I Can Give Talent

Chapter 49 – Rich

Layla was suddenly embarrassed. She who always appears proper and professional actually has a hidden side like this.

Anda who noticed this showed a sly smile.

"Leyvi, from now on when you interact with Layla, use a gentlemanly persona." Anda secretly sent a sound transmission to Leyvi.

"Huh? Why?" Leyvi was confused. He squinted his eyes. What kind of panda plot is she hatching now?

"Don't ask so many questions! Just do it, it's for your good, understand?" Anda didn't want to explain. If Leyvi knew his acting might become stiff.

"Uhh....Yes, madam." Leyvi could only agree. In any case, Anda would never harm him, although he knew Anda was up to something weird again.

Soon, they arrived at the Leyan Mansion. 

Everyone was in awe of how big the house was. Hana was jumping from excitement.

"Bana, you will live in the guard house from now on. It has everything in there for you to live." Leyvi pointed at the guard house near the gate. 

"Yes, Mister Leyvi" Bana immediately went to the guard house to settle down. It was indeed equipped with everything needed for living, as a matter of fact, it was better than his old house in the poor area.

Leyvi then brought the rest of them into the house. He immediately called for Tal, Tasya, and Lilian. As soon as they came, Leyvi introduced them and the newcomers to each other and told them about Bana who lived in the guard house.

"Lady Layla, I will be counting on you as the manager of the Leyan Family from now on. Please explain to them their roles and duties in this house later and also assign a room to them. A room is big enough for them to live together. As for Lady Layla, you can pick any empty room for yourself." Leyvi was still addressing her as Lady Layla because it sounded nice. He also didn't forget to act gentlemanly as instructed.

"Mi-Mister Leyvi, you can be assured and leave it to me." Layla stuttered a bit because she felt she was getting a little wet. Layla was flustered inwardly. It seemed that the realization amplified her new fetish. She even got wet from a simple interaction!

"Thank you, Lady Layla. Sayu, come with me to Madam Lilian's room." Leyvi said as he glanced at Lilian. Lilian blushed as she followed along. She was embarrassed because she was the only one given a personal maid. They would think that she was unreliable.

In Lilian's room, Leyvi was explaining to Sayu her responsibilities as Lilian's personal maid while Anda watched. Valenia was not with her because her protection wasn't needed in the house. Sayu was initially distracted by the jungle-looking room. It was full of plants, flowers, and vines!

"Lilian, start cultivating here," Leyvi instructed.

Lilian tilted her head and showed a confused look. 

"Just do it." Leyvi insisted.

Without wasting time, Lilian sat in a meditation pose and circulated her Qi according to her cultivation manual. The spiritual energy in the room was immediately absorbed by Lilian and Wood-type aura could be felt emanating from her.

"Sayu, remember, this is her when she's cultivating." Leyvi reminded Sayu.

Sayu was amazed by her madam's speed of cultivation and her realm. She nodded quickly when she heard Leyvi's instruction although she didn't know why. 

"Good! Lilian, you can stop." Leyvi was satisfied.

"Lilian, now enter the Goddess of Fertility Garden." Leyvi sent a sound transmission this time.

Lilian was still confused by Leyvi's series of instructions, but she still complied. There must be a good reason. Lilian's consciousness instantly entered the Goddess of Fertility Garden. While she was enjoying her time in the garden, her real body froze in the same position without moving an inch. There was no spiritual energy being absorbed and no aura emanated.

"Your madam is cultivating a special mental type cultivation technique so she becomes frozen like this. Your job is to remember this state and don't let her be in this state for more than a day. Understand?" Leyvi lied to Sayu. He can't just tell her Lilian's ability.

"Yes, Mister Leyvi!" Sayu seemed to understand her job now. This cultivation technique must be harmful if practiced for a long time so she had to make sure of her madam's safety.

Leyvi smiled. "If she was cultivating normally, you don't have to worry, it's only when she's like this you have to pay attention. You just need to send her sound transmissions to wake her up after a day passed. It's not that hard, right?"

"Is this the only thing I need to do?" Sayu was doubting a bit. Her job seemed too easy. She was going to be paid so much more than her previous jobs but she only needed to do a little work.

"Yes. If you feel like your job is too little you can serve your madam better. That's all." Leyvi ended the talk and left the jungle with Anda.

After they left the room, Leyvi got behind Anda and hugged her.

"With this, all the preparation was done and we can start cultivating peacefully. I wanted to get to middle-stage before we depart for the Alchemy Convention." Leyvi said while resting his head on Anda's shoulder.

"Husband, don't worry. Who is your wife again?" Anda quizzed.

"My wife is the sexiest genius Alchemist with the most fragrant body," Leyvi praised while whiffing her neck.

"Hehe, good husband. Now carry me to our nest. I need my special motivation liquid to fuel me before I start my alchemy work." Anda tempted him in a seductive voice while rubbing her plump bottom to his rising bulge.

Leyvi immediately lifted Anda in a bridal carry and brought her to his room.

"Succubus Anda, you don't have reinforcement this time! Prepare yourself!" Leyvi showed her a villain smile.

"Hehe, come husband~" Succubus Anda tempted Leyvi by slowly touching and flipping her pink petals.

That night, Leyvi went all out and defeated Succubus Anda again and again.

Anda was satisfied to the point she lost consciousness while Leyvi was still inside her. Leyvi and Anda slept together connected until noon.

When Anda woke up, she left the room feeling full. She was ready to give her hundred percent refining alchemy products. 

Anda visited Lilian first and informed her of the various alchemy ingredients she needed. As a true gardening demoness, Lilian had almost all of the ingredients that Anda needed in her Goddess of Fertility Garden. She had bought all types of seeds available in Bara City and planted them in her garden. Furthermore, many common plants have become spirit herbs too so she harvested them and gave them to Anda. 

Next, Anda called Layla and gave her a list of a few more ingredients that Lilian couldn't provide, such as things that came from animals or special kinds of liquids. 

Since she hadn't been practicing alchemy for a while, she warmed up by concocting Qi Refining Pills from all the spirit herbs given to her by Lilian. A few days later, Anda consumed the entire spirit herbs and produced only high-grade and top-grade Qi Refining pills. Although Leyvi and Anda didn't need it anymore, countless people in the city needed it.

Anda decided to keep the top-grade Qi Refining pills and only give them to Tal, Tasya, and the maids. The best stuff should be reserved for family members. As for the 1000 bottles of high-grade Qi Refining pills she made, she would let Treasure Pavilion sell them. She discussed this with Linda and reached an agreement where the treasure pavilion would take 10% of the profit and she would take 90%.

Since a bottle of high-grade Qi Refining pills cost 30 low-grade spirit stones, if they were all sold, she would get a total of 27000 low-grade spirit stones. That shows how easy it was for a skilled alchemist to get filthy rich.

As the manager of the Leyan Family, Layla was responsible for delivering the first batch of alchemy products made by Anda to the Treasure Pavilion. Seeing all the high-grade Qi Refining pills in the space bag, Layla's legs felt shaky. Just how terrifying was Madam Anda's alchemy skill? Not even Alchemy Master Babadog who was in the Core Formation realm could concoct high-grade Qi Refining pills, even middle-grade Qi Refining pills rarely appear.

Sure enough, the entire Bara City turned into chaos the day high-grade Qi Refining pills appeared on the market. All the well-off and rich families in Bara City went to the Treasure Pavilion and fought for any bottle they could get. In the end, it was sold out in just a single day. Layla who brought all the profits back to Anda felt like she was dreaming.

The residents of Bara City started to ask which Alchemist refined all the high-grade Qi Refining pills. After some investigations, they finally found out that the alchemist in question was a new resident in a mansion in Eastern Bara City. She was the big Madam of the Leyan Family, Alchemist Master Anda Leyan. The city was in uproar again from the news. They were shocked to know that Anda was only in her 20s. A prodigy appeared in Bara City!

In Anda's room, Layla safely delivered the enormous profits to Anda.

"Sister Layla, what do you think about my husband? He's a good man, right?" Anda was working on her next target.

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