I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 37: Going to the sea in winter (1)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Early morning sunlight streamed in through the window.

In Eugene's dormitory room.


Eugene, who had drunk heavily until late last night, woke up with a pounding headache.

His body, unaccustomed to alcohol, should have stopped drinking sooner, but that was the issue—he hadn’t.

“My head is splitting…”

Eugene managed to crawl out of bed and sit up.


After meditating to dispel the drunkenness from his body, he opened the window for some fresh air, then washed up and changed his clothes.

It was then that it happened.

Knock, knock.

Someone was knocking at the door.

‘Who could it be?’

Without giving it much thought, Eugene went to the front door and opened it.

A young man dressed in fancy royal attire stood there, smiling faintly as he bowed his head.

“I am here to see Mr. Eugene von Lennon Grace. I’ve been sent on behalf of the Prime Minister.”

“The Prime Minister? What brings you here?”


The young man seemed confused for a moment before he shook it off and pulled out a small chest from his clothes.

“I’ve come to deliver this to you. The Prime Minister said that you would know about this.”


Eugene’s face stiffened the moment he saw the chest.

He then remembered the events of the previous day.

He had saved the Prime Minister, and in his drunken state, had asked for a royal elixir.

‘Have I lost my mind?’

I just asked a person of the highest rank in the country, if he could throw me a royal elixir that was lying around in the palace…

‘I need to cut back on drinking in the future.’

Holding his head, Eugene accepted the chest handed over by the royal figure.

“I’ve delivered the item, so I will take my leave now.”

“Take care on your way.”

The royal figure bowed his head slightly and left.

Eugene closed the door and opened the chest.

Inside, he saw a small bottle.

“What’s this?”

He picked up the bottle and brought it closer to his eyes, revealing a transparent liquid swishing inside.

“…My word.”

The Prime Minister sure is generous.

It was Muhyang Gonghwasu.

A royal elixir made from processing the Muhyang Gonghwa that only grows in the mountains owned by the palace, it was highly effective in increasing mana.

It was a rare and precious elixir, with such limited production that only the royal family could taste it…

Even for Eugene, whose mana had increased from consuming the Golden Toad’s Inner Bead and a Lantern Elixir, this would definitely increase his mana.

‘I went out to drink and ended up with this precious item.’

It was an unexpected windfall.

Eugene immediately sat down in meditation.

The gathering for the Swordsmanship Club wasn’t until 10 AM, so he still had some time.

While it would take weeks to fully absorb the Muhyang Gonghwasu, there was enough time to finish the absorption process after the first intake.


As he opened the bottle of Muhyang Gonghwasu, a refreshing fragrance filled his nostrils.


It was a strong scent that tempted those seeking to become stronger.

He felt it was a waste even for the tiny amount spreading into the air.

Eugene wasted no time in downing the Muhyang Gonghwasu.


He swallowed every last drop and immediately entered into meditation, feeling the smooth and comfortable sensation of the elixir being absorbed into his body for several hours.

When he finished the absorption process and opened his eyes, it was almost 10 AM.

“I’m going to be late at this rate.”

Eugene quickly got up and left his dormitory.


Raei Translations


The gathering place for the Swordsmanship Club was at the entrance of the Royal Academy.

It was almost 10 o’clock, and most of the club members had arrived, accompanied by a massive pile of luggage responsible for everyone's food, clothing, and shelter for the week, towering like a mountain.

‘He hasn’t arrived yet.’

Among them, the white-haired princess, Eustia, was searching for Eugene with her bright red eyes.

‘Time is almost up.’

She had been greatly impressed by Eugene’s potential about ten days ago and intended to approach him through this group activity.

‘He has to come.’

If Eugene didn’t show up, it would derail her plans.

Eustia bit her lip slightly.

“What’s that over there?”

“It’s the newcomer!”

Just then, everyone’s attention shifted in one direction.

A brown-haired boy was running towards them at an unbelievably fast pace.


Upon seeing his face, it was indeed Eugene.

He dashed like an arrow and stopped in front of everyone.


The wind gusted as he stopped, causing Eustia's white hair to flutter.

"...Quite a dramatic entrance."

Diel chuckled to himself.

“Anyway, now that everyone’s here, we have a bit of time before we depart, so do your own thing for a while.”

“Are we going to swim first?”

“So, the island we are heading to this time is…”

The club members chatted among themselves, passing the time.

Eugene stepped away to catch his breath.

While he was doing so, someone approached him from the side.


It was the white-haired princess, Eustia.

She smiled softly at him.

“Hello, Eugene?”


“I’m really looking forward to this group activity, aren’t you?”

‘Why is she like this?’

He had no connection with her, and he couldn’t figure out why she was acting this way towards him.

‘She should be leaving after her greeting... But she’s not leaving.’

Eustia stood beside him with a beaming smile.

“Attention, everyone!”

Just then, Diel gathered everyone’s attention.

Next to him stood an old man in a robe with white hair.

“That person is…!”

“It’s Archmage Antonio!”

Some of the students covered their mouths in surprise.

'He's famous, so everyone should know him.'

Diel introduced the old man with a grin.

“This is Archmage Antonio von Felix Kudelin, a longstanding associate of the Luberuta family. He will be transporting us to the island and protecting us from any potential dangers.”

Antonio greeted everyone with a expressionless face.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’m looking forward to the upcoming week.”

Though it was a short greeting, it was enough.

“Welcome, Archmage Antonio!”

“Thank you for coming!”

The Archmage was a revered and esteemed figure, respected by all.

Though he was protecting them in exchange for a substantial amount of gold, there couldn’t have been a better arrangement for them.

Diel lowered his head as he made a request.

"I'd like to ask for a group teleportation, please."

"Everyone, please form a circle and hold hands."

The students formed circles with those closest to them and held each other’s hands.

Next to Eugene was Eustia...

"Will you hold my hand?"

Eustia, smiling faintly, reached out her hand.

Ignoring her seemed like disrespecting a senior, and there wasn’t really anyone else to hold hands with.

Reluctantly taking her hand, Eugene felt a surprising strength.

"Your hand has a lot of calluses. How diligently do you practice?"

‘This is driving me crazy.’

It was an unusual amount of pressure.

Eugene tried not to look at Eustia and closed his eyes.

At that moment, someone grabbed his other hand.

It was a warm and small hand.

He could feel the soft touch.

‘What’s this?’

It didn't feel like a man’s hand.

Opening his eyes and looking to the side, he saw Celine.

‘Why are you here?’

Celine, staring into the distance, held onto Eugene's hand without responding.

He couldn't tell when she had come over from where the other senior female students were.

‘Oh well.’

He was in a situation where two revered female students, referred to as goddesses, were holding his hands.

Feeling the sharp gazes of the surrounding seniors, Eugene looked up at the sky distantly.


And thus, a week on a warm island in the winter began.


Raei Translations


An island adorned with beautiful natural scenery.

A beach where the coral reefs are clearly visible.

The sky-blue waves spread out over the sand, and a cool breeze blew pleasantly.

Even a workaholic would be tempted to dip their feet in the cold sea water on such a picturesque island.

This held true even for Diel, the always stern-faced leader of the Swordsmanship Club.


Diel was delivering a reminder in front of everyone.

Normally, he would have given a lengthy speech along the lines of, “We are not here to play! We have come to train! Everyone must stay focused!”

However, even he found it challenging to maintain such a strict demeanor amidst the soothing sounds of the waves and the warm breeze.

‘If I say these things, I might just end up dead.’

He too didn’t want to spend all his time training in such a beautiful place.

That would be far too depressing.

“We are here to dedicate ourselves further to the art of the sword! Training with the sword in cold weather is an arduous task in many ways! Therefore, let us all diligently pursue our personal training!”

If he had ended it there, the club members might have voted him out as their leader.


Diel continued, feigning a stern face.

“With such a beautiful sea before us… I suppose it’s okay to relax a bit…”


“Long live the leader!”

The club members shouted with joy.

“To the sea!”

“Let’s play! Hahaha!”

The male students threw off their pants, revealing their swimsuits underneath.

‘They came fully prepared to have fun.’

Without waiting for anyone, they all rushed towards the sea, diving in.

The female students, though more reserved, were up to similar antics.

“Celine, shall we go change?”

“You brought a swimsuit, right?”

The older female students were trying to take Celine with them to change.

“A swimsuit…?”

Celine, always composed, was flustered.

“Yeah, a swimsuit. Don’t tell me you didn’t bring one?”

“We are going to be by the sea for a whole week.”

“I brought one…”

The female students smiled contentedly.

“Then let’s go!”

“Let’s go, let’s go!”


Celine was whisked away by her senior female classmates.

“Eugene, see you in a bit?”

Eustia also followed the older female students.

It seemed she planned to change into a swimsuit as well.

‘I don’t understand this.’

I knew the atmosphere would turn festive, but I didn’t expect it to turn into a party.

‘Where is the future of the Holy Lucia Empire heading?’

Looking around, I saw the male students had already stripped down to their waists and were enjoying themselves.

Soon, the female students in swimsuits would join them.

‘If I wander around alone in my regular clothes in this situation…’

I would definitely be treated like a madman.


Left without a choice, Eugene changed into his swimsuit.

His body, revealed as a result, was nothing short of perfection.

It was a physique carved through relentless training over a long period, comparable to a statue.

Everyone was too busy playing to pay him any attention, but...

‘That’s fine by me.’

Just as they weren't interested in Eugene, he had no interest in them.

He didn’t really plan on playing from the start.

‘I can just train in my swimsuit.’

There was no reason he couldn’t.

This was the mindset he needed to maintain to grow stronger.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.

Barefoot, Eugene ran across the sandy beach.

He planned to train in the dense forest behind the beach, where no one could see him.

It was when he was crossing the boundary between the beach and the forest.

“Turn back.”

An authoritative voice reached his ears.

Looking beside him, he saw Antonio with a stern face.

“What are you thinking, trying to enter the forest?”

“I was going to train.”

“Then train on the beach.”

“I don’t want to do it next to everyone while they're all playing.”

I would definitely be treated like a lunatic.

When Eugene resisted, Antonio shook his head.

“Haven’t you heard already? The flow of mana on this island is strange. The beach is open, so there’s less chance of a problem, but if you enter the forest, who knows what might happen.”

“I am strong enough; it doesn’t concern me.”

“Unless you can beat me, I cannot permit it. There have been plenty who talked big like that and ended up dead.”

Seeing his determined face, Eugene could tell that no amount of talking would get through to him.

‘It's frustrating enough to wear a swimsuit, and now I can’t even train.’

Eugene sighed deeply and turned around.

He could sneak into the forest unnoticed by the Archmage, but there was no telling what kind of punishment he’d receive if caught.

“...I’ll just rest.”

“Do as you please.”

Walking sluggishly, Eugene looked up at the sky.

The birds flying around and chirping loudly seemed so free.

‘Might as well lie down and watch the birds.’

Eugene pulled out a suitable mat from the pile of luggage, spread it on the sandy beach, and lay down.

As he watched the birds, his eyes naturally closed.

‘Can’t train properly, might as well sleep...’

Just as Eugene’s consciousness was fading,

“Look over there!”



The surrounding male students were shouting and making a commotion.

‘What now?’

Eugene opened his eyes wide and looked at the male students.

They were sending fervent cheers far into the distance.

Following their gaze, Eugene saw female students in swimsuits walking over.

Eugene smiled contentedly.

‘All this commotion? For them?’

He felt a pang of annoyance.

For some reason, it was a familiar feeling.


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