight your way in alone, if the plan fails, how are you going to get out? I know you have space power, but the Super Human Federation also has some control, so you have to be prepared for the space channel to be cut off."

"That's easy, I'll just fight my way out, it's easy." Lu Wenwu still smiled.

In his words, fighting out of the capital of the Super Human Federation surrounded by a large number of troops is as simple as pushing the door and leaving from your own home.

Hu Shuang was originally going to say something else.

But seeing Lu Wenwu's extremely confident smile, and thinking of the other party's terrifying strength, he could only sigh and acquiesce in this "sending" and child's play decapitation operation.

Although we are completely in the dark about the other party's strength, we have the invincible Lu Wenwu!

Don't panic when something happens, use the invincible Lu Wenwu to think of a solution!

Hu Shuang comforted himself in this way, and gave orders to the captains of each ship to start the superluminal jump.

Otherwise, robots and the Super Earth Human Federation are all raising bugs.

This 710 element-powered super-light-speed jump device is really something.

In just a few seconds, forty super destroyers have collectively jumped to the super spaceport above Ers.

As Hu Shuang said, after being decapitated once, the Super Human Federation has become much more cautious and has activated all the defense measures that can be opened to defend Ers.

Even the super destroyers of the Huangquan Lie cannot dock in the low-Earth orbit, but need to dock in the spaceport higher up.

Lu Wenwu and Maomao each showed their A-class citizen identities and easily boarded the ferry to the capital Ers, and it was a first-class cabin.

They entered Ers effortlessly without arousing anyone's suspicion.

Just kidding, who would doubt two A-class citizens serving as Huangquan Lie?

A citizen with a higher level of authority is more powerful!

Even if the A-class citizen is a dog!

After spending a small amount of subscription points to take a bus to the city center, Lu Wenwu, who transformed into a federal hero power armor, strode straight to the federal government, which had strengthened its defense.

The Ministry of Truth, which only had half of its building left, was being demolished and rebuilt, and it was temporarily combined with the super federal government in one building.

"The 12th floor, the 13th floor of the Senate. The office of the president."

Lu Wenwu, who had revealed his identity, looked at the building number cast on the alloy plate at the front desk and rubbed his chin.

"Excuse me, I have to go to the headquarters office of the Super Human Federation Armed Forces on the 11th floor to apply for a batch of weapons and equipment that are in the testing stage for actual combat testing. This is my and its identity information."

This was the excuse he had thought of long ago.

Thanks to this clause that Huangquan Lie Zhe can apply to be a guinea pig.

"Wait a minute."

The front desk entered the identity information of Lu Wenwu and Maomao into the terminal, compared it with the citizen information, and submitted the application.

Soon, a "biling" sound flashed on the yellow terminal.

The receptionist immediately smiled sweetly, took out two cards and presented them with both hands: "Your application has been approved, respected Huangquan heroes, thank you for your contributions to the cause of freedom and democracy. Here are your temporary ID cards. Please swipe the cards from this elevator to enter."

You see, we rebelled against him, and he still has to thank us!

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