I Can See All The Bosses’ Drops

Chapter 1303: The Danger of Port Russell

"According to the rules set by God the Father, we cannot fight against demons across regions."

"Now that nearly half of the land in Lafam Continent has fallen, we can't let the demons continue to expand."

"And we also learned that the purpose of the demons is not simple."

"And now I can't think of anyone else who has the ability to stop this."

Standing in the main hall of the Qinglong City City Lord's Mansion, feeling the hot gazes around him, Lin Yi finally failed to refuse but said:

"what should I do?"


In the face of the current offensive of the demons, Lin Yi is now a demigod.

Perhaps Lin Yi was able to deal with the last few demon kings with ease, and even fought back.

But the Demon Kings of the Demon Race are more than tens of thousands.

The ten demon kings are only the first of the demon kings, which does not mean that there are only ten demon kings in the demon clan.

Using Lin Yi's own power to fight against the current demons is simply a man's arm, and it cannot have any influence on the battle situation.

This is why Lin Yi can only passively choose to wait, waiting for more players to break through the demigods before he can sound the horn of a counterattack against the demons.

As for the **** kings from Jiuyou Continent, let's not say whether they have this ability.

Even if there were, Lin Yi didn't plan to use them.

Because the Huaguo Theater is the last piece of pure land in Lin Yi's heart, and it is also the last line of defense in the Lafam Continent.

Lin Yi would never let something happen here.

At this time, listening to the requests made by the major city lords and racial patriarchs, Lin Yi was not optimistic at all.

However, when Lin Yi didn't open his mouth to refuse, Babylon and the others all looked at each other subconsciously, and Lin Yi could even notice the joy in their eyes.


Lin Yi shrugged helplessly, but he was not happy at all.

At this moment, Gamplov, the elder of the elf clan, appeared more and more.

On behalf of everyone's wishes, he said to Lin Yi:

"My king, look!"

Then Gamplov waved his hand, and a holographic map of Lafam Continent appeared in the void in front of him.

Lin Yi followed the position of Gamplov's finger, it was a huge port.

Lin Yi recognized this port at a glance and blurted out:

"Port Russell!"

This is the closest to the extremely cold land, and it is also an important port that must be passed.

That is, because of Lin Yi's appearance, the Demon Race Battlefield was opened ahead of time, plus the current leveling map of the ancient God Town of [Paradise Island].

Affected by this, the Frigid Land, which was a holy place for military strategists in the previous life, gradually faded out of everyone's field of vision.

But even so, it still cannot replace the important position of [Arctic Land] in the hearts of the people of Lafam.

Just because the most mysterious [Pilgrimage Peak] in the Lafam Continent is located in the [Arctic Land]!

Players may no longer need to go to the extremely cold places to farm monsters and level up, but they still cannot avoid going to the [Thundering Terrace] of [Human Peak] to transcend the calamity.

Even so far, many people are wandering around the [Pilgrimage Peak] looking for opportunities (tasks).

And Lin Yi also knew.

At the top of [Tiansheng Peak], there is a time-space tunnel leading to the earth;

And there is also a passage leading to the Heavenly Clan [Tianwaitian];

And this is what Lin Yi knows.

I don't know how many secrets Lin Yi doesn't know.

【Ren Peak】【Earth Peak】【Tiansheng Peak】

The three peaks are like the heart of Lafam Continent, and there are countless secrets and unknowns about this mysterious continent.

At this time, Gamplov pointed to [Port Russell], and Lin Yi's first thought was [Arctic Land].

And Gamplov's next words verified Lin Yi's guess.

I saw that half of the area on the holographic map suddenly turned red.

Gamplov then explained:

"These red areas are the places that the demons have now captured."

"The darker the color, the more demons there are."

Lin Yi looked at the holographic map in front of him incredulously, and said with a moved expression:

"so much?!"

Although Lin Yi had already learned from the forum from the beginning, now all war zones have suffered heavy losses, and a large number of main cities have been lost.

However, knowing is knowing, but there is no actual concept.

But when I saw the current map distribution, I really realized that the seriousness of the matter is much more important than I thought.

At the same time, the faces of all the bigwigs present at the moment are extremely heavy.

Gamplov was not influenced by Lin Yi, but continued to point to the hologram and said:

"Your Majesty the Elf King, can you see anything from the map?"

"See what?"

Lin Yi stared at the distribution of the demons on the map with a solemn expression, and he could see that most of the war zones occupied by the demons were concentrated in the Western Continent.

However, what surprised Lin Yi was that the two war zones, such as the US war zone and the corrupt nation war zone, were not affected by the demons.

Almost all other war zones around these two war zones have been occupied by at least half or more.

But their war zone was in the center like the stars and the moon, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com was safe and sound.

Is this what the Great Elder is implying?

Lin Yi was not so sure.

At this moment, Lin Yi's expression suddenly changed.

He noticed the port of Russell that the elder Gamplov had pointed to earlier.

In an instant, Lin Yi felt like he was in a state of enlightenment, and instantly realized:

"The goal of the demons is here."

Look at the distribution of demons on this holographic map, among which the Australian theater and surrounding areas are the darkest.

This also means that there are now a large number of demons gathered here.

According to the 'rules of the game', there is a limit to the number of demons that can appear on the battlefield of each main city.

As long as the upper limit is reached, the demons can no longer be continuously transported.

However, the distribution of demons on the map is very abnormal under this rule.

Originally, these demons should stay in each occupied main city on average, waiting for the player to counterattack and capture the city.

But now, a large number of demons have left the main city they captured and are gathering in the Chao-Australian theater.

Even if the main city is retaken by the players, those demons who have left the main city area will not die or be sent back to the abyss.

Then why are they doing this?

An obvious answer emerges:

【Port Russell】!

Because the Australian theater can be talked about by the world, there is only the only way to the [extremely cold place].

Now that a large number of demons are gathered around the Australian theater, it is obviously not a coincidence.

After the demons occupied Port Russell, they could transport a large number of demons to the [Arctic Land] through airships.

Their ultimate goal is [Pilgrimage Peak]!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi seemed a little incredible and said to himself:

"Even the Demon Lord wants to go to the Pilgrimage Peak before they even come out, what do they want?!"

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