Chapter 529
Chapter 529. The Battle with the Vanguard. (2)
Title: F***!!!!! Those!!!!! Vanguard!!!!! Bastards!!!!!
Author: ㅇㅇ
Content: [A picture of superhumans and internal forces resisting the Vanguard troops who raided the base.jpg]
Why! Damn it!
The fleet! Is! F***ing! Here!
But the base defense! Can’t stop them! F***! S***!
Damn! It!
Damn! It! Damn! It!
– [Why are they getting wrecked like that?]
– [Where did the fleet and faction reinforcements go?]
– [That fleet and the mercenaries are all busy fighting, damn it!] (Author)
– [[A picture of fleets clashing outside the base.jpg]] (Author)
– [Even if my fleet blocks them, dozens of ships still manage to raid the base, so it’s f***ing hectic] (Author)
– [Holy crap;;;;]
Seeing the user overwhelmed with emotion, unable to hold back tears.
I couldn’t help but recall my past life as a true solo player, tears welling up in my eyes.
But seeing his state, I started browsing the gallery, only to find an unexpectedly large number of users complaining about the pain since Round 1.
Title: Isn’t Stage 1 way too hard??
Author: ㅇㅇ
Content: [A result screen showing the Vanguard defeated.jpg], [A picture of only 10 ships left, excluding resource mining ships, with less than 5 large ships.jpg]
Thankfully, the mercenaries hired from the mercenary office aren’t counted as part of the main force, so I barely managed to push through.
But it was damn close.
[A picture of the faction reinforcements’ strength reduced to less than 20%.jpg]
The mercenaries were completely wiped out, yeah.
– [Wow]
– [Did you not dock at any bases and just soloed the whole time?]
– [Yeah] (Author)
– [This event is a bit tough for solo players.]
– [Did you not invest properly in defense facilities? Did you build the Nemesis Orbital Ring?]
– [Yeah, but I couldn’t build additional defense facilities yet lol] (Author)
– [That’s why you got wrecked.]
Title: Solo users who didn’t team up at bases are getting wrecked right now lol
Author: ㅇㅇ
Content: [A collection of various rant posts from the gallery.jpg]
The Vanguard is designed to swarm in with a large number of small ships.
Since the individual performance of Vanguard ships is weak, they balanced it by increasing their numbers compared to the user.
But the problem is, because of this, if you’re solo, the Vanguard troops almost always infiltrate the base.
The event troops are pretty strong too, so unless you’ve trained a decent number of superhuman soldiers, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.
Even if you try to block them with your fleet, there are too many enemy ships to handle alone.
– [It’s not that, it’s just not mentioned in the notice, but they calculated the mercenaries we can hire from the mercenary office too.]
– [What?] (Author)
– [The top comment is right, it’s designed to be tough even after hiring the maximum number of mercenaries.]
– [I thought I’d be fine without mercenaries, but I got wrecked lolololol.]
Title: If you’re about to get wrecked in Round 1, don’t be an idiot and mobilize all the forces you can.
Author: ㅇㅇ
Content: [A picture of a fleet appearing out of nowhere when the fleet is on the verge of annihilation.jpg]
It doesn’t have to be your fleet.
Just use whatever connections you have, or even beg a user who’s been raiding you to save your ass.
Otherwise, you won’t survive.
[A list of users whose bases almost fell.jpg]
Of course, no matter how messed up the Vanguard is, they can’t beat the superhumans you’ve been training, so your base won’t fall.
But your fleet and internal facilities will be wrecked, and it’ll take forever to repair them lol.
– [This is insane;;]
– [Solo players crying.]
– [Ugh, damn it.]
– [Is there no other way? Yeah?]
– [If there’s a base nearby with a fortress main gun, call for help. If they have the resources, they might fire the main gun to assist you.]
-˪[It’s not easy, damn it]
Aside from those things, there were a lot of other discussions, but to sum it up roughly…
“Unless you’re docked at a base with a fortress main gun or within its range, or living with other Commanders, everyone seems to be suffering.”
Before I could even think, our Jessi-Jessi showed off her intelligence through her ample brain pocket.
I immediately grabbed Jessica’s ears and punished her for interrupting someone else’s words.
But I forgot a very important fact at this point…
The fact that the Central Zone had the most solo players who got wiped out in this event, not the next one.
And that fact would later come back as a serious middle finger to me and other users…
Unfortunately, at this point, there was no way for me or other users to know that, so we could only react with pity or laughter when we saw those players.
Anyway, the important thing was that the damn “Icarus Republic”… no, just the “Vanguard’s” offensive wouldn’t happen anymore in my territory.
With users and clans who had bases like me, the recovery of power was progressing rapidly, and users began preparing step by step for the next phase.
Of course, in cases like ours where the fortress main gun took care of everything, there wasn’t much to do.
[The Most Sacred and Great Official Chatroom of the Icarus Republic]
[Announcement: Prepare for the next phase of the event, get ready to enter the event map]
-[The fleet is fine, so there’s not much to prepare]
-[Roll the superhuman rest rooms to recover their condition]
-[The superhumans are fine too, so I’m trying to dock, but what should I do?]
-[Then dock and call it baby supply]
-[You crazy bastards]
-[Ah, there’s not enough shipyards to repair ships]
-[We need a system to borrow other people’s shipyards!!!]
“Everyone’s so lively.”
“Isn’t it true that you, Commander, don’t have much to do either?”
Even though it’s a “combat event,” everyone was showing such a relaxed and leisurely attitude.
However, this only applied to users like us who breezed through the first phase…
Title: Solo players who didn’t dock at a base are really getting screwed over
Author: ㅇㅇ
Content: [A picture of all shipyards running like crazy to repair ships.jpg]
I feel like if this goes wrong, we won’t be able to finish repairing ships before the second phase starts.
No, we couldn’t even recover the ships that got destroyed before repairing them, damn it.
-[For real, too many got wiped out in the first phase, so even if we enter the second phase, it won’t help]
-[Should’ve just captured the Vanguard’s ships]
-˪[I couldn’t save my ships](Author)
-˪[Why is the translator acting up?]
-[If you were within the fortress main gun’s range, you could’ve held out, but since PVP is disabled, the fortress main gun directly hit, and your fleet and superhumans were unaffected while the Vanguard got wiped]
-˪[Wait, for real?](Author)
-˪[Is this for real?]
-˪[[A picture of the Vanguard being swept away by the fortress main gun, with the superhumans just staring blankly.jpg]]
-˪[No way]
The poor solo players’ forces got wiped out way too much.
If this continues, even if we enter the second phase, they won’t have any power left and will just be taking up space like radish pickles, which was a sad sight seen all over the gallery.