I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 100 The dog who licks the dog will not die well [6k3 words]

Lu Wenwu came to Lan Shan and gave a thumbs up with a smile: "You are decisive enough to take action and you can understand my hints. I approve of you."

Lan Shan chuckled: "They are obviously coming to kill us. If I still chatter like the Virgin, wouldn't I be mentally retarded? Such a fool will not survive to adulthood in the sea."

"If you can kill the dangerous enemy, you should kill it quickly. If you can't kill it, run far away so that it doesn't have a chance to kill me. I'll kill him again in the future. Whoops!"

"Very aware!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Wenwu felt Lan Shan's appetite for him.

If only she wasn't such a gangster.

"But let's kill them all. What should we do if the Salvation Army jumps over the wall and uses missiles to wash the ground?" Lan Shan looked at Lu Wenwu with some worry, "I have a special ability that can turn into liquid to evade. You What to do with the dog? "

"My dog's name is Maomao, and I have space with me." Lu Wenwu shrugged, "Even if you don't use that, you can't kill me without using nuclear weapons to clean the ground."

Lan Shan's beautiful blue eyes suddenly flashed with brilliance: "Okay, I didn't expect you to be Brother Fu! Whoops! Brother Fu v50! Today happens to be Thursday!"

"Then what, I've wanted to ask from the beginning, where did you learn all this nonsense?"

"Ah, there is a forum called Sun Xiao."

"Okay, no need to say more, look at that less in the future."

"Uh-huh? Can we have sex?"


"Uh-huh! Smelly straight man, what a shrimp head!"

"Read less of the Big Red Book!"

"Hey! What you love is your life?"

".You have trouble with the toilet, right?"

"Hey! Are these bad words? Also, I didn't mention the toilet?"

After chatting with Lan Shan for a few words, Lu Wenwu went straight to the survivors who were still in collapse, took off the Wrath of the Demon King, and gently gave them a big mouth.

His strength was controlled so skillfully that the opponent's cheeks were not even swollen.

The effect of the big mouth was also very good. He immediately got out of the state of fear and came back to his senses.

Lu Wenwu just looked at him and asked calmly: "For the sake of you not having murderous intentions towards me just now, I will spare your lives, but this does not mean that I will not kill people. Now, I ask, You answer, okay?”

The soldier nodded immediately.

Lu Wenwu immediately asked: "How many people are left in your unit? Do you have the ability to call for intercontinental missiles to carry out surgical strikes? What are you doing in the city now? What is your mission? What is the reason?"

The soldier immediately replied: "Including logistics, there are nearly two thousand people. The brigade commander has the authority to call for missile bombing from his superiors, but I don't know the specific operations. I am just an ordinary non-commissioned officer."

"Our mission this time seems to be because the war apostle died suddenly and suddenly, and the entire war field went out of control. The two closest apostles started a war in the city of war to divide the resources left by the war apostle. The higher ups sent us to eat the leftovers."

"Even the cities on the edge of the war field still have a lot of resources and systematic industrial equipment, which are necessary for us to fight against the apostles."

"Before we came, the troops had basically taken over the city and killed all the guys who were originally blessed by the War Apostle. Their super powers are slowly declining. Without the War Apostle, we didn't expend much effort at all."

"Some of the supplies should have been collected and moved by now."

Lu Wenwu glanced at the affix given by the Eye of Insight.

[Sincerity] [Uneasiness] [Uneasiness] [Nervous] [Fear]

Okay, it seems that I am not lying.

Lu Wenwu asked again: "Did you meet other people from other worlds during this process?"

The soldier hesitated for a moment and then said: "We met five, but three of them were dead, and the remaining two were seriously injured and were captured by us."

It turned out that these three fools were killed by the Salvation Army?

"How did you die?" Lu Wenwu asked.

"Well" the soldier's face seemed a little embarrassed, "When we were dealing with the war apostle's men, they suddenly jumped out and volunteered to help. But the brigade commander and the others..."

Very good, he is indeed a fool.

You dare to imitate your buddies and show off if you don’t have the strength?


Lu Wenwu interrupted the soldiers expressionlessly and signaled the company commander to come over and take the surviving prisoners back to the landing port.

The first company commander asked before leaving: "Mr. Tyrannosaurus, what are your and Miss Lan Shan's plans?"

Lu Wenwu twisted his neck and showed a kind smile: "Inform Lao Zhao that the entire army is leaving. This city belongs to us."

After saying that, as soon as the wings of the sky spread out, Lu Wenwu took Lan Shan and flew high into the sky, heading straight for the city.

The first company commander, who had not recovered yet, was left alone and confused.

"Company Commander, can we settle down?" A young soldier asked tentatively, "Can Mr. Tyrannosaurus kill those seven or six apostles?"

The first company commander suddenly smiled bitterly: "I am very confident in his strength, but I am not very confident in his mental state."

Little warrior: "."

Why is the company commander still swearing?

In the distant city, two people who were tied up like dead dogs were being closely guarded by about 500 guards.

As long as there is a slight movement, the armor-like array of high-concentration explosives and self-destructive collars tied to the two players will be enough to kill them.

What's more, these self-detonating explosives are not just tied to the body.

During the period of hatred for players, the Savior Army came up with a particularly insidious and abstract way of fixing.


People have nine orifices, and seven of them are open.

Therefore, some designs on the funerary objects were borrowed by these crazy guys.

For example

Nine-orifice jade plugs

Let alone how outrageous it is to explode inside and outside at the same time.

Just shoving it in roughly and bluntly is enough to make people feel miserable.

Move a little.

The pain is indescribable.

The black Elbida really didn't dare to move at all. He was sweating coldly on his face because of the pain. He bent his body and stayed there in a posture that others could feel extremely uncomfortable at a glance.

The super smart Quincy on the side was more abstract.

He kept twisting his body on the ground, and kept hesitating and making a low moan of pain and a little pleasure.

The Savior soldiers who were in charge of the nearby guards all felt a chill, and they wanted to poke their eyes out directly, and they were disgusted by this outrageous scene.

They have captured many players for such a long time.

Some chose to commit suicide (using the forced exit props), some dared not move like Elbida, and some struggled to escape or fight back.

Damn, I didn't expect that there would be such a pervert who enjoyed it right away today!

So we are rewarding you?

A soldier showed strong contempt on his face and whispered: "Squad leader, can we find an opportunity to kill this pervert directly? It's too disgusting to watch, I really can't stand it."

The squad leader also showed contempt on his face, and said with disgust: "Don't worry, when we return to the base and go to the research table in the laboratory, he will be in trouble!"

"Woo woo woo woo!"

Just as the two were talking in a low voice, the low air raid alarm suddenly roared.

The defenders on the scene looked up involuntarily, and a demon burning with pale green evil energy fire was falling from the sky!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Someone was shouting at the top of his lungs.

The panicked shouts were soon covered by the firepower of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns in the distance.

A large number of bullets were spewed out, interweaving into a barrage in the air.

What was surprising was that the demon in the sky did not dodge or evade, but just landed forcefully against the firepower net and smashed directly into the anti-aircraft position!


A deafening roar resounded, and a large number of twisted metal fragments were thrown high with the soil, and then fell heavily.

The firepower that the Savior Army was proud of could not effectively attack him at all.

Bullets and shell fragments hit the opponent's body with a clang, and could only burst into a burst of bright sparks, and could not even scratch a trace of damage.

After destroying the anti-aircraft firepower, a huge roar erupted under the demon's feet, and the whole person jumped high again and fell in the center of the city.

This time, he raised his hands high, and the black demonic flames formed a huge fireball in the air, and suddenly smashed directly towards the position in front of him.

Countless soldiers and civilians who were constantly carrying supplies watched helplessly.

Watching a ball of firework rise from the small building requisitioned as the brigade headquarters, it was turned into ashes in the scorching heat.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

In the distance, the only remaining artillery position began to show its power.

The brigade headquarters had been destroyed, and they didn't have to worry about accidentally injuring the leader at all, and they madly poured shells towards the position where Lu Wenwu was.

As for whether the ordinary people not far away would be accidentally injured?

It doesn't matter.

The Salvation Army didn't care at all.

In their eyes, as long as they can defeat the apostles, it is worth it no matter how much it costs.

If the controlled people are accidentally injured during the battle.

I'm sorry, we are fighting for the sake of taking back our homes, please understand.

However, will the artillery fire be useful to Lu Wenwu?

The answer must be no.

The top legendary armor he was wearing, the Scarlet Abyss, was simply not something that could be destroyed by ordinary artillery.

If it were replaced with the energy weapons in the previous Wasteland Ghost, there would still be a possibility of breaking the defense.

The evil flames burning on Lu Wenwu became more and more intense.

The explosive step was activated, and his body jumped high for the third time, and fell heavily into the temporary military camp where supplies were constantly being transported.

The defenders did not care about the safety of ordinary people at all, and immediately picked up the guns in their hands and shot at Lu Wenwu.

"Why do you do this?"

Lu Wenwu stood in the center of the battlefield, motionless, and his voice still rang clearly in the chaotic battlefield.

"To take over the city, why do you have to load supplies?"

However, the soldiers of the First Salvation Army did not seem to intend to answer his question at all.

They just kept roaring, pouring all the bullets and explosives in their hands on Lu Wenwu.

The wild attacking posture even made Lu Wenwu think that these guys had used the Fengling Yueying with unlimited bullets.

Countless people screamed and tried to escape from this hell on earth, but they were pierced by a large number of attacks and fell in a pool of blood.

"So that's how it is, then I understand."

Lu Wenwu whispered again, and the majestic murderous aura and pressure on his body suddenly spread.

The battlefield suddenly became a little quiet.

Except for the heart-wrenching wails and shrill and panicked screams, there was no roar of hot weapons.

Lu Wenwu punched the ground fiercely, and countless flames flew everywhere, accurately finding one after another of the trembling Salvation Army soldiers who could not stand, and burned them to death.

At the same time, accompanied by a familiar dolphin sound, the artillery position in the distance also silenced.

Everyone's brains were boiling with Lan Shan's mental shock, and their whole brains were cooked.

Looking at the countless former war believers in panic, Lu Wenwu had a blank expression.

The ferocious dragon wings spread out and took him to the last place where the Salvation Army soldiers gathered.

This time, no one continued to raise their guns and shoot.

They watched Lu Wenwu land in the middle of everyone, his face ashen.

Everything was in vain.

The other party was unharmed by the artillery fire, so what use was the rifle?

The alien player in front of them was too strong, so strong that they couldn't even think of resisting at all.

They had watched everything just now and understood deeply.

They were finished.

The brigade commander and the large army that had gone to support with such a fierce momentum before were killed by the man in front of him.

That was the strength of two full regiments!

Not far away, Elbida looked at Lu Wenwu's cold face, and his whole body was shaking like he was electrocuted.

Wasn't he the Shenzhou man who was rejected by himself and others after he first proposed to form a team!

Why is he so powerful!

He is powerful enough to destroy an entire modern mechanized synthetic brigade single-handedly!

It's over!

I'm done!

It is said that Shenzhou people are very vengeful

Just when Elbida was trembling, the super smart Quincy, who was also tied to the ground, became excited, and his eyes kept flashing with inexplicable brilliance.

He thought that his chance to escape and even become successful had come!

I didn't expect this guy to be so strong!

Fortunately, I hid it well at the beginning and spoke beautifully, so I should have a good relationship with him.

In this way, as long as I say a few more good words, I should be able to successfully hold this thigh.

As for that damn Elbida?

Damn, good-looking but useless rubbish!

Brainless idiot!

A lot of blood gathered on Lu Wenwu's two arms, making them as dazzling as a gun blade.

He looked around and asked calmly: "Answer my question, why do you have to load all the supplies into the car when you take over the city?"

Many soldiers looked at each other.

Although they were already extremely scared, no one dared to speak.

The atmosphere in the field became solemn for a while.

There was only a vague "woohoo" sound and a "crackling" sound of scraping against the ground.

Lu Wenwu glanced and immediately saw a deformed species that was constantly squirming on the ground and trying to rub against his feet.

The man's ears and nostrils were stuffed with special explosives.

Even a special grenade was stuffed into his mouth, causing blood to flow out of his mouth.

"Oh, you are a real master, you are here too? What a coincidence!"

Lu Wenwu suddenly laughed, stepped on the forehead of the super smart Quincy, bent down and pulled out the special grenade, and casually crushed it with his hands together.

He pulled out the grenade, which really helped the super smart Quincy regain his language ability.

But because of the rough means, the opponent's rotten teeth, which were not very good to begin with, were reduced to a few, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth.

It must be said that this man is really a mean bone.

Even if Lu Wenwu treated him like this, he could still show an ugly and flattering smile.

"My lord, I know what they are going to do!"

The super smart Quincy said vaguely with his leaky mouth, and his eyes flashed with a strong sense of justice when he looked at the soldiers around him.

"I heard everything just now. They have no intention of taking over the city. They just want to move away all the materials and industrial equipment! They don't care about the people here at all!"

"Sir, I think their unscrupulous behavior is a way to death. Please don't let them go!"

"I was arrested by them because I couldn't stand it before and wanted to rescue those people!"

"Woo woo!"

Elbida on the side had his eyes wide open, as if he wanted to say something.

Lu Wenwu looked playful, and pulled out the special grenade in his mouth along with more than a dozen teeth.

"As a righteous man, I cannot sit idly by and watch such a liar!"

"Listen to me, strong man from Shenzhou, we were not arrested for this at all!"

"It was this bastard villain named super smart Quincy who instigated us to capture a few mutated people and study them, so we were arrested!"

"He not only killed three of our companions, but also killed many innocent people!"

Upon hearing this, super smart Quincy twisted his body and glared at each other: "Damn Brother Ni, your mind is so vicious! I always think about you, but now you are slandering me! Bah!"

Elbida was not afraid either, and immediately hit back: "Fu.ck! If it weren't for your instigation, how could we do this? You evil guy, are you going to continue to pretend in front of you Shenzhou people!"

Lu Wenwu and more than 500 people watched the two fight each other on the sidelines.

When the quarrel became most intense, the two even started fighting with each other.

The super smart Quincy has a slight advantage in the early stage because he is too perverted and can easily endure and even enjoy this painful feeling.

But Elbida is also a ruthless person.

He actually forced himself to stand up from the ground despite his anus and second brother being injured.

He even bent his knees to pick him up and stepped hard on the opponent's important parts.

That being said, this trick is quite useful.

The hard metal explosive pipe pierced directly through the soft interior, and was stepped out by Elbida from below.

The super smart Quincy immediately howled like a slaughtering pig.

After realizing that he was no match for the opponent, he frantically asked Lu Wenwu for help, saying a lot of good things.

After watching them dog-eat-dog for five minutes, Lu Wenwu was tired.

"You're just a farm tool that bullies the weak and fears the strong. How can you be a good person? You still lack a whip."

He raised his hand and punched out, and Elbida's head exploded immediately, spraying red and white all over the face of the super smart Quincy.

"There are three types of people I hate the most in my life."

"Number one, it's racist."

"Second, niggers and oilies."

"Third, it prevents me from discriminating against black people."

Lu Wenwu said with a smile, looking down at the bitch whose smile was even brighter.

"What do you think?"

The super smart Quincy immediately endured the pain and shouted: "Well done, sir! Well done! I have long disliked this damn nigger! This inferior race just needs to be dealt with!"

Several black soldiers in the Salvation Army immediately glared at him and wanted to tear him alive.

But with a living father like Lu Wenwu standing in front of them, they could only dare to be angry but dare not speak.

Lu Wenwu kicked forward and turned the super-smart Quincy over, with his face facing up.

The other party immediately smiled and said: "Sir, the controller is in the hands of the leading nigger. You just need to press it lightly and I will be freed! I will fully assist you then. It will be easy to defeat this copy! Previously I am too blind to see the truth, I apologize to you, and I hope you will not care about me like a villain!"

If it weren't for the obvious affixes of [resentment], [hate], [hatred], [hostility] and so on in the current state.

This performance still looks like it is what it is.

Lu Wenwu immediately kicked him, causing him to spit out the few remaining teeth in his mouth, and his fragile cervical vertebrae were almost broken.

"I just said that I hate racial discrimination, and you're going to give me eye drops?"

"No, I don't dare! Sir, I was wrong! I apologize to black people, who are also our friends in China."

"Pengjifeopeng, who can be friends with this kind of thing?"

Lu Wenwu raised his leg and kicked again, kicking the super smart Quincy into the air and smashing the reinforced concrete behind him.

"Did I say that the thing that bothers me the most is discriminating against niggas?"

The super-smart Quincy man was numb, and his eyes flashed with disbelief as he looked at Lu Wenwu.

I've told you all the nice things to say, but you're just trying to mess with me!

"Do you dare to be angry and dare not speak out now, thinking that I am a double-standard monster?" Lu Wenwu walked slowly to him and looked down at him.

"Don't you dare, you taught me the right lesson!" The super smart Quincy immediately put on his familiar smiling face, "I did something wrong, I should be beaten, I should be beaten! Sir, would you please first Let me go so that I can do things for you?"

In the eyes of insight, the bright [Killing Intent] affix appeared red even in the black.

"You guys are really hypocritical!" Lu Wenwu lamented, "You don't have to scold me in your heart. I can tell you clearly that I have a double standard, and others say that I am mentally ill. Although I don’t think so myself.”

As he spoke, he took the remote control from a black soldier and crushed it directly.

"Did you know? Your style of doing things, licking them when they are useful and stepping on them when they are useless, reminds me of a guy with a very, very, very bad impression." Lu Wenwu raised his foot with pity, "Confucius said: "Wise words, Fresh and delicious!"

The super smart Quincy seemed to have a premonition of something, his eyes were split open, and he shouted piercingly: "No! Don't kill me! I am useful, I am very useful, sir! I..."


The big head exploded in all directions, leaving only a pair of eyes that were staring at death and rolling on the ground.

Even though his brain has died, he is still staring blankly at Lu Wenwu's feet.

In the second before his death, the super smart Quincy thought of many things in an instant.

What did you say wrong?

Did he reveal something?

Did the other party guess that he wanted to do something wrong with him?

Absolutely impossible!

Licking first and then cheating, enduring the humiliation and bearing the burden, this is what I have done in this type of dungeon in the past!

How could he know?

The super smart Quincy never understood why Lu Wenwu wanted to kill him until his death.

ps: Tomorrow’s update will be very good. I hope it won’t be reviewed or deleted. Guys, remember to read it quickly.

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