I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

chapter 30 - Astro (2)

"I knew you would return."
The black-haired woman, soaked in blood, knelt and bowed her head toward me.
Tears glistened on her cheeks, shining like lines of light.

Only moments ago, she had radiated a menacing aura, but that tension had disappeared.
Her voice trembled with a pitiful softness, yet also conveyed pure joy.
It was like a child reunited with a lost mother.

Even though her lower face was hidden behind a mask, I could tell she was smiling brightly.
I let out a small sigh.
*Still too intense…*

It was nice to see her again after so long, but her greeting felt somewhat overwhelming.
I supposed I had to accept it. Otherwise, she might actually burst into tears.
I carefully spoke.

"It’s been a while, Lena."
"I’ve been waiting. I’m just so glad you’re safe and sound."
"How did you know I was here?"

"I happened to be patrolling nearby… then I sensed a familiar presence and rushed over."
"A presence, huh?"
It seemed she’d caught the signal I had subtly given off since entering the city, though I hadn’t expected her to notice it so quickly.

Her skills were still sharp.
"Not bad."
"Thank you…!"
At my small compliment, her eyes sparkled.

Looking mesmerized, Lena snapped out of it and stood up.
"The others have been anxiously waiting too."
"I suppose I should show my face."

"I’ll escort you. And the beastwoman beside you…?"
"She’s my guest. Treat her well."
"I’ll do my utmost."

Her response was respectful.
Lena stepped forward, leading the way, and as I moved to follow, Irene tapped my shoulder.
"…I don’t understand any of what’s going on."

Her black eyes were filled with confusion, trembling with uncertainty.
*This is awkward.*

How should I explain all this to her? It was a complex, long story, and telling her I was leading a crime syndicate might give her the wrong idea.
Sometimes, silence speaks better than words.
After a moment’s thought, I simply smiled vaguely and moved on.

"Let’s go."
"This is really the right way? To where the kids are…?"
"Of course. You’ll meet them soon, so don’t worry."

With that brief exchange behind us, we walked through a maze of alleys, side streets, and shadows.
Navigating the complex network of streets, we eventually reached our destination.
"We’ve arrived."

Before us stood a small tavern, looking as though it had been abandoned for over a decade.
Without hesitation, we entered.

The door opened to reveal a dusty interior, untouched by human presence for a long time.
It looked like any other abandoned pub.
Irene frowned again.

"…Are you sure this is the place?"
"I am."
"There’s no one here, and it doesn’t look like anyone’s been living here either."

"That’s the key to this place."
It was important for the space to look abandoned.
To keep prying eyes away.

It may seem like an empty shell, but… the real part was next.
"This way."
Lena walked with purpose to a far corner of the tavern, lifting a few wooden planks to reveal a hidden entrance.

Below the planks lay a staircase, leading down into a deep underground space.
"Head down."

Without hesitation, we descended the stairs.
Walking down the steep path, I finally saw the end of the descent.
A metal door awaited us.

"It’s been a while."
"They’ll all be waiting. I already informed them you’d returned."
"Well, that’s… worrisome."

I hesitated a moment.
But it was too late to turn back now, so I slowly pushed open the door.
The hinges creaked loudly.

The musty air of the underground faded, replaced by bright lights chasing away the darkness.
It was a spacious, orderly area.

Beside me, Irene let out a gasp.
Polished wooden floors, spaciousness, and enchanted lights glowing at intervals—it looked more like the headquarters of an elite knight order.

She had every right to be surprised.
No one would expect a place like this to be hidden underground.
I would’ve teased her, but quickly realized that wasn’t an option.

All eyes were on us.
There must have been about thirty people, all standing in stunned silence.

As if they were in shock.
Awkwardly, I cleared my throat.

With a forced smile, I greeted the familiar faces.
"It’s been a while, everyone."
And then—

A brief silence followed, making things even more uncomfortable.
Just as I began to feel embarrassed by my attempt at a casual greeting—

A murmur broke the silence.
As if waking from a dream, the voice wavered, and then the person dropped to their knees.

Overwhelmed with emotion, they began to cry.
"Ah… the Captain has returned!"
The triumphant shout echoed, spreading excitement through the crowd.

"Is it really the Captain…?"
"Does this mean he hasn’t abandoned us?"
"A miracle…"

"Oh, our serpent!"
They looked as if they were possessed.
One by one, each person who had been whispering to themselves fell to their knees, some even shedding tears.

Before I could even process what was happening, they all bowed, pressing a clenched fist to their chests, and chanted in unison.
"All is as you will."
The room was filled with a holy-like reverberation.

Joy, reverence, sobs, devotion, love—so many emotions filled the air.
They looked like fanatics worshiping their idol.
I felt faint.

Why were they acting like this?
And hadn’t I told them to change that embarrassing chant ages ago? Why was it still the same?
It was enough to make me want to tear my hair out.

Even as I grew exasperated, the corners of my mouth crept into a sly smile, all thanks to that annoying habit of mine.
While I remained silent in resignation, Irene, looking baffled, asked a question.

"Who… exactly are you?"
"Who knows?"
"I don’t think anyone here is sane. Are you actually running some sort of cult?"

"What do you think?"
Her eyes were cautious.
The group remained kneeling, not even thinking about getting up.

*Maybe I shouldn’t have come…*
This was seriously overwhelming.

A girl was running down a wide corridor, as if something urgent had occurred.
Her footsteps echoed dryly.

*Tap, tap, tap!*
Her silver hair streamed behind her as she ran, eyes glistening with moonlight.
A faint scar marred part of her face, giving her a severe look.

"Huff, huff…!"
She was Neria Lightning, Astro’s vice-captain.
Having been busy with paperwork, she had heard the news later than the others.

Her longing had been the strongest.
With that aching feeling in her chest, she’d rushed out.
"Captain… Captain…"

Even as she crossed the corridor, her mind repeated his name.
She’d spent over half a year without him.
The only thing left behind was a single letter.

She’d feared she’d been abandoned.
Despite her worries, she’d clung to her faith.
*At last.*

Faith rewarded.
The news of his long-awaited return.
Reaching the end of the hall, Neria flung the last door open.

And there he was.
His golden hair shining, wearing that familiar, mischievous smile.
The boy stood there as if he’d never left, surrounded by members kneeling in reverent worship.

Our eyes met.

A momentary hitch in breath.
He was the first to greet me.
"Neria! Long time no see."

A soft smile, his eyes crinkled playfully.
That captivating curve brought her back to reality.
Her captain had returned.

*I wasn’t abandoned.*
Relief washed over her, overwhelming her senses. Tears of joy welled up.
Neria, trying to stay composed, walked forward.

Once she reached him, she knelt on both knees and bowed her head.
"Welcome back."

She grasped his outstretched hand, pressing her lips to it as tears continued to fall, catching a faint hint of his familiar scent.
"My lord."
It was dizzying.

As with the last letter, she wanted to savor that scent fully, but she held back.
She knew he wouldn’t like that.
"So~ it’s been half a year since I disappeared?"

"Today marks exactly 194 days."
"I was quite late, huh?"
"I’ve been waiting."

The boy smiled, clearly pleased.
"Thank you."

"It was only natural to keep my faith."
Closing her eyes, Neria murmured a quiet prayer.
"All is as you will."

For the god she served.
The storm finally subsided.

As the members seemed to calm down, they erupted into tears again when Neria appeared.
It was a chaotic time.
*This is why I hesitated to come back.*

They’d been like this six months ago too, but today was something else entirely.
I felt like the leader of a cult of fanatics.
I sighed deeply, feeling like I’d aged ten years.

*I suppose it’s better to be welcomed.*
After all, I’d only ever shown up when needed, and I had left them without a word for half a year.
It was probably a miracle they still respected me as their captain.

*…Actually, I
 was here to ask for another favor.*
A pang of guilt hit me.

Maybe I should visit more often.
Leaving behind that resolution I likely wouldn’t keep, I called the vice-captain by my side.

Her response was immediate.
Was she waiting for me to speak? Her silvery eyes sparkled with intensity.

"Nothing major… the beastwoman foxes I asked you to look after—they’re here, right?"
"Of course. It was your command."

"I’d like to see them."
"I’ll take you right away."
"Let’s go, Irene."

"…Oh, okay."
We rose to leave.
I still had things to discuss with the vice-captain, but first, for Irene’s sake, I decided to see the foxes.

I imagined she’d be surprised.
I smiled, a mischievous glint in my eye as we walked.

I smiled ominously, while Irene looked at me with uncertainty.

*Who exactly is he… and what’s with this vast underground space?*
It was suspicious.
The expensive magic extending the space was enough to match any mansion.

The “members” as he called them, the location buried deep within the slum, everything made her wary.
*Is it really possible the kids are here…?*
Dark thoughts clouded her mind.

A slum shrouded in mist.
A crime organization that seemed out of their minds.
A secret underground facility no one would ever find.

And the children.
*A slum, a criminal organization, an underground base… and children.*
It was an ominous combination.

An uneasy tension gripped her.
*The children are in a “good place.” I sent them there myself.*
Why did those words, said in jest, linger so strongly?

*Thump, thump, thump!*
Her heart pounded, and she couldn’t calm her racing mind.
Irene bit her lip.

"We’re here."
The serpent stopped suddenly.
They now stood before a massive iron door.

The girl swallowed hard.

"This is my finest creation. I hope you’ll like it."
A sinister voice whispered in her ear.
Without hesitation, the golden-haired boy pulled open the door.

"Welcome to the ‘paradise’ I prepared for you."
The iron doors opened with a flourish, revealing an unexpected sight.

A strange, overwhelming scent filled the air.
Irene’s expression froze.


TL NOTE: Please don't skimp on the stars for the translation - it inspires me and gives me the strength to write more. Thank you~!
If you want to buy me a coffee ko-fi.com/santos_28

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