I Can Give Talent

Chapter 60 – Layla

During the past few months, Tal and Tasya had broken through to the middle stage of the Qi Refinement realm. Leyvi congratulated them and praised how fast they were able to advance. The difference between being rich and poor was just too big. He took 8 years of painstaking work to reach the middle Qi Refinement realm while his disciple took a little more than half a year.

Tal won another 3 chess tournaments during this period and he was hailed as the Bara City Chess Genius. Rustam had registered Tal to represent Bara City in the upcoming South Region Grand Chess Festival which would be held two years from now. It was an event that was equivalent to the famous Alchemy Conference in the chess world.

As for Tasya, she was now the most popular and requested chef in Bara City. Because she became too popular, the way she worked at the restaurant also changed. She no longer cooks according to the menu but cooks whatever is requested by the customers. However, her service was highly expensive and the customers had to bring their own main ingredients. Tasya was advertised as a chef who could cook anything and so far, she succeeded in fulfilling all of her client's requests.

Everyone knew that Tal and Tasya had come from the Leyan family by now. 

The Leyan Family had become one of the most well-known families in Bara City due to Anda, Tal, and Tasya. Surprisingly, even Leyvi was quite popular in the city because of the existence of his fan club. Leyvi's fan club was established by a Law Enforcement Officer named Barto and it was joined by the people that Anda previously banned.

Leyvi was dumbfounded when he learned about this.

Apart from the kids, all the maids had also broken through. Sayu, Lilian's personal maid, advanced from the middle-stage Qi Refinement to the late-stage Qi Refinement realm. Fifi and Nikita advanced from the late stage to the peak of the Qi Refinement realm. Lastly, Hana, the daughter of Bana the gatekeeper, reached the early stage of the Foundation Building realm. They were all quite skilled at cooking now thanks to Tasya's cooking lessons.

Valenia was still at the early stage of the Foundation Building realm. She focused on training with her broadsword the past few months so she didn't cultivate much. However, her sword control had gotten much better and her Sword Intent had become much fiercer.

Leyvi fought with Valenia again but this time he didn't try to receive her attacks barehanded anymore. Leyvi utilized his specialty to detonate the Qi to deflect her attacks away and disperse her Sword Intent. Valenia was quite amazed by Leyvi's fighting style. He was like a bomb human as he could casually detonate his Qi from various body parts. It could be used to attack and defend resulting in a versatile fighting style.

Other than that, Anda's reputation as a Prodigy Alchemist had skyrocketed again after she made a few tier-3 alchemy products and put them on the market. Although the quantity was not many, all of them were Tier-3 products that required the use of a special fire which means that they were very rare and expensive. However, this was nothing to the Core Formations realm in Bara City as they were the top existence here so they were pretty rich.

Anda had finally used Little Fiery in her alchemy process and it made the living fire happy.

Leyvi also checked on Layla and found that she had broken through to the middle stage of the Foundation Building realm. According to her, she had been at the early stage for quite some time so her advancement was not a big deal.

Leyvi noticed that Layla's expression was getting redder and redder when talking to him. It was like she was holding her pee.

"Lady Layla, are you really fine?" Leyvi got closer to her and asked gentlemanly.

Seeing Leyvi near her made her heart beat faster and her juice was about to spray. "Mi-mister Leyvi...I-I am fine." Layla held it in again.

Leyvi doesn't believe her. How was this fine? You are clutching your legs together and can hardly speak. Leyvi decided to bring her to see Anda.

Leyvi grabbed her hand to help her walk but suddenly Layla convulsed and gave out the loudest moan he had ever heard.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! AAhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Haaaa....... Haaaa..........." Layla slumped to the floor and a pool of water emerged around her. Her body twitched hard for a few minutes.

Layla orgasmed. She orgasmed so hard that she lost consciousness. It was a good thing that they were in her room right now, or everyone would have heard her orgasmic loud moan if they were outside.

Leyvi was naturally stunned, dumbfounded, speechless, and mind-blown by the sight in front of him. Her lower body was completely soaked now by the juice she produced. Leyvi knew she was a water-attributed cultivator, but wasn't this too much? Why would she orgasm so much in the first place? He only touched her hand.

Anda. His panda wife's image came to his mind immediately.

She must be the evil mastermind behind this incident. He needed to ask Anda what was actually going on behind the scenes.

Leyvi lifted the unconscious Layla and carried her to her bed. What made him even more speechless was that her body kept twitching in his arms. How did a person have such a huge and long orgasm from just skin contact?

Leyvi observed Layla on the bed. She had an extremely comfortable expression now as if she was released from a long torture.

Leyvi called for Anda using the communication array and she showed up not long later.

Anda saw the wet floor and the unconscious Layla lying on the bed with her lower body still wet.

"What happened?" She asked.

"That should be my question. I grabbed her hand and she orgasmed like crazy. She even squirted all over the floor! Did you do something to her?" Leyvi questioned Anda with one of his eyebrows raised high.

"Pfft...Ahahaha! Ahahaha!" Anda started laughing out loud and even the tears came out.

Leyvi waited for Anda to finish her laugh.

"It's not my fault. It's her fault. I told her many times already to be your 3rd wife, but she held herself back because she thought she was a nobody." Anda casually said as she sat on the bed and softly caressed Layla's hair acting like a big sister.

Leyvi rolled his eyes. This panda wife was still pushing more women at him. Leyvi slowly thought that Anda was actually assembling a harem for herself instead of him. She wanted to be the Big Sister of the harem and he was the link that made them sisters.

"That doesn't explain why she orgasmed so hard." Leyvi pointed his confusion.

"Hehe....That's because she has a unique fetish" Anda smiled mischievously.

"Huh? What kind of fetish?" Leyvi became curious. Layla always appeared proper and professional. She was certainly a pretty woman and she didn't look like a person who would have a weird fetish. Leyvi found it hard to believe.

"A gentleman fetish" Anda revealed the truth.

"?????????" Leyvi was speechless. His head was full of questions.  What kind of fetish was that? How do you know her fetish? Leyvi suddenly remembered the time Anda told him to act gentlemanly with Layla.

Leyvi finally understood Anda's evil scheme. She had been plotting all this time and it resulted in what would be recorded by Anda in the Secret Family History book as Layla's Big Orgasm Incident.

If Layla had agreed to be Leyvi's 3rd wife right away or if she had masturbated, this wouldn't have happened, but because she held back, her fetish-induced arousal gradually increased and accumulated to the highest level, causing it to burst the moment she made physical contact with Leyvi.

Leyvi could only shake his head. 

"You caused this so you deal with it. Apologize to her later" Leyvi said to Anda.

"Hehe..husband, things have come to this so you should just accept her as the 3rd wife now. Right, Layla?" Anda asked Layla. She had noticed that Layla regained consciousness when she caressed her hair.

"Madam! You can't force Mister Leyvi like this!" Layla immediately defended Leyvi as soon as her cover was exposed. She regained consciousness when Anda caressed her hair, but because of shame she pretended to be unconscious and listened to their conversation. 

Leyvi sighed inwardly. Since Anda had planned all this, he decided to accept Layla as his third wife. He knew her hidden fetish and had seen her orgasm after all. If he rejected her, she might lose he confidence as a woman. Additionally, he also liked Layla's personality, which was why they had gotten along since the first time they met.

Anda sensed that Leyvi had made the decision, so she quickly exited Layla's room and waved at them while smiling mischievously at the door.

"Go! Layla!" She cheered and closed the door.

Leyvi turned and looked at the blushing Layla on the bed. Leyvi slowly sat on the bed next to her, held her hand gently, and said,

"Lady Layla, may I have the honor of being your husband?" Leyvi proposed as gentlemanly as possible.


Layla orgasmed again before she could answer.

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