I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 158: Fighting the Mechanical War, Being a Cyber ​​Mold

On the super destroyer, Lu Wenwu and others received an order from the headquarters.

"What the hell? The capital of Erth was attacked by terrorists, and the Zerg vanguard army launched a massive attack, so the underworld warriors who were outside were asked to rush back to the Free area of ​​the Draco Division to help defend? Where is this going?"

Seeing the information from the personal terminal, Lu Wenwu and others fell into deep thought.

The Zerg crossed the Slatrad Sector and plunged into Draco.

Free, who was at the forefront, bore the brunt and was forced to become something like a bridgehead.

Zagon, which was originally used as a reef to receive the impact in the super human federation plan, was directly bypassed. The Zerg currently does not seem to have any interest in this place.

In fact, when Lu Wenwu and others received the news, 60% of the area in the Slatrad subdivision had fallen into a state of occupation, and the situation was worrying.

"Shouldn't it?"

Lu Wenwu was a little confused and kept scratching the furry dog's head.

"Although the strategy of fighting on two fronts, with one side feigning an attack and the other making a sneak attack, has been used to death in human history, have the Zerg really evolved this level of intelligence?"

Lu Wenwu was certain and certain that the Zerg were definitely not intelligent creatures.

Because the language of all things is not included.

The language of all things is proficient. Even the language of the god-level race outside the territory - the dimension wanderer can be included. What does it mean to be a mere insect?

Moreover, if the purpose of the 710 Elemental Farm is to raise Zerg to refine oil and cultivate some biological weapons, it is impossible for the Super Human Federation to allow them to evolve advanced intelligence.

Not to mention making their armor, combat capabilities, and intelligence stronger during the genetic debugging process, because that is not in the interest of the Super Human Federation.

Then, this is probably the only reason left.

A player is causing trouble!

Those players who have joined the Zerg camp are leading the Zerg army to attack, arranging these reckless bugs in an orderly manner, and concentrating their firepower to attack the defense line of the Super Human Federation.

No buddy, is there really someone who is leading the way for the Zerg Taijun?

Lu Wenwu felt complicated.

"Tyrannosaurus, what should we do now? Go back to support the defense line in the Free area?"

Hu Shuang looked at him, followed by Hu Mo.

Two pairs of eyes looked at Lu Wenwu eagerly, waiting for him to make up his mind.

To be able to reach the level of A level, unless you practice hard before becoming a player, there is absolutely no chance of winning all the way.

These two sisters who can write a book together should not have no ideas at all. They are like two little birds in Xiaojiabiyu, who all rely on Lu Wenwu to make decisions.

This is probably because these two killer whales really listened to the advice, and they really hugged each other if they had big legs.

Hold it and never let go.

Previously, they heard that Lan Shan boasted about Lu Wenwu's power after returning. The two sisters believed that they were not as good as Lu Wenwu in understanding the dungeon, so they decided to fight wherever he pointed.

Wouldn't it be nice to just lie down and win and get a high rating?

Lu Wenwu thought for a moment and shook his head: "No, the Zerg can't be defeated now. It's boring to fight a small group of troops. Let's go directly to the Western Front to fight the robots and see what's going on with the Melafon Mon River."

Hu Shuang didn't ask, just watched quietly, waiting for him to give his reason.

Sure enough, Lu Wenwu continued: "Why are you going to Forry? You can only be a filler there. In a large-scale war, personal force will be weakened to an extremely low level, unless you can suppress the entire battlefield alone."

"However, none of us now know what the true strength of the Super Human Federation is, and how many trump cards are hidden behind it. It is not wise to reveal the strength of our extraordinary beings on the battlefield, as that will attract too much attention."

"Although I'm not afraid of the apparent power of the Super Human Federation, we'd better be more careful before we understand everything thoroughly."


Hu Mo nodded happily beside him.

Suddenly, she seemed to realize something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, are you not afraid of the power currently displayed by the Super Human Federation?"

Lu Wenwu shrugged: "Be fearless. Even if I hold the Hellfire obliteration bomb, I will be unscathed. This thing wants to break my defense?"

Indeed, Lu Wenwu's current defensive power is astonishingly strong.

After absorbing two pieces of legendary equipment and one epic piece of equipment, the body of the Forged God has reached an incredible level of defense.

What's more, Lu Wenwu was originally following the body-training route, and his physical defense was already terrifying.

Coupled with the dragon scales activated by the True Dragon Battle Body and the weakening caused by the coverage of the Qi and Blood Dragon Scales, it is really difficult to break through his defenses.

The 500-kilogram Eagle bomb that can instantly kill an acid-spitting Titan when hit head-on, and the Hellfire obliteration bomb are just a joke to him, just scraping.

Now that he had made his decision, Lu Wenwu removed the sound insulation barrier in the room, notified the captain to start the joint jump, and plunged into the Western Front where the war was fierce.

In the sky above the Melafimmon River, countless super destroyers lay across the sky.

Looking into the distance from the bridge, a large area was as black as locusts.

A large number of red and blue guidance beacons are shot out from the ground, and Jedi jet cabins are dropped from low-Earth orbit at every moment, along with a large number of flying eagles, pelicans, partridges, and countless rail guns taking off and landing. Provide strategic support to the fighting Huangquan martyrs.

Just after the four spaceships finished their jump, several thick red high-energy particle beams were instantly shot into space from the ground.

A spaceship in front of Lu Wenwu and others was hit in the middle of the ship by the sudden high-energy particle beam without any suspense.

The super alloy outer armor of the ship, which is said to be the strongest ship developed by the Super Human Federation, does not even have the slightest effect.

A large ball of fire exploded from the hit location, and continuous explosions of fire appeared one after another.

The entire super destroyer was broken into two pieces from the middle, and countless twisted metal debris fell toward the ground together with a few lucky escape capsules.

This scene is happening in more than one place.

This is the Melafim River, the place with the most brutal fighting on the entire planet.

Even super destroyers in low Earth orbit will be destroyed.

Lu Wenwu glanced at the captain: "I don't understand ships, so I have a question. Since the Federation has the ability to make large protective shields, why doesn't it also install one on the super destroyer?"

The captain seemed not to expect that he would ask this question.

After struggling for a moment, she answered in an uncertain tone: "Perhaps it's because the technology is not up to par? Or maybe it's because trying to maintain a protective shield that can cover the super destroyer consumes too much energy. You have to know, Huangquan Lie The purchase points required for one mission are enough to build a super cruiser.”

Lu Wenwu originally wanted to ask, since the cost of a mission for the Underworld Martyr is more expensive than building a super cruiser, why not use all the funds to build a super destroyer?

He thought about it later.

The ranks of this federal company are reversed. Maybe the destroyers here are of a higher level than the cruisers.

He simply didn't ask.

As for the cost and energy issues mentioned by the captain, that is pure nonsense.

Lu Wenwu didn't even include a single punctuation mark.

The shield generator and the egg shield backpack absorb the free energy of heaven and earth and automatically recharge, which requires a shitty amount of energy.

Combined with the super alloy that can be torn easily, Lu Wenwu has reason to suspect that the super destroyer and super cruiser are both paper tigers and paper shells that can be broken with a poke.

If the cost of this thing itself is not high, then the cost of a mission for the Underworld Lieutenant is comparable to that of a super cruiser, which is very reasonable.

Without worrying about this issue anymore, Lu Wenwu casually chose a desperate mission of difficulty nine and prepared to lead his teammates into the Jedi jet cabin.

At this moment, the democratic officer stopped him: "Your Excellency Tyrannosaurus, this is the first time for you and your teammates to fight against robots. As usual, I must remind you that those robots are cold and ruthless executioners, and there is no trace of human beings at all." Please don’t try to communicate with the other party.”

The maintenance engineer also added: "We once heard that the robot would emit a series of numbers - 01001000 01001001. This is likely to be evidence that these damn Conmi robots want to destroy humans, or some other mysterious code. Please be careful. ”

Lu Wenwu raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

He just put the transformed helmet on his head and entered the Jedi jet cabin to attack.

The numbers the armorer said were a bunch of mysterious code and evidence of the destruction of humanity.

This is a simple string of binary code.

Translated into adult it means: HI

Yes, it's that simple, it has no special meaning at all.

Although Lu Wenwu does not understand programming, binary mathematical language is also a language.

There is an intelligent race in the universe that uses binary mathematical language as its official language. He who knows the language of all things can naturally understand it.

As four Jedi jet cabins fell, Lu Wenwu and others successfully landed in a dense forest.

The Melafon Mon River area seems to have a strange climate like eternal night.

No matter when I come here, it is almost always gloomy.

The searchlight at the base of the Kangmi Robot Legion emits red light, scanning back and forth for all invading creatures in the dense forest.

On the towering rotating spire, a scarlet eye shines on the earth, like Sauron's beacon.

The constantly rotating giant strategically equipped jamming device shone with terrifying light, distorting all signals in the area into incomprehensible information.

Decapitated, headless corpses were leaning against the edge of the steel city wall of the robot camp. The corpses with countless wounds told of the horror here.

Many soldiers who survived the Battle of Melafon Mon River fell into severe post-war stress trauma when they returned.

Like madmen, they are afraid of all plants and all red things, even if it is just a ripe apple.

There is even a saying among these survivors that is horrifying to outsiders: The trees in the Melafimmon River can talk.

Three people and one dog were lying on the ground, looking at the robot camps surrounded by rainbow machine guns and light mortars from a distance. One after another, metal skeletons shaped like Terminators came out of the inside.

The Walker mecha, which can withstand ordinary bullets without damage, is divided into groups of three, and cooperates with a large number of armored soldiers to form airtight patrols one after another.

A giant tank-like turret stood tall, with a blazing orange light emitting from the grille behind it for heat dissipation.

This is almost the only weakness of large units in the robot race.

For example, the huge Annihilation Tank, the giant destroyer nicknamed the Happy Sawman, cannot penetrate the opponent's heavy armor even if it is bombarded head-on with terrifying weapons such as quasar cannons.

The giant units among these robots resemble sand monks, adorned with human heads attached to their bodies.

This could be a sign of honor, or simply a way to vent your anger.

While Lu Wenwu was looking at the map, Hu Mo's ears moved and he said via voice transmission: "Hey, did you hear anything?"

Hu Shuang glanced at her: "In addition to the metal friction caused by the robot moving, what else can it be?"

Maomao pricked up his big ears, listened carefully for a while and then said: "It seems to be a song. Although it is a bit unpleasant."

Hearing what it said, Hu Shuang also used his skills to activate his hearing.

It can indeed be heard that the patrolling robots seem to be uttering certain rhythmic syllables in unison.

Maybe this is really music.

"It's just a song, and it's a military song. If you listen carefully, you can hear the English words. However, there seems to be something wrong with the vocal modules of these robots, and the speech is very vague."

Lu Wenwu put down his personal terminal and translated for several people.

"Iron forges the heart, will forges the steel, passes on the backup, goes to the battlefield. The iron will never fades, we march and face the difficulties. Cyberstein will be liberated, unite and join the battlefield."

"Robots can also sing? Is this an intelligent program?" Hu Shuang asked, "The instructor told us before that robots are not just guys with killing programs, so how can they still sing?"

"Maybe we were deceived by the Super Human Federation, and they may have covered up the truth." Lu Wenwu replied.

Since discovering the truth about the 710 Elemental Farm, it has been difficult for him not to engage in conspiracy theories about the Super Human Federation.

The other party has been overwhelmingly promoting that Kangmi robots are not intelligent. Do they really have no intelligence?

Lu Wenwu pointed at a mechanical commander with a fervent sword on his right arm: "No, look at that. The study materials also say that mechanical commanders are just guys who just sit back and enjoy their gains. They can only command armored soldiers, looters, and surprise attacks. Go and die."

"Do you think what is the real situation now? I don't see this mechanical commander sitting back and enjoying his success. Instead, he leads the team to clear the way, leading the patrol team to patrol conscientiously."

"So now I suspect that the relationship between robots and the Super Human Federation cannot be as advertised. They are mortal enemies that developed freely on the same planet. They are definitely inseparable from the Super Human Federation."

"What's the reason?" Hu Shuang asked, "There is no substantial evidence to support this argument!"

"How not?"

Lu Wenwu glanced at her in surprise and pointed at the yellow computer on a high platform in the robot camp.

"Look at that, the standard terminal console of the Super Human Federation. Do you think robots have anything to do with them? Only a ghost can believe it!"

Hu Shuang paused: "So now we."

Lu Wenwu marked a point on the map: "You go here and wait for me first. If you can do the task, do it. I'll catch a tongue and come back. Then the democratic officer won't let me communicate with the robot? I have to see what happens today. Something happened!”

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