I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 127

       Looking all around, blood dyed the land, the tents were burning, the smoke billowed from the collapsed wood, the scorched breath of blood and fire surrounds the nose, and the terrified screams and yells of the yellow-silk cape guards rang in the ears.

Farther away, there were soldiers lying on the grass rummaging through the dirt, waiting for the final release, occasionally groaning as they wandered between life and death.

Beside him, there are several corpses, trampled by horse hooves into a bloody mess, making it difficult to distinguish between if there was ever even a body there at all.

The fat Wise Masters shuddered violently: This is damnation, how did I get here? It's time for me to sit in the garden at the top of the pyramid and feel the tenderness of a maid's supple breast with the soles of my feet while sipping a nice drink and Myr, a roasted pig with black truffle and caviar from the Sea of ​​Sighs.

Yesterday's "100,000" army, became as it is this morning, only the ground is full of bloody smears. It's war!

Too cruel.

However, as the Allied Commander, the Wise Master also excelled, and soon cast aside his trance, his eyes were red, and he shouted: "Sons of the Harpy will never surrender!"

Dany didn't say much, she took a few steps back, "crash-bang", with the sound of a collision of chainmail, one hundred iron armored cavalry dismounted, took off large bronze shields from their saddles, and quickly in front formed a shield wall.

Then the large group of iron cavalry scattered together, revealing Little White crawling on the ground inside.

Dany rides on the little silver horse, stroking the White Dragon's head, "Go up and give them peace."


Little White's wings supported his body, and his two sturdy hind legs pushed hard on the ground to the back of the shield wall.

"Dracarys (Dragonflame, (Valyria))!" Dany yelled.

"Crash", the shield wall cracked a window the size of a washbasin, and Little White poked his slender neck through like a slipping serpent.


Master Wise Master was puzzled when his eyes suddenly turned red, and the seven-to-eight-meter-long Dragonflame instantly burned through the solid wood to destroy the horse and the fence behind it, the outer flame swept directly to the archer queue standing in front of him.

"Ah—fire, I'm on fire, help me—"

"Ah, my eyes, my face, mother, mother, help me—"

"Dragon! God, the other party has Dragons! She is really the Mother of Dragons, and no one is the opponent of a Dragon."

The Dragonflame missed a few, but the Ghis Warriors in the yellow silk capes were frightened, the bow and arrows, and hand crossbows in hand were thrown to the ground, and they ran quickly from the flames.

"Move, go!" Dany shouted, swinging her sword forward.

"Huh, huh, huh!" The 100 soldiers who formed the shield wall shouted in unison, marching forward at almost the same pace.


The tall horses and wooden fences collapsed in the raging fire, and the shield wall Warrior's iron boots stepped on the fiery redwood and hot ground, pushing slowly but firmly into the camp.

Dany led Little White and followed behind the shield wall. Every ten seconds, when Little White finished breathing, she loudly shouted: "Dracarys!"

Then the shield wall split like the ocean, and Little White stuck his head out to breathe fire.

On the left and right sides and behind Dany, there are one hundred Iron Knights firmly guarding them.


The flames scurried into the 100-meter-long and wide camp, which seemed to make people mistakenly think that they were in a fiery purgatory.

Soldiers' clothes and cloaks ignited by almost touching the Dragonflame, which once gave them a sense of security.

The morale completely collapsed. The scene changed. Finally, the unlucky couldn't escape and came face to face with the Dragonflame. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, their eyeballs face, and head melted into a pool of dark red liquid as if they had encountered a high-temperature candle.

"I surrender, I surrender!" A Lord Wise Master slumped in front of the ornate tent, tears covering his face.

But in this chaotic moment, with everyone screaming, Dany can't hear it at all.

But Dany didn't intend to burn the slave masters, otherwise, the luxurious tent made of gold thread behind him would have been set ablaze.

Finally, seeing the enemy formation completely collapse, Dany stopped Little White and shouted: "Surrender and avoid death!"

The five hundred unscathed Warriors roared in unison: "Surrender and avoid death, surrender and avoid death, surrender and avoid death!"

"Pa ta – ping bang…" The yellow silk cloaks threw away the weapons in their hands in fear one by one, lowered their once proud heads, and knelt on the ground without saying a word.

"Aggo, tie them up," Dany explained to her Bloodrider, and strode away with the Iron Shield cavalry, other stubbornly standing camps were waiting for her…

In the three-kilometer-long camp, Dany and Barristan, with armored cavalry and Dragons, fought from north to south, from east to west, and from west to east.

Most of the time, Dany is protected by hundreds of iron cavalry, but her sword has been stained with blood several times, and her iron armor also jingles in the raining arrows.

No one is a fool. The other small camps that stuck to the camp saw the miserable scene of the next camp being ravaged by the Dragons. Naturally, they would not wait for the fire to come. The swords ran, dashed out of the camp together, and charged Dany's cavalry to the death.

2,600 iron cavalry is naturally impossible, everyone has iron armor, but the five hundred Guards guarding Dany are the most elite full-body armored heavy cavalry.

And she also has a Dragon, which has an endless fear factor to make the opposing cavalry's warhorses slump to the ground, and even overturn the rider.

So every wave of enemies, Dany, and her 500 cavalry crush in the frontal impact.

From morning until noon, Dany was covered in blood and nearly fell off the little silver horse from exhaustion.

On the blood-stained dark gray armor, there were seven or eight arrows hanging in the gaps, and there were several deep scratches on the arm armor and the chest plate, which showed that she really fought hard.

Well, it also shows that equipment is really important!

The fighting came to an end for the time being as the cavalry rendezvoused with the Unsullied Legion ahead.

Dany sat on a burnt wooden stake, lightly stroked the seven or eight large gaps in the blood-stained sword, and couldn't help thinking of the Sellsword who had clashed his Arakh with her sword.

The brief encounter between the two was her most dangerous battle of the day.

The cavalry on both sides was about to collide, Little White roared from behind, and the enemy's horses that had not eaten Dragon Dung immediately softened their legs and feet, and one of the cavalry did not step on the stirrups. Under the action of huge inertia, it spanned seven or eight meters and flew directly to the front of the small silver horse.

It was also bad luck, the little silver horse lost its front hooves and was tripped all of a sudden, and Dany on the horse's back fell uncontrollably.

Even if the cavalry stopped immediately to escape, Dany rolled into the chaotic War Zone and met the cavalry who fell off his horse.

Nothing to say, the two raised their weapons almost at the same time and slashed, Dany used a two-handed sword, and the other used the slender Arakh.

That scene...it's almost a replay of the battle between Jorah and the Dothraki, Dany couldn't keep up with the other's speed at all, her arms, thighs, and chest were chopped off to sparks flying in all directions.

It is also fortunate that she consulted Ser Barristan early on how to deal with similar situations.

She asked Jorah Mormont too.

Jorah told her not to try to see the opponent's blade clearly, because no matter what, she can't, don't be afraid of getting hit, just ignore it and attack the opponent.

Barristan taught Dany that Jorah's "reckless" way is not wrong, but she had better not learn it because she is a woman, her armor is not as thick as his, and her strength is far less than his.

Weak strength means that the opponent can block her attacks; thin armor means that she can only withstand a limited number of attacks.

One more thing, the Arakh weighs far less than the two-handed greatsword—An Arakh generally only weighs four or five kilograms, while Dany's sword weighs more than ten kilograms, and Barristan's sword weighs 20 kilograms—Swinging a great sword with Jorah's power, even If the Arakh blocks it, it can only slow down the speed of the sword's swing. Dany's power is not enough, as long as he blocks it, he can really block it.

For Dany, the best way to deal with it is not to want to attack, first try to disrupt the opponent's rhythm, and then look for a weak spot, a critical strike.

How to disrupt each other's rhythm?

Look at the arm as he holds the weapon, and judge the approximate swing range of his blade based on the movement of his shoulders—the position of the swinging blade can be accurately estimated based on his shoulders, which is almost impossible in this world——Then use the sword to attack the part of him that is farthest from the range of the blade.

If the opponent doesn't care, then exchange injuries with him. You have full body armor, so you will definitely have the upper hand. If the opponent forcibly blocks, then he will change his movements greatly, and a weak spot will definitely appear.

As for what a weak spot is, it varies from person to person.

As Barristan said, when Dany did that, she found a weak spot on the other side: the material of the Sellsworda Arakh is far weaker than her iron sword!

Her sword only had a gap the size of a grain of rice, but the blade of the opponent had a gap as deep as the knuckle of her little finger.

Unable to help, she remembered what Barristan once said: good metal is hard to find in this world, and only a Smith of King's Landing in Westeros can make excellent weapons. Most Sellswords and even nobles use iron swords. The texture is usually sloppy, so the Bronze weapons of Qarth and Slaver's Bay have not been eliminated.

Well, the Qarth camel cavalry using bronze machetes and spears are not poor, on the contrary, no city-state dares to say that it is richer than Qarth.

They use bronze weapons only because bronze weapons are good enough for the current enemy.

Dany finds out that her opponent is a sellsword who is "poor enough to use sloppy weapons" and she slams the opponent's Arakh with her sword edge.

The unlucky bastard also noticed Dany's purpose, but he couldn't help but block. If he didn't want to block, he would have to use his body to block. Finally, with the sound of "Dang", his broken blade was cut into two pieces. Dany's sword kept moving, splitting his skull into two pieces.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but swear in her heart: "In the future, no matter what, I will get a set of Valyrian steel body armor and a Valyrian Steel Sword."

Gray Worm walked through the smoke of blood and fire, crossed the fallen wooden fence with white smoke, came to the ruins of the camp, and saw Dany in a daze on the charred wood.

Her White Dragon is also on the side, biting at a charred warhorse.

Aware of the approaching person, he raised his ferocious dragon head vigilantly, and two small flames spewed from his nose. After seeing Gray Worm's appearance, he lowered his head and continued to chew on a bloody thigh bone.

"Your Majesty, what to do with the besieged Sellsword groups?" Gray Worm respectfully asked.

He saw the blood and chip marks on Dany's Armor.

She has to say that although she encountered some dangers in today's battle, after the baptism of iron and blood, her prestige in the hearts of the soldiers has doubled.


Unfortunately, I have to change the release schedule for this translation. The new release schedule will be Tuesday-Saturday, as I have been getting busier I have been finding it harder to find time to release one chapter a day, however, this schedule is also due for a change in the future, as when I get a good enough backlog I should have enough time and ability to release one a day again, Monday through Sunday. Thank you for your patience.

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