I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 192

~ United States Federation Of Superhero Special Operations Forces

Regarding the Yan family’s choice, the United States Federation adopted the simplest and most brutal method to resolve it.


Strong oppression!

It’s not just about oppressing the Yan family’s arrogance in the Sea God’s Kingdom, or the real goal is not the Sea God’s Kingdom.

Because Sea God’s Kingdom is Xu Country’s territory, although the United States Federation is confident, it is not confident enough to fight recklessly in Sea God’s Country and Xu Country. Their real target is the Yan family’s main family, which is located at the root of the country of Thousand Islands.

As long as the root is grasped, the Yan family cannot resist.

As for the oppression of the Mermaid City, it was nothing more than a campaign.

Initiated by the United States Federation, the investigation on Yan’s family was quickly confirmed.

The US federal side is served by Seid, who once served as the FBI special operations commander.

Said used to be a native of the Thousand Islands, proficient in the language of the Thousand Islands, and has a very deep understanding of the local customs and habits. Letting him serve as the commander-in-chief of this investigation is also a friendly gesture of the United States Federation to the country of Thousand Islands. We are all our own people with the same enemy.

The country of Thousand Islands is naturally very satisfied with the arrangement of the United States Federation.

This can greatly reduce the voice of criticism from the people.

On the second night after the Yan family issued the notice, Said took a special plane to Jakarta, the capital of the country of a thousand islands.

The country of a thousand islands, consisting of about 17,508 islands, is the largest archipelagic country in the world. Its territory spans Asia and Oceania, and it is also a country with many volcanoes and earthquakes. The larger islands include Kalimantan, Sumatra, Irian, Sulawesi and Java. There are 3 local special zones and 31 provinces in the country.

With a population of nearly 300 million, there are hundreds of ethnic groups and more than 200 national languages. Because of the unique geographical environment, the country of Thousand Islands has had very serious ethnic conflicts since its establishment.

Jakarta is the capital of the country of thousands of islands and the economic center of the country. The GDP of a city accounts for a quarter of the entire country!

It’s not scary.

Its prosperity is comparable to any developed city in the world.

Jakarta is full of lights at night.

The special plane stops at the international airport in Jakarta.

Jakarta is quite cool at night.

The sea breeze is blowing, with a little moisture.

“Hello, Mr. Said, I am Su Nuo, the commander-in-chief of this operation.”

It was Su Nuo, the commander-in-chief of the case of the Thousand Islands Kingdom, who came to greet Seide.


brown skin.

Curly hair.

He is short and fat, but his eyes are piercing, as if he can penetrate the soul of people. His hands are full of calluses, which are the marks left by years of practicing marksmanship.

[A good detective. 】

This was Seid’s first impression when he saw Su Nuo.

And when Said was looking at Su Nuo, Su Nuo was also observing Said, a native of Thousand Islands from the American Federation.

Wheat-colored skin, bald head, and a hideous scar on his face, the wound was deep.

Tall and burly, more than 1.85 meters.

[A veteran warrior. 】

This was Su Nuo’s first impression of Sai De.

The two smiled and shook hands, and they had a very good impression of each other.

“Mr. Said, please, we have prepared a residence for you.”

Su Nuo took the initiative to invite, and Seide followed closely behind, without any nonsense. Although he couldn’t wait to complete the mission quickly and return to his country to return to his command. But he also knows that if he wants to work overtime, he has to consider other people’s wishes. After all, this is not the United States, but the country of a thousand islands.

On the way to the residence.

The two sat in the car.

It’s different from normal cars.

The interior of the car is like a meeting room, or a relaxing living room.

bar counter.

fine wine.

tables and chairs.

Almost everything.

two people

Sit face to face.

“Do you want something to drink?”

Su Nuo opened the wine cabinet full of fine wine, but saw that it was filled with all kinds of fine wine, as many as thirty or forty bottles.




“A shot of vodka.”

Seid was not polite and ordered a glass of vodka.

Vodka, Lao Maozi’s traditional alcoholic drink.

Vodka is made from corn or potatoes, distilled to 95% alcohol, then diluted with distilled water to 40% to 60% and filtered with activated carbon to make the wine more crystal clear, colorless, light and refreshing, making people No sweetness, no bitterness, no astringency, only flame-like stimulation, which forms the unique characteristics of vodka.

These wines are all high alcohol.

Su Nuo admired Saide’s taste very much, and said with a hearty smile: “A real warrior should drink vodka, only **** and women are suitable for red wine.”

He said, pouring two glasses of vodka.

Put ice cubes.

There are about three taels in a cup.

Seid took the glass and drank half of it in one gulp.

When the strong wine entered his stomach, it was like swallowing a piece of burning flame.

He frowned slightly, but he made a comfortable voice, very satisfied.

“How much does Mr. Seid know about this target?”

After drinking a glass of wine, the atmosphere in the car became much more relaxed.

Su Nuo poured two more glasses of wine for the two of them, and asked.

“Know some.”

Sid played with his glass and answered vaguely.

In fact, before he came to the capital of the Thousand Islands, he had already memorized the information of the Yan family.

Very detailed.

Details to everyone within the five generations of the Yan family.

and all asset distributions.

It can be said that he knows more about the situation of the Yan family than most of the people in the Yan family.

Very understanding!

The Yan family is located on Morotai Island in the southeastern waters of the Philippines.

Almost the entire island is the property of the Yan family.

Of course, they do not rely on the output of this island to live. The main industries are still shipping and banking.

But he couldn’t say that.

After all, this is the country of a thousand islands, not the territory of the United States Federation. If he said he knew everything about the Yan family, what would the officials of the Thousand Islands Kingdom think?

Su Nuo didn’t care about this.

He frowned and said after consideration: “Our goal this time is very troublesome.”

“Oh, how do you say that?”

Sid asked suspiciously.

He is really puzzled.

Because according to the information he knew, the Yan family could only be regarded as a local tyrant in the country of a thousand islands, whether it was armed force or economic strength, it was not worth mentioning at all.

At least not worth mentioning in front of him.

He has dealt with many forces far richer than the Yan family.

“Our goal this time is a famous family that has been passed down for hundreds of years and is very prestigious in the local area.”

“More than half of the entire island is their people. Five hundred years ago, they are a family.”

Su Nuo shook his head with a wry smile.

He hates dealing with these famous families the most.

Because of the clan tradition, it is not uncommon for these people to help each other, and even form groups to fight against the government.

The Yan family has been passed down in the country of Thousand Islands for hundreds of years.

For hundreds of years, there have been tens of thousands of people who have been related to them.

Not to mention people who have interests in the Yan family.

In the local area, they have long formed an indestructible network of relationships, from the government to the gangs, they are all their people.

Su Nuo solemnly said: “If we want to investigate Yan’s family, no one on Morotai Island can be trusted. We can only send troops from other places. To be honest, I can’t even be sure whether our investigation team is

With the eyes and ears of the Yan family, their power is far deeper than what we have seen and understood. “

Su Nuo spoke very slowly and heavily.

The network of famous families is too huge.

Especially the Yan family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, even longer than the history of the country of thousand islands. No one dares to imagine how huge their network is, just as no one dares to imagine how strong their strength is. So even though many people look down on the Yan family and think they are seeking their own death, Su Nuo still dare not underestimate the Yan family.

He never regarded the Yan family as an ordinary local overlord.

Because ordinary local overlords cannot pass on for hundreds of years.

It must have an unimaginable background to be able to pass on in that dark age to the present.

Su Nuo said earnestly: “We only have one chance. Once we give the Yan family a chance to respond, whether we can leave Morotai Island alive will be a problem.”

Sid frowned.

He really hadn’t considered this issue before.

He only saw the Yan family’s economic strength and asset distribution.

But it is not clear that the entire Morotai Island is black and white, and the Yan family has the final say.

As a result, the situation is a little more troublesome.

Yes, from Seid’s point of view, this is only a little more troublesome. No matter how strong the Yan family is, it is only a small family occupying an island, and the local overlord cannot withstand the military pressure of the US Federation. If necessary, he can mobilize special forces to come. In front of professional soldiers, the strength of the Yan family is vulnerable.

At least Seid believed it.

Said thought it over: “If necessary, I can request the domestic mobilization of special operations departments, but…”

Said paused at this point, and looked at Su Nuo.

After all, this is the country of a thousand islands.

The relationship between the United States Federation and the country of Thousand Islands is not bad.

It is inevitable that people will be misunderstood by rashly sending troops into the country of a thousand islands. The official of the Thousand Islands Kingdom must speak in person before he can invite the domestic special operations forces to settle in.

“It would be best if that’s the case.”

Su Nuo understood Seide’s worries, but readily agreed.

He didn’t trust his investigation team.

Because he did not guarantee that the Yan family and the investigation team did not collude.

Although inviting the troops of the United States Federation into the country will inevitably attract people’s tongues, this matter is also very easy to solve. Besides, ordinary people will forget about it in three to five days at most. And the forces in the country who want to deal with the Yan family should be very happy to have someone serve them, so that they can obtain the assets of the Yan family without a single soldier.

A famous family that has been passed down for hundreds of years has many friends, but also many enemies.

There are countless forces who are greedy for the assets of the Yan family.

Sid breathed a sigh of relief when he agreed.

As for Su Nuo’s small thoughts, he didn’t care.

In fact, before arriving in the country of Thousand Islands, he didn’t trust the troops here very much, and thought more than once about whether to send more people from the country. But now after Su Nuo’s explanation, he no longer trusts the official troops of the Thousand Islands Kingdom. As for the possible loss of dispatching troops, Said didn’t care.

Compared with the global situation of the United States Federation, this loss is nothing at all.

Just a local family, although there is a security company.

But how many people can there be?

One thousand people, or two thousand people?

Even if they have so many armed forces, don’t these people dare to fight for the Yan family and the United States.

Are they not afraid of death?

Sai De quickly sent Su Nuo’s worries and his own views back to China.

Summary: The Yan family is very powerful in the country of Thousand Islands, with a network of relationships all over the country. The local officials and troops are completely untrustworthy. To eradicate the Yan family as soon as possible, we need to dispatch troops from home.

The United States did not dare to be careless when it received the news from Said.

After discussion, they dispatched the most elite troops, an army that had only been established for half a year.

Superhero Special Forces!

There is not a single ordinary person in this army, even the most ordinary fighters are new humans who have taken the Xu Country Strengthening Pill.

And every outstanding fighter is equipped with the latest exoskeleton developed by the United States Federation, which can be said to be the prototype of mecha. This thing was developed by the United States Federation as early as fifty years ago, but due to a series of reasons such as energy, it cannot be equipped on a large scale, and its actual combat value is very low.

It wasn’t until the opening of the Sea God’s Kingdom that they discovered a large number of new resources from the Sea God’s Kingdom, which allowed the exoskeleton technology to develop by leaps and bounds. Now the United States Federation has basically solved the energy problem, and further strengthened the defense of the exoskeleton, the smoothness of movement, and the strength of the body.

The concept of hand-carrying Gatling, a film and television movie, is just the threshold for superhero special forces.

In the words of the US federal government.

Any member of the superhero special combat force has the strength of one enemy against one hundred.

A hundred men in full armor.

Of course, their team members are also fully armed.

A general in the military even uttered a bold statement that only a hundred members of the superhero special forces can wipe out a country with less than 30,000 troops!

The 300 members of the entire superhero special forces are dispatched at the same time, which can destroy most of the countries in the world in a very short period of time.


This is not an exaggerated description, but a fact.

As for sending superhero special forces to deal with the Yan family, the United States Federation didn’t feel that there was anything wrong.

The Yan family was nothing, they didn’t pay attention at all.

What they care about is the person behind the Yan family, that country.

They believed that the Yan family’s daring to fight against the US Federation must have obtained some cutting-edge technology from Xu Country, and they may have even prepared a large number of reformers.

super soldier.

Otherwise, how dare the Yan family dare to fight against the United States at this time? Has it never died?

This is definitely not a decision that a big family that has been passed down for hundreds of years should make.

But they didn’t care what the Yan family got, or even how many reformers and super soldiers the Yan family had.

They only understand one thing.

The Yan family disobeyed the United States.

must die!

To die completely!

Only in this way can some people’s thoughts that they shouldn’t have be cut off.

This matter ~www.mtlnovel.com~ The US Federation has reached a consensus.

Therefore, Said has the full support of the United States Federation.

Three hundred superhero special forces will arrive in the country of Thousand Islands in two days!

Accompanying is an aircraft carrier fleet!

Absolute strength.

This is the confidence of the United States Federation!

As long as the firepower is sufficient, they are not afraid of any monsters and ghosts.

Even in the face of the gods!

And in fact, as they guessed.

The Yan family chose to stand in Xuguo’s camp because of Xuguo’s strong support.

Among them are not only all kinds of spiritual roots that Xu Country has not sold to the outside world, but also a special warfare force from Xu Country!

The commander-in-chief of this army is Qingqiu Ziyue, whom Yang Xu relies heavily on!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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