I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 103 I want to create a world where everyone loves egg-filled pancakes! (6k)

A fierce force emerged from the void, instantly crushing the body of the house slave into a ball of strange matter.

The two mixed, and the unknown force kept pulling and plasticizing it, and finally turned it into a tall woman.

The woman's eyes were green, and she was wearing a leaf-green long skirt, like an elf from a Western fantasy world.

[Life Apostle Temporary Clone (B)]: 39999/40000

[Current Status]: Strength extended, clone's vitality continued to lose

The Life Apostle clone looked at the two people and the dog with interest, and said softly: "New aliens?"

Without the support of the house slave, the room began to shake constantly, and gray-white wall powder fell down.

Lu Wenwu ignored the Life Apostle clone.

He just put away his things by himself, and picked up the two stuffed pancakes that fell on the ground with great care, along with a tattered suit jacket, and put them into his backpack.

This was the first time someone ignored her like this, and the clone of the Apostle of Life was obviously a little unhappy.

She raised her voice and shouted: "People from another world! I'm talking to you!"

"You, just killed my friend"

Lu Wenwu looked up suddenly, his eyes flashing with blatant cruelty and murderous intent.

His blood was rising, and the terrifying pressure soared instantly.

The pale green demon fire was reflected and swaying, and the scarlet abyss gradually lifted the illusion, revealing its true appearance.

The clone of the Apostle of Life's breathing suddenly stagnated, and her eyes showed strong disbelief.

She even subconsciously took a step back!

"You! Who are you! You can't be from another world! There is no way there is a person as powerful as you from another world! Are you the apostle newly blessed by the Demon God?"

What answered her was Lu Wenwu's extremely fast punch.

"Come to kill you!"

Before the clone exploded, a voice like from hell echoed in her ears.

Deep in the City of Life, the body of the Apostle of Life was awakened instantly, with a solemn expression on her face.

The things she had robbed from the Temple of War had not been fully digested into her own strength, and she was in an awkward situation.

Now facing such a strong man who did not know his depth, the situation was a little worrying.

And what she could not understand was why the other party looked at her as if he had seen the murderer of his father?

The Apostle of Life was confused.

Have we met before?

Is there any blood feud between us?

Indeed, we have not seen it.

But she just killed the house slave in front of Lu Wenwu, killed a friend recognized by Lu Wenwu - even if it was confused and even a copy BOSS.

The entire City of Life moved at this moment.

Twelve giant trees slowly woke up, and slowly moved their thick branches like giants standing tall.

The tangled roots began to twitch, and countless offspring received instructions from the mother body.

The Apostle of Life ordered to strangle the intruder on the spot!

On the other side, the Apostle of Life's clone also died after losing the power of the House Slaver. The previous house began to crack and was about to collapse.

Maomao had turned into flame patterns, providing a large amount of attribute enhancement together with the blue-black battle patterns.

"Explore the map? Unlock the background story? I'm fucking you! I should just push all the way through! Kill them all and complete the mission!"

Lu Wenwu cursed angrily, raised his hand and punched out, directly annihilating the entire building into a pile of fragments.

"Lan Shan, it's not time to enter the battle state yet. You should go to Lingtian Mountain first. The next battle is not something you can participate in. It's hard for you to even assist."

Lan Shan did not make trouble like many people who didn't know their own strengths.

She agreed directly because she knew her own strengths.

In addition to the A-level Apostles of Life, there are twelve A-level giant trees, and countless B+-level sub-bodies and small BOSSes.

It's not that Lu Wenwu eats alone and doesn't bring her to assist, but she really can't participate. As long as she enters the field, she will be killed instantly.

Recovering to a state of being alone, the ferocious dragon wings behind Lu Wenwu popped out.

With the loud roar of explosive steps, he shot out like a cannonball towards the approximate position of the body of the Apostle of Life, without any intention of detouring.




Smash all obstacles in front!

The B+ level fusion monster can't even stop Lu Wenwu for a moment.

Lu Wenwu's terrifying speed and unmatched hard body are superimposed on each other, turning into an indestructible chariot.

The legendary scarlet abyss adds unparalleled attack power to this chariot!

Flesh and mucus splashed, wood chips and bricks exploded.

No matter what stood in front of Lu Wenwu, it would be crushed into piles of broken mixtures under the crushing of his terrifying body.

Wild flames burned.

Lu Wenwu, who was speeding past, left a trail of fire in the forest like a ghost rider.

Based on the fire of the evil fight, the true fire of the sun and the fire of evil energy are combined. This is not something that can be extinguished by ordinary water or lack of air.

The raging fire began to spread, and countless distorted and fused lives let out strange and shrill wails.

Finally, the giant tree closest to Lu Wenwu completely woke up.

A distorted human face appeared on the huge trunk.

It roared like an ancient and barbaric god of war.

Countless thick branches twisted and turned into giant fists like comets.

Lu Wenwu's figure remained unchanged, even three times faster than before.

The explosive step was launched, and he burst up from the ground in an incredible posture, grinning and punching the giant tree.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The continuous roars and explosions were terrifying sounds that almost shattered the eardrums.

Countless broken wood exploded and fell to the ground with a bang, and it was unknown how many fusion lives were crushed to death.

Accompanied by the wailing of the giant tree, Lu Wenwu's tiny figure rose from the ground again and completely smashed the opponent's entire arm.

His upward momentum has not stopped. The whole person is like an extremely sharp spear, directly hitting the body of the giant tree, piercing its huge body from top to bottom and creating an extremely huge gap!

The blood bar of the giant tree was emptied with two punches!

Without the power of life, even the tangled roots underground could not support this huge body.

The hundred-meter-high giant tree fell down with a bang, almost shaking the earth!

Countless sub-bodies perished and life was annihilated.

At the same time, dozens of kilometers away from the life, a city in the underworld instantly turned into a dead zone, and all life was gone.

[You have obtained 10 free attribute points]

[You killed the giant tree believer (lv.41)]

[You completed the side quest - Giant Tree Supporting the Sky]

[Task Description: The twelve powerful giant tree believers are the most powerful forces under the Apostle of Life. Killing them will greatly reduce the power of the Apostle of Life]

[Your personal overall rating has been greatly improved]

Lu Wenwu bathed in the pale green blood of the giant tree, and the aura on his body became sharper and sharper. The Demon God War Spear was being continuously soaked and polished by these high-quality blood, waiting for the next attack.

"Want to stop me? Not enough! Far from enough!"

The dragon wings behind Lu Wenwu flapped, and the whole person burst out again, rushing directly to another giant tree that tried to stop him.

"Your purity is too low!"

The Demon God's War Spear and Tyrant Fist burst out in superposition, and the effect of one plus one is far greater than two.

The heavy blood mixed with the blazing high temperature is like a huge drill hammer that can break through anything.





One after another, the giant tree life believers fell under Lu Wenwu's iron fist, and the originally "vibrant" cities in the life field were being destroyed one after another!

The mother body is connected to the child body.

Except for those with independent individual fusion life, the child bodies connected to the twelve giant tree believers, no matter how far apart they are, will die at the moment of the mother body's death.

The raging flames burned fiercely.

Without the obstruction of a large number of fusion lives, the fire path that Lu Wenwu had waded out before was like the small snowball that caused the avalanche in the first place.

The fire continued to spread, covering nearly a quarter of the City of Life!

There were flickering flames everywhere, and every place was filled with the miserable howling of fused life.

On the personal panel, the endless system prompts were almost flooding the screen.

A large number of kill information was popping up at an extremely crazy speed.

Except for Lu Wenwu, I am afraid that no other player would have such strength to challenge the entire power of the Life Apostle Base Camp by himself.

No, this is no longer a challenge.

This is a massacre!

This is a one-sided massacre by Lu Wenwu!

No B-level fused life could survive a single move under his fist.

Even the most powerful giant tree believers, each of them can only stop him in less than 20 seconds before being pierced through the body, blasting the life core, and becoming nutrients to nourish the Demon God's war spear.

"At thirty, one is independent; at forty, one is free from doubt; at fifty, one knows the will of heaven; at sixty, one's ears are obedient; at seventy, one can do whatever one wants without breaking the rules!" Lu Wenwu said with a grim smile, "At this moment, I can kill without breaking the rules!"

Every time a giant tree apostle or fused life falls, his strength will be stronger.

The crazy nourishment of blood and free attribute points makes him fall into a kind of crazy killing.

Compared with this copy, Lu Wenwu's strength before matching in is definitely not over the standard.

Even now, he is still a long way from the strength of mindlessly sweeping the world.

But compared with the normal process of completing tasks, his strength has undoubtedly exceeded the standard too much.

Normal players should explore the City of Life carefully when they come to it.

Avoid the suspicion of giant tree believers, avoid the attacks of a large number of sub-bodies, communicate with the many fused lives inside in various ways, and complete a series of side quests and special side quests.

Finally, integrate the task rewards of these special side quests with the clues obtained to get the correct way to pass the level.

With their B+ level positioning, they are just right for facing those single fusion lives that are also at the highest B+ level, and they can even win alone.

In this way, although the mission is difficult, it is definitely not as difficult as ascending to heaven.

The system will not give a mission that will lead to death.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, players will not directly conflict with giant tree believers.

Not to mention doing such an incredible thing as rushing through the City of Life alone and facing the Apostle of Life directly.

If you really want to surround and kill an apostle, you will need at least five or more players to cooperate with each other. Only with the help of the Salvation Army can you do it.

But now, there is no need for those miscellaneous things, Lu Wenwu has gone crazy.

Because of a horrific murder caused by a fused life named House Slave.

In less than two minutes, all twelve giant trees had been slaughtered by Lu Wenwu, and their broken corpses lay crisscrossed there, like the collapsed tall buildings in myths and legends.

Flames spread across the sky.

The majestic true fire of the sun and the fire of disaster have ignited most of the city of life.

This once "vibrant" city has now been reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

The wings of the demonic dragon flapped behind Lu Wenwu, and he looked down at the palace of the Life Apostle from a high position.

Here is the location of the life apostle’s body.

The increasingly tyrannical life fluctuations prove all this.

Lu Wenwu listened to the wailings of the fused beings and waited quietly. The smile on his face became thicker and full of intense madness.

Be stronger!

Be stronger!

Bring up your purity!

It's better to upgrade to A level!

This will be enough when you can kill!

Lu Wenwu waited quietly for three minutes.

The raging flames have completely covered the City of Life, burning it into a pure realm of death.

Everything is changing in the direction of coke.

At this moment, the aura on his body was completely restrained, but it had been raised to a certain extreme.

Now Lu Wenwu is like a strong bow ready to go.

On the surface it looks harmless to humans and animals, but in reality it moves like thunder, and its violent killing aura is brewing to its peak.

"Alien! You are so arrogant!"

A huge figure appeared with a roar.

A huge crack appeared on the top of the gorgeous palace made of plants, turning into sawdust and flying everywhere.

Something that was at least three meters tall and looked like a human stood on the remains of a giant tree, looking at Lu Wenwu from afar.

At least half of its body seems to be a structure composed of plants. The whole body is covered with a dark red hard shell, and the back is covered by a crystal clear turquoise crystal.

Only the abdomen is constantly expanding and beating like a heart.

Where the heads should have been, three heads appeared.

On the left is a handsome short-haired man with tender eyes.

On the right is the female face of the Life Apostle clone that Lu Wenwu had seen before.

In the center is simply a skull made entirely of green branches, with two points of purple flames dotted in the eye sockets, showing an aura of violence.

[Life Apostle (A)]: 981 0000/981 0000

[Current status]: Fusion of life, genetic recombination, blessing from the devil, curse from the devil, furious, murderous intent

"Give me time to recover, you are asking for death!"

The Life Apostle's three mouths opened together, three voices roared at the same time, and the aura coming from his body became stronger and higher.

"Searching for death? It seems that I have been underestimated!" Lu Wenwu grinned and added all the free attribute points, "It's a pity that I have seen someone who is not strong!"

Before he finished speaking, the aura that had been brewing to its peak suddenly exploded, and he punched out with a heavy fist, like an angry dragon coming out of the sea, and the world seemed to be overturned.

The scorching sun shining in the sky became brighter for a moment, triggered by this world-dominating punch.

"If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening!"

Before the Life Apostle could react, a powerful fist punched the woman's head.

The big head exploded like a balloon, exploding into debris.

In an instant, flesh and blood splattered.

The remaining part was punched directly into the chest!

This is the "benevolence" that Lu Wenwu implements!

Cut the opponent in two and drive his head into the chest and abdomen!

Lu Wenwu pulled out his flesh-stained arm and laughed loudly: "Everything is done in advance, otherwise it will be ruined. If you hesitate, you will be the one who is ruined! If you are not strong enough, you will be ruined in the middle way!"

"What the hell are you talking about!"

The life apostle who finally reacted was furious, and the woman's head regenerated rapidly.

Countless emerald crystals grew out of his thick arms, and he punched out two punches at an incredible speed.

Its fist seems to have a strange power.

Every time it is waved, the green crystal will burst out with a misty green light.

Along with the movements of the Life Apostle, they formed substantial ripples and impacted towards Lu Wenwu, which was even much more powerful than its own fist bombardment!

The ripples collided with Lu Wenwu's body, making a metallic sound.

But it failed to cause him any harm, and it actually broke!

"It's so hard!"

The Life Apostle was secretly shocked, and the crystals on his back shone brightly.

A thick tree trunk that was even heavier on the mountain appeared out of thin air from high in the sky and turned into a huge heavy hammer and smashed straight down towards Lu Wenwu.


Lu Wenwu's body was knocked to the ground, and waves of earth and air surged wildly, smashing the carbonized corpses around him into pieces.

The beating flames in the skull suddenly fluctuated.

The opponent took a hard hit from me and was knocked to the ground from a height of 100 meters, but he was still unscathed?

Lu Wenwu's body was shrouded in a strong evil spirit. He twisted his neck and walked out of the pit. The evil flames burning in his body became more and more powerful.

"Your purity is very high!"

As he said this, a blood-colored steam suddenly rose from his body.

Lu Wenwu's health bar plummeted by 90% in an instant, but his aura increased instead of decreasing!

[Benevolence] and [Virtue] appeared faintly on his fist, and the evil flame and wild blood suddenly rose!

His aura was rising rapidly!

The demonic energy from the abyss was constantly released, and it melted into a furnace with the heavy blood, and turned into a phantom of a demon god that seemed to reach the sky and the earth.

Around this demon god, almost everything was rendered bloody.

The rich smell of blood almost turned into substance, filling the olfactory organs of the apostles of life.

The abyss, descending!

The fatal blow and the abyss descended at the same time, and Lu Wenwu's strength suddenly increased.

The explosive steps roared, and the right fist with the demon god's war spear attached was handed out brazenly, like thousands of iron-blooded soldiers roaring and shooting in unison.

The Apostle of Life was horrified, and the emerald green power on his body surged.

The powerful green energy formed a shield, covering his body.

The blood light burst out from the Demon God's war spear was so dazzling that it was blinding. The tip of the spear composed of fists and blood hit the shield fiercely, emitting a series of sharp explosions and dazzling flashes.

The creepy sound made the Apostle of Life almost crazy, and he felt that his auditory organs seemed to explode directly.

"Damn aliens!"

Feeling the threat to his life, the Apostle of Life roared wildly.

The body, which had already been much stronger, suddenly grew in size again, and the green crystal almost covered its entire body, turning it into a crystal giant!

Both sides fell into a crazy situation at this moment.

Punch after punch, the blood was returned to the flesh, and the fight was without any rules.

The violent collisions again and again erupted with amazing impact force. The ground within a radius of hundreds of meters was almost plowed flat by the strong aftermath of the battle, and a large number of gullies were crisscrossed!

The body of the Life Apostle expanded for the third time, and the whole person was nearly ten meters tall.

This time, even the three heads were covered with emerald crystals, and only the last trace of human fluctuations remained in his eyes.

The power of the green ripples rose to the extreme.

But even so, it still felt extremely aggrieved.

As a powerful Life Apostle, he had taken away part of the War Apostle's legacy, and was more powerful than before.

Even so, he was forced to the point of showing all his cards by an alien!

He was chosen by the Demon God!

Anger had filled his mind, and the murderous intent against Lu Wenwu had penetrated his mind.

But every punch from that demon-like figure was so terrifying.

Even if it was just a passing by, the extreme sharpness would scrape off countless crystals, making his body feel a bone-chilling cold and strong pain.

The pervasive abyss demonic energy gave rise to endless evil flames, which constantly corroded the body of the Apostle of Life.

It felt like it was going crazy!

The battle between the two sides had already reached a fever pitch, and both sides wanted to kill him as soon as possible.

But the Apostle of Life did not seem to notice that the crystals that were originally emerald green on his body were now almost gone, and large areas had turned gray.

Suddenly, he seemed to have made some kind of decision.

The emerald green crystals instantly grew out of the eyes of the skull, replacing the original flames.

Instantly, his strength surged by three points again, and an extremely thick gray-green beam of light shot out from his chest.

Wherever the beam of light passed, the soil surged into grooves several meters deep, and the earth was broken inch by inch.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the Apostle of Life's remaining sanity reminded it to immediately search for the other party to see if he was dead.

But there was no trace of Lu Wenwu at the scene.

Suddenly, a voice like a devil from hell sounded behind it.

"Are you looking for me?"

The blade-like body penetrated upward from the back of the Apostle of Life, and then pierced through its chest!

The huge life core finally stopped beating at this moment, deflated like a shrunken balloon.

The sac that should have contained countless life forces was almost dry, and the sticky green blood stained Lu Wenwu's body, which was slowly absorbed by the Demon God's War Spear.

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