I become light in American comics

Chapter 30 Invincible in Dreams

Shen You stood in the cafe and looked around.

"It looks like nothing has changed. Are you sure we are in a dream?"

"Of course. Who do you think I am? I am 'that wizard'. When has the spell I cast gone wrong?"

The old wizard held his head high and blew his beard again.

Speaking of which, it seems that all the customers who were sleeping on their stomachs in the store have disappeared, and there is no one left.

Instead, a girl's scream came from the back room.


Shen You turned back and opened the door to take a look. I saw the little girl huddled pitifully in the corner of the room, squeezed into a blind corner. The villains were surrounded by darkness from all sides, with sinister smiles on their faces, looking at Kara with their cruel eyes unscrupulously.

Each of them has a green wrinkled body, scarlet eyes, and a cruel smile on its ferocious mouth. They look like one

Green pepper?


Looking at the green pepper monster with a pair of short hands and a pair of short legs on its big head, a question mark appeared on Shen You's head.

Is this green pepper refined?

Kara huddled helplessly in the corner of the room, wearing the white dress she came in with and hugging her knees. She was tearful and pitiful: "You, you guys, don't come over."

Shen You suddenly couldn't do this nightmare with its unique painting style.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether it was the influence of nightmares or whether she really hated green peppers so much.

At this time, the old wizard came forward and patted Shen You on the shoulder: "Let's go. She is trapped in her own nightmare, and there is nothing we can do to help her. All we can do is find the culprit quickly and end all this. .”

Shen You nodded and followed him outside the house.

The scene outside the Dream World Cafe was like a chaotic dance of demons.

A Gotham in total chaos. Cars were driving down the road, and disgusting creatures with big eyes and a bunch of tentacles were climbing up the buildings.

Next door, Lao Wang and his neighbor's sister-in-law were chatting happily, and the male host suddenly appeared; a group of black boys carrying baseball bats wanted to take advantage of the chaos to buy for zero yuan, but suddenly they encountered a big bat that dropped from the sky and spread its teeth and claws. Make them wise.

It's really a nightmare with Gotham characteristics.

"Lord of the realm, ruler of nightmares, in the name of the wizard Shazam, reveal your true form quickly!"

The old wizard raised his arms high, and his sleeves and robes were blown by the wind.

Shen You silently gave him a sound effect of "urgent as a law" in his heart, and it felt like there was no sense of violation.

The surging darkness suddenly erupted, like pitch black lava in the middle of the city street!

It rolled and flowed, gathered at one place, and transformed into a huge human shape more than a hundred meters high. Under the black hood is a faceless skeleton, with dark red light shining from the deep-set eye sockets. The entire body is shrouded in a wide cloak, standing tall in the concrete jungle.

"There are still people who dare to resist me in the world of dreams - my domain? Your destiny!?" The skull face shouted gloomily.

At first, Shen You only thought that the skull face looked familiar, and it looked like Taskmaster from the Marvel studio next door. It wasn't until this guy's words "destiny" came out that Shen You remembered what kind of person he was.

Dr. Destiny, formerly known as John Dee, was a patient at Arkham Asylum. Possessing the ability to control dreams, he once dragged most members of the Justice League into nightmares, almost destroying all members of the Justice League in their dreams.

The moment this giant shadow appeared, everyone in the city stopped moving.

Suddenly, he was the sole focus. All eyes were involuntarily drawn towards Wei Ran's huge body, as if being firmly attracted by a magnet.

Then fear.

Yes, fear. This is the only thing everyone in the nightmare can feel from that body.

It was like the sound of deep breathing lingered in everyone's ears, and unparalleled fear invaded the soul. His hands and feet were cold, and his body felt like he was submerged in a body of cold water. The devil's murmur was like a cold wind, and even the air he breathed became unprecedentedly thin, seeping into his body bit by bit, causing the most indestructible will to collapse.

"That's right, fear! Then despair!"

Dr. Destiny clenched his hands into fists, as if endless darkness was pouring into his body from all directions.

"The more afraid you are, the stronger I will be! This is my world, and I am the only god!"

The strong wind whipped up out of thin air. The old wizard looked up at the giant shadow in front of him, his eyebrows extremely solemn: "He is stronger than I thought, and it is a bit difficult to deal with it with my current magic power.

You stand back, I'm going to use the forbidden spell. Maybe”

Before he finished speaking, he felt a huge light exploding behind him. The sacred white light bloomed like thousands of lotus flowers, and a rapidly growing fist burst out of the light, hitting Dr. Destiny's face with a shocking punch.

At this moment, Dr. Destiny was laughing intoxicated by his own expanding power. The skeleton's mouth was dislocated with a "click" in the middle of the smile. The 100-meter-high body fell with a rumble, smashing down an entire row of buildings along the street next to it, sending dust flying into the air.

The old wizard opened his mouth, and the forbidden spell seal he was about to cast on his hand stopped stiffly, and he swallowed back the rest of the unfinished sentence.

Then it became: ".Or just like you."

The same hundred meters tall, towering between the buildings, a slender red and silver giant with a faint golden light in his eyes.

Shen You's normal body size is about fifty meters. It's not impossible to get higher, but the energy consumption will speed up, which is generally not cost-effective.

But in the dream world, there are no such strict restrictions.

The moment Ultraman appeared and the light burst out, even the dark clouds in the sky of the Dream Realm seemed to be dispersed by the beam of light. The desperate and oppressive fear instantly became lighter, as if a big stone had been kicked out of everyone's heart.

The citizens of the whole city raised their heads involuntarily and cast a shocked look at the newly appeared giant.

The old wizard narrowed his eyes.

He now discovered that Shen said that he had some understanding of the laws of dreams, and he was indeed not just bragging.

Looking directly at the red and silver giant who appeared in his dream, even the old wizard felt as if he was looking directly into a scorching sun.

"I see, because the essence of the body is the magic of light, the body elements are broken up by some means, and the body is reorganized in the dream dimension to adapt to the laws of the dream world, and exert a power that is no weaker than reality."

Although he could see at a glance the principle behind the Ultra clan's dreaming due to his rich experience, this kind of technique was indeed unheard of for the old wizard. He couldn't help but stroke his beard and showed a more interested expression.

It seems to be called Ultraman?

What a terrible race.

The wizard Shazam's experience was a bit unexpected, so it's even more understandable that Dr. Destiny was confused at this time.

After being hit by this punch, he fell down on all fours and felt the hot pain really radiating through his body. Doctor Destiny's skull was filled with question marks.

Was he hit by a fist?

In your own nightmare?

No, what about the promise that I would be invincible in the dream?

Could it be that I made a fake call?

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