I Can Assimilate Everything
Chapter 101: Monsters! II
It echoed out many words.
The Ninth Son of the Dragon King, Bixi, mentioned the name of his father!
But a box of crystalline purple brilliance was completed regardless to enclose around it as none could see what happened within it.
No voices could be heard from it!
This…was also a choice.
Achilles' body melded into the enclosure of purple crystals alone, the figure of Luna staring at such a scene sternly as she looked down below while giving a command.
"You all, stop the rampage of the Ethereal Behemoths down below!"
She spoke to Selene and the other Ethereal Physiology Masters, who were pushed back earlier as even two Andromeda Sentinels moved away from her to help.
She looked in the distance to see the figure of Rose flying over with sharp eyes of concern, and Luna couldn't help but lock her eyes onto the enclosed crystalline box that was larger than four stories, all of this conjured rapidly by a single Transcendent Human as…it caused her heart to palpate.
She wondered.
Had she…found a genuine monster to fight on their side?
A monster who could face other monsters and make sure their Colony City would be safe?!
She felt the beat of her heart.
She felt the radiant moon blooming even though it was daytime right now!
And she became hopeful.
Nothing seemed to be coming out of the enclosed crystalline domain as she looked around to ensure that the danger and casualties around the Colony City remained as low as possible, her eyes catching the Vessels of the Golden Trading Company and the Noblesse flying towards some loose Ethereal Behemoths as they led one or two teams led by Ethereal Physiology Masters.
The Lunaris Colony Overseers weren't alone in defending the Colony City of Neon as the many organizations that thrived on the business of Evolutius Catacombs here were also authorized to help if they had the power.
Even the detained Ethereal Physiology Masters who were intercepted by other groups of Lunarian Enforcers away from the main headquarters of Titan Industries were released under supervision to help against the bloody battle around Catacomb Entrance #3!
The whole Colony City moved as one to ensure that a tremendous loss of life did not occur, and those watching the Advanced Humans fighting for them wondered.
Who was the young man who faced a terrible Dragon Turtle who couldn't even be seen at this moment?
Beside Luna, the figure of Rose appeared as her eyes held a look of worry, and Luna couldn't help but speak firmly as she also analyzed Rose up and down in alarm.
"Don't worry. You know him even more than I do, but if he locked something like a Bixi in a box and entered that box…it must mean he is fully confident to be the only one coming out of it alive. I don't know how he is able to do this against a monster such as this, but I will leave those secrets to you and him. Believe in him."
She knew she was telling one Transcendent to believe in another Transcendent.
But truly, he seemed to be such a Monster compared to Rose that Luna felt like this was the right approach!
As for what was happening inside of that crystalline box?
Only a single man knew!
"Stop! STOP! This is beneath a personage like you!"
The roars of the Ninth Son of the Dragon King, Bixi, echoed out in the enclosed crystalline box supported by Crystal Manipulation IV, Endless Regeneration IV, Abnormal Endurance III…and many other qualities of his.
Anytime even a piece was broken, it regenerated.
Even breaking it was nigh impossible for something like the Bixi before Achilles as this was the same type of armament he had wrapped around Rose at this very moment- making him not worried that she was away from his side momentarily right now.
He did lock this Evolutius Beast in a cage as he wanted some answers- and he also did not want others to see what he was going to do to it!
At this moment, scorching solar beams were constantly reflecting and shooting out of the panels of the purple crystalline enclosure as the scales and shell of Bixi were becoming scorched black, his screams and vibrant life force being the only thing keeping it alive.
Achilles floated in front of it as he breathed in at this moment.
This was his reality.
This was his current power.
And he wanted to understand more of what was coming in order to enjoy his life with Rose as he asked coldly.
"How many more like you are buried under this area?"
He paused the scorching solar beams and asked Bixi.
The Dragon Turtle heaved raggedly and looked around, its gaze ultimately becoming focused on Achilles as it shone with confusion before it replied.
"…When the Undeniable Dream came and the Aeonic Chains began descending for all those shining in the Ancient Times, we were all entombed in specific places. The Ancient World is endlessly vast as I shared this locality with a few others of the same power as me. That bitchy Vampire, those vile worms, and two or three others."
He said all of this with confusion as he thought…Achilles should know this!
After all, he should be a much more powerful Ancient One compared to him, who should know much more.
But when Achilles only gave him a cold gaze, Bixi continued as since they were having a dialogue, it naturally assumed this being had heeded its words and that its life was saved!
"My brother and sisters were chained in different places across these regions, and my father was in the precipice of the Ancient Haven Mountain when the Aeonic Chains descended as he should be there along with other Legendary Figures. Esteemed Personage, may I know your identity so that we can clear this confusion? I did not know this little domain was already under your conquest. Otherwise, I would have simply left after waking up!"
The Bixi talked a lot as it sought to ensure its life.
And Achilles took in the information given as his eyes became colder and colder.
The Ancient Ones were spread out.
There were still some entombed here, but he would have to move and assimilate others in different places if he wanted to continue his explosive rise in power.
He confirmed to himself.
The eyes of Bixi lit up as it thought this meant a conclusion was reached!
But in the next moment.
Achilles spoke out with a chilling light as, from all around, sharp crystalline spears erupted and surged toward Bixi, who was still…very much alive.
And yet, Achilles still sought to assimilate this Dragon Turtle even while it was alive!
He wondered…would he be able to? How different would it be compared to a dead Evolutius Beast?!
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