I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 181

~ Chapter 180 Touring The Country


A ray of light tore through the darkness in the distance, appeared in the sky and lit up the sky.

Jiang Yaoxi came to Wangcheng early to wait for Yang Xu.

This tour was not a temporary initiative because of the visit of the never-setting sun, but had been decided long before Yang Xu decided to introduce the never-setting sun and the visit of the Tokugawa family.

There are three purposes.

One: Personally experience the newly developed marine vehicles of the Nuwa tribe.

Two: Inspect the development of Zhenhai City.

Prior to this, although Zhenhai City had been opened to humans, it was always in a state of limited opening.

If you want to enter the seabed city, you need to maintain close transactions with Xuguo, and there are certain requirements for the transaction volume. Not everyone can go if they want to.

This is mainly because the main body of Zhenhai City has not been fully completed, and Xu Country does not have enough manpower to call, and it receives too many tourists.

After more than four months, the main structure of Zhenhai City has been greatly improved on the original basis, and the basic framework has been perfected. Xu Country has also cultivated enough personnel to deal with large-scale tourists. Yang Xu’s inspection will determine whether Zhenhai City will be fully opened in the near future.

At that time, there will be almost no restrictions on entering Zhenhai City, except that you can’t bring in all kinds of dangerous contraband, explosives that may cause danger to Zhenhai City, and you don’t need to provide transaction certificates and other relevant documents.

Three: Tour the frontier, learn more about the situation in Xuguo, and plan the future development route.

In the past six months, Xu Country’s development speed has been too fast.

Although it didn’t expand much on land, it just managed to stabilize the rear base and drive the beasts out of the border.

But in the sea area, Xu Country has expanded thousands of miles.

From Mao’er Island in the west, to the Red Sea in the north, and to the Shazhou Peninsula in the south, almost all of the vast sea area of more than a thousand miles was brought into the palm of Xu Country.

The dozen towns of the Qiulong clan and the three towns of the Jiaoren clan are located in this vast sea area of more than a thousand miles.

There are many rare resources in this vast sea area, and there are also many new species and materials that Xu Country has not discovered before.

But now, Xuguo is also facing a very serious problem.

where to develop.

With the expansion of the country, Xu Country can choose more and more directions.

Continuing to the west, you will cross Mao’er Island and head towards the entrance of the Sea God’s Kingdom.

Many sea areas in this direction have been explored by humans. The dangerous sea areas and safe sea areas are relatively clear and relatively safe.

To develop northward, you need to cross the Red Sea and explore along the edge of the wild.

What is there, Xu Country is not clear at present, because humans have not yet explored this area. It’s not that no one has been here, but the information here has not been made public. The danger cannot be guaranteed, but the benefits of developing along the barren continent are obvious. It can increase Xu Country’s understanding of the barren land and find more suitable development areas by the way.

After all, Xu Country is not only limited to sea races, but also has a larger number of land races.

As the population of Xu Country continues to increase, it is expected that the population of Xu Country will exceed 600,000 this year.

At that time, Xu Country’s current territory will inevitably appear a little small.

Next year, Xu Country will inevitably need to expand on land, but which direction to expand is also a problem.

The south is a land of sandbars, the land is barren, and there are a lot of stone giants, which is extremely dangerous.

To the north, you will encounter the Mermaid City.

To the east is the unknown.

Therefore, for the development of Xu Country, Yang Xu must determine the future development direction of Xu Country as soon as possible, so as to ensure the healthy and stable development of Xu Country.

This is the main reason for this tour of the frontier.

As for meeting Mrs. Qiong, the ambassador of the never-setting sun, and the head of the Tokugawa family, it was only a temporary decision.

Zhenhai City is one of the stops.

But not all.

This time, Yang Xu will complete a national tour along Xuguo’s towns on the seabed, which is expected to take two months.

Yang Xu got dressed under Qingqiu Ziyu’s service and came to Lingxiao Hall.

Jiang Yaoxi, Yun Xiao, Qingqiu Ziyue and others have been waiting for a long time.

“Your Majesty, everything is ready.”

The corners of Jiang Yaoxi’s lips were slightly raised, and she was smiling, dignified and holy like a Bodhisattva who saves the world.

Bright eyes look forward to Xi, the stars are dense, like the twinkling of precious light.

During this nationwide tour, Jiang Yaoxi will be the most important member to accompany her throughout. Except for Jiang Yaoxi, Qingqiu Ziyue and others did not receive such treatment.

Because of their respective jobs, they could only wait in Xu Country.

Therefore, this is a romantic journey between Yang Xu and Jiang Yaoxi.

At least in Jiang Yaoxi’s opinion, so it is.

So Jiang Yaoxi was in a good mood, and her joy was like well water overflowing, which could not be concealed.

But some people are proud and some are frustrated.

Qingqiu Ziyue flattened her red lips, her charming eyes were full of grievances, she looked at Yang Xu pitifully, as if begging him to take her with her.

However, the itinerary had already been determined, so how could Yang Xu change his mind temporarily.

Not to mention that Qingqiu Ziyue still has a lot to do.

The construction of Sky City is inseparable from the strong man Qingqiu Ziyue.

With her here, the construction progress of the entire Sky City can be increased by 30%!

The well-deserved chief toolman of Xuguo.

Oh tool fox.

So in order to take care of the stupid fox’s mood, Yang Xu stepped forward and touched the stupid fox’s head. The black hair was soft and the fox’s ears were fluffy. It felt great.

Just rubbing those fluffy fox ears made Yang Xu smile.

Very healing.

Very cool.

Qingqiu Ziyue is also very cool.

Her face was flushed, her eyes were filled with thick mist, and her red lips lightly made a breath-taking panting sound.

Fox ears are very sensitive parts of the Qingqiu fox family.

Being touched in this way will produce strong stimulation.

Under Yang Xu’s touch, Qingqiu Ziyue’s body was as limp as water, and she fell into Yang Xu’s arms.

A burst of familiar masculine breath poured into his mouth and nose, and Qingqiu Ziyue’s eyes became more and more blurred.

She has no resistance to Yang Xu.

Yang Xu comforted: “Everyone’s mouth will become ugly and young.”

“Okay, don’t be angry, the city of the sky will be completed soon, so that Gu can take you out to play. In the future, Gu will go on a tour abroad, the sun never sets, the United States, Japan, many places you have never been to before.”


Qingqiu Ziyue’s eyes were blurred, she didn’t care about what Yang Xu said at the moment, she just responded in a confused manner.

She just wanted this moment to last forever.

Lying in Yang Xu’s arms forever, enjoying the happiness of being stroked by the fox’s ears.


Jiang Yaoxi looked at the scene of Yang Xu comforting Qingqiu Ziyue, covered her mouth and chuckled.

What a stupid fox.

“Hmph, what’s the big deal.”

Qingluan pursed her lips, looking at Qingqiu Ziyue lying in Yang Xu’s arms, envy and jealousy flashed in her eyes.

She snorted, turned her head and looked to the side.

As for Yunxiao, Qingqiu Xun and the others, they looked up at the sky and were particularly fascinated.

Look at that cloud, how white it is.

Look how blue it was that day.

Look at the scenery, how beautiful it is.

As the old people around Yang Xu, they are quite aware of current affairs. What things should be intervened in, what things should be paid attention to, the two of them don’t need to communicate at all, the door is very clear.

The king is flirting with his subordinates, of course we should not pay too much attention to this matter.

After Yang Xu comforted Qingqiu Ziyue, he bid farewell to Qingqiu Ziyu, and came to the secret base near the West Sea with Jiang Yaoxi.

The teams patrolling the country have been waiting for a long time.

Five thousand people.

A thousand horned dragon descendants lead the way.

Around 2,000 people were escorted.

Fifteen hundred Nuwa tribes followed.

The purpose of the Nuwa people is to understand the products of various parts of the Xu Kingdom, to find out whether there are suitable new materials, new resources, and to develop more products.

It is also necessary to discern which things have certain value and can be cultivated.

Those things have no value, no need to waste time.

This is one of the most important purposes of this trip.

There are also five hundred members of the Qingqiu Fox Clan and the Blue Bird Clan.

They are mainly serving as maids, responsible for taking care of Yang Xu’s daily life. When necessary, they will go to land to check for news.

The team is huge.

The descendants of a thousand horned dragons are fully armed, and all of them are wearing Xu Country’s latest naval armor—Sea Soul No. 3.

Sea Soul No. 3 is a battle armor specially developed by Nuwa Clan for Shui Clan.

The greatest magical effect of this battle armor is that it can gather the water vapor between the sky and the earth, reducing the impact of the land on the sea people.

Of course, it only strengthened the survivability of the Sea Race on land.

As for the combat power, this is not something that a small armor can change.

However, in the sea water, the Sea Soul III also has the ability to enhance the human race and the descendants of the horned dragon’s perception of the power of the sea.

Because the main material of Haihun No. 3 is a special ore from the deep sea.

sea elf.

This name was given by the ancestors of the Nuwa tribe.

Because this ore contains the power of the ocean, a very special power. And the forging of this ore is also very interesting, not using high temperature, but low temperature.

By analyzing the sea elves in the ore at extremely low temperatures, and then fusing them with other materials at different temperatures, Xuguo’s Sea Soul No. 3 armor was created.

The shape of the battle armor is similar to western knight armor, but the package is not so tight.

Only forty-five percent of the body is covered.

The waist, abdomen, arms, legs, and a large area of skin are exposed to the air.

At first, the Nuwa tribe wanted to design a full body armor.

But after Jiaoren and the descendant of the horned dragon tried it on, they all expressed their discomfort.

very uncomfortable.

Although the battle armor can enhance their strength and perception of the ocean to a certain extent.

But the whole body was isolated from the sea, and even made some friends suffer from claustrophobia.

Therefore, on the subsequent Haihun No. 2 and the current Haihun No. 3, the Nuwa tribe adopted a more concise design.

The protective effect is reduced, but for Jiaoren and the descendants of the horned dragon, it greatly increases the comfort.

And now there is the Sea Soul No. 3.

The color of the battle armor is blue throughout. In order to be more beautiful, and to make the color less monotonous, there are also silver and gold lines and lines.

The overall grand atmosphere.

The standard equipment for the human tribe is a pair of breastplates that can cover the fullness, a pair of gauntlets, and a pair of short skirts that are only forty centimeters long.

I can’t say how protective it is, at least it’s sexy.

Relatively speaking, the Qiulong clan is much more domineering.

The male descendant of the horned dragon wears a bust armor, as if muscles made of metal are looming, which is even more mighty and domineering against the backdrop of the steel armor.

They were already tall and tall, and they were even more sturdy at this moment.

The battle armor of the female horned dragon descendants is similar to that of the Jiaoren, except that the skirt armor is longer, and there is an additional pair of leg armor of the same material and a pair of specially made military boots than the Jiaoren. However, they don’t have the same enchanting and **** feeling as the human race when they put on the battle armor of the human race, but give people a sturdy atmosphere.

Heroic and valiant!

They lined up neatly, like triumphant warriors, sturdy and heroic.

The horned dragon clan was at the front of the line.

Behind them are ten newly built warships from Xu Country.

Haisuo No. 5!

About one hundred and thirty meters long.

Thirty meters at its widest point.

About forty meters high.

The overall shape is like a shuttle, with two pointed ends and a wide middle, hence the name Haisuo.

Compared with the original product, Haisuo 5 has undergone tremendous changes.

First of all, the overall appearance has become more technological.

The surface is coated with silver, like liquid metal that is constantly flowing.

Most notably, this coating changes with the surrounding environment. When the sea shuttle is driving at high speed, it can play an excellent role in camouflage.

This material comes from a special plant.

Phaseless grass.

This kind of grass was discovered by Xu Guo when he was exploring the underground world.

very special.

They change with changes in the surrounding environment.

Not only changing its own color, but also its own characteristics.

For example, the ambient temperature is 30 degrees and the humidity is moderate, which is an ordinary subtropical climate.

They will adapt to this temperature, grow into plants similar to ordinary subtropical plants, and grow many characteristics of subtropical plants.

For example, the leaves are thick and wide.

And if the surrounding environment changes drastically, the temperature drops below ten degrees, and the precipitation drops severely.

They will quickly change their own characteristics and grow into plants suitable for sub-frigid climates, showing the characteristics of sub-frigid plants.


Reduce water evaporation and so on.

This kind of plant can complete the evolution that ordinary plants may take hundreds of thousands or even millions of years to complete in a short period of time!

Even the Nuwa tribe has never encountered such a miraculous plant.

Therefore, it immediately became the favorite treasure of the Nuwa clan after it was discovered, and almost all the laboratories of the Nuwa clan have cultivated phaseless grass.

But so far, Xuguo has not studied the characteristics of phaseless grass, and only extracted the mimic gene.

That is the technology on Haisuo 5.

If we can thoroughly study the Phaseless Grass, Xu Guo hopes to build a super battleship that can swallow evolution and infinitely strengthen!

Of course, this is just the idea of the Nuwa clan.

If you want to complete such a great creation, you can do it in a year or two, not in a day or two.

After all, when it comes to the study of Phaseless Grass, the Nuwa clan has no inheritance to learn from, and they can only rely on themselves for everything, and have to start from scratch.

But Yang Xu is very optimistic about their future.

In addition to the new function of mimicry, the biggest change of Haisuo 5 is the weapon system.

All Haisuo 5s are equipped with three 200-caliber main guns and thirty-six 40-caliber main guns.

What these main guns fire is not shells, but water elemental energy.

As long as Sea Shuttle is in the ocean, it will automatically extract the water element power in the ocean and store it in the battleship’s energy storage room. When a battle occurs, the energy in the energy storage room can be used to attack, so as to enhance the endurance of all weapons, and it does not need a long cooling time like ordinary magic wands.

This thing is actually an oversized magic wand.

Well, the enhanced version of the magic wand.

This is also one of the Nuwa tribe’s reform plans for energy cannons.

Since the energy that the main gun can carry is limited, why not add a large energy reserve pool to it.

In this way, the problem of insufficient energy is not solved.

It turned out to be an excellent solution.

Ever since the energy storage equipment was acquired, Xuguo’s energy cannon was no longer a real man in three seconds, it withered after one shot.

Now Xu Country is qualified to let the enemy feel the baptism of bullets and the fear of carpet bombing.

Of course, energy cannons have advantages and disadvantages.

Pros, faster.

Energy travels much faster in air and sea water than ordinary shells, and encounters little resistance.

As long as the attack is aimed, it is almost impossible for the enemy to react.

The distance of tens of miles arrived in an instant.

When the enemy sees the energy beam, the battle is over.

The disadvantage is that the attacks are all straight shots.

This also means that if the terrain is not suitable, it will greatly hinder the attack of the energy cannon.

But overall, this is already a great improvement.

In addition to the above advantages, Haisuo 5 has another major change.

The flying ability has been removed, and it has become a pure ocean vehicle, which has fully improved the speed of Haisuo 5 in the sea.

Now the speed of Haisuo 5 can reach 30 knots at the fastest.

That is 55.6 kilometers per hour.

This speed can already catch up with the general speed of most warships on the earth today.

Yang Xu looked at this well-groomed army, seeing all the elite soldiers in battle armor, his eyes were a little blurred. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

A year ago, he would never have imagined that Xu Guo could develop so fast.

“Meet your majesty.”

The army noticed Yang Xu’s arrival and cheered in unison like thunder.

Regardless of men and women, all eyes are fanatical.

Yang Xu is not just a king to them.

more creators.

is God!

Sovereign will.

Yang Xu smiled and nodded, responding.

Then, accompanied by Jiang Yaoxi, he boarded the exclusive battleship.

Compared with other battleships, this battleship has more luxurious interiors, like a palace on the sea.

Other Qingqiu Fox Clan and Nuwa Clan also boarded the battleship one after another.

Everything was ready, the army set off along the coastline, heading for Zhenhai City!

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