Chapter 81: Cattleya Starlight Taken Hostage [2]
"Lord Willias," Reynold called suddenly.
"I am aware," Willias replied with a calm smile, though his posture subtly shifted. He was ready.
The atmosphere grew heavy.
The air itself seemed to ripple darkly.
They were coming.
The Demons.
The air warped violently about thirty meters ahead of them. In an instant, four figures emerged from the distortion.
A dull thud accompanied the arrival of the first two—a boy and a girl, both with black bags covering their heads and their hands restrained behind them by anti-mana cuffs.
Behind them stood two others, the presumed culprits behind the forest ambush. Clad in black leather armor, their faces were obscured by featureless black masks. One lingered slightly behind, silent and observing, while the apparent leader stood at the forefront. Though his hood concealed his hair, the gleaming red of his eyes were clearly visible
"Cattleya!" Sina gasped, as she recognized her daughter, even through the obscuring bag. She moved to rush forward, but her husband's grip restrained her.
"Wise choice, woman," the leader, James sneered with his altered voice. He leveled a short sword against Cattleya's neck. "I was just about ready to slice your daughter's pretty little head off right before your eyes."
"You bastard! If you so much as touch her, I'll kill you!" Sina erupted in rage.
The man tilted his head mockingly. "Oh, but that's the thing, Starlight woman. I've technically already touched her."
Sina froze, her face draining of color. "W—What…" She stammered, her body swaying as though the ground beneath her was giving way.
A muffled cry tore through their talks, emanating from the girl beneath the hood.
James sighed. "I told ya to stay quiet, Cattleya Starlight." With a swift motion, he removed the hood, revealing her face. Her flushed cheeks burned with anger, her eyes flashing indignantly as she struggled against the tape sealing her mouth.
A collective sigh of relief came from Isabel, the grandmother, who had been holding her breath.
"I trust you haven't harmed her," Reynold asked coldly.
James shrugged nonchalantly, before narrowing his eyes. "Harmed her? Of course not. I take good care of my merchandise." He gestured lazily at the restrained girl. "Now, enough theatrics. Show me the Coins."
"Before we proceed, I want to see my nephew's face," Patrick Cromwell asked.
"Of course," James replied smoothly, a faint smile playing on his lips. He removed the bag covering the boy's head, revealing Leon Cromwell's disoriented face.
"Hmf?" Leon seemed confused as his eyes darted around.
"Leon?" Patrick's gaze narrowed slightly. "Are you alright?"
"Hm!" Leon replied with his sealed mouth.
Besides him, Cattleya's eyes widened a bit. She recognized Leon as one of her classmates. Confusion etched her face—when the hell had he been taken hostage? She had never seen him in the abandoned mansion before.
"As agreed, ten Holy Coins for Cattleya Starlight and three Holy Coins for Leon Cromwell. Now, show me my booty."
Reynold stepped forward, holding a pristine box adorned with beautiful carvings. With a flick of his wrist, he opened the lid, and the room seemed to glow as the contents reflected the faint light. Inside, ten Holy Coins gleamed with a brilliance that made James's breath hitch. These coins, larger and more lustrous than Platinum Coins, deserved their revered title of 'Holy.'
Beside him, Patrick produced a smaller, equally ornate box. Within it lay three Holy Coins, their radiance no less captivating.
James's lips curled into a sly grin, but his tone turned cold. "My associate here will verify their authenticity. I'd advise you not to make any sudden moves… unless you'd like to see this pretty face…" His finger trailed lightly across Cattleya's cheek. "...blown away."
Cattleya stiffened but refused to give him the satisfaction of a reaction though truthfully she had given him enough reactions in the past hours.
"T–They are real Holy Coins!" Sina shouted angrily.
James's grin widened momentarily before fading into a stare "For your sake, I hope that's true. Bringing counterfeit coins along a Priest of the Holy Church would be the pinnacle of idiocy," he said, his words tinged with disgust as he cast a glance at Willias.
Sina flinched a bit.
As expected James noticed Willias was a Priest. Who wouldn't since Willias didn't even, bother changing clothes.
From James' back, Gin stepped forward. First, he approached Reynold, taking the box with the ten coins. Then he turned to Patrick, collecting the smaller box. His expression remained unreadable until his gaze fell on Willias. A flicker of disdain crossed Gin's face, his mocking eyes boring into the man.
Willias clenched his staff, his knuckles whitening. His fury was barely contained.
'This filthy demon!'
Gin ignored the glare and turned away, carrying the boxes to James. Carefully, he opened them and slipped on a pair of gloves. One by one, he inspected the coins, holding each up to the blazing sunlight. The golden glint reflected brightly, mesmerizing those watching.
The examination lasted only a minute before Gin closed the boxes and handed them to James.
"Everything is real," Gin confirmed.
"I'll see for myself," James said, passing his sword to Gin before kneeling on one knee to examine the boxes.
As he opened them, the shine of the Holy Coins lit up his crimson eyes, which narrowed in euphoric delight.
"Beautiful. Wonderful!"
Cattleya, standing nearby, looked down at him with a grimace.
"Hmf! Hmpf!" She muttered under her breath, turning her gaze away in disdain.
James's sharp ears caught her words. He laughed loudly, closing the boxes and tucking them away in his storage space.
"Pathetic? Need a mirror, Cattleya Starlight?" He asked raising to his to his feet.
Cattleya's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected him to understand her quiet insult.
Ignoring her reaction, James turned his focus to Reynold and the others.
"Now release them," Isabel, who had remained silent until now, spoke up.
James nodded. "I am a man of my word." He gestured to Gin, who stepped forward to carry out the order.
Gin first unfastened the cuffs around Leon's wrists, then removed the tape covering his mouth.
"U-Uncle! Thank God you came!" Leon cried, tears streaming down his face as he ran into Patrick Cromwell's arms.
Patrick stiffened for a moment at the sudden embrace but quickly composed himself, his expression softening into a gentle smile.
"It's alright. Everything is over, nephew," Patrick said, patting Leon's head reassuringly.
"My daughter now," Reynold asked.
James fell silent, his response chillingly delayed.
The silence made Sina only more anxious.
Finally, James spoke. "You know, I said I am a man of my word." He turned toward Gin, his red eyes glinting dangerously. "What did you state in the ransom message?"
"Ten Holy Coins for Cattleya Starlight and three Holy Coins for Leon Cromwell…" Gin replied not understanding where James was going.
"That was all?" James asked.
Gin hesitated briefly before nodding in understanding. "No. I also instructed them to come alone." His gaze flicked to Willias, lingering pointedly.
James's eyes darkened. "Alone. Yeah. I accepted the grandmother, but I never asked for a bastard of the Church to accompany her, did I?"
"We only brought her as a precautionary measure; we don't need him! Everything can be resolved now!" Sina interjected sharply, her voice carrying a mix of urgency and defiance.
"Aye, maybe so," James replied, his voice taking on a mocking lilt as he retrieved the sword from Gin's grasp. "But here's the rub, woman: when it comes to gold and deals, I'm as rigid as a ship's mast in a storm. There'll be no leeway for trickeries"
"Please…" Isabel pleaded, her voice trembling as her eyes darted to James, who was now closing the distance between himself and Cattleya.
Cattleya's breath hitched for a moment.
Was he really going to kill her?
James moved behind her, the short sword glinting ominously in his hand.
The sharp clang of metal hitting the ground rang. The cuffs binding Cattleya's wrists snapped open, falling to the floor.
For a moment, hope flared in her chest. She turned instinctively, ready to rush toward her mother, but James was faster. In one swift motion, he seized her arm and pulled her back against him. His arm encircled her neck, not tight enough to harm but firm enough to leave no room for resistance.
He leaned in close, his breath grazing her ear as he whispered.
"Listen close, lass," he murmured, his tone changing suddenly more familiar one. "I've got my eyes set on a Relic of Seraphiel. Fetch it for me, Cattleya Starlight, or I swear you'd regret forever."
Cattleya nodded her head averting her gaze in annoyance. She had no choice but to play along. She would have to betray her mother to fulfill this twisted bargain.
Even as she signaled her compliance, James did not release her though.
"Release her! We gave you the Holy Coins!" Sina shouted her voice breaking a bit. She looked ready to leap into action.
"Holy Coins, aye," James sneered, tipping his head up. "But ye see, woman, there's still a debt to be paid. The insult of sharing this peaceful exchange of goods with that ugly ass face of his." His eyes flicked to the priest. "I want his head. On a pike."
"What?" Reynold's voice was barely more than a breath, disbelief etched across his features.
"Are you deaf my friend? Or do I need to spell it out?" James asked. "I want the priest's head. Bring it here, or I swear your daughter will be feeding the sharks."