I became the cannon fodder who died early, and I angrily married the villain

Chapter 24: Ali saves people

Chapter 24

"Madam, let's go to the front yard to see the child." Lu Songli walked up to her and took her arm and walked to the front yard.

Xu Hao? It seems that this child is only two years old? What's wrong with the Xu family? Why would they feed peanuts to such a young child?

Later, Lu Songli learned that it was her seven-year-old cousin Xu Rong who got a few peanuts. When eating, based on the principle of sharing good things, he gave two peanuts to the two-year-old Xu Hao.

Mrs. Xu didn't react, she said, and was led forward by her.

When Lu Songli arrived, Mrs. Xu was holding the child, anxious and afraid.

Mr. Xu was also at a loss. I don't know what he thought of. He walked up and wanted to hold the child, muttering, "Just pick out the peanuts."

He was thinking of using his hands to pick the child's throat! Seeing this, Lu Songli hurriedly said, "No!" Lu Songli recognized at a glance that the one in trouble was the three-headed little bean that she had given to Tanghulu at the end!

Old Man Xu and Mrs. Xu turned to look at her, as if asking why.

Lu Songli ran over and explained, "You can't pick the child's throat like this!"

She noticed that the child was having difficulty breathing, his face was blue and purple, and he was rolling his eyes.

"His aunt, can you borrow the carriage?" Mrs. Xu shouted when she saw Lu Songli.

"You can use the carriage! But the child is in a critical condition, I'm afraid it can't wait to be sent to the hospital."

"What should I do?" Mrs. Xu was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"Give me the child, let me try." The situation was urgent and she didn't care about anything. While talking, Lu Songli came forward and held the child over, and then used the Heimlich emergency maneuver.

She picked up the child, pinched both sides of the cheekbones with her hands, put her arms on her chest, and supported the back of the neck with the other hand, turning it upside down on her knees, lowering her head as much as possible. Then she used the back of her hand to quickly hit the midpoint of the shoulder blade line on her back, once, twice, three times...

Her movements were regular.

Although the Xu family was anxious, they did not dare to disturb her.

"What are you doing? Send the child to the clinic quickly!"

"Yes, what can a little girl do to save people? It's nonsense."

The Xu family made a lot of noise. When the neighbors heard that the child was in trouble, they all came to see if they could help. When they saw that the Xu family did not send the child to the clinic quickly, but let a girl do it, they all thought that the Xu family was making a fuss.

Old lady Xu stopped her husband and eldest daughter-in-law who were obviously shaken by the words of the people around them.

Such a big thing happened in the front yard, and Lu Songyun could not sit still. She put on a thick coat and came out. Seeing that her sister seemed to be saving people, she was also very anxious.

Old lady Xu also saw the third daughter-in-law coming out, but she couldn't care about her at the moment.

When Lu Songli's forehead was sweating, the child screamed, and finger-sized peanut kernels fell out of his mouth.

Everyone: "It's out, it's out!"

After the little kid spat out the peanut kernel stuck in his throat, he seemed to be frightened and instinctively hugged the neck of the person in front of him and cried loudly.

Lv Songli froze and let the little guy bury his head in her neck and cry.

"Haohao!" After being notified, Xu Ersao, who had been jogging back all the way, originally looked like the sky had fallen. When she stepped into the house, she saw the scene of her son being rescued, and she burst into tears of joy.

She stepped forward, pulled the little guy out of Lu Songli's arms, and cried loudly while holding her lost and recovered little son.

"Wow, he was really rescued?"

"What kind of method is this?"

The neighbors around couldn't believe it. Such a young child was stuck in the throat by a foreign object, and it might not be saved even if he was sent to the clinic. In many cases, the child died before the clinic arrived.

"This girl is really capable."

The people around looked at Lu Songli with admiration.

Lv Songli didn't think she was that powerful. She learned some first aid methods such as Heimlich maneuver and cardiopulmonary resuscitation when she joined the club in college. With the idea that more skills are better, she studied very seriously. After all, she is a very ambitious person and will not miss any opportunity to enhance her strength. But she didn't expect that she learned the first aid method that she had never used once in the future, but she used it in ancient times.

Lu Songli reminded the Xu family, "The child was saved, but the child may have injured his throat just now. You take him to the clinic to see if you can prescribe some medicine to protect the throat."

"Yes, it's good to go and see."

Mrs. Xu was scared for a while. Haohao is the youngest child of the second family. The peanut kernels were given by Rong Ge'er of the eldest family. If Haohao really died, there would be a life between the eldest family and the second family, and there would be a rift. This family will be broken up. It's really thanks to the younger sister of the third family.

In the original work, Mrs. Xu's worries came true. In the original novel, Xu Hao also had an accident today, but there was no Lv Songli who happened to come to visit relatives and save his life. Xu Ersao cried every day, and soon the Xu family split up, and the brothers' visits became less frequent. Xu Rong, the cousin, also became silent because he killed his younger cousin, and he was always carrying shackles and could not be happy.

After the Xu family calmed down, they thanked Lv Songli again and again. They really appreciated her from the bottom of their hearts. Especially Xu Dasao, if Haohao could not be saved, how could she face her sisters-in-law.

Xu Ersao even kowtowed to her with the child in her arms, and Lv Songli couldn't pull her up.

After this delay, Lv Songli returned late. This time she came to see her elder sister with three people, the coachman Liu Shu, Mo Bing, and a strong woman, and it would be unsafe to travel at night.

Eldest sister Lv Songyun was worried that it would be unsafe to go back too late, so she wanted to let her stay for one night.

Lv Songli refused. She had no intention of staying overnight. Besides, there were many people in the Xu family and the accommodation was very tight. If she stayed overnight, they would have to clean up two or three rooms, which was too troublesome. The main reason was that she felt it was not too late now, so it was still okay to go back.

At this time, Xu Erge had just returned from the countryside to collect pigs. Knowing what happened at home today, especially that Lv Songli had saved his youngest son, he planned to escort her back to Chang'an City without saying a word.

Xu Erge was the one who looked most like Mrs. Xu. He was tall and strong, and he was a professional pig butcher. When he stood there, he was full of evil spirits. With his escort, the Xu family let her go home with peace of mind.

When she left, the Xu family increased the gift by 30% on top of the previous one, and this was the result of her constant refusal. The gift from the Xu family was very substantial, a fan of pork, probably weighing nearly 20 kilograms, and all the best parts were selected. In addition, some rare dry goods were also sent, all of which were collected by the Xu family in the mountains or by the second brother Xu when he went to the countryside.

After staying for only half an afternoon, Lu Songli could see that the Xu family was a very good family. It must be said that her parents had a good eye for choosing a husband for their daughter.

Before leaving, Mrs. Xu held her hand and kept telling her to come and play often.

"What a good girl." Looking at the carriage going farther and farther away, Mrs. Xu sighed.

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