I build a city in the last days

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

The distance between the bottom of the bed and the ground is not high, only about ten centimeters high, and only one hand can be inserted through the gap, which is why Captain Lin was shocked when he squatted down and saw only a pair of eyes .

Wait until the bed is moved away.

Team Lin and the others saw the person lying flat on the ground. He was so thin that only the skeleton could be seen.

They finally understood why such a woman could fit under such a low bed.

Qi Ming stepped forward and turned the person away, revealing a face smaller than a palm, the face was already so thin that it was sunken in, and her breathing became weaker and weaker.
It can be seen that it is almost unbearable.

"Team Lin, we didn't seem to have brought any food, but we only brought a bottle of water and put it in the car."

They seldom bring food with them when they travel, because they didn't have it before, and most of them found it when they were on missions, but now they have it, and this habit is gone.

"Gemini Tanzi, you two, go to the car and get that bottle of water. You can't wait until you die." Team Lin pointed to the two teammates standing beside him. He wanted to carry them back to the car. But to kill the zombies and smear people, the time is slow, maybe the little girl will die if the time is delayed, or the little girl wakes up and thinks they are taking advantage of people.

"Okay." Gemini and Qin Zi were called and ran quickly.

When they ran back, Xu Bai had already collected all the weapons in the weapon shop.

We went up to the second floor together.

As soon as I got to the second floor, I smelled a strong smell of perfume.

Obviously, this is because of the strong fragrance to escape the zombie's sensitive sense of smell.

Gemini turned on the water and slowly fed the people.

Ye Nuotian, who was in a coma, vaguely felt a sweet taste entering her throat, and she longed for more.

He moved his mouth almost subconsciously.

She thought she must be dead, otherwise how could she drink water?

As early as seven or eight days ago, she ate and drank all the food.

She diets to lose weight on weekdays, and only eats breakfast once a day. She has not eaten any food these days. She regrets that she did not eat well in the past.

"City Lord, we want to bring people with us. If we can save one, it's a good idea." Team Lin looked at Xu Bai who was standing aside, hesitated before speaking.

After all, he was the one who asked Xu Bai to come together to collect the materials, so it's not good to let Xu Bai wait here, in case Xu Bai's affairs are delayed.

After knowing that Xu Bai can build houses, Team Lin and the others agreed that Xu Bai's time was extremely precious.

Xu Bai just turned back to Shenlai from the photos on the table. When he heard this, he smiled: "Humans will not be unwelcome in Shuguang City. You can bring them if you want."

"Only those who are big treacherous and evil, those who love to cause trouble will not be accepted."

Xu Bai's smile was very shallow, the corners of his mouth were only slightly raised, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, but Team Lin still saw it, and secretly paid, it was obviously pretty when he smiled, why is he usually expressionless?

Waited for more than half an hour.

Ye Nuotian finally woke up. Those who had only smelled perfume in a month were very sensitive to the peculiar smell on their body, holding their breath and looking at the person in front of them.

Except for that one woman, everyone else was wearing camouflage sergeant uniforms.

Is the state coming to save them? !

Ye Nuotian was overjoyed and wanted to stand up, but he was too weak and couldn't stand up.

She saw her thin arms and legs, like a skeleton.

Before the end of the world, she must be very happy, but now, she can't be happy.

"I thank you. I." Ye Nuotian was so happy that he couldn't speak. The country sent people out to save people, so the life in the last days should be over, right?It's a pity that her parents didn't survive.

On the day of the end of the world, she just came back from school, slept late, and accidentally smashed the perfume when she got up, she wanted to go out of the room to get a broom to clean up the broken perfume, when she heard screams for help from the street Sound, looking from the window, I saw someone biting others, and then the bitten person turned around to bite others.

She was so frightened that she hurried downstairs to find her parents, but she witnessed the scene of her parents turning into zombies.

Fortunately, she ran fast and hid in her room again. Her parents, who turned into zombies, patted her room and left after a while.

When the smell of perfume dissipated, she heard the sound of zombies beating on the door again.

She wanted to fight those zombies desperately, but she didn't have any offensive weapons in her hands, and she didn't dare to go out to take the dagger on the shelf in the living room, and broke a bottle of perfume on the table when she was lost.

The zombies are gone again.

After many times, Ye Nuotian knew that these perfumes were too strong to cover the smell of her body.

Fortunately, she usually likes to buy perfumes. Not only are they cheap and expensive, she wants to buy them all and stock them up.

Whenever the smell of perfume faded, she would pour a bottle. Later, she was afraid that the police would not find her, so she unlocked the originally locked door and poured two or three bottles of perfume on herself. , Hiding under the bed, while enduring hunger and waiting for the living.

Team Lin saw the little girl's excitement and knew she had misunderstood.

After being silent for a while, he still opened his mouth: "Little girl, our military has also fallen. Do you want to go with us? If you want, pack your clothes and go to Dawn City with us. Later, you can find someone else by yourself." Work to support yourself."

This is the result of their discussion just now.

In Dawn City, as Xu Bai said at the beginning, as long as you have money, you can buy food.

It is impossible for them to pay for each other's living expenses every time they save one person.

They also want to rent a better house, live separately, live more comfortably, and buy whatever they want.

Since the end of the world, they have rescued many people, and many people have kidnapped them morally. The little girl in front of them looked at them in the same way as those who condemned them.

But Team Lin had to put the ugly words up front.

"Ah? Fallen." Ye Nuotian was in a daze, with confusion in his eyes.

Seeing Team Lin and the others preparing to leave, she quickly said, "I'm going, can you wait for me?"

Team Lin, who was prepared to be scolded at first, was also taken aback when he heard such a gentle voice, and called Gemini to help.

"Thank you, my name is Ye Nuotian."

Hearing the name, Xu Bai looked at Ye Nuotian in surprise.

She just looked at the group photo on the table, which looked familiar and wasn't quite sure, but with the addition of this name, it seemed that it was definitely her.

Ye Nuotian in the previous life was also a little famous person in the last days.

Her fame is not because of her ability, but because she is selfish, fat, and smells like perfume.

Most of the substances collected by others are eaten. She is different, and she also collects a bunch of perfume.

Moreover, in the last days, everyone was skinny, and the fat Ye Nuotian was simply an outlier at that time. Many people envied her for eating well.

It never occurred to him that Ye Nuotian was as thin as a bamboo pole in the beginning.

 Healthy weight loss, don't go on a diet to lose weight, dieting hurts the body, and a series of body reactions are easy to rebound.

(End of this chapter)

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