I Can Give Talent

Chapter 94 – Anda and Nala

Anda was finally out of her seclusion after three weeks. She emerged from her alchemy room, her eyes glowing with excitement. The smell of various herbs and minerals lingered on her clothes, a testament to her intense preparation. Anda activated her fragrant body and dispersed all of the lingering smells.

She immediately spread her spiritual sense to look for Leyvi, however she spotted an unfamiliar figure first.

"Madam! You are out!" Valenia approached Anda happily.

"Ah Val, so you have broken through. Good job. Hmm...I can smell Leyvi's essence from you. Congratulations!" Anda let out a mischievous smile.

"Th-thank you, Madam," Valenia blushed. "It was all thanks to your guidance." Her voice was getting smaller.

Anda giggled, "Hehe, our girl Valenia is finally a real woman. Later I can call you as my reinforcement and gang up on Leyvi together."

Valenia nodded shyly, "I will do my best to support Madam."

"By the way, I noticed an unfamiliar figure here. Who is she?" Anda asked.

"Oh, that's Nala. Leyvi hired her to train the spirit beasts." Valenia then told Anda about the Beast Tamer Tournament that Leyvi participated in and that he purposely lost to get the 2nd place prize for Lilian.

Anda had a big smile, proud of her husband. It will be her turn to make Leyvi proud of her next.

"But Madam, that woman, Nala, she wants to be Leyvi's woman. Ever since she came here, she tried to seduce him many times already. Is it true that she needs to go through Madam's assessment first? Madam Layla said this." Valenia reported more things about Nala to Anda.

"Really? Finally! It's about time. My amazing husband should have more girls begging to be his woman. This Nala girl has good taste. I like her already!" Anda showed more excitement about other women showing interest in her husband than him dominating a beast-tamer tournament.

Valenia was speechless. She knew her madam was like this but it still never failed to stun her. Only her madam would promote her husband to other women. Well, it was not like it was a bad thing, after all, she also benefited from it.

"Alright, let's go meet her." Anda continued.

As they walked towards the front yard, they could hear the sounds of creatures and a high-pitched, yet firm, voice giving commands. The sight that greeted them was a whirlwind of activity. Nala, dressed in a form-fitting outfit that highlighted her voluptuous toned figure, was giving orders to Mr. Bison and Scarlet to attack Stripey while he dodged them continuously. 

It was to train his courage so he wouldn't be so miserable and faint as in the final match. After many days of training, Stripey finally overcame his cowardice and could at least move properly. He had been dodging Mr. Bison and Scarlet's attacks amazingly with his agile body.

Nala was satisfied with his progress so far. Although it was only dodging, it was good enough for now. The next step would be figuring out how Stripey was supposed to fight. After all, he was just a small monkey and his physical strength was way lower than many demonic beasts at the same level.

When they started training she was worried about how to proceed since they might not understand her. However, to her surprise, every single one of the spirit beasts could understand human language to perfection, including the three small red foxes. Even her Reddie took many years to understand human speech to the level she is now.

She learned from Layla that Leyvi had Mr. Bison and Scarlet as his spirit beasts for only nearly a year. To be able to learn human language this fast was incredible.

"Nala!" Anda called out as they approached the training area.

Nala looked over, her eyes lighting up with excitement when she saw a graceful woman with a birthmark around her left eye. Layla had described how Anda looked so she recognized her instantly. "Are you Big Madam Anda? You're finally out of seclusion!" She greeted her enthusiastically, giving a courteous bow.

Anda chuckled at Nala's enthusiasm. "Yes, I am. And it seems like you're working hard with our little Stripey. How's the training going?"

"Hehe. Big Madam, I can say that he wouldn't faint in a match anymore." Nala giggled. She came closer to Anda. "Ehem, Big Madam...are you going to inspect my body? To see whether I can become Leyvi's woman or not?" Nala suggested, somewhat impatient.

"Sure," Anda replied with a smile.

Nala was immediately excited, she turned around and said, "Guys, training ends here today. Good job Stripey, Mr. Bison, and Scarlet." Then she turned back facing Anda, smiling "Big Madam, where do you want to inspect me?"

Anda chuckled. "I'm done assessing you." 

Nala was stunned. "Done?" When did she assess her? How? She thought she would have to get naked and show her pussy and her ass. She thought it was an inspection to make sure that she didn't have a disease or something bad.

Anda replied, "Yes, done. I have my methods."

"So...how is it, Big Madam?" Nala had a weird feeling. She was obviously a Core Formation expert, older and stronger than anyone in this house. However, in front of Anda, she couldn't help but feel small. Why does she have such a big presence?

"I can feel that you are not a maiden anymore." Anda talked slowly, increasing the tension.

"Big Madam, does that mean I didn't pass? You only want virgin women for your husband?" Nala was disappointed. She felt like crying.

"Hehe," Anda giggled. "I can sense that you haven't had a man for a long, long time. I don't mind if a woman isn't a maiden, she can even be a nympho. I'm just making sure they aren't a whore. I need to make sure they are loyal to my husband." Anda explained with a mischievous smile.

Nala was dumbfounded, she didn't know how Anda knew that she hadn't been with a man for a long time. She was quite surprised by Anda's ability. What kind of power is this? Can she peer into the past or something? But she felt relieved knowing that she wasn't rejected because she wasn't a virgin. After all, there are a lot of people who place a woman's virginity as the top priority.

"So.....Does that mean....I passed?" Nala was asking for confirmation.

Anda nodded with a knowing smile. "Yes, Nala. You passed. From now on you will be a part of the Leyan Family."

Nala's heart fluttered with excitement. "Thank you, Big Madam!" she exclaimed, bowing once again. She couldn't wait to pull Leyvi into the bed. It has been too long after all.

Anda smiled mischievously, she knew what Nala was thinking right now based on her expression. "Nala, I'm afraid you won't be able to make love with Leyvi right away."

Nala's expression changed immediately to serious, "Eh? Why Madam? Is there a turn system or something?"

Anda made a pondering expression, "Some time ago I made a promise to the maids that they could become his concubine after serving the family for a while. So in a way, they are his women too. But considering his personality, since you come later, he would probably prioritize them first before you. Only after they become his concubines would he touch you."

"Whaaaatttt?? Oh no....How long do I have to wait?" Nala was distressed. "Madam, is there no other way?"

Anda sighed, shaking her head. "What else can I do? I can't force my husband to make love with other women. We need to respect his wishes you know. But you see, Valenia here had become his woman just recently, so it is not impossible."

Valenia blushed red when Anda suddenly involved her in the situation. His woman. Hehe, that sounded nice.

"I see," Nala murmured, looking at Valenia with envy. 

"But....It's not like there really wasn't a way." Anda suddenly said, igniting Nala's hope.

Nala gulped. "Big Madam, what is it? Tell me please...." She was totally desperate now. Having a man but she couldn't have his body was quite torture for her.

"You just need to help the maids become Leyvi's woman faster. Those girls don't have any experience with a man, who knows how long it would take to progress with him? But... if you can help them seduce Leyvi, he will accept them faster, that means your turn will be faster too." Anda said convincingly.

Nala's eyes brightened. "Big Madam, you are right! I'll gather them right away and teach them the art of flirting and teasing with men. I'll also help them modify their maid outfit to be sexier, that way Leyvi would be tempted more! I have some experience with sewing and could be called a seamstress myself. Look at my dress, I made them myself, hehe."

Anda smiled and nodded. "Very good, I approve of your plan."


Leyvi who was training in the pool with Reddie felt a strange atmosphere around him. "Huh? What is this feeling? Is someone plotting against me again?"

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