I became the cannon fodder who died early, and I angrily married the villain

Chapter 192: A sudden success

When Qiao Shouyi heard that He Ziqi was going to court and try the case in person, he felt something was wrong. He wanted to leave first to make arrangements.

Unexpectedly, He Ziqi said to him, "Master Qiao, let's try this case together."

Qiao Shouyi agreed with a strong smile, "Okay." Now he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. He could only ask his confidants to go to his son's place and ask him to send someone to warn that old lady Ma not to talk nonsense!

It's a pity that this confidant failed to reach Qiao Yingzhe in the end. As soon as he came out, He Ziqi's people followed him, and he finally fainted in a secluded corner.

Therefore, when he ascended the hall, Qiao Yingzhe was immediately dumbfounded when he saw He Ziqi sitting in the middle of the hall and his father sitting next to him.

Qiao Shangyi shook his head vaguely at him. Qiao Yingzhe's heart sank and he stood aside with a dark face.

When He Ziqi was promoted to court, the Liucheng County government office was crowded with onlookers.

This kind of adultery case is more eye-catching and exciting than a murder case.

When the two workers stood up, Qiao Shouyi realized that Zhou Bo, the lawyer he had sent to invite, had not come!

Okay, he can already foresee the outcome of this case.

Qiao Shouyi didn't know anything. He sent someone to invite Zhou Bo, and Zhou Bo also gave him face. He was already on his way to the county government office. At the same time, he also had a general understanding of the case. But when he heard that the person who had been promoted to court was When the county magistrate congratulated Ziqi, he made an excuse and ran away.

He also knew that his move would probably offend the Qiao family, but there was nothing he could do. If he showed up, it would mean that he had chosen to side with the Qiao family, but in fact, he was not that optimistic about the Qiao family. The former county magistrate was cheated by the Qiao family and left Liucheng. In this way, Qiao Shouyi did not succeed in taking office.

The current county magistrate, He Ziqi, is quite famous outside. I heard that he managed Changli in an orderly manner after taking over from Zhang Xian. He has to see what the county magistrate is capable of before he can take sides, right?

At first, he was willing to come because the person who came to deliver the message said that the person who was going to be promoted was Mr. Qiao, so he came as a favor.

But on the way, I heard that the person who had been promoted to the court had been replaced by the county magistrate!

This is different. The county magistrate has been in office for more than ten days. Today is the first time he has appeared and presided over official duties. Zhou Bo feels that this posture is wrong. He is afraid that the county magistrate will burn him first after taking office. He will directly Out of town. He went to a relative's house in the next county, planning to stay there for a while until the outcome of the fight between the two tigers came out, and then come back.

This case is actually a confusing one.

Mrs. Ma insisted that her eldest daughter-in-law Qi Zhenniang had an affair with her cousin Meng Yun. She had no other witness or material evidence except that she had witnessed it with her own eyes, but she insisted on immersing the adulterer and adulterer in a pig cage.

Qi Zhenniang insisted that she and her cousin were innocent, and was willing to die to prove her ambition.

Ma Zhongping himself didn't know whether to believe his mother or his wife.

In addition, Qi Zhenniang wanted to reconcile after proving her innocence and take away her only daughter with an ear disease. Neither Mrs. Ma nor Ma Zhongping were willing,

The difficulty is that no one can provide evidence whether Qi Zhenniang is having an affair with her cousin.

As the scapegoat (defendant) lawyer, Xue Xu began to say, "Please show the other party the relevant witnesses and evidence to prove that Qi Zhenniang was having an affair with her cousin."

"Why should I prove it? Ask Qi to prove her innocence!" Mrs. Ma was furious.

Xue Xu was unmoved. He was not frightened. "Where is the evidence?"

Mrs. Ma: "I saw it with my own eyes, can I still lie? She is my eldest daughter-in-law. If she didn't do such a shameful thing, why should I expose such a scandal?"

Onlookers felt that what Mrs. Ma said made sense.

"This lady is right. As the saying goes, a family's scandal should not be exposed publicly. If this is not the case, why would she expose it and embarrass her family?"

"Poor old lady, this man and woman are so shameless, they did it in someone else's house!"

After hearing the comments and support from the people around her, Mrs. Ma glanced at Xue Xu proudly.

Xue Xu suddenly said, "Mrs. Ma, I know you are having an affair with the uncle next door."

"What nonsense are you talking about?! I'll tear your mouth apart!" Mrs. Ma really jumped up this time, "Why do you say that to me? What evidence do you have?"

"I saw it with my own eyes!"


"It's true that I saw it with my own eyes. If you think I'm lying, then you can provide evidence to prove your innocence."

Mrs. Ma choked.

"You are slandering me!"

"Am I slandering you? What evidence do you have to prove your innocence?"

Mrs. Ma choked.

He Ziqi was watching Xue Xu's performance quietly from above, thinking of giving him another push if necessary.

A middle-aged man with a mustache among the spectators muttered, "Usually, isn't it the woman who has to prove her innocence in this kind of thing? How can this lawyer embarrass an old lady?"

Xue Xu looked at the other person and suddenly said, "You killed someone last night when you were ugly."

The other party was dumbfounded, "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, I saw it with my own eyes."

After Xue Xu finished speaking, everyone around the middle-aged man with a mustache dispersed and stayed away from him, as if he was a murderer.

The middle-aged man with a mustache stamped his feet, "You're talking nonsense, I didn't kill anyone!"

"What evidence do you have to prove that you didn't kill someone?" Xue Xu asked.

The middle-aged man with a mustache said anxiously, "I didn't go out last night!"

"Who can prove it?"

"My youngest son." The middle-aged man with a mustache lost his wife two years ago and always slept with his youngest son.

"Did he see you at home when he was ugly? Are you sure you didn't secretly go out to kill him at home?"

The middle-aged man with a mustache was left speechless by his question. Who was not sleeping soundly at that time? !

Someone else whispered, "It can't be like this, right?"

Xue Xu glanced at the other person, who was a young man. He leaned forward slightly and asked, "Brother, what did you eat this morning? The leek and egg dumplings diagonally opposite?"

"How do you know?"

"Of course I know. I was right behind you. After you left, the boss selling Jiao Er discovered that you had eaten two bowls but only paid for one."

"Nonsense! I obviously only ate one bowl!"

"How do you prove it?"

The young man is holding his breath, how can he prove this?

"Are you going to commit seppuku to prove your innocence?"

The young man asked, "Why did I commit seppuku? You said I ate two bowls, so show me the evidence!"

Xue Xu smiled and said, "That's right. If someone says you ate two bowls, that person has to provide evidence that you ate two bowls, instead of asking you to prove that you didn't eat two bowls."

Then, he said to the middle-aged man with a mustache, "Seeing this, have you learned? Just now I said that you killed someone, you should ask me to produce evidence that can prove that you killed someone, not You try your best to prove that you have never killed anyone."

Others praised, "That's right. You can't just say someone else kills someone and then kill someone, right? You have to have evidence."

"Mrs. Ma, do you understand? It was you who brought up the charge of having an affair between your eldest daughter-in-law and her cousin, and you have the responsibility to provide evidence. You can't let your daughter-in-law, an innocent person, prove her Nothing you have done. Otherwise, you have to prove that you and the uncle next door are innocent."

Mrs. Ma was completely speechless as she was completely defeated. She could neither advance nor retreat.

"Are you right?" Xue Xu asked.

The middle-aged man and young man with a mustache nodded quickly, "Yes, yes." They didn't want to prove themselves!

Everyone he asked lowered their heads, not daring to say anything wrong. If they say something wrong, will they be embarrassed and slandered just like the bearded middle-aged man and the young man just now?

"I think this old gentleman is right. If you can slander people at will without providing evidence, the person being slandered will have to rush to prove his innocence! The world will be in chaos."

"Yes, that's how it should be. Like the bearded old man and the young man, if they are violent, they might actually commit seppuku to prove their innocence and prove their innocence with death."

"The accuser has to work harder to bring evidence when he accuses someone else. Otherwise, the accuser doesn't have to do anything. Then everyone will be vying to be the accuser, and the world will be in chaos."

What Xue Xu said made many people watching suddenly realize.

Qiao Yingzhe on the side saw this scene and cursed in his heart, "You are really stupid, kill the person as soon as possible. The status of the victim (plaintiff) and the criminal (defendant) is reversed. The Ma family becomes the designated beneficiary and is the defendant. The other party It’s also difficult to come up with evidence.”

This is Xue Xu’s scheming. If they had chosen the identity of the complainant (plaintiff) at the beginning and sued Mrs. Ma for slander, they would not only have to produce evidence to prove her slander, but also have to prove their innocence. What is this? All the work is done.

Mrs. Ma finally said unwillingly, "Ms. Qi is making peace with her because she has an adulterer. How dare she?"

Xue Xu: "As I said before, where's the evidence? If you can't produce evidence, it's slander."

He Ziqi clenched his fist and coughed lightly, hiding the smile in his eyes. He found that his teammates were very sharp, and only one person reversed the disadvantage of this case.

Qiao Shouyi felt that if he didn't say anything to save the matter, the case would be settled.

"Sir, although Mrs. Ma has no evidence, but there is no smoke without fire, the Qi family may not be completely innocent, right?"

He Ziqi simply asked the question to Xue Xu, "Lawyer Xue, what do you think of Mr. Qiao's question?"

"Returning to the county magistrate, this case - the stolen goods are suspected to be related to people who have no evidence or witnesses; or there are people who have heard about it. The matter is not suspected at all. There is suspicion of guilt, but there is no circumstantial evidence. Although there is circumstantial evidence, the facts There is no suspicion of guilt.”

The meaning of Xue Xu's words is that this case is suspicious.

Xue Xu continued, "There is a saying in the Book of Ministers: Suspicion of crime is the lightest thing, suspicion of merit is the most important. Rather than killing innocent people, it is better to miss the mark. The ancients also said: punishment is doubtful, pardon is followed by punishment: punishment is doubtful, pardon is followed by forgiveness. It should be If you look carefully, you can understand the reason.”

The punishment for suspected crimes should be light and non-existent, and for suspected merit, that is, when the importance of merit is uncertain, all rewards should be given severely. It is better to let a criminal go than to kill an innocent person in vain.

Xue Xu was familiar with the laws and regulations of Dali, and he was full of economic knowledge. He could quote the classics at his fingertips.

"Good!" As He Ziqi finished speaking, the gavel was also taken.

The innocence of Qi Zhenniang and her cousin Meng Yun will be determined by the government. As for Qi Zhenniang and Li Zhi's request, after asking Qi Zhenniang's wishes, Mr. He agreed and specifically allowed her to take her daughter away.

Mrs. Ma disagreed with Qi Zhenniang's intention to take away her granddaughter. Only when she held her granddaughter in her hand could they make a big move.

However, in Qi Zhenniang's narration of her life over the years, everyone heard the Ma family's harsh treatment and indifference to their mother and daughter, and the people who listened could not bear it.

For a time, public opinion surged, with some scolding Mrs. Ma for not being a good person, and some even begging the county magistrate to let her children follow their mother.

He Ziqi took the opportunity to get the job done.

The matter ended smoothly.

This result was something He Ziqi had never expected. At first, he thought it would take a lot of effort.

Before going to court, he asked someone to confirm that this Lv Mingzhi was the one mentioned in the letter from his mentor. Before that, he was still thinking about how to pretend to be fair and strict and biased towards his own people.

In the end, he found out that he just had to handle it impartially?

Xue Xu was also puzzled. This matter was not difficult. He only used 50% of his strength and it was done?

Lv Mingzhi was in a daze.

Damn, Mr. Xue is really silent, but he will be amazing when he speaks.

The degree of his eloquence is comparable to that of his biological father, Lv Desheng.

I wonder who will be the winner if his father comes to Pingzhou and they have a quarrel?

Also, what is the shape of his sister's eyes?

This old man was just an ordinary old man before, skinny and skinny, and apart from being greedy for life and death and often trying to sneak away, he didn't show any talent at all.

How could his sister see his extraordinary ability from his ordinary appearance? I want to learn.

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