I Can Give Talent

Chapter 9 – Exploring

Leyvi was overjoyed. His treasured price didn't get snatched, and he even got his own storage space. He went from hell back to heaven in a few moments.

"Toy spirit, why you didn't tell me from the beginning that this place was a storage space?" Leyvi felt like complaining a bit. 

[I was given full authority by master to decide when to unlock the internal storage room]

[Even if the host was smart enough and guessed beforehand that this place was a storage space, the host wouldn't be able to access it without my permission.]

"Are you implying that I'm stupid?" Leyvi squinted his eyes. This toy spirit was always trying to annoy him.

"Then why did you decided to let me use the storage space now? Ah, You must be quite impressed by my performance, so you let me access the storage space as a reward, right?" Leyvi shamelessly praised himself.

[The host was incorrect.]

[I was not impressed by the host at all. The master, at the host level, would have just flicked the demonic boar to death.]

[After finding out how pitiful and unreliable the host was, I decided to unlock the internal storage room to let the host enjoy the easy mode.]

"You!..." Leyvi wanted to retort, but he swallowed it back. He gave up. He knew this toy spirit was intentionally trying to annoy him.

"Fine. I'll accept my easy mode then." He doesn't want to interact with this toy spirit any longer or would be annoyed to death.

Looking at the headless demonic boar, he smiled again. Although the toy spirit was very annoying, he admitted that this internal storage room was a huge help for him, life-changing even. 

This was countless times better than a space bag. Since it was an internal storage space, nobody would be able to snatch his things. His belongings would be safe and sound. 

"Log out!" Leyvi's consciousness went back to reality. He was still at the top of the tree. Looks like time didn't pass when he was in the internal storage room. If he remembered correctly, it was the same the first time too.

Anda was holding his ear at that moment. When he got back to reality, Anda was still holding his ear. He should test this more when he gets back later.

Leyvi focused again.

He grabbed his bag and thought about sending his bag to the internal storage room. The bag immediately disappeared. It works! 

Soon, Leyvi stood up and looked down. He then looked around him and noticed that there were a lot of weird mushrooms growing on the tree. He picked up one of them.

"Wait a minute!" Leyvi exclaimed. This was a spirit herb! 

There were a lot of mushrooms growing on the trees that had successfully absorbed spiritual energy and become spirit herbs.

"Hahaha!" Leyvi laughed. He was quite lucky today. He hurriedly picked all the mushroom spirit herbs he found and sent them to the internal storage room.


In the middle of the night, a creature can be seen jumping from tree to tree, enthusiastically picking up something from each tree. Weird laughs could be heard coming from the creature periodically.

The creature was Leyvi.

He has been picking a huge amount of mushroom spirit herbs growing on the tall trees for the last few hours. Everywhere he went, there would be mushroom spirit herbs growing. 

All this time, he has been looking for spirit herbs with difficulties on the ground, without realizing that there was a plethora of them on the higher parts of the trees. 

This was exactly the case for the majority of the Qi Refining realm cultivators who were looking for spirit herbs. People tend to look for things below them instead of looking up. 

 Leyvi who has been picking spirit herbs and jumping from tree to tree for hours didn't feel tired at all. Even though beads of sweat can be seen forming on his forehead, Leyvi felt more energetic than usual. It can be said that his motivation is at its peak right now.

Why wouldn't he be? Every time he jumped to another tree, there would be spirit herbs waiting for him. 

As of this moment, the number of spirit herbs in his storage space reached a staggering number of more than 3000 spirit herbs! Based on his experience previously, even a year's worth of finding spirit herbs didn't reach a thousand.

Leyvi knew this was mostly thanks to the internal storage space. A normal bag would never allow him to collect this many. 

Another reason for this was the climbing tree expert benefit given by the talent bead. At first, he looked down on this benefit.

However, at this moment, if anyone would talk badly about monkeys, he would beat them up and tie them to a tree. Listen, you ignorant fools! A monkey is better than you! Watch my majestic move as I swing from branch to branch.

That was how high his opinions about climbing trees are now. Later, he would bring Panda girl and teach her how to climb trees too. No, she probably already knew how. How can a panda not know how to climb a tree?

A few hours later, it was almost morning. Leyvi was continuing his activities of gathering the spirit herbs. He was not sure how far in the forest he currently was in.

When the first light of sunrise reached his eyes, he stopped his activity and decided to rest for a bit.

From above, he saw a small stream of river. He immediately went down and ran toward the small stream. He then walked in the direction of the small stream headed.

After three kilometers of following the small stream, Leyvi finally reached the intersection where it met with a small river a few meters wide.

The flowing water looked clear, so he got on his knees and drank the water to quench his thirst.

While he was drinking, a bunch of fish bigger than his hands were swimming around.

He decided to catch as many fish as possible and store them all so that he had a great supply of food. As a cultivator, it was not that hard to catch some fish.

Leyvi then went into the shallow river, quickly grabbed them underwater, skillfully finished them off with a qi jolt, and sent them to the storage. Leyvi stopped after getting around 50 fish. Having possession of a storage space really made such a huge difference, Leyvi praised in his heart.

Leyvi had tried sending a live fish into the internal storage room, but it failed. Looks like it won't work on a living being.

Leyvi was quite satisfied with the amount of fish stock right now. He made a fire right away and started to roast two fishes. The taste didn't matter, he just needed to alleviate his hunger.

It would be nice if he could find some marble berries, he would ask Anda to refine some fasting pill from it, and he could stay active for a few days without feeling any hunger or even a week!

It was morning now, and Leyvi decided to go further north into the forest to explore.

In the past, he was not able to explore the forest because of the limitations. Now? It was different. He could stay here as long as he wanted.

However, he can't be here for too long. He still needed to go back and cultivate with his wife. He just wanted to take this chance to explore more of the forest.

Before leaving, Leyvi found a big rock, smashed it multiple times until it turned into a big bowl, filled it with water, and stored it. He needed to have some water stock too just in case.

After leaving the small river, he went north again and to be safe, he climbed the trees again.

Leyvi felt that it was better to travel like this. It was safer, and he could see more things from above. Leyvi was a certified monkey now. He just needed to make the sound of a monkey now.

Unbeknown to Leyvi, during the whole time he was drinking, eating, and resting, something was secretly watching him from above.

After Leyvi departed from the river, it still followed him from a distance. 


Without noticing anything unusual, keep jumping from tree to tree and from branch to branch. 

Leyvi arrived in an area where there were a lot of pinks on the ground. He jumped down and noticed there were a lot of Pink Petals Orchid!

"Nice!" Leyvi said. Pink Petals Orchid can be used to make Qi replenishing pills!

After his last fight, he was thinking of getting some Qi replenishing pills due to the nature of his attacking skill. It uses a lot of qi at once, so he needed qi replenishing pills to replenish his used qi quickly.

Leyvi then cut them all using sharp qi, a minor basic application of qi and managed to get a total of 86 stalks of Pink Petal Orchids.

Afterward, he traveled again for hours, this time, he didn't pick any more spirit herbs along the way. There were already so many of them in the storage. He just wanted to explore now.

He only stopped and picked other kinds of alchemy ingredients that he stumbled upon, such as red berries and forest bee honey.

Red berries can be used to make Common Antidote pill, while forest bee honey can be used to make Minor Healing elixir. 

Leyvi also managed to find some marble berries. He can now get his hands on fasting pills. 

A day later.

Leyvi came to an area where there were more openings. He saw a single tree in the middle of that opening.

"A peach tree? Why was there suddenly a peach tree here?" Leyvi wondered. The area around the peach tree was empty about 50 meters in radius. The peach tree was ripe with bright pink-colored peaches.

Leyvi scanned the area around the peach tree carefully and noticed a little fluctuation in qi.

"Array formation!" Leyvi realized what it was. Did he arrive at the area of the Mystical Array Valley already? No. The Mystical Array Valley must still be quite far from here. However, someone from Mystical Array Valley must be the one who set up this formation.

Is this peach tree some treasure?

Oh no, he better get away fast. Leyvi didn't even have the intention to steal it. He just wanted to be alive. Someone who could set a formation like this must be at least in the Foundation Building realm. 

Suddenly, a small monkey appeared right next to Leyvi.

Leyvi's eyes widened. "Stripey??"

Stripey looked at Leyvi and started talking in monkey language while pointing to the peach tree. Leyvi did not understand him. 

Stripey suddenly moved his small hands like he was grabbing something repeatedly.

All of a sudden, a bunch of peaches appeared around them.

Leyvi's eyes widened with fear and he only thought about one thing right now.

"I'm dead."

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