I Can See All The Bosses’ Drops

Chapter 1312: "Monument" in the world

On the beach to the east of the Titans, there are now tens of thousands of players who come to watch.

Among them were the members of the Creation Mercenary Group.

Xiao Heman looked at the sea with countless building wreckage floating in worry and said:

"You said that Mr. Feng will be okay?"

God-given bad breath:


"What can be wrong with this."

"If you want to care, you might as well care about this sea clan."

Looking at the Titans who were carrying out the corpses of the Sea Clan:

"I don't know what happened when I fell to the ground. Could it be that even their city lord can't figure it out?"

"Don't think that the entire city of Gallia was taken over by the demons..."

Just when everyone was talking about Gallia City, Lin Yi at the moment seemed to be in a huge vortex.

No matter how hard Lin Yi tried, he couldn't stop his body from approaching the strange stone tablet:

"What the **** is this? Stop me!"

When Lin Yi got closer to the stele, the uneasiness in his heart grew stronger.

It seemed that a voice in Lin Yi's subconscious was telling Lin Yi that as long as he entered it, he might never get out.

Now Lin Yi still doesn't know what this stele is and where it leads, and it doesn't look like a teleportation formation.

But Lin Yi trusted his intuition.

In the face of that powerful suction, Lin Yi did not hesitate to turn on the [Power of Bloodline], and the three pairs of wings fully unfolded:


Lin Yi gritted his teeth and flapped his wings:

"Yeah!!! I... Cao!"

At this time, Lin Yi had already tried his best, and although he stopped the castration, his body was still approaching the Demon Suppression Stele little by little.

You can't control yourself at all.

When Lin Yi was less than two meters away from the stele, he suddenly found out.

The fine lines on the original stone tablet now look like the blood vessels of the human body, which are intricate and spread throughout the entire stone tablet.

And the stele had completely changed in Lin Yi's eyes at this moment.

Now he is a beating heart in Lin Yi's eyes!

This discovery also made Lin Yi feel more and more that there must be some unknown secret hidden behind this bizarre [Monster Suppression Stone].

But now Lin Yi doesn't want to know at all.

Because it has now threatened his own life.

Having experienced so many Lin Yi, he would not naively think that he is in the game now, and it is impossible for him to really die.

Lin Yi's feet were firmly on the ground and sunk deep into them, leaving a straight ravine on the ground.

Seeing Lin Yi who couldn't stop castration, he couldn't help holding the Sword of Emperor Charm in front of him.

Lin Yi looked resolutely at the "heart" that seemed to be beating:

"I don't believe in evil anymore."

Then Lin Yi raised the long sword with both hands and activated the skill at the Demon Suppression Stone:

"Heavenly Slash"


The moment Lin Yi activated his skills, a thunderbolt from Jiutou roared through the clouds and smashed into the deep sea in front of countless players under the horrified eyes.

The huge impact force directly set off a wave of several meters on the sea surface.

The big elder of the Titans, Bruce, changed his face:

"Quick, protect the clan."

Then he stretched out his hand and waved, and a huge barrier wrapped the Titans.

At this moment, the players who were watching were bad luck, and were directly washed out by the waves.

Only some quick-response players flew into the air and escaped.

Shuaizhuo looked at the receding huge waves in shock and the messy scene that was hit by the waves:

"Is this movement made by Boss Feng?"

Everyone couldn't help looking at the calm sea, as if nothing had happened just now.

At this time, the strangeness on Zhang Xinxin's face and the worry on the face of the chief elder of the Titan clan were not found.

The next moment Bruce looked at the sea, his eyes darkened, and he sighed:

"What's supposed to come always comes."

When everyone was shocked by the sudden thunder, the thunder had turned into an energy that seemed to tear the void, and attached to Lin Yi's blade.

Looking at the demon-suppressing stone tablet less than a meter away, Lin Yi roared and waved his long sword:

"Break it for me!"

The Sword of Emperor Charm, the bearer's violent aura turned into a long rainbow, and ruthlessly fell on the demon-suppressing stone tablet:

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The Demon Suppression Stele was not directly split in half as expected.

Instead, it was Lin Yi who was holding a long sword. As if the sword was slashed on an indestructible boulder, there was even a tingling feeling in his arm.

Faced with such a result, Lin Yi looked incredulous:

"how so."

Looking at the uninjured stone tablet, Lin Yi disappeared directly in front of the Demon Suppression Stone tablet with deep unwillingness.

With the disappearance of Lin Yi, the green bamboos that had been cut off by the waist, like magic, grew up again and surrounded the stone tablet.

Even the traces that Lin Yi walked and stepped on before are gradually being erased.

The escaping demonic energy also began to converge in an instant and disappeared into the demon-suppressing stone tablet.

At the same time, the dense veins on the surface of the Demon Suppressing Stele also disappeared without a trace.

It seems that with the disappearance of Lin Yi, everything here is gradually returning to its previous appearance, leaving only the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the bamboo forest.

In the temple of the elves, Gamplov suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with unbelievable sadness:


I saw Gamplov look up to the sky and sigh with emotion:


"Is it really impossible to change everything as you said?"

Gamplov's aged face was full of chagrin and unwillingness:



Gamplov raised his head suddenly, with endless anger in his eyes, and roared:

"Is it really going to kill my hundred clans?!"

"hold head high!!!"

Gamplov stood in the elf temple, shouting hysterically.

When he was exhausted, his whole body was helpless, his hands resting on his knees, and his whole body was panting violently.

It seems that the Gamplov at this moment is not the high-ranking elder of the elves who possesses the power of the true god.

But a dying old man worried about the future of the race:

"Holy Lord...you must come back alive!"



On an empty platform, Lin Yi felt like he was a sandbag thrown away, smashing heavily on the ground.

The severe pain made Lin Yi, a man with demigod strength, couldn't help crying out.

However, Lin Yi quickly reacted:

"I'm not dead?"

In an instant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Yi forgot all the pain and struggled to stand up from the ground:

"Where is this?"

And when Lin Yi stood on the platform and looked at the group of buildings below, a sense of familiarity suddenly emerged.

Lin Yi soon knew where the familiarity came from.

Then Lin Yi came to the edge of the platform incredulously and looked at everything below, his eyes were full of shock and astonishment and said:

"This is……"


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