I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 145: Study hard, the most useful episode (6k)

Lu Wenwu's actions actually had no substantial effect, he just vented his anger.

Maybe Liu Jianwu really committed suicide with a group of new humans to play God's Descent in order to selflessly protect this continent, and maybe he also wanted to drive a big Gundam like Diawara.

But what does it matter?

As the abyss of human morality, Lu Wenwu actually doesn't care whether the God's Blessed Continent is destroyed, who will be in power among the new humans, or whether all the new humans are dead.

It's okay if the Shenlong Tribe and Dalbie have trouble, and the rest is up to whoever loves him.

Anyway, he has transplanted all the big blueberry trees.

The main thing is that

Liu Jianwu sacrificed the entire Xincheng, causing Lu Wenwu to lose a large amount of free attribute points!

This made him very uncomfortable.

In his heart, he angrily denounced these terrifying * cult members.

What a psycho!

The other side committed suicide and shook people, and you also committed suicide and shook people.

Does the result of the fight have anything to do with you?

You want to die before shaking people, and you still die after shaking people, so you shook people in vain, right?


A loud and clear sound suddenly sounded in the sky outside, and a group of people immediately ran out and looked up at the sky.

In just a few seconds, the sun, which had already revealed a ray of light, disappeared again, and a dark cloud that was about to make people breathless slowly pressed down.

A dark crack stretched across the sky like lightning, and behind it was a silence like an eternal night, the ultimate darkness.

The crack slowly spread, and the whole sky burst into a "crackling" sound of breaking.

One after another, the black fine cracks slowly spread, and the originally complete sky was now broken layer by layer like a spider web, constantly protruding and collapsing downwards.

It seemed that some incredible great power was about to break through the limitations of the dimension and descend on this world!

Suddenly, Lu Wenwu's face changed drastically.

At a certain moment, he felt a huge sense of crisis surge in his heart.

That strong omen of death did not come from him, but from Maomao, who was closest to him!

"Go to Lingtian Mountain quickly, otherwise it will die"

"Go to Lingtian Mountain quickly, otherwise it will die"

"Go to Lingtian Mountain quickly, otherwise it will die"

A faint voice sounded in Lu Wenwu's ears.

It was a great voice that was indistinguishable between male and female, as if the will of nature was present, as if the way of heaven appeared in the world.

This voice was so familiar, I had heard it before.

This is the voice of the earth!

"Go to Lingtian Mountain quickly! Everyone come in!"

Lu Wenwu reacted instantly, his face changed suddenly, and he enveloped everyone in the teleportation light and sent them away.

Only the fat cat that could not be moved remained in his hands.

When interviewing the ghost messenger in the underworld before, Di Ting disdainfully complained that the time and space demon god·life and death was a small god worshipped in the countryside, and helped him transform the life and death talisman.

The original skills with negative power on it were removed and directly changed to the powerful Di Ting blessing.

Since then, the Life and Death Talisman has a bit of the power of Di Ting.

Although it is not as strong as it was originally, it can occasionally hear the reminder of the earth when the crisis is approaching, which is equivalent to a Bluetooth headset with a not very good signal.

This is the God's Blessing Continent, not Shenzhou.

Lu Wenwu didn't know how credible the words of the earth on this continent were, but he still did it.

He believed that Di Ting would not cheat him.

It's not because of how good his relationship with Di Ting is.

It's not because of how strong Di Ting's character is in myths and legends.

It's because even the powerful Dimensional Demon God·Life and Death, who can destroy an entire planet by just creating a believer, is not even as good as a hair in Di Ting's eyes, and he doesn't even look at it.

I am just a B+ level little Karami, there is no reason for Di Ting to dig a hole in person.

Just like someone will not be strangled by Taobao, JD.com, and Pinxixi because someone opened a small store at the entrance of the village.

Just after the group entered, the originally dark sky suddenly turned blood red, as if it was about to ooze blood.

The bulge in the sky had reached a certain limit and exploded instantly.

The sky was broken.

A huge crack was located in the sky, revealing a sky full of stars that had been obscured for ten thousand years.

Then, a huge, white round sphere slowly blocked the crack and poked down.

It was so huge that it almost filled Lu Wenwu's entire field of vision.

There were extremely thick blue-black pipes protruding faintly around the white giant ball, and the center showed a chaotic black.

It seemed that there was a nebula flowing and changing in it, eternal and immortal.

The surroundings of the new city underwent drastic changes at this moment.

Countless plants began to grow rapidly as if the accelerator key was pressed, and the entire new city almost became a forest in just a few seconds.

Some weak and strange beasts around the new city suddenly went crazy and showed a posture similar to worshiping the sky.

Their bodies began to expand rapidly, and abnormal postures quickly grew on their bodies, and they went in the direction of the monster and never returned.

Rona and others had just arrived near the new city at this time, and they also saw the huge white sphere in the air slowly descending and pressing down.

That kind of terrifying breath and pressure was enough to scare people.

The strange rules and the huge amount of information that humans could not understand came along with the other party's descent. The four people were stunned there for a moment, and their bodies began to quickly undergo different degrees of changes.

The black man with a buzz cut was the weakest.

He let out a shrill howl, and within a few seconds, his body was covered with countless pairs of eyes and eight arms.

His body was covered with a carapace like an insect, and a large number of tentacles, arms and legs, and claws similar to those of marine creatures also grew rapidly from his body.

A living human suddenly turned into a monster!

A monster that had completely lost its self-awareness and whose soul was shattered by a huge amount of information!

Theoretically, he was not dead yet, and his body strength was further enhanced.

But in fact, his soul was shattered and he was completely dead.

Following closely behind were Xiao Rizi and Xiao Xiba.

They looked even more miserable than the black man with a buzz cut.

A large number of explosions appeared on their bodies, completely shattering their flesh and bones, turning them into two pieces of wriggling rotten meat.

Even more miserable was that their souls were still being tortured by the torrent of information and had not been completely shattered.

This double torture of soul and body completely crushed their sanity in just a few seconds, even their self-personality collapsed, and they completely lost the concept of "I".

Even if they can be resurrected later with their powerful recovery ability, they can only become a living shell similar to the walking dead, with only the instincts in their bodies.

Rona, who is the strongest, lasted the longest.

A steady stream of golden light emerged from his body to try to withstand this unknown mutation pollution.

But obviously, this is not very effective.

At the last moment when his consciousness was about to blur, he activated his strong retreat prop.

The golden cross shone brightly, as if Jesus came in person, turning into a cross light to wrap Rona, and suddenly disappeared here.

The broken heart of Tao called ambition was broken.

The current situation has completely exceeded the scope of his understanding, and it is still important to save his life.

The strange beasts are mutating, and the new humans are mutating.

One hundred kilometers with the New City Holy Church as the center, unless hidden underground.

All other creatures, no matter what they were doing, were being forced backflow by this massive amount of information.

In just a moment, Lu Wenwu was struck by lightning.

He suddenly felt that his mind was filled with countless knowledge that was difficult for humans to understand and describe, and his entire brain was about to be blown up by the power from the high-dimensional space.

He hurriedly closed his eyes and stopped watching, but the incomparable amount of information was still madly filling his soul, almost driving him crazy.

Under the impact of this information, in order to adapt to this situation, his body was passively about to undergo some changes.

Lu Wenwu tried his best to operate the "Body Refining Technique to Conquer People with Virtue", pushing the technique to the extreme, even overloading it.

In a moment, the [Blood and Flesh Regeneration] talent on the system panel flickered faintly, and Lu Wenwu only felt that his whole body was hot.

In the almost endless flow of information, a figure that could not be recorded and described by language appeared.

Lu Wenwu didn't know how to describe that figure. Apart from many parts that were similar to the new humans, many other parts were beyond the limits of what human language could describe.

Many parts were beyond cognition, and even the specific shapes were difficult to describe, as if they were constantly changing.

Even with just one look, one could see through His essence.

God of Origin

God of Great Evolution

God of the Outer Realm!

He, has descended!

Lu Wenwu regained his sanity and clarity under the hot flow, looking up at the scene in the sky that was enough to shock a lifetime.

Space was breaking, and dimensions were opening up.

There was a huge eyeball in the sky!

An eyeball belonging to the God of the Outer Realm! ?

Lu Wenwu was shocked by his own guess.

He. Actually descended in his true form?


His body, which was only the size of an eyeball, was even larger than a planet!

The Eye of Insight had completely lost its function at this moment.

Facing a true god who was far superior to Lu Wenwu, even without any protection, even the interference of the rules around him made the analysis of the Eye of Insight completely ineffective.

All the things scanned out were question marks.

Lu Wenwu couldn't even be sure whether the other party had only sent one eyeball, or whether this space could only withstand one eyeball from other dimensions.

After all, this person had actually destroyed at least three civilizations.

" # \u0026 @~\u0026%*~\u0026¥~……)¥."

A unique and awkward voice sounded in the sky.

The voice was not loud, but when Lu Wenwu received it, his mind felt groggy, as if his soul was sleepy.

This was because the amount of information contained in this unique language was too huge, even with Lu Wenwu's current physical strength, he could only barely receive it.

Except for him, other creatures did not react at all.

Each one was immersed in the blood resonance after the arrival of the ancestral bloodline, enjoying the improvement brought by strength.

They were bathed in that strange rule, not caring at all that their bodies had been transformed into completely abnormal and twisted postures, but instead roaring wildly with extreme excitement.

After two full minutes, Lu Wenwu finally woke up from that state of spiritual drowsiness with a bewildered look on his face.

After he woke up, he looked at the sky with even more shock, and his heart was filled with intense disbelief.

Why is it that only his soul responds to a sound that is heard by all living things?

Because he completely understood it!

The language of this alien god is recorded in All Languages!

In other words, this alien god is not alone. He has many tribesmen, who are living individuals in a certain intelligent race!

The meaning of this alien god just now is: "Huh? You actually understand our words! How amazing!"

Beyond that, there was an emotion of surprise.

As for the other meanings conveyed in that sentence, Lu Wenwu couldn't understand it.

At least I can't understand it now.

It may also be because he lacks a special sensory organ of this race.

Now he finally recalled why the runes in the magic circle inscribed by Liu Jianwu looked familiar.

Many of them are full of fantasy and meaningless.

But some of the most mysterious combinations can be combined into a sentence in the language spoken by the gods from outside the realm.

Translated into Chinese it is - Brother, save us!

Who knows how Liu Jianwu learned the language of the race of gods from outside the territory!

This made Lu Wenwu sweatdrop, remembering an idea he had seen about humans, ants, and Cthulhu.

Human beings are ants in the eyes of Cthulhu, and they are also Cthulhu in the eyes of ants.

It is the kind of unknown, incomprehensible, and unknowable creature.

Imagine if a swarm of ants lined up on your desk and used a laser pointer to line up a sentence.

For example: Brother is awesome! We are starving. Can you give us some food?

Only humans with a little curiosity noticed this, and they would definitely try to throw some food to them to see what the ants were up to.

Some people even use their mobile phones to record and post on their WeChat Moments to show off.

Maybe the ants themselves don't understand what this is.

But as long as they know that if they do a certain thing at a certain time, there is a chance that they can summon human help or anger.

For example, if a group of ants suddenly died on a certain codeword wolf's desk while he was diligently typing on the keyboard, and the corpses were arranged to form a sentence - Street stuff, what kind of bullshit was written, a bunch of answers.

The wolf will definitely be furious, search immediately, and use hot aluminum liquid to destroy the entire ant world on the spot!

You little ant, how dare you break this wolf's heart?

Ants use this method to summon humans, which is similar to Liu Jianwu, the religious leader who makes sacrifices when his balls hurt after eating.

Sacrificing yourself to summon the evil god is like a group of ants holding up a handful of gold sand and offering it to you, and uttering one sentence in parallel: Brother, save me!

If you think about it from their perspective, if you really encounter such a group of ants, at least Lu Wenwu, a fun-loving person, will definitely try to save them.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people find ants disgusting or find them annoying and slap them to death.

We even have to go back to the source to find the ant nest and go down to take a dip in the yellow soup.

Now Lu Wenwu is very suspicious that Liu Jianwu is the ant, and the god from outside the territory is the human being whose curiosity was aroused.

He saw that there were creatures trying to communicate with him in the world that he had destroyed thousands of years ago, so he walked over and took a look.

A true glance.

Just when Lu Wenwu was thinking wildly, the sleepy pressure on his soul suddenly came again.

"Wow, the little guys on this little ball seem to have recovered very well. There are very few dirty things." The God of Outer Territories cheered with a little joy, and then felt a little regretful, "But now you guys So weak, much weaker than before.”

It took Lu Wenwu a full five minutes to analyze the meaning of these two sentences.

The feeling of shock came to mind instantly.

dirty stuff?


This doesn't sound like words that could be spoken by a god who likes to destroy the world, right?


Before Lao Long died, he left two words to himself.

He said they had made a mistake!

Is this a mistake? Does it mean.


Lu Wenwu was suddenly shocked by his own thoughts.

If the god from outside the territory is not an evil god at all, there is another god who really comes to pollute the evil god. The god from outside the territory just comes to help for some reason.

Judging from the current situation, this is entirely possible!

If it is really the pollution caused by a real evil god, it is impossible to compete with the real god just by relying on the methods left by the divine beings like the Old Dragon King!

"Who was calling me just now? Your little ball doesn't seem to be in any danger?"

The giant eyes of the God of Outer Territories moved slightly in the air, and a large area of ​​space around them suddenly collapsed. It looked like the sky was about to shatter, a scene of doomsday.

"There's nothing you need my help with, I'm leaving, little guys."

As the words fell, the huge eye began to vibrate, slowly retracting towards the unknown dimension.

Lu Wenwu was so blessed that he suppressed the weight of his soul and shouted: "Please stay!"

It took him almost all his life's learning to shout these three words. It was simply more difficult than solving a high-level math problem.

After all, understanding is one thing, speaking is another.

Knowing the languages ​​of all things enables him to read and speak the languages ​​of other races, but how to speak them out does require practice.

It's like asking a Cantonese with an accent to say: Four is four, ten is ten, fourteen is fourteen, forty is forty, don't say four as ten, and don't say ten as four.

Then I'm afraid he can only say a lot: four four four, four four four, four four

The unique language of this race requires the soul and body to speak together, which is very difficult.

This is why Lu Wenwu's body and soul are one.

If it were an ordinary player, he wouldn't be able to do it just by manipulating his soul to speak.

As soon as Lu Wenwu said this, the huge pupil that was shrinking in the sky suddenly condensed, and the pupil in the middle immediately captured Lu Wenwu who was trying hard to hold back the dizziness.

"Wow! Were you the one who spoke just now? You can actually speak our language?" The Outer God looked very happy, "Are you calling me?"

[Outer God·Gululu sensed your words and cast his gaze on you. He was very surprised by your existence]

[Outer God·Gululu's favorability towards you increased: +30]

[Current favorability: Friendly (30)]

Add thirty?

Are you kidding?

Just because I can speak the language of their race?

This sudden increase in favorability is a bit confusing for Lu Wenwu.

Why does this Outer God·Gululu feel a bit like a child?

Or the kind of child who is in the ignorant stage and is a bit curious about everything in the world.

"I am the one who is talking, but I am not calling you. The person who called you is dead." Lu Wenwu said this with great effort, "Before you came, I had already solved the crisis, but he didn't know."

"So that's how it is. You are so powerful! As powerful as that slender little thing not long ago!" Gululu praised excitedly, "Are you also a member of the Dimension Wanderer? My name is Gululu. I have been lost here for a long time. Do you know how to get home? And what is your name?"

He seemed to be indifferent to Liu Jianwu's death, but had a high degree of favorability towards Lu Wenwu.

Perhaps it was because of the ten milliliters of blood that Gululu regarded Lu Wenwu as a member of their race.

Lu Wenwu was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

The slender little thing, could it be the old Dragon King?

What is he in the eyes of the other party?

A hard little thing?

Gulu's last two sentences were too long. Lu Wenwu took a long time to reply: "My name is Lu Wenwu. I have a little blood of the Dimension Wanderer. I don't know how to go back. I am very weak now and it is difficult for me to speak."

"Ah, you don't know either. What a pity. I don't know when I can go home."

Although he said this, Gulu's emotions were still very high.

"You can speak slower. Since I got lost in this place, no life has been able to communicate with me for a long time."

"I sensed the blood in your body. It is indeed the same root as mine! Maybe you are my brother?"

"But your soul and body are really weak. It feels like you will die in a short while."

[Outer Domain God·Gulu sensed your sincerity and He is very happy now]

[Outer Domain God·Gulu's favorability towards you increased: +20]

[Current favorability: Friendly (50)]


Lu Wenwu was shocked.

What the hell is fifty favorability!

Is it because no life can understand what He is saying, and He is too lonely?

This might not really be a child who is lost and can't go home, but the children in the Dimension Wanderer tribe are a bit ridiculously strong, and they may even be born as god-level life.

After a few minutes of pause, Lu Wenwu asked the question he wanted to know most: "Gululu, why did you use your power to cover this planet ten thousand years ago and make the creatures on the planet mutate?"

"Mutation? Because I want them to become stronger! So they won't die!"

Gululu answered Lu Wenwu's doubts very straightforwardly.

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