I Became the Final Boss’s Limited-time Teacher

Chapter 17

“Master, I think it’s too early to make a promise with my junior sister. Just like there are upper and lower streams in a brook, we should at least wait four years….”

A cold voice that felt like it was carving out my heart with ice. Bi Wol was pulling on my arm from my left, speaking in a way that was uncharacteristically cold and calculating. Although Simma had definitely been dealt with, there was a heavy, gooey emotion in her voice.

“Oh, you’re lying! If that’s the case, wouldn’t you be the one to become an adult first? Are you planning to monopolize all of Master’s firsts?”

On the opposite side of Bi Wol was Verdandi, pulling my other arm in opposition, making sure I wouldn’t be taken away.

The two of them, using The Eye that Sees the Truth, were embroiled in a verbal battle that was sparking like fireworks, just like a cat and dog fighting over the same toy.

“Since you took Master’s kiss earlier, can’t you at least give up on other things?”

No, to be honest, it was just a childish fight that showed how immature they were.

“Just because you know him a little earlier doesn’t mean you’re better than me!”

When they started comparing their merits and tearing each other down, their immaturity was revealed.

“Yeah, I became Master’s disciple long before you and I’m special enough to be called an ‘affectionate disciple’ among the other students.”

Bi Wol emphasized her superiority, even snorting in disdain. This was the first time I had heard such casual speech from her, who usually spoke with respect even to children on the street.

“I think I’m a special disciple to Master too! Otherwise, there’s no reason for me to risk my life for a complete stranger!”

“Master has always shown compassion to the unfortunate. And in your case, didn’t you say that the oracle came down?”

No, the oracle was a made-up story. Still, it was a lie told to accept a hero who would kill the Demon King as a disciple.

I felt lightheaded, pain pulsating in my forehead. I really wanted to press my fingers against my temples and end this dizziness right now.

“Hey, guys. Can you calm down and talk this out without dragging me into this?”

The beings tugging on me and engaging in a debate were each the final bosses that adorned the end of a novel.

“I refuse.”

“I refuse!”

On one side was the supreme martial artist at the peak,

while on the other was a hero chosen by the gods.

Both sides showed that neither was willing to back down purely by strength. This is probably why Bi Wol was able to push me down and kiss me.

As I felt their soft yet heavy touch between the two disciples, I couldn’t shake the guilt that I was doing something I shouldn’t be.

‘…Calm down, Han Dohyun. Do not focus on the sensation in your arms.’

It was they who were wrong for embracing my arms so tightly that I couldn’t feel any blood flow.

Looking at my own arms that were going numb, I realized I had experienced this situation before.

It was exactly like when I was caught between the girl students who put chocolates in my locker on Valentine’s Day.

– Ah, hello, Dohyun? The weather is really nice today…. Haha.

It was actually a rainy day.

A girl who scratched her cheek while looking at me as I entered school, shaking off my umbrella.

– Seolhwa? Why are you in front of my locker?

– Oh, yeah! Today is Valentine’s Day! I thought I’d at least give you a token chocolate!

The identity of that girl was Yoo Seolhwa, who had recently mercilessly scolded me for being unable to write while looking at my manuscript paper.

– I’m sorry about last time! I did it out of habit! I just feel it’s a shame to write sad stories when I have the potential to write better ones…

As I opened my locker, there was a fancy-looking chocolate that looked like it was bought at a department store. A treat that was prominent even among the other chocolates.

In today’s world, it was a new product called Dubai chocolate, featuring a pistachio spread.

– Later, when I told the driver, he said I was the one in the wrong. So…

With her cheeks becoming as red as a tomato, she scratched her face, but back then, and even now, I was someone who knew little about romance.

Living in a shanty house in a poor neighborhood, I always thought that such luxuries were for people who had them.

– Thanks, I’ll enjoy it.

I simply nodded at Seolhwa while taking out the other chocolates one by one from my locker.

– …Dohyun, do you have time? Could you come out behind the school after class today?

There was a girl holding my sleeve with her fingertips, a girl with a short bob haircut who had her gym shirt tied around her waist. She had a cold expression.

Among the girls, she was known as the “prince” and exhibited better athletic talent than the boys during sports class.

I couldn’t remember her name.

It was the first time I had seen her face, and I only remembered her external appearance because she had sent me love letters decorated with hearts, despite her looks being otherwise.

– Hey, who do you think you are, trying to act friendly with Dohyun?

Just like my current situation, Seolhwa started trouble to keep an eye on another girl.

– Huh? I’m the class representative. Of course, I know our Dohyun’s name and face!

– “Our”? Haha, are you serious? You know, Dohyun helped me a ton yesterday! Do you have any idea how touched I was when I saw him fix my manuscript?

Watching them growl at each other and flaunting their connections was pretty ridiculous even for me. In fact, both were almost strangers to one another.

– Hey, Han Dohyun! You jerk! Because of you, not a single chocolate or love letter has come my way!! Hurry up and give me one!

I could even argue that I was closer to the male student next to me babbling such nonsense.

– Huh? What’s with the weird atmosphere? Did you do something wrong to these girls? Were you caught cheating?

– Would I even know…

Thinking about it, this guy was someone I had kept in touch with even after graduation. I wondered how he was doing?

Personally, I hoped he wasn’t writing web novels. Because that guy could easily get dragged into a similar mess if he ended up with the wrong reader.

“Master, I am the only beloved disciple who can continue to assist you.”

“Huh, is someone so accomplished nurturing the darkness in their heart and making life hard for their master?”

“That’s the same for my junior sister! Didn’t she try to kill the mother who raised her without understanding anything?!”


With no counter-arguments left, Verdandi let out a groan and momentarily hesitated.

When you think about it, Bi Wol, who had tried to kill everyone here, wasn’t any better.

“Verdandi, do you really think that person is good?”

“Yes! If I can be by their side, I would follow even to hell! For my master is the embodiment of the hero I desire!”

Bi Wol’s mother chimed in, seemingly supporting Verdandi. She responded with a vigorous nod in agreement with Eila’s words.

“…Alright, please take good care of my daughter.”

Eila looked at me with a sympathetic expression, seemingly out of options, and delivered her final statement. Her icy gaze stabbed deep into my heart.

“Madam Verdandi’s mother, there’s been a misunderstanding…!!”

I shook my head, wanting to explain that this whole situation was just a temporary happening and would fade into mere childhood jokes.

I mean, none of those who said “I’m going to marry daddy!” or “I’ll love you forever!” as kids followed through, right?

“I will absolutely never lay a hand on my disciples!!”

“Our child may be lacking without a father, but she has a good heart…”

“Thank you! Mother!”

Bi Wol wore a satisfied smile in response to Eila’s defense. In contrast, I could only watch Bi Wol’s expression darken.

“…Bi Wol, wouldn’t it be better to do a favor for your junior sister at least?”

“Why should I?”

“If you do, you’ll bolster your position for the third disciple who will come later.”

Just as humans cannot fathom ants, there exists a saint who views all living things from outside this world as mere toys.

I spoke to Bi Wol, recalling Azazel Blackheart. The reason I had come all the way to this village to find Verdandi was because of her.

“Master, then please tell me the information about that junior sister first. As your most cherished disciple, I will dutifully follow your wishes.”

Before she accepted the proposal, Bi Wol seemed to contemplate for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

“She is a sad figure who serves the god of another world. She’s someone who had everything she loved taken from her by her twin sister.”

“I’ve heard of the god of another world! They’re beings through whom Demon Kings have drawn power since ancient times!”

Verdandi, who had been eavesdropping on my conversation with Bi Wol, interjected, displaying curiosity about the next disciple we should seek.

I had envisioned my next work, I Must Kill the Hero, while seeing the plummeting view count of my previous piece, I Got Trapped in a Game.

The reason the two works were connected was exactly this. Just like the world I was in now, I originally intended to create links between my works.

“Her name is Azazel Blackheart. A saint serving an external deity. You’ll likely need a guide, just like Wolfram, if you want to find her.”

Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t find Verdandi until she was guided by Wolfram, and it would probably be similar this time as well.

It felt like there was a specific order and connection required to meet the final boss as if arranged by fate.

“Huh? Me?”

Wolfram quietly watched the scene, sighing, and pointed at himself, surprised that his name had been mentioned.

“Yeah, you’ll probably… have to meet Azazel’s sister.”

As I spoke, I felt a heaviness in my chest. Azazel’s background was also part of my unfortunate past, just like the other kids.

I had an older brother who had passed away before me.

He was the one who monopolized all of my parents’ expectations, the one who I thought would escape the dreadful poverty.

I had merely lived in the shadow he left behind during my childhood.

“Wolfram, do you know about Dream Demons?”

I posed the question to Wolfram, who seemed like he might have some prior knowledge.

“They’re a race that digs into people’s hearts, showing them the dreams they desire while sucking away their essence, right?”

“Exactly, but there’s another danger in Azazel’s case. She can peek into her opponent’s future if their gazes meet.”

With eyes like rainbows, she was a uniquely challenging being to deal with.

Upon meeting gaze, she reads the future, retaliating or attacking based on that information, thus becoming the final boss in I Got Trapped in a Game.

“She’s definitely someone for whom my holy sword is essential! A succubus saint serving an entity shunned by evil—I want to convert her and make her a disciple of Master!”

Verdandi shouted excitedly as she listened to my explanation, while Bi Wol rested her chin on her hand.


“…When the number of concubines rises, one needs allies to maintain the dignity of the main wife. Understood. What can I do to help?”

There seemed to be a matter-of-fact discussion about futures coming from her mouth.

‘What if I end up seeing some strange future when I actually meet Azazel?’

A chill ran down my spine at the sudden thought.

It shouldn’t be so.
Surely, our lovely disciples would never do such a thing.

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