I became the hentai god. So what?

Chapter 8: Cita + Massacre

-I've been in this little world for a month now and things are progressing as I planned. Thanks to my "bank" ability, I don't have to worry about money, be it yen, euro, dollar, ruble. I have to thank my god-like physique that I can't get fat, since eating hamburgers, pizza and other junk food for a month would have killed me if I had been a normal person. Now I only have one problem that I didn't think of, it's Rinka Okino, in a month she's already had 20 rape attempts by old men but thanks to her bearing my mark I can go to her aid immediately. It seems that it's Rinka's destiny to be raped by perverted old men-.

Thinking about what had happened in the month he had stayed in the small world, Javier continued eating his bacon burger, while waiting for Rinka Okino to arrive at the park where they met.

During the first week, the two had met 3 times, but as the days progressed and the weeks ended, problems accumulated in the girl's personal life and now they meet daily.

Pat, pat, pat, pat.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, he looked down, seeing a girl in a turquoise dress that left her shoulders bare.

"Ugh, ah, ah sorry I kept you waiting… wait, you're eating a burger again.

"First, you didn't make me wait, second, I'm a God so I don't have to worry about my physical appearance, since whether I eat or not I can continue living peacefully.

"That's not the problem, you should know that a balanced diet will help you grow strong...

Stopping abruptly in what she was going to say, a sadness clouded the childish face of the girl who said nothing, simply lowered her head and clenched her fists in the skirt of her dress.

"I can tell from your face that things didn't go so well for you.

He said leaving his half-eaten burger on his lap to pat the bench he was sitting on, Rinka seeing that sits next to him sadly.

"Neither my mom nor my Onii-chan care about me... you know, today they even forgot my breakfast... at school, as if I were invisible, they didn't take my attendance... I don't know what to do anymore.

Depressed, she was worried about being ignored by the people she cared about and the culprit had a name and surname; Javier Valderrama. Rinka, who didn't know this fact, cried because she felt alone and the only one who could listen to her as a person was the one who had made his macabre move.

That happened the day Rinka and Javier separated, leaving the mark of the Hentai God on the back of the girl's hand also included the curse of being ignored by the people she cared about; brother, parents, friends, teachers.

[Okino Rinka; Love for her brother 51%, Getting closer than friends, Javier 49%]

-Just a little more, a little more, but I need to deal the final blow-.

"Hah! Well let's stop thinking about those things, so, Javier stop eating junk food, you need to eat healthier.

Covering her sadness with a smile from the man who claimed to be her friend, she took the paper bag full of different types of hamburgers and looked at Javier, who also looked at her.

"Healthy, you say, but if my body doesn't grow or gain weight, but you're right, I'm already getting bored of eating junk food.

"That's right, you have to eat vegetables!

Happy because Javier listened to her raising his finger as if he were giving a health lesson to someone close to him.

"True, but Rinka-chan you know, you look more like a girlfriend, be careful than her boyfriend, eat well.

" Wha -tcha! Are you saying this, you pervert! I would like to be your girlfriend.

Blushing, she crosses her arms, turning her back to Javier so that they don't see the blush on her cheeks that were visible up to her ears.

"Wow, I never said you had to be my girlfriend, could it be that you want to be my girlfriend Rinka-chan.

"Here, take it! Sure kill blow!"

Unable to bear the shame of being made fun of by Javier, he stands up hastily and drops the paper bag containing the hamburgers, but neither of them cares and concentrates on something else.

"Ha, you seriously think I didn't see that coming, take my defense, Crystal Palm!"

Playing among themselves, Rinka throws multiple punches with her closed fists and he blocks them with his palms as if it were nothing, plus their overly striking names were just playing among themselves.

"Ha, ha, ha, you turned good, my sworn enemy.

Laughing like a villain, Rinka looks haughtily at Javier and he also laughed while moving his hand as if it hurt.

"Ha, you're getting slower, plant princess.

"Don't call me Vegetable Princess?!"

"But if it suits you, since you always tell me to eat vegetables, it's normal that I call you vegetable princess.

"I don't accept it! Change it.

"Eeeh, no, I like it.

"Why not, Crimson Princess or Princess of Darkness.

"Too pretty and powerful don't suit you at all, you end up like a Vegetable Princess.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, they both laughed out loud.



Laughing at her senseless jokes, Javier waved the paper bag full of hamburger back into his hand, and out came one for Rinka, who took it and they sat back down. For his part, Javier picked up his half-eaten hamburger.

"And what do you plan to do today, Javier?"

"I don't know, I think it's time for me to leave this world and go to another.

"Huh?!... are you leaving?"

Caught off guard by the news of Javier's departure, she stared at him. Javier, who received her look that said "don't go," stroked her hair and said to her with a smile.

"This next month, until then, we will be together if you want.

"I see... you're leaving, so if you're leaving, we have to make good memories.

Smiling to hide the sadness that was suffocating her, due to the sudden news, and which as the days passed would only grow until it exploded, like a watermelon wrapped in dozens of rubber bands.

"Of course... but Rinka-chan, you don't want to come with me.

"What do you mean, go with you?"

All planned, Javier continued playing with Rinka's emotions.

"Go with me, you know, I was planning to stay in this world and start gathering followers and gain more power among the people, but I changed my mind and I'm going to another world that is bigger than this one for me, it is also similar to this Japan of course you won't find some things identical and others yes... That's why, Okino Rinka wants to leave this world and come with me to another.

"Me, me, Lo.

"Wait, don't say it, tell me your answer the day I leave, until then let's enjoy these days.

Knowing the answer Rinko would give, Javier just smiled and went back to rubbing the hair that Rinko liked.

"I see... So what are we going to do today or you'll keep staring into space.

"Mn, how about we go to a gaming center.

"Hey, seriously, go to the machines.

"Of course, we can't be here forever.

"Ohhh let's go♫.

Throwing the paper bag into the dimensional pocket, they both left the park. Rinka, who had gotten used to Javier's powers and it was a normal thing now, held hands until they reached the shopping center, where the liveliness and noise of the people was their daily bread.

"What shall we do first?"♫♫

Rinka being the most excited; they first look at the slot machines followed by the cranes, fighting games, steering wheels, motorcycles, shooting, ball throwing, not knowing which to choose from the wide variety of games, Javier with all the seriousness in the world pointed towards a two-slot machine.

"How are you?

"Dance, mmm! You mean you have to put on some music and you have to press the arrows, but I'm not too small for that game, my feet don't reach.

"It has to be small, come on let's go before it's taken over♫♫.

Now acting like a child, he took Rinka's hand and pulled her along. As the dance began, the first music played. (Shine - Mr, Big).

Not stopping from the beginning to the end, which lasted four minutes, Javier and Rinkan with a smile, tired to catch their breath, looked at the screen where the results came out.

"Hey, I didn't get to 100%, just 95%...

"Hehehe ♫♫, looks like I won, look how many steps you missed ♫♫♫, hehehe.

"Mmmmm, once again!

"Come on.

"This time, I don't plan on making a mistake.

"Hehehe, we'll see if it's true.

The same melody played again, and they both concentrated on pressing the arrows with their feet in succession until it ended. Sweating, they both stared at the result on the screen with bated breath.



Being a worse result than the first time, Rinka couldn't help but let out a cry of loser.

"Hahahaha, this confirms that I am the best.

"... hmph, what's the point of competing with a girl like me when you're an adult, a child or what.

"Say what you want, I win, hahahaha♫♫♫.

"Uuuuuuu… what a sad adult.

"What did you say♫!.

"Kya, ah, no wait♫♫ hahaha♫ I'm not weak hahahaha♫♫…

Unable to stay on her feet in the face of Javier's merciless tickling attack, Rinka, sweaty, breathing hard and with watery eyes, accused Javier who continued to support her.

"You are… unfair, that's how you call yourself an adult.

"I won so I don't care about the barking of a loser♫♫.

In an annoyed tone, just to irritate Rinka who was regaining her strength, she stood up and kicked Javier in the buttocks.

"Ouch, that hurts.

"It's your fault for bothering Rinka.

"Okay, okay, how about another round but let's change the music.

"Okay, but I'll choose this time.

"Come on.

Once again, this time the melody of the song {Chieko Kawabe - Be Your Girl}, rang out together with the footsteps.


"I won♫♫!!

"Beginner's luck.

"Hehehe♫ that's what I hear♫, the squeals of a loser pig♫.

"Hey, hey.


"One more time.

"Well, it's normal that I, Rinka, give a second chance to the loser, Javier Onii-chan♫♫.

Changing the triumphant smile on his face, they both competed again and this time.



"I won."

"No, no, look Rinka we both have the same result, clearly no one won.

"You are wrong, Rinka is a little girl while Javier Onii-chan is an irresponsible adult who gives everything to beat a girl like me.


Speechless, he scratches the back of his head as he hears Rinka giggle beside him.

"Do you want to have something to drink?"

"Mmm, after moving so much I am very thirsty.

"Indeed, I'm so sweaty that my boxers are wet.


Rinka groaned in embarrassment and left the platform first.

Leaving the games area to rest for a while from the first game. Sitting on the nearest bench, Rinka, who is squinting at how red she is from dancing so much, asks him when she sees Javier, who is just as sweaty as she is.

"Aren't you God? Why do you sweat in the first place?

"It would be strange if I didn't when I move around so much. Also, in order to enjoy being human once again, I sealed my powers, so I'm only slightly stronger than a normal human."

All proud of his statement, he went to buy water and hydrating drinks, leaving Rinka laughing while she swung her feet.

"Hehehe, what a foolish God this is, sealing his powers just to enjoy the human world hehehe♫♫♫…

Having fun with a radiant smile on her face, like any girl her age, she did not realize that a gloomy darkness was slowly approaching, that not even Javier who is always alert did not notice that fact.

Stealthily, in broad daylight, they approached behind Rinka. Covering her mouth and nose with a handkerchief! Desperately fighting against the sudden attack when they are in the middle of the shopping center, in full view of everyone, she slowly begins to lose consciousness.

-Save me Onii-chan.

Javier, who was returning with several bottles of moisturizers and natural water, stopped dead when he saw that Rinka was not there, squinting, he lowered his arms and the bottles had disappeared.

"Tch!... this situation is getting more annoying, the will of the world is strengthening as it rejects Rinka's destiny, it can now interfere with my mark.

He growled in a whisper, releasing a thousandth of his power, being able to see the entire small world and what each living and inanimate being did, destroying the will of destiny that tries to correct its course.

"So they took her to the janitor's room.

He said heading towards where Rinka was being held captive.


[Access to authorized personnel only]

"Hehehe, we did have some difficulties in taking it, but it was all worth it, now we just have to enjoy it.

"Quickly wake her up, I need to see her face when she wakes up, hehehe, there's nothing better than seeing an innocent girl's face turn to fear, but first gag her mouth, we don't want to attract people here.

"Hehehe, quickly wake up sleeping beauty, because now it's time to play with the adults.

Gagged by her hands and feet while she was unconscious, Rinka was in an unprotected state, as she was naked, her figure without feminine attractiveness but radiating innocence could be seen.

One of the men moved, he was muscular, dark-skinned and muscular, along with an obscene smile, he kept sniffing a cotton garment. Putting it on his face as if it were a mask, he takes out a handkerchief and moistens it with alcohol to wake Rinka up.

[Rinka's perspective]

Waking up to a strong smell that reminded me of my school's infirmary, the first thing I feel is a chill running through my body as if I were naked and had fallen asleep on the cold floor. But I have never fallen asleep naked, but I have with clothes on.

Unable to move my hands and feet and my mouth feeling numb with drool rolling down my lips, I see four men and notice a familiar look on the face of an old man who was breathing very heavily which scared me.

-W - What's going on?!!!-.

"Uh uh uh uh uh.

"Don't rush, we will attend to you soon, with love, hehehehe.

Listening to them talk, a feeling of disgust and fear invaded me as I watched them undress as if nothing had happened in front of me. I could hear them laughing unpleasantly, as if announcing my useless attempt to fight to escape and even though I tried to close my eyes, I felt like their disgusting gaze that made me feel bad, licking my naked body.


"Hehehehe, you don't have to be scared, we ojii-san will play with you all day today.

No longer able to contain my fear as I felt the calloused hand run down my thighs in an unpleasant manner, my eyes clouded over.

-No !!!! No!!!! Don't touch me, help!!! help me onii-chan!!, no! no! don't touch me with your disgusting hands onii-chan help!! help me I don't want that thing!!.

No matter how much I struggled, the old men's hands kept moving over my skin, their things pointing to the sky touched my body as if trying to rub their smell off of me.

Just like a toy that they fought over to be the first, the cold began to envelop me and the darkness of the place began to lull me.

-Onii-chan help me... Javier save me I don't want this!!-.


"What's going on?!"

"UhHH!! Uhhhhh uhhhhh!!!

Unable to see through the tears that blurred my vision, I felt like the heat drove away the cold and the light eliminated the darkness. I could see Javier's silhouette, standing there, and although I couldn't see his expression, I felt that he was angry.

"Hey hey Nii-san, what do you want to join? Look, if you want we can give you the first taste.

"I don't want anything, but you are already dead.

"W-What do you want from guahh.




" Wait !! Forgive me, I won't do it again.


" AH my balls !!, ¡¡ ahhhhhh !! .




-W-What happened why is everything red? Who is he? He is not the Javier I know-.


"...Rinka-chan are you okay, they hurt you, I'm sorry, I didn't think these people would be so bold and do this to you.

-I see, it's Javier, this is my Javier, he's the one who takes care of me from these people-.

Feeling him gently let go of my hands and take out what had been put in my mouth, he gently put a jacket we had bought last time on me, covering my naked body.


Trying to say something I only saw him half smiling while I avoided looking at the bodies behind him…

"Javier onii-chan… thanks… wuuuuu….

Unable to stop my tears from falling again, I threw myself into his arms where on his chest I could not help but cry with all my might.

[End of Rinka's perspective]

Arriving at the janitor's room and it said [authorized personnel only]. Kicking down the door, the sight of four men surrounding a naked, gagged girl, touching her with their hands and cocks, just like a group of worms.

Approaching Javier with a depraved smile, the veins on his forehead could be seen bulging with rage at the act he was witnessing. Not listening to what the man who approached him with his hard cock was deciding, he pierced his chest with his bare hand, taking out his still beating heart to crush it.

Falling down with a look of surprise and terror, the tanned man turns his gaze to the three men who did not seem to be fazed by the death of one of them.

Standing up confidently, a dark-skinned man covering his face with Rinka's underwear, took a boxing stance and approached quickly, throwing quick 'jabs' at Javier's jaw, who didn't defend himself, instead raising his hand wanting to grab him by the neck. Reacting quickly, he backed away but a horrible sound of flesh being stretched was heard.


Falling without producing a sound other than the blood gushing out of what was his throat, which Javier held in his hand, another sound was heard, but this was when he fell to the floor.

As Javier approached Rinka for the first time, the two men who had finally come to their senses were terrified by the fear of death.

A skinny guy begging for Javier's forgiveness upon seeing him approaching got down on his knees, but what he received was a stomp straight to the balls, hearing a beastly howl, the skinny guy bent over in a fetal position from the pain that made him faint to be mercilessly crushed by the same foot that destroyed his manhood.

The last one backing away while babbling nonsensical things to Javier, bowed prostrate before Javier but like the rest he showed no mercy and with a kick the man's head was separated from his body to be mashed into the wall.

Finishing, he approaches Rinka who was trying to thank him but her body instinctively recoiled from fear at the macabre scene that dyed the tile red.

Even if Javier asked him.

"Rinka-chan, are you okay? Did they hurt you? I'm sorry, I didn't think these people would be so bold and do this to you.

He said, apologizing sincerely as he removed the ropes they used to gag her.

Rinka, who heard him, reacted, with her eyes filled with tears, she threw herself into Javier's arms.

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