I Can Give Talent

Chapter 110 – Sayu

An hour and a half later, Nikita exited Leyvi's room and walked down the stairs gracefully. Similar to Fifi, her aura and demeanor changed as well.

"Nikita, you forgot your underwear. We can see it clearly from here." Hana announced loudly and pointed at under her maid skirt.

"Ah?? Where?" Nikita covered her exposed bottom part with her skirt and ran into Leyvi's room again to look for her missing panty.

"Hmph, she must be showing off her sexy butt to Mister Leyvi. I'm so envious! I want a big buttock and big boobs too!" Hana bit her napkin and stomped her leg. "Fifi, donate some to me!" She poked at Fifi's breast from the side.

"No! It's not mine alone anymore. It's for my hubby!" Fifi hugged her huge boobs as if protecting them from predators.

The other ladies rolled their eyes. Fifi changed so quickly after becoming a real woman. She was a lot more talkative now.

Moments later, Nikita came down again, this time properly covered up. Her face was as serious as ever but with a hint of blush this time.

After satisfying them, Leyvi gave them the Child Spirit Peach to increase their cultivation aptitude, turning their spirit root into top-grade quality. While they fainted, Leyvi cleaned their body and let them soak in the bathtub containing Natural Liquid Qi. It made them rejuvenate and regain consciousness much faster.

Of course, their reactions after finding out that their spirit root had been upgraded were nothing short of dramatic. Fifi's love-shaped eyes got even bigger and Nikita cried a bucket of happiness.

"Sayu, it's your turn." Nikita reminded.

Sayu immediately became stiff. That was right, it was her turn now. She and Hana were of the same age, 23 years old, but she was born a little earlier than Hana. If there were one thing to describe her, it would be 'average'. It was the most befitting word from top to bottom, inside and outside.

Her face was average, her height was average, her assets were average, her cultivation aptitude was average, and her personality....nothing interesting. All in all, she was just a normal plain girl.

She was the type of girl that would be ignored most of the time. Not ugly enough to attract disgust and not pretty enough to attract admiration.

She had asked herself many times whether she deserved to be here. She had the easiest job in the world, which was to check on Madam Lilian once a day. That was it. She was free after that. Although she was free, she felt uncomfortable doing nothing all day so she joined the other maids doing housework and learned cooking from Tasya.

It was completely different from the life she had previously where she had to work all the time.

Sayu went upstairs and entered Leyvi's room. Leyvi's toned body entered her sight the moment she entered the room. As a maiden, the scenery at the moment was something that was always described in the romance novel she frequently bought. It almost gave her a nosebleed.

"So Hana will be the last one eh? That's weird, my guess is completely wrong. Sayu, don't just stand there, come here." Leyvi beckoned. Based on Hana's hyperactive personality, he thought she would be first, but it turned out she was the last one among the maids.

Leyvi shook his head. Sayu was stunned silly next to the door. Why are they like this? When Anda opened up the topic of becoming his concubine, they were clearly excited, but when it was about to become a reality, they couldn't function properly. 

He recalled that Anda wasn't like them the first time they were together. She was only shy for a bit and dominated him soon after. Thankfully he had gotten much better now compared to then or he wouldn't have the capacity to accommodate Anda's battle reinforcement.

Sayu tried her best to walk to the bed but her nervousness made her movement awkward and funny looking. She was so embarrassed she wanted to hide.

However, something happened that caused her embarrassment level to rise even higher. She tripped herself due to her awkward movement and stumbled forward, landing exactly on Leyvi. Sayu grabbed something when she fell.

Huh? What is this soft thing? Eh? It became hard all of a sudden. Don't tell me, is this the Legendary Dragon?

"Oh, I see...Sayu, so you were just pretending to be shy eh? Suddenly sneak attacking my sleeping dragon like this, do you want it?" Leyvi teased. He had never seen Sayu so clumsy like this. It was amusing.

"Aaaa..aaa...aaaaa....eee..." Boohoo, Sayu felt like crying. First she couldn't walk now she can't talk. What is happening? If she kept failing like this, Leyvi might chase her out.

Leyvi shook his head again while smiling. Now she can't talk like Lilian. Being her personal maid might have affected her speech ability. 

Leyvi pulled her up and let her sit on his hard rod while facing him. "Sayu, do you want to be my concubine? Nod if you want, shake your head if you don't want." Leyvi had to ask her like this since she had trouble speaking properly.

Sayu quickly nodded multiple times, eagerly agreeing to be his concubine. 

"Good! Since your body is malfunctioning right now, leave it to me! I'll fix it until it becomes as good as new!" Without wasting time Leyvi undressed her and slowly turned her into a real woman.

An hour later, Leyvi was amazed by Sayu. He found out that Sayu had strong willpower! She was moaning like crazy from the pleasure created by the Qi Vortex but she didn't lose her mind and pass out like Velenia, Fifi, and Nikita. 

"Hahaha! Sayu, good job. You might actually have the best talent to learn the Yin Yang Heavenly Bliss Dual Cultivation method!" Leyvi stopped and praised Sayu.

Only Anda was able to withstand the extreme pleasure so far, but she and Sayu were different. Anda has had sex with him many times, has the Heavenly Fragrant Harmony Body, has experienced enlightenment, and even has special fire residing in her body.

On the other hand, Sayu was just a normal girl without anything special. Therefore Levyi was convinced that Sayu was very highly talented in this regard.

"Really? Husband, am I really that talented?" Sayu quickly recovered from ecstasy after Leyvi stopped the Qi Vortex. Leyvi had 'fixed' her body, so, she could move and talk properly again.

"We can try," Leyvi said. He took out the jade slip and gave it to Sayu. "Familiarize with the method and we will try it right away," Leyvi instructed.

Sayu nodded and used the jade slip. The content immediately sent to her mind and she began to learn the method.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and blushed. "Husband, I can't concentrate while your thing is still inside me." Sayu lifted her rear end and reluctantly let it out.

Leyvi chuckled, amused by her action.

Half an hour later, Sayu had digested the knowledge from the jade slip.

"Husband, I know what to do now. Let's try it. Ah, let me awaken the dragon again." Sayu immediately put it in her mouth. After Leyvi 'fixed' her body, any hint of clumsiness was gone. She could even employ the techniques that Nala had taught them without much difficulty.

After Leyvi was hard, Sayu guided the hard rod into her secret chamber, enjoying the heavenly sensation again.

"Sayu, you are like an expert in this aspect, are you sure this is your first time?" Leyvi teased.

"Husband, look at me, which man would want an average girl like me?" Sayu acted pitifully.

Leyvi looked at her closely. Now that she mentioned it, she was indeed average. It had never crossed his mind until it was brought up. Is she insecure about it?

To be honest, he was not someone who really cared about the appearance of a woman. If not, how did he end up with Anda? Many people consider her ugly after all.

It was not like he didn't have any standards, but his standards were much more accommodating. As long as they were not fat by choice, he should have no problem accepting them.

Leyvi smiled mischievously, "Are you implying that I'm not a man? Then what is the thing inside you now? Hmm?" Leyvi raised his eyebrow.

"No. Husband is a real man! I was wrong."

Leyvi channeled his Qi to the tip of his hard rod and induced the Qi Vortex. Sayu immediately moaned from the extreme pleasure.

"Alright, do it Sayu," Leyvi instructed.

Sayu directed her Qi to her private chamber while enduring the intense pleasure and circulated it according to the dual cultivation method.

Soon, the Qi Vortex formed but it failed to achieve harmony and balance with Leyvi's.

At this moment, Leyvi realized his mistake. Sayu was just a late-stage Qi Refining and he was in the middle-stage Foundation Building. Her Qi output wouldn't be able to match his.

Therefore, he had to adjust his Qi output to match hers.

Wait a minute. If she could withstand a Qi Vortex output meant for a Foundation Building level, doesn't this mean that her talent for this was much higher than he expected?

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