I Can Give Talent

Chapter 85 – Quarter-Final

From the fight just now, most people noticed the strangeness of Scarlet's win. How did a huge hole appear out of nowhere? Are they cheating? Did they get outside help tempering with the arena? Somebody explain! The audience started asking questions.

Hearing the accusations, Leyvi frowned.

Suddenly the announcer said something.

"Leyvi Leyan and his spirit beast did not cheat. I can vouch that the Demonic Red Fox dug the huge pit using her special ability. All audience can be rest assured, there's no interference occurred at all."

What?? That fox has a special ability? Did she awaken her bloodline already? At the intermediate level? How was this possible?

Or maybe it was an ancient beast tamer skill that can be taught to a spirit beast and that goofy guy found it. The audience continued to speculate.

Leyvi was relieved. He thanked the announcer by slightly bowing to him from afar.

Regarding this situation, even the announcer was confused. All he knew was that it was indeed a special ability used by Leyvi's spirit beast. What amazed him more was that the tunnel and the pit she created were unbelievably durable, like they were enforced by something to prevent any collapse.

He had seen a demonic beast bloodline power before and he could be sure that what the fox used wasn't one, making him even more confused.

In the end. The announcer stopped thinking about it because his job was to conduct the tournament, not to investigate someone's secret.

"Boss Leyvi, I'm hurt. Although I pretended to be hit by that trunk, it still hurts. Give me an elixir." Scarlet complained as she returned to Leyvi's side.

"Alright alright. Here." Leyvi quickly brought out a low-grade medium healing elixir and gave it to Scarlet.

She drank it happily and fully recovered in the next second. She was only slightly bruised after all. Furthermore, she was glowing slightly for a few minutes due to the elixir's effect. Her fur became shinier and tiredness went away.

Damn!!! What the heck!! Who is this guy exactly? Did he give the best kind of healing product to treat a slight bruise? What a waste of an expensive life-saving elixir. Life is truly unfair, some of them were on the verge of death many times but they never had the chance to get a taste of a medium healing elixir yet, meanwhile, that red fox drank it like it was cabbage!

People who saw Leyvi using the medium healing elixir on Scarlet were fuming, claiming injustice, and lamented their lives.

"Ugh, maybe I should have used a cheaper product. Wait, Anda made them. I don't have a cheaper product. Oh well. Please don't get mad at me, blame yourself for not having a wife like my Anda." Leyvi talked to himself.

"Alright Scarlet, you can have your beauty nap now. Mr. Bison will fight after this." Leyvi said.

"Okay~~" Scarlet disappeared into the spirit beast bag.

Soon, it was the last match of the third round, between Fisherwomen and Wagina.

When Fisherwomen flew to the arena, for some reason, he felt that her body language was giving him seductive vibes. Leyvi wondered if this was intentional or if she was always like this. 

Fisherwomen summoned the Demonic Mantis Shrimp while Wagina summoned a Demonic Condor.

The fight between the two spirit beasts was not an easy one because the mantis shrimp fought from the pond and the condor fought from the air. 

The condor didn't dare to execute a diving attack because the mantis shrimp has a powerful fast smash attack. A single hit from that would be the end of it. So, it grabbed a huge rock with its talons and released it from a high altitude aiming right above the shrimp. 

However, an attack like this was laughable as the shrimp dodged it easily. While the condor landed to grab another huge rock, the mantis shrimp moved to the pond's surface and horizontally launched a lightning-fast smash attack on the surface of the water, creating a high-speed water jet shot at the condor.

Caught by the sudden powerful attack, the condor was sent flying crashing into another huge rock nearby.

"I lost!" Wagina surrendered as she saw the Demonic Mantis Shrimp had come close to her spirit beast to launch a follow-up attack. She surrendered right away not wanting to take any right.

"Fisherwomen wins!" The Nascent Soul announcer declared.

Fisherwomen recalled her spirit beast, turned around, and flew back to her seat. While returning, she sneaked a wink at Leyvi who was looking at her.

Dear Lord, this woman really has her sight on me now. I'm in danger. I'm not handsome like Lin Wei, my style is considered country bumpkin, so why does she fixate on me? Leyvi, calm down. We are in the city, she can't do anything extreme. Don't worry. Leyvi reassured himself and relaxed again.

After another 30-minute break between rounds, the tournament had reached the quarter-final round. It was now evening. Eight competitors left in the intermediate-level category.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we start this evening with the first match of the quarter-finals. The battle will be between...." The announcer spoke while drawing the lot.

He opened the lot papers and continued,

"Vee versus Fisherwomen!"

This time, the mantis shrimp's opponent was a Demonic Rhino. As soon as both spirit beasts were ready, the announcer started the fight.

The rhino snorted and charged, its massive bulk barreling forward with unstoppable force. The ground trembled under its weight, dust, and rocks scattering in its wake. But the mantis shrimp was not fazed. It stood its ground, its complex eyes tracking the rhino's every move.

Just as the rhino's horn was about to impale it, the mantis shrimp leaped with astonishing speed, propelled by its powerful legs. It dodged to the side, avoiding the charge, and repositioned itself behind the rhino.

The mantis shrimp's primary weapons were its raptorial appendages, capable of striking with the speed of a bullet. It waited for the perfect moment, and as the rhino turned, the mantis shrimp launched its attack. With a blindingly fast strike, it targeted the rhino's vulnerable joints. The impact was like a sledgehammer, causing the rhino to bellow in pain.

Despite the damage, the rhino was not easily subdued. It swung its massive head, trying to catch the mantis shrimp off guard. But the shrimp's agility was unmatched. It danced around the rhino, landing blow after blow with its hammer-like appendages, each strike causing cracks in the rhino's thick hide.

The rhino, now enraged, attempted another charge, but its movements were slower, more labored. The mantis shrimp saw its opportunity. It unleashed a flurry of rapid strikes, targeting the rhino's legs. The speed and precision of the attacks were overwhelming. The rhino stumbled, its legs giving out under the relentless assault.

With one final, powerful strike, the deep red mantis shrimp aimed for the rhino's head. The impact was thunderous, echoing across the arena. The rhino collapsed, unable to withstand the sheer force of the mantis shrimp's attack.

"Fisherwomen wins!" The announcer declared, confirming that the Demonic Rhino had passed out.

Leyvi was surprised. He didn't expect that the mantis shrimp would be so agile on land. Once again it defeated its opponent easily.

Fisherwomen winked at Leyvi again as she returned to her seat. However this time, Leyvi didn't look away, instead he continued staring at her. Leyvi decided not to be afraid anymore of a woman's advance. Since this woman was so bold, he would reciprocate with more boldness.

Let's see if she dared to flash her areola again. Leyvi thought.

At the same time, after the battle ended, Selene Goldstone once again glanced at Leyvi to see his face. She became increasingly interested in him after discovering that he might not be a simple guy.

His spirit beast can use a special ability, and he gave it a rare life-saving alchemy product to heal a small wound. No normal person would do that.

"What is he looking at?" Selene Goldstone muttered as she followed Leyvi's line of sight.

Ehhhhhhh?? Whaaatttt??? What is she doing???? Isn't that Fisherwomen, the reigning champion?? Why is she exposing herself like that to Leyvi? What is their relationship??

Selene was shocked and screamed internally behind her cute-looking mask. She subconsciously covered her breasts as if she were the one exposing herself.

Is this what a woman is supposed to do to attract a man's attention? She had no idea. What to do, the man she had her eyes on was being snatched by another woman.

No, she can't give up before she even begins. She would follow and approach him after the tournament ended.


Holy! She really is the Goddess of Boldness. She must be what they described in legend. An exhibitionist. This is one of the legendary fetishes Anda described.

In the end, Leyvi surrendered and stopped staring at her. If she started stripping here it would be troublesome. A normal man like him could never win against a unique woman like her.

The more he stared, the more things she flashed at him.

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