I Became the Elf Queen and Then Became the Human Empire’s Empress

Chapter 58: The Defeat of the Elves (Revised)

Chapter 58: The Defeat of the Elves (Revised)

Fortunately, this situation didn’t last long.

Krul’s reinforcements arrived.

Domiya lightly pointed her staff forward, casting a silver Magic Shield around Krul to help him block Suratu’s Magic Attack.

After arranging those exhausted mages, Domiya rallied some remaining mages and a portion of Elven Soldiers to rush to the battlefield.

Since she could no longer use the gigantic Magic Circle, she decided to venture forward.

When Domiya arrived, Krul and Alexander had only just begun their battle.

Without hesitation, Domiya immediately enhanced Krul’s abilities with her magic.

Now free from concerns about Suratu’s magical attacks, Krul focused on engaging Alexander in close combat.

Both were wielding Two-handed Longswords.

Their attacking moves were wide and powerful.

This fighting style was quite brutal.

The resulting sparks and heated waves from their weapons clashing were enough to shock nearby humans and elves with just a glance.

Slowly, a massive circular space formed around the two of them.

Neither elves nor humans dared to step into this area, fearing the residual shockwaves from their ferocious duel.

As for joining the battle between one elf and one human? Forget about it!

At this moment, both combatants had become completely absorbed in their fight.

They truly were formidable opponents.

At their level, it’s challenging to find someone who can match them satisfactorily.

While the two were furiously battling it out, Domiya also began her own magical clash against Suratu, representing the duel of Human vs. Elf.

Although elven magic had always been superior to human magic, and humans had learned magic from elves, Suratu was a once-in-a-hundred-years Grand Mage among humans. His mastery of magic was at an extraordinary level, not weaker than Domiya.

Hence, their distant magical confrontation was quite stunning.

Fiery massive Fireballs, super-speed lightning strikes, and chilling snow and ice attacks…

Each magic spell was immensely powerful and visually spectacular.

However, despite the brilliant battle here, it was clear that elves were losing elsewhere.

Human soldiers had broken through the elven defenses, flooding in alongside Sea Tribe soldiers, continuing to dismantle the elven lines until they completely collapsed.

It was like a domino effect—over time, more and more elven positions began to crumble.

With that, humans had practically won this battle.

Even if Krul and Domiya managed to defeat Alexander and Suratu, it wouldn’t change the overall situation.

By now, the outcome of the battle was essentially determined.

The elves had been defeated…

Silnas Island.

Standing on a prominent point at the harbor, Airael looked somberly at the Elven Soldiers who were rescued by Sally and the others.

Behind her, Hela and two personal attendants shared the same expression.

Their elven race had suffered defeat on the front lines.

Now, the humans would be advancing straight toward the island they occupied.

If they captured this island, the gates to Avalon, the elven homeland, would be wide open to the humans.

At that point, humans could use Silnas Island as a launching pad to invade elven territory.

This was a basic military principle that anyone with a bit of knowledge would understand.

Therefore, the defense of Silnas Island was extremely crucial for the elven race.

They simply had to hold this line.

Fortunately, according to previous reports, the elven homeland had organized a batch of reinforcements.

This batch of reinforcements primarily consisted of Treant warriors.

Originally, these reinforcements were supposed to support the frontline, but since that line had already been lost, they had no choice but to stay on Silnas Island.


Suddenly, Airael spotted a very familiar figure among those below.

That figure was her beloved magic teacher, Domiya.

Seeing Domiya, Airael was astonished.

She never expected to see her favorite teacher here.

This meant Domiya had also participated in that disastrous battle.

However, the Domiya before her now was far from the elegant and noble image she usually presented, looking quite disheveled.

Having been chased by humans all this way, she had truly lost the will to maintain her outward appearance.

Moreover, at this moment, no one would dare to criticize her.

Not wanting to think too much, Airael ran directly toward Domiya.

“Your Majesty!”

Hela called out and quickly followed suit, as did Celia and Aurora.

Upon reaching Domiya, Airael halted and exclaimed, “Domiya-sensei!”

“Your Majesty!”

Domiya smiled at Airael, regaining some of her original elegance.

“Domiya-sensei, were you at the battlefield earlier?”


Upon hearing Airael’s question, Domiya’s smile faded into a bitter one.

Being defeated in battle was genuinely embarrassing!

Airael carefully asked, “Domiya-sensei, are you feeling down about the defeat?”

Domiya looked at Airael and lightly nodded.

There was nothing to hide about that.

Airael then cheerfully replied, “Domiya-sensei, honestly, I don’t think you need to feel bad about it. Victory and defeat are just part of the military; we lost before, but we’ll get it back next time.”

Domiya was momentarily taken aback by Airael’s words, then smiled back at her, saying, “Your Majesty, thank you for your kind words. I’ll recover soon.”


Airael nodded gently, her smile slowly fading.

Although what she said was easy, pulling it off would be a significant challenge.

Airael then decided not to linger here and returned to the castle on the island with Domiya.

On the way, Airael got a relatively detailed understanding of the previous battle from Domiya.

She was astonished to learn that the elven defeat had actually been caused by the Sea Tribe.

This group, originally expected to remain neutral, ended up choosing to side with the humans.

Upon realizing this, Airael sighed deeply.

Thus, the elves’ defeat wasn’t entirely unjustified.

They had made a significant strategic mistake.

Yet it was too late for regret now.

Aside from the news of the Sea Tribe joining the battle, Airael also learned another piece of heavy news—that Krul, who was responsible for providing cover for the main force after the defeat, was currently missing and unknown if he was alive or dead.

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