I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 132 Everything can be a supporting role (6k)

Inside the Dragon Palace, it was quiet and deep.

The corridors with carved beams and painted buildings had long lost their former colors, and the exquisite murals and reliefs began to fall off.

In some deep corners, a thin layer of sticky gray-black substance grew.

Lu Wenwu opened the Eye of Insight to scan, and could only analyze that this was a product similar to the combination of corrupt power and dark elements.

What happened in this deep-sea Dragon Palace that should have been a righteous god?

Everything was desolate.

Everything was ruined.

The underwater palace that should have been magnificent was now as regrettable as an abandoned site.

The group was on guard against sneak attacks that might occur at any time, and headed towards the more core position of the Dragon Palace.

Unlike the palaces of ancient dynasties that were progressive, set off each other, and circled one after another.

The structure inside the Dragon Palace is more like an extra-long and extra-wide large air-raid shelter.

Perhaps this is the unique racial aesthetic of the deep-sea race in terms of architecture.

Or, is this space symbolizing a giant dragon that is winding and circling?

[Hint: Player [Takimoto Shinichiro] died]


A little devil died?

How could someone die in that chaotic maze?

Lu Wenwu, who was exploring the Dragon Palace with his teammates, was a little puzzled.

To be able to participate in this dungeon, you must be an A-level player.

Those howling demons that were chasing the players were only B+. How could that thing kill four A-level players?

Even the boss at the end of the level was killed by me. What other dangers could there be in that place except for the terrain killing in a few days?

Lu Wenwu expressed his incomprehension and continued to explore the depths of the Dragon Palace with his teammates.

When they reached about the middle section, the degree of damage here was slightly less, and you could still vaguely see the magnificence of this place in the past.

A large number of precious corals were decorated on both sides like bonsai, and the huge pearls inlaid on the walls and the scattered treasure fragments underground told of the former glory of this place.

Those gray irregular fragments were probably some extremely precious gems or minerals thousands or tens of thousands of years ago.

Unfortunately, now they can only lie here quietly, and together with the mottled and broken corals, they are gradually buried by time.

The three people and the bird opened the doors one by one.

A heavy but somewhat decayed giant door gradually crushed the once beautifully designed buoyancy slide rail, and another room revealed its true face in front of everyone.

[Medicine Storage Room]

The smell of decay came to the face, and what came into view was a corpse that looked like a fish and a human, which seemed to have suffered great pain and torture before death.

Even though it was dead, the claws that turned into dry bones still pinched its face tightly.

Its body was already rotten beyond recognition, and it could barely be seen that it had both a human face and a fish face on its body.

Looking at this action, it seemed to want to tear a face off its body before death?

What a weird scene.

Wu Jianqing took out a jade bottle that was mostly well preserved from the pile of decayed and broken debris.

After opening it, a fishy smell wafted out.

After such a long time, without a special energy system to power the preservation equipment, even the best elixir has lost its medicinal power and turned into a pile of useless powder.

It is true that there is no such thing as the protagonist in a fantasy novel who goes to a tomb thousands of years ago and the tomb owner thoughtfully leaves the protagonist with a breakthrough elixir for the current realm.

Just now, Lu Wenwu and his team opened a place similar to an armory.

The large number of weapons and armor stored in it have long been as decayed as those worn by the shrimp soldiers and crab generals before.

With a little force, they disintegrated into a pile of powder, and there is no value for recycling.

Perhaps these were once rare treasures, epic, legendary, or even mythical equipment.

But now, they are just a pile of useless metal debris.

Lu Wenwu didn't care about it and continued to walk forward, opening the door as he walked.

Compared to picking up treasures, he was more eager for a fist-to-flesh fight.

If not, just find a place to eat some egg-filled pancakes.

"Another waste! Another pile of waste!"

In the medicine room, the big crow was obviously a little angry, flapping its wings to create a whirlwind, and smashed all the rags inside with sword energy.

"I'm really angry! Why didn't I go out to pick up treasures! It's so hateful!"

The contrived AC cow poked its head out of the door opposite and said, "There are a pile of half-rotten corpses here, all of which look like humans. Do you want to pick them up?"

"Get out! Why would I want such things!"

Wu Jianqing flapped his wings like an angry old hen, chasing the little cow with his hard beak and pecking wildly.

"You are a crow! Aren't all crows carrion eaters?"

The contrived AC cow led the dog and carried the cat and ran away, while not forgetting to continue to make fun of the big crow.

"Little bull! I'll peck you to death!" Wu Jianqing was furious, "Do you think I'm one of those uncivilized stupid birds who can only cry?"

Xu Changjiang, the only serious person in the team, didn't know which immortal he had invited to possess him.

At this moment, he was following Lu Wenwu to study the corpses and the things in the portal, trying to find some clues from them to restore the truth of how the Dragon Palace became what it is now.

Although the restoration of history has not yet started, one thing is certain.

The Dragon Palace must have been filled with seawater back then, and the seawater was drained away for some reason, which led to the fact that it is now completely dry, without even a drop of water element.

There are too many devices in the Dragon Palace that require water elements and water itself to operate.

When the seawater disappears and the water element does not exist, the entire Dragon Palace has fallen into "death".

The further you go in, the more corpses there are, and the lower the degree of decay.

Judging from the dead growths growing on the corpses, Lu Wenwu is completely sure.

This is definitely the work of his old friend, the Great God of Evolution.

All this is too similar to what he had seen before.

It's just that after the power of the Great God of Evolution was combined with the extraordinary power that exists in this world itself, some unknown changes occurred, making the Dragon Palace look like this now.

The Dragon Palace is very large, but it has an end after all.

After confirming that there is nothing valuable in other rooms, there is only one place in the entire Dragon Palace that has not been explored.

The real palace of the Sea God Dragon King.

It has a hall where sea creatures worship it every day, and a place where they live and work.

When they arrived at the deepest part of the Dragon Palace, they saw a huge door that was at least 30 meters long.

The entire Dragon Palace was dark, but the gem embedded in the door still flickered with a faint light.

"One deep-sea spirit bead can create a B+-level strongman! There are so many here!" Xu Changjiang couldn't help but exclaimed in envy, "As expected of the Dragon King who once called himself the God of the Sea, this generosity really feels a bit like a real dragon."

"It's a pity that almost all of them are useless! All the spirituality has been lost! If we came a few days later, this place would be completely useless!" Wu Jianqing's face was full of indignation, "Why can't this old Dragon King leave some for us latecomers!"

Lu Wenwu rubbed his chin, calmly looking at the pattern inlaid with deep-sea spirit beads on the door, thinking.

This thing looks a bit familiar.

He began to search his memory.

Don't say it, there is a result.

He found a similar array diagram in the Maoshan Art·Shan Knowledge, which he had basically never seen since he took it.

There are some differences, but many places are connected.

This looks like a suppression array that combines space and killing, with the hall behind the door as the core array eye and the entire Dragon Palace as the main array, used to imprison and destroy something.

Others don't know, but Lu Wenwu has a vague guess in his heart.

What else could it be?

It must be the power of the Great God of Evolution.

In this way, the Dragon Palace thing probably has a framework.

Probably after the Dragon King discovered that he and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the Dragon Palace and other seafood were affected by the Great God of Evolution, he tried his best to seal the Dragon Palace and created a formation that could suppress himself.

Thousands of years have passed, and until today, the formation is on the verge of failure.

In this way, he and others were accidentally teleported to this forbidden area where they should not have come.

It seems that the so-called Dragon King of the Absurd Sea should be in it, right?

After so many years of imprisonment, suppression, and wear and tear, I wonder how much strength you have left?

Lu Wenwu suddenly felt that he was completely excited!

That was the refreshing feeling of blood boiling and surging, and every cell was actively urging him to have a hearty battle!

After understanding what was probably inside, Lu Wenwu no longer hesitated.

He kicked directly on one of the deep-sea spirit beads.


In this deep environment, the cracking sound was so obvious.

An obvious crack appeared on the deep-sea spirit bead.

"Tyrannosaurus, you."


"Crack, crack, crack, crack!"

Before Xu Changjiang finished the second half of the sentence, the deep-sea spirit bead had instantly exploded into crystal fragments flying all over the sky.

A large number of shocking cracks instantly spread across the entire portal, and tens of thousands of deep-sea spirit beads trembled together, like balloons filled with air, bursting one after another!

"This is a suppression formation involving a space seal, and the Dragon King is imprisoned inside. Kill the dragon and we can get out." Lu Wenwu explained concisely.

Kill the Dragon King who calls himself the God of the Sea! ?

The three teammates were stunned for a moment.

Brother, you should at least discuss this big thing with us!

Xu Changjiang opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

What's the use of discussing it?

After signing the Abyss Contract, Lu Wenwu will not cheat himself or lie to himself.

And if he wants to get out in the end, he may have to start from here.

In the end, he has to fight.

The opponent's information is unknown, so he just has to respond on the spot.

This is the signal to start the war.

It's a bit painful.

Lu Wenwu kicked open the door of the Dragon King's house with a heroic kick and walked in swaggeringly.

A black airflow full of decayed smell came to his face, with a few traces of fishy smell.

The Dragon Palace Hall is at least fifty meters high, but it is still as dark as the outside world. The decorations that should have been glittering with gold have long since decayed and are covered by a large amount of muddy black substance.

The main hall as a whole presents a hemispherical shape with a round sky and a square place. A large number of black protrusions like stone sculptures stand upright and surround the surroundings.

Nine thick beams that could barely see a hint of gold were struggling to maintain the stability of the hall, and there was a faint glow of treasure flowing on them.

"Is that a dragon relief?" Xu Changjiang pointed somewhere, "Look at those pillars."

The rest of the people looked in the direction of his finger, and there was a black dragon hovering on every pillar.

The antlers are like a deer, the head is like a camel, the eyes are like a rabbit, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a fish, the claws are like an eagle, the palms are like a tiger, the ears are like an ox, and there are five claws growing under the belly!

This is exactly the image of the dragon in Chinese mythology!

It's just that those dragons are not as majestic and domineering as those in ancient Chinese buildings.

Although all of them held their heads high and looked up to the sky, roaring.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is only endless pain and struggle in their lifelike faces and real eyes.

Lu Wenwu opened his eyes of insight and looked carefully, and unexpectedly saw something else.

These vivid dragon-shaped carvings are actually not stone carvings, but the real nine divine dragons!

After the sea water and water elements were stripped away, they entered the formation to suppress it, turning their lives and souls into the nutrients that drove the formation!

After so many years of refining and suppression, the power in their bodies has almost dried up.

Even the soul was burned away, leaving only a few almost broken bodies here.

At this moment, a power that frightened everyone suddenly erupted from the throne at the top of the jade steps. It was a terrifying aura that could make an ordinary person's liver and gallbladder burst.

A long, shimmering black shadow suddenly appeared, looking down at these intruders who were overestimating their capabilities.

Lu Wenwu glanced at it with his insightful eyes.

[Absurd Sea Dragon King (A+)]: 670 0000/3000 0000

[Current status]: Destruction of physical body, fall in realm, annihilation of divinity, incomplete intelligence, chaotic soul, incomplete soul, conflict of divine power, serious injury, weakness.

This series of negative buffs really makes those who hear it sad and those who hear it cry.

It was the first time that Lu Wenwu saw a boss with so many layers on his body.

However, I had misunderstood this Dragon King before!

Unexpectedly, he wiped out the divinity in his body. What a ruthless dragon.

With this level of blood, before it was corrupted by divine power, it was at least an S-level existence, and it is very likely that it has reached the peak of S+ level!

The soul of the absurd Sea Dragon King was swaying like seaweed, growing above the jade steps, as if trying to break free from some restraint.

A pair of violent scarlet dragon eyes stared straight at Lu Wenwu, motionless.

Lu Wenwu raised his eyebrows and asked politely: "What are you doing here?"

The Absurd Sea Dragon King didn't seem to react and was stunned for a moment.

What followed was a pretentious powerful attack arrow from AC Little Cow.

The gleaming arrow headed straight for the Dragon King's head, but was stopped by an invisible wall in mid-air and exploded halfway.

"It doesn't work!" The artificial AC cow waved his hands helplessly, "It's going to be a real-time CG cutscene. We may have to stupidly wait here for the BOSS to finish the opening animation."

"Humble but arrogant mortals dare to break into my temple and kill my men." The absurd Sea Dragon King's hoarse voice with reverberation sounded.

"What's going on? Are you talking nonsense?" Lu Wenwu said smoothly.

Then, he seemed to feel that standing like this was indeed a bit silly.

He thought for a moment, took out a low table from his personal backpack, covered it with red velvet, and put on a black robe and mandarin jacket to stand behind.

Lu Wenwu looked at the absurd Sea Dragon King who was still staring at him and struggling upwards to think of it.

Then he looked at his confused teammates, pointed at the absurd Sea Dragon King with his thumb, and said, "Look, the important thing is persistence!"

"You are too arrogant for a small mortal."

"Oh? Then what can you tell me?"

"I want to tear your flesh and blood apart."

"Look at the violent elements!"

"Eat your soul."

"Then I also have a homemade side dish."

"Consign three of you to eternal torment in purgatory."

"Then what happened to the remaining one?"

"As for you, I want to fuse your soul with mine, awaken my people, and become an eternal existence again."

"Hey, he even squeaked at him."

"Now that they have run out of energy and fuel, my heart is filled with grief."


"My ancestors gave this sea into my hands, but now it has become like this."

"It can't be better."

"I am heartbroken and heartbroken. I am ashamed of the creatures of the sea, I am ashamed of my ancestors, and I am ashamed of all creatures in the world. I almost want to kill myself."

"You deserve to die, but not completely."

"Bold maniac! Shut up!"

The soul of the absurd Sea Dragon King seemed to have suddenly broken through some shackles. It flew high in an instant, and then fell quickly, turning into an old man whose lower body was covered with tentacles and whose upper body was covered with a crustacean exoskeleton.

Those turbid dragon eyes filled with violence and bloodthirsty kept vibrating, staring intently at Lu Wenwu, who was continuing to praise him.

"You are about to die!"

[The Absurd Sea Dragon King is shocked and angry at what you did]

[The Dragon King of the Absurd Sea has reduced your favorability: -25]

[Current favorability: Deep Sea of ​​Blood (-85)]

Lu Wenwu imitated Tom and pointed at the old dragon with his right thumb, then laughed and looked at his teammates.

"I'm anxious."

The old dragon king turned around angrily, revealing a half-rotten dragon face with bare bones behind his head.

He twisted his limbs like this, raised his arms and shouted: "My followers who have been sleeping for ten thousand years! Servants! Descendants! Wake up, wake up! Kill all these bold outsiders!"

The big crow, who was sensitive to death, asked Lu Wenwu: "What is this long worm saying?"

Before, whether it was the old dragon king pretending to be cool or Lu Wenwu supporting the joke, they used a unique language in this world, and Wu Jianqing couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

Lu Wenwu took off his long gown, put away the table, and exposed his strong muscles.

Then he twisted his neck and grinned, "This old guy is summoning his younger brothers. Brothers, let's fight together! Get rid of the garbage he summoned, and leave this old man to me!"

"Tyrannosaurus, can you do it yourself?"

Xu Changjiang chanted the spell of summoning magic while letting his summoned beast raise a sign with words on it.

"It must work. How do you know if you don't try it?" Lu Wenwu licked his lips, and his eyes were filled with excitement. "Cow, remember to buff me!"

The artificial AC cow didn't say anything.

The direct response to him was the passionate melody of the hunting flute and the dazzling amount of buffs.

Feeling the powerful combat power increase of the ghost man (big), the blood and qi in Lu Wenwu's body became more and more turbulent, and the aura of the whole person was wildly raised in a short moment.

The nine-headed dragon statue perched on the beam burst out with the last brilliance in its eyes, and then it broke into pieces and became a pile of debris.

Around the hall, countless black muds flowed, revealing one after another of the old ministers of the Dragon Palace.

They were all dancers, musicians, ministers, and servants of the former Dragon King.

Now, they, who have also been dead for many years, were forcibly "awakened" by the old Dragon King again to fight for the Dragon Palace.

They stood up with their broken bodies, exposing their shrunken and broken internal organs and bones.

It seemed that in the arms and tentacles that had regained vitality, the human face and the face of the true form were born on the same head, and the broken vocal cords could no longer vibrate the air and emit a soul-stirring sharp roar.

Shrimp, crab, fish, starfish, jellyfish, sea urchin, clam

Everything that happened in the hall at this time was like an Atlantis version of the zombie crisis.

"How disgusting! All of you, die for me!"

Wu Jianqing, whose scalp was numb, instantly threw out a large number of sword lights and was the first to attack these rotten and broken old ministers of the Dragon Palace.

The sharp sword light crushed the opponent's head, but still failed to stop their broken bodies.

Only by chopping and smashing the rotten bones and blood, and then letting Xu Changjiang's summoned beasts set fire to it and burn it to ashes, can these restless souls completely stop.

Looking at the piles of dark green flesh and blood in front of him, Wu Jianqing felt that he might not want to eat seafood for a long time in the future.

The battlefield of teammates has directly entered a white-hot stage.

Lu Wenwu and the old dragon king have not yet taken action.

The old dragon king absorbed the remaining life essence of the remaining nine dragons, and his strength soared, and his blood volume soared, but he still has not recovered to the S level.

His two faces showed a satisfied expression at the same time, and the look he looked at Lu Wenwu was like looking at an insignificant ant.

"Mortal, are you afraid and dare not fight me?"

"You are ugly, but you think beautifully." Lu Wenwu's smile became brighter and brighter, "I am just waiting for you to improve your purity so that I can have fun!"

The old dragon king did not understand what the previous words meant.

But it understood one word-enjoyment.

I was underestimated!

A mere mortal, a creature as humble as dust, the lowest blood food, dared to speak rudely to the master of the sea and insult the great dragon clan!

Must be killed!

The old dragon king's already burning anger suddenly turned into a monstrous murderous intent, pointing directly at Lu Wenwu.

"You! Die!"

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