I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend

Chapter 126


At that moment, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


In that brief moment, I had a million thoughts.



‘What did I do to deserve this?’


‘Should I stay like this?’


‘No, I can’t stay this way’


‘I want to give the stupid bastard back as much as I’m ticked off’



And these thoughts converged into a single thought.


‘But how do I pay him back?’


I already knew the answer to that question.


Just a moment ago, I had teased him with this solution until he challenged me.


And sure enough, he was staring at me with his mouth gaping open at my random words. Even Cecil, next to him, was wide-eyed.

 “What, what… What did you say…?” “I’ve been thinking.”



Kassar’s trembling eyes turned to me, but I paid him no mind and continued calmly.

 “At first, I thought you were mad at me for the whole Knights thing, that you were antagonizing me because you were worried I’d use the Knights to my advantage.”


 “…” “But no matter how hard I tried to talk it out, you still resented me, and I suspected there was another reason, and when you told me that I had followed Rudrick to the north…”


 “That made sense…” “So my second guess was, oh, are you in love with Rudrick?”



At my stream of thoughts, he exclaimed in exasperation.

 “What kind of rubbish is that…” “But your loyalty is uncommon, a normal knight wouldn’t try to meddle in his master’s private affairs, and it’s not like all the other division commanders are like that, and you’re strangely sensitive and wary whenever the subject of Rudrick comes up…”


 “Oh, yes, indeed, the knight is pestering His Excellency a little too much…”


 “What the hell!” “Ugh, just calm down and listen, you know, you’re bound to die of high blood pressure if you keep losing your temper all the time.”



I clicked my tongue pathetically, and he looked at me in disbelief, but I ignored his stare and continued.

 “Well, even if you didn’t, I know now. If you’ve had a crush on Rudrick for a long time, you wouldn’t be so sensitive only when I came along, would you?”


 “…” “Which makes me even more curious: it’s not because of the Knights, it’s not because of your feelings for Rudrick, so what is it that makes you so wary of me?”


 “That’s…” “Yeah, maybe.”



I said innocently,

“But because you like me?” “What?!” “Oh my!” 

Unperturbed by the reaction that erupted at the same time, I continued.

 “And when I thought about it, I realized it, I was right: he likes me, so he fought for my attention; he likes me, so he fretted over getting close to Rudrick; he likes me, so he kept visiting me, wanting to be near me…”  “Oh, dear, come to think of it, Sir Knight has asked us separately before where the Princess is.”


 “Hmph… did he, my lord, no way…”



I asked, covering my mouth with both hands in genuine surprise.

 “Did you fall in love with me at first sight?” “Are you crazy!” 

He shouted, and his eyes glazed over. Then he rubbed his forehead to clear his head and muttered to himself.

 “You have such a vivid imagination, I can’t even believe it. How on earth could a witch like you say you’re pretty when I…” “I’m pretty.” “…What?” 

I stared at him, dumbfounded, and froze. When his pale face turned white, I took a step back.


I boldly shouted,

“To my face!” 

I flopped down on the couch next to him and threw my legs up.

 “Body for a body!” 

Chuckling, I put my hands on my hips.

 “Ability for abilities!” 

Finally, I flicked my hair back and winked at him, and he was mesmerized by the look in my eyes.


I raise the tip of my chin in defiance and ask, confused.

 “What the hell am I missing?” 

Cecil, who had been marveling alongside me, chimed in with a belated realization.

 “Oh, that’s right, you’re the only daughter of Averine, and you come from a strong family and background, so honestly, you’ll be able to do anything…” “Oh, Cecil. You’re embarrassing me if you do that…” “You’re having fun…” “But I’m only human, and there’s something I lack, and that’s…” 

I smiled wistfully,

“The sin of being so perfect that it made an innocent man fall in love…” “Princess…” “I’m sorry, Lord Kassar. Your heart, I don’t think I can answer you…” “Please!”

He interrupted, exasperated.

 “Please, let’s have some decency, and I’ll give you a little of this, and a bit of that, and nothing more!” “Then tell me. What am I lacking?” “You don’t think I can do the first and second, even if you go over the top.” “You also recognize my ability. I knew it.” “Ability! What the hell is that?” “Oh, there was something I wanted to say with that…” 

I looked at him, puzzled.

 “Have you forgotten where my lineage is?” “Bloody Averine?” “The only daughter of the richest man in the empire, Averine!” “Doesn’t that mean you’re doomed to be married off to another man?” “No. I’m the heir.” 

Kassar frowned.

 “You can’t say you didn’t know that, can you? In the Empire, women can carry on the family name, and I happen to be the only child.” “…” “Unless anything catastrophic happens, I’m going to take over the family name.” 

Of course, to do so, I’d have to go through the family customs, but I didn’t feel like telling him that. I was still resentful of his earlier remark about having to beg.


But it didn’t matter, he lifted his chin as if to say.

 “Damn, with that crazy woman running the place, it’s going to go downhill fast.” “Well, that remains to the future. Besides, I’ve already got quite a bit of money set aside.” “…” “A salary for a lifetime of work? That’s ridiculous. I can have and give whatever I want, whether it’s goods, land, or even a title.” “…” “So, to be honest, I have my doubts…” 

I said, looking at him suspiciously,

“You’re not doing this on purpose, are you? To get my attention.” “What, what…?” 

He made a jilted sound.

 “I’ve seen countless men like you, and they’ve all been like that, trying to get my attention by telling me I’m good or bad, great or nothing, all sorts of things.” “What does that mean…” “That’s the way it is, isn’t it? If you become my husband, you’ll naturally become the Duke’s second-in-command, so wouldn’t you be greedy?” “…” “That’s why I was hurt so much… Everyone was going after the Duke’s daughter, not me…” “Princess…”


 “It’s okay, Cecil. This is the fate of the powerful. What can you do, you have to accept it…” “Huh…” 

Seeing him looking at the air in disbelief, I smiled gently.

 “Of course, I didn’t say that because I thought you were such a shallow person, and if you meant it without thinking that way…” “So I don’t have any ill feelings at all…” 

I didn’t listen to him but spoke as if I believed him.

 “There is a way for you to come in as my concubine.” 

Kassar’s mouth dropped open.

 “…Concubine?” “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to say that either, but… I don’t think I can take you in as a mistress right now because of your background, but you can always buy a title and raise your status later.” “W-what does that mean…” “That’s only possible if I’m serious with you, right? So try not to flirt too much and do a good job, a man who flirts is unattractive.” “…” “I’ll admit you have big boobs.” “You, y-you…!” 

After trembling for some time, he turned to me, cursing and swearing.

 “Unscrupulous, spineless, shameless, undignified, bloody witch!” “If you keep flipping out like that, I won’t even take you as a mistress…” “I won’t! No, don’t! Who the hell would take you as a concubine, you blind wench!” “A blind woman, me?” “I’ll never see you again, never in my life, not even for a moment, don’t even think of coming into contact with me, the moment we meet…” “Are you going to kiss me, that’s a crime.” “Get out!” “It’s my room, though?” 

He stomped toward the door, fuming, and just as he was about to leave, he lost his nerve, turned around, and shouted.

 “I’m going to kill you!” “Eh, I’m scared.” Bang—! 

But my last words were muffled by the sound of the door slamming shut with such force that it made me shudder.


Finally, I relaxed and stared at the door in disgust.

 “Ugh, what a temper.” “Yeah, well, it’s not that bad, but you’re also kind of childish.” “See? It’s not a big deal.” “Really. Oh, and the Princess, in case you’re wondering…” 

Cecil looked at me, blushed slightly, and asked.

 “What about me?”  “Hahaha!” 

Ruth Fedex, pacing rapidly, stopped in mid-step at the sound of a boisterous laugh that seemed to come from nowhere.


‘What is that?’


The voice was definitely one he recognized, but even so, he couldn’t help but shake his head at the unfamiliarity.


The strangeness had only begun since his return to the ducal residence.


Arriving later than the rest of the party to fulfill the Duke’s orders, he was greeted by the duchy’s usual gloomy appearance.


‘I wonder how you’ll settle in?’


Of course, the Princess he’d seen in the capital was easy to get along with; even the most difficult division commanders were quick to warm up to her.


But the dukedom was a different story.


The place was so depressing that even a short stay there could cause depression. Everyone was so lifeless and frightened that even he felt suffocated just being there.


He wondered how long a gentle young lady who had spent her entire life in the capital could survive in such a place.


He couldn’t help but notice something that made his eyes widen.




The air was different.


The unadorned interior and cold atmosphere were certainly the same as the one he knew, but something was different.


The people, who used to flee in terror at the mere sight of him, now didn’t falter at the slightest glimpse of him.


Not only that, but they were busy chattering amongst themselves.

 “…The knight…” “The button…” “What a mess…” 

He walked on, listening to the nonsensical chatter.


The people who had noticed his presence at the last minute bowed their heads in unison and stepped aside, but he was puzzled to see that their faces were not only terrified like usual, but also strangely excited.


‘Something’s strange?’


But having just entered the ducal residence, he could not figure out the reason for the strange feeling, and could only pace around.


Let’s report to the Duke first, then we’ll find out why.


And when he turned the corner, he saw…

 “Wahahaha, it’s crazy, mad crazy!” 

It was Leona Selvig, laughing hysterically.

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