I become light in American comics

Chapter 47 The Queen’s Request


Shen You seemed to understand suddenly.

Until just now, he had thought that this was some kind of story involving the blood feud of the gods, some big conspiracy of a super villain trying to get the blood of Zeus. It turned out not to be.

After doing this for a long time, the main palace was arresting mistresses all over the world.

From this perspective, Hera is also a little confused. Zeus's problem has not gone away for a day or two. Over the years, he has been driving the pile driver wherever he goes. The pile of cuckolds accumulated on Hera's head over the years may not be able to break through the atmosphere. If any alien friends pass by, they may be surprised, thinking that they have gone the wrong way to Oa, because the sky-high pile looks like It's just like the Green Lantern Corps' Master Battery.

In fact, even if we have to settle the score, it is Zeus who fabricated his identity and abducted the little girl. However, Hera had the time to find mistresses all over the world but never solved the problem from the source. It may be that she estimated that she was not a match for Zeus with her little weight. Even if she went to him to argue with him, she would probably end up being piled up, so she simply didn't You've brought disgrace upon yourself.

Of course this is just a guess.

And when Shen You mentioned that maybe Zeus could be asked to come forward to solve the problem - after all, this sounded more like a family matter in Olympus, Queen Hippolyta rejected it.

"No one can find Zeus," she said, pausing. "Not now, at least."

Shen You noticed the subtlety of her wording: "What do you mean?"

"The King of the Gods has not appeared for a long time, and no one has heard from him for a long time. Even the gods don't know where he has gone."

Hippolyta shook her head, as if she didn't want to continue on this topic.

"We have indeed received God's will. Don't worry, Zola will be safe on Paradise Island. Thank you very much for your help along the way.

But you should also know that Paradise Island has very strict rules for men to set foot there. Even as a queen, I can't change the regulations at will, so..."

"It's okay, I didn't plan to stay long." Shen You interrupted simply, and then said, "To be honest, I came here because of Zola's affairs, and also because I had a friend who introduced me.

He told me that Paradise Island has some N metal stored in it. He said that he and you are old friends who went to the battlefield together many years ago. I wonder if you remember this name?

Shazam the Wizard? "

Queen Hippolyta's expression changed slightly.

"Of course." She nodded, "The guardian of magic in this world, the wizard who guards the Rock of Eternity, is hard to forget. I remember it."

Queen Hippolyta stopped. The surrounding Amazon warriors also stopped and cast questioning glances at her, waiting for her to speak.

She frowned and thought for a while, seeming to be making a difficult decision.

But soon she raised her head and made a gesture.

"Take Miss Zola to a safe place." Hippolyta said lightly, turning to Shen You, "Follow me."

The two separated from the main group. Shen You followed the queen through twists and turns in the overgrown jungle of the Amazon.

We came to a rather steep rock. The queen refused Shen You's invitation to take her flying and stubbornly climbed up with her bare hands. But she was very agile and climbed up the cliff in a few clicks. Shen You started to push forward with his feet and flew up.

A protruding rock appeared in front of him. Queen Hippolyta stepped forward and pressed her hand on the rock. The entire mountain peak suddenly let out a low roar, a burst of light blue fluorescence flashed from the surface of the giant rock, and the thick stone door slid open with a rumble.

Hippolyta led the way inside, and the torches on both sides of the grotto lit themselves up one after another. Orange light flickered in the cave, illuminating a bright passage.

Various weapons are displayed around the cave.

Swords, guns, swords, halberds, shields, bows and arrows, and other weapons that are nameless.

Although they were all cold weapons, Shen You's super senses could sense some dangerous aura from many of them.

The Amazons were indeed primitive in their fighting methods, but Shen You knew that many of their weapons still had something to offer. A very small number of weapons may be mixed with N-metal materials, while many others are made of magical alloys called "Amazon Metal".

This metal is not only extremely hard, but also has a very powerful property, which is that it is very compatible with magic. Its material positioning is similar to the Uru alloy used to build Thor's hammer in the Marvel shed next door. In addition to its superior performance, its biggest feature is that it is easy to enchant. In the setting, it is called a "metal for gods."

Its most outstanding representative artifact is Wonder Woman’s pair of silver bracelets. Both the movie and the original work show extraordinary defensive properties, invulnerable to even the heat vision of Kryptonians, and also has the function of amplifying Diana's divine power, or absorbing reflected energy similar to the vibranium next door. Anti-armor function.

"Your wizard friend is right. There is indeed N metal on Paradise Island, but there is not much left."

Hippolyta said, having already walked all the way to the deepest part of the armory. She reached out and pressed on a secret door, and the door quickly opened.

"But we still have plenty of Amazon metal. It's also a pretty superior material if you're interested."

N metal is called the ninth metal in the DC system, and Amazon metal is the eighth metal. Not only is this material equally superior, but the eighth and ninth metals can inspire additional effects when they collide with each other.

"And then there's this."

She showed a rope.

This time Shen You was really surprised.

Mantra noose? Isn’t this one of Wonder Woman’s iconic three-piece artifact sets?

No, it's not a mantra lasso. Although they look a bit similar and can also sense certain magic fluctuations, they are not exactly the same.

"My daughter has a similar rope in her hand, which represents truth and truth. Although this one is not as good as hers, it is not ordinary either." Queen Hippolyta said, "This is a 'lie lasso', The opposite of truth represents lies.”

Shen You understood.

He also remembered this thing. In the comics, Batman once bought one from the magic black market as a prop against Wonder Woman. It has the function of weaving illusions and immersing the bound person in illusions.

This is a precious gift.

Shen You pondered for a moment and looked sideways at her: "My intuition tells me that you are showing these to me definitely not because of your friendship with the wizard, or because I helped Zola, right?"

"You are very smart." Queen Hippolyta nodded, "I do need help. It's about my daughter."

She looked a little sad when she said this.

"Her name is Diana. On a moonless night long ago, I shaped the clay of the Amazon into the image of a baby and prayed to the gods that they would grant me a child.

The gods heard and answered my prayers and gave life to this child. So there was her, my Diana. The most perfect Amazon warrior, protected by the gods, born with divine power, the most spiritual body generated by heaven and earth. "

Hippolyta paused and added: "At least the legend has always been like this. She thought it was like this, and this is what I have always told the sisters on the island."

"But that's a lie." Shen said.

"Yes, it's a lie." Hippolyta admitted frankly. "The reason why I told this lie was because I didn't want her to know that I just wanted to protect her."

Shen You deliberately sounded surprised, even though he already knew the true origin of Wonder Woman.

"Your daughter, she is her father, right?"

"Yes, her father is the king of the gods, Zeus."

Hippolyta sighed softly.

"I thought this truth could be concealed forever, and she would never have to know. But I should have known, no truth can be concealed forever.

There are signs that the Queen may have known about this. And if she really knew, then she would definitely be very angry.

But Diana is no longer with me. She went to your human world a long time ago, and I don’t know where she is. But if the Queen of Heaven comes to find her, and she doesn’t know her life experience yet”

Shen You understood: "You want me to help her."

N metal is the metal with the best demon-breaking properties in the world. Hippolyta was willing to give these to him, not only as a reward for the task, but also as a bargaining chip to deal with Hera.

But Shen You thought for a moment and said, "But this is just the first time we've met."

"I have no choice. I can't turn to the gods for help. No god would be willing to offend Hera for my sake." The queen sighed, "Maybe I brought it upon myself, but Diana knows nothing and she is innocent. .

I see that you possess extraordinary power, perhaps more powerful than I could ever imagine. And you mentioned the wizard Shazam - not many people know his name in this era. I want to believe that you are telling the truth. As far as I know, that wizard hates evil and hates evil. If you really have a good relationship with him, then I believe that you are also a person with a pure heart and abide by your promises.

There's nothing I can do now. I don't ask for more, I just hope that if you happen to see Diana, or encounter her in danger, I hope you can help her. "


"Thank you." Queen Hippolyta turned around and began to walk out. "There are several ships on the island. You can take one away when you leave."

"Thanks, but I don't think I need a boat." Shen You smiled.

"You don't understand." Hippolyta shook her head, "Riasto is surrounding the nearby sea area. It is a minion of Hera, and it was ordered by Hera to patrol the nearby area.

Riasto is different from the weak sea monsters you kill on the coast. It is a real deep-sea beast that has the power to control the sea.

If someone wants to land on Paradise Island, it may not stop them, but it will not let anyone leave Paradise Island.

But our ship has interference magic on it, and it may not be able to detect you if you leave on the ship."

Shen You pondered for a moment and then asked: "The sea monster you are talking about doesn't happen to have a shell like a stone, a body that glows red, shoots tentacles, and discharges electricity?"

Queen Hippolyta: "?"

"That's what you said." Shen You said, "If that's the sea monster you're talking about, then maybe it's already dead.

We did encounter a monster that matched your description on the way to Paradise Island. It rushed out of the sea and wanted to swallow us. I was forced to defend myself and blew it up. "

Queen Hippolyta's eyes widened slightly.

Suddenly it exploded?

Listen to it for yourself. Is this human language?

The queen was silent.

But at this moment she suddenly realized that she might have just made a wise decision for Paradise Island.

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